HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-114-91 l�m� THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN N OF NEWCASTLE DN:TOWN-CEN.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File �.r Date: Monday, May 22, 19 91 Res. # Report#: PD-114-91 File#: By-Law# Subject: Bowmanville Town Centre Temperance and Wellington Streets Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report PD-114-90 be received for information. 1. BACKGROUND At its meeting held on May 13, 1991, Council requested a status report on the property located at the southeast corner of Temperance and Wellington, owned by Bowmanville Town Centre Corporation. 2. COMMENTS 2 . 1 Status of Planning Applications The Official Plan Amendment application was approved by the Town, the Region and received final approval from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs in August 1990 . Zoning By-law 90-44 was appealed to the O.M.B. by both the Region and Mr. Grovum. Telephone conversations with the Board on May 14, 1991 indicated these two appeals are still outstanding. The Board also advised that August 28, 1991 has been set aside for a one-day hearing on the By-law. RALS G P{UR'LED 4PECY-PAPER REPORT NO. : PD-114-91 PAGE 2 2 .2 Current Condition of the Property Inspection of the site indicates that although the structure has been demolished, there are significant amounts of debris which have yet to be removed. In addition, fences erected during demolition have fallen into disrepair. By letter dated May 14, 1991, the Senior By-law Enforcement Officer forwarded notice to Bowmanville Town Centre requesting compliance to the Town's Property Standards By-law, Waste Material By-law and Sign By-law. Copy of the letter is attached herein. Staff will continue to monitor the situation and will advise Members of Council from time to time. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrenc Kotseff Director of Planning Chief nistrative and Development Officer FW*df *Attach 16 May 1991 May 14, 1991 Bowmanville Town Centre Corporation 2040 Yonge Street Suite 300 Fax Letter TORONTO, Ontario M4S 1Z9 Attention: Jason Schwarz Dear Sir: RE: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PROPERTY STANDARDS BY-LAW 82-63 SEC. 7(1) & 7(3) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SIGN BY-LAW 76-25, SEC. 4(7) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE WASTE MATERIAL BY-LAW 90-160 SEC. 3(2) 63 TEMPERANCE STREET FILE: V91/151 This department is in receipt of several complaints concerning problems involving your above noted property. The lot is presently insecure, fences which were originally erected during the demolition process have been allowed to fall into serious disrepair. Large quantites of material have never been removed and pose a serious safety hazard. The site is in need of grading to level and correct the ponding problems. .The Property Standards By-law requires the land to be "kept clean and free from rubbish or other debris and from all objects or conditions that may create a health, fire or safety hazard , as well, the land must be filled with suitable material or levelled so as to be level with the surrounding grade." The Waste Material By-law defines demolition material as industrial waste and prohibits the "dumping or disposing of garbage, refuse or domestic waste or industrial waste of any kind." As for the problem under the Sign By-law, the By-law requires that signs cannot be up until 60 days before the development is under way. At present there appears to be no action on the site. In order to resolve the above problems it will be necessary to remove all the debris from the site, grade and level the property and remove the sign. CORPORATION OF .UHF_ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET - R0WMANV;i i r W1;AR10 1C 3A(i • (4 16) 629.9979 • FAX 623-4169 i..cvcuorN•rn - 2 - Be advised that if the problem continues beyond the 22 May 1991 legal action will have to be initiated against you pursuant to the provisions of the above noted By-laws. Your assistance in resolving these matters is appreciated. Resp�furours, Leo d°Creamer P O Senior Municipal Law Enforcement Officer