HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-109-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN:FORUM.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File Date: Monday, May 6, 1991 Res. # Report#: PD-109-91 File #: Pln 11..10 By-Law# Subject: FORUM ON HOUSING: MUNICIPAL HOUSING STATEMENT STUDY Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-109-91 be received for information. 1. In order to receive comments from the public and various agencies on the work completed to date, the Town of Newcastle hosted a "Public Forum on Housing" for the general public on Monday, April 15, 1991. In addition, interested agencies were invited to attend an afternoon meeting on the same day. 2 . Six agencies including the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Ministry of Housing attended the afternoon meeting for a detailed review of the Background Report. About twenty-six people attended the "Public Forum on Housing" , including agency and development industry representatives . The agenda for the meeting is included as Attachment #1. The Planning and Development Department received a number of helpful comments which are being incorporated into the formulation of a housing policy for the Town of Newcastle Municipal Housing Statement. A summary of the comments received is provided in Attachment #2 to this report. REPORT NO. : PD-109-91 PAGE 2 It is anticipated that a final draft of the Municipal Housing Statement will be available in approximately one month. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrence Kotseff Director of Planning Chief Adm 4trative and Development Officer TH*DC*FW*df* Attachment #1 - Agenda for Forum on Housing Attachment #2 - Summary of Comments 25 April 1991 i / ATTACHMENT #1 HOUSING FORUM BOWMANVILLE RECREATION COMPLEX APRIL 15, 1991 7:30 P.M. AGENDA 7:30 - 8:15 p.m. Overview of background report for the draft Town of Newcastle Municipal Housing Statement. Mr. John Cox, J. L. Cox Planning Consultants Inc. Question and answer period. 8:15 - 8:45 p.m. What are the housing issues facing the Town of Newcastle? How can the Town effectively address these issues? Ms. Valerie Reed, Access to Permanent Housing Committee Ms. Sue Cumming, Chairperson, Urban Development Institute (Durham Region Area) Question and answer period 8:45 - 9:00 p.m. ** COFFEE ** 9:00 - 9:45 p.m. Round table discussion groups on solutions to housing issues? 9:45 - 10:00 p.m. Closing remarks 0, ATTACHMENT #2 COMMENTS OF HOUSING FORUM HELD APRIL 15TH, 1991 1 . Variety of Housing Types Should each neighbourhood consist of a wide variety of housing types? Why or why not? generally the group felt that there should be a variety of housing types to make housing available to a larger cross section of people when municipality doesn't have a variety of housing types it is difficult for everyone to find housing, particularly those with low incomes point was made that public often feels that affordable housing attracts problems, but problems are not housing-type specific - problems can be found with any type of housing and therefore people cannot make the argument that non-profit, assisted and affordable housing attract problem people good to have an integration of all types of people a variety of housing types keeps the neighbourhood vibrant concept of a range of housing types is good, but difficult to put in existing neighbourhoods must deal with public resistance public should be made aware of what is going to happen with a particular property (i.e. , provide them with designs, etc . ) 2 . Affordable Ownership (Freehold) Housing How can affordable ownership housing be created? need to develop on cheaper land redevelopment and higher densities reduce lot levies speed up approvals process have design guidelines for all types of housing, including medium and high density PAGE 2 develop along arterial roads smaller unit size should have new architectural designs for smaller units need better use of space need flexibility in zoning and other planning requirements (e.g, zero lot line) cut out frills (e.g, no. appliances, use only primer coat, let resident finish it off) need lower mortgage rates have mortgages backed by government need to control mortgages so that they are for longer than five years, therefore people can do some long term budgeting Bank of Montreal currently has 7 year mortgages equity co-ops are another alternative 3 . Rental Housing How can more rental housing be created? government cannot build enough units so it will have to come up with attractive incentives to encourage builders and developers have to be able to charge for units in order to make a profit many cooperatives are not as highly subsidized as people think need to promote intensification need to change current government because scaring away investors and builders rent controls have to go r: � ; PAGE 3 subsidies should be with person and not unit - would allow person to move and not tie up units (e.g. person who wants to move from three bedroom to two bedroom would be forced to go on waiting list) should allow security deposits promote home sharing (but labour intensive) 4 . Intensification Should accessory apartments be permitted as a right in the Town of Newcastle? accessory apartments should be allowed, but not as a right others think it should be allowed as a right, but allow a maximum of only one unit okay for accessory apartments, but not rooming houses accessory apartments should be permitted it they meet requirements landlords should have more rights, particularly in cases where they have bad tenants nanny flats/granny flats 5 . Assisted and Non-Profit Housing How can additional assisted and non-profit housing units be created? need to educate people should encourage community groups to get involved with promoting and providing this type of housing Town Council needs to change their position and encourage well planned projects that can blend into any neighbourhood PAGE 4 this type of housing doesn't cost as much as people think need to educate people in terms of costs one person estimated that it costs approximately $2,000 per subsidized unit per year co-op is a good idea because you get a mix of people and you can break the cycle of poverty not many people realistically estimate real cost because it is difficult to estimate newspapers grossly inflate costs little tax effect on municipality if have subsidized housing because it is subsidized through provincial and federal monies the general public needs to be assured that these projects are well-managed need more education by non-profit groups, etc . problems exist everywhere, not just in this type of housing need to get community based groups involved instead of just governments "assisted and non-profit housing is cheaper than jail cells" identify special needs and targets 6 . Other Concerns What methods could the Town use to preserve the existing housing stock? a) maintenance by-laws o stricter by-laws strict property standards PAGE 5 What areas in the planning process could be streamlined so as to expedite the provision of housing? b) need pre-zoning of multiple units need to use simplified english in zoning documentation need to show sketches of houses etc . , to general public in order to gain acceptance planning process is forbidding people prevented from participating in beginning because of process need to give all information, not just some system is too slow, if can't do it in 90 days then don't do it planning process is unworkable don't hold up process simply because of objections from NIMBY'S