HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-17-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ' REPORT File # 6 N: Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, January 8, 1990 REPORT #: PD- 17 -90 FILE #: DEV, 89-126 x/ref.. 18T-86062 SUB.ECT: Removal of "Holding (H) " Symbol to Implement Plan of Subdivision 18T-86062 - Applicant: Otto and Elfriede Jost - Pt. Lt. 9, Conc.6, former Twp. of Darlington Files Dev. 89-126 X/ref. IBT-86062 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report PD- 17 -90 be received; 2 . THAT the rezoning application submitted by Otto and Elfriede Jost requesting the removal of the "Holding (H) " symbol from the subject lands within Draft Plan of Subdivision 1BT86062 being Part Lot 9, Concession 6, former Township of Darlington be approved and the By- law attached hereto be forwarded to Council for approval; 3 . THAT any delegation and those persons listed in this report be advised of councils decision; and 4 . THAT a copy of this report and the amending by-law be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department. 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 On Nov. 13, 1989 the Planning & Development Department received an application submitted by Otto and Elfrieda Jost requesting the removal of the "Holding (H) " symbol from the lands contained with Plan of Subdivision 18T-86062 . 1.2 The subject lands through Plan of Subdivision 18T-86062 received the appropriate draft approval on Feb. 9 , 1988 . . . .2 599 69 REPORT NO. : PD- 17 -90 PG.2 2 . STAFF COMMENTS 2 . 1 Within the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, Section 3 .9 requires that prior to the removal of the "Holding (H) " symbol, Council is to be satisfied that the uses to be permitted will be adequately serviced, the lands to be used have adequate access, prior uses of the lands will not prevent the use of the lands for purposes intended by the By-law and that the necessary agreements in respect of such matters and the associated financial requirements, where required, have been executed. 2 .2 The Subdivision Agreement between the Town of Newcastle and the owners has been completed. However, the Agreement cannot be registered until such time as the Barn is demolished. 2 .3 The Region of Durham Planning Department has confirmed that the necessary agreements are in place and would have no objection to the removal of the "Holding (H) " Symbol. 2 .4 Staff are now in a position to recommend that the "Holding (H) " symbol be lifted; in as much as the conditions of draft approval, requested as conditions of the Town's approval, have been fulfilled through the Subdivision Agreement. 3. CONCLUSION 3 . 1 Staff have no objection to the application and would respectfully recommend that the attached By-law to remove the Holding Symbol be forwarded to Council for approval. . . . 3 599 70 REPORT NO. : PD- 17 -90 PG.3 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. La ence E. of ff DIrector of Planning Chief Administ ative and Development Officer HM*FW*jw *Attach 20 December 1989 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Otto & Elfrieda Jost Box 149 Hampton, Ontario LOB 1J0 Irwin Hamilton 1 Division St. P.O. Box 39 Bowmanville, Ontario 599 71 ® SUBJECT SITE LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 7 .......... ,... 11 Z All 4 Al ° EPa RH LL1 (H)RH i RH Z RH — d EP V REGIONAL ROAD 14 ( RH-5 RH CONC.RH RD.7 A cn z Z W EP 0 Al W A -1 U , � RH W U ' a U o so ao goo soon KEY MAP s.� Dev. 89 - 126 599 72 Purpose and Effect By-Law -90 The Purpose and Effect of By-law 90 is to amend zoning By-law 84-63, as amended of the Town of Newcastle by changing the zone designation of the lands identified by Schedule "A" here to from " (Holding)-Residential Hamlet (H)RH" to "Residential Hamlet (RH) " The subject By-law would permit the development of Eleven ( 11) single family units in a residential subdivision located in part lot 9, conc. 6, former Township of Darlington. (Hamlet of Tyrone) 599 7S DN: HR1/Rl THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 90- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle in accordance with application DEV 89-94 to permit the development of Phase I in respect of Plan of Subdivision 18T-82037. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 113" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from "Holding - Residential Hamlet (H) RH) " to Residential Hamlet (RH) ". as shown on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. 2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 35 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 1990 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 1990 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1990 MAYOR CLERK 599 74 This is Schedule "A" to By-law 90 passed this—. day of , 1990 A.D. REGIONAL ROAD 14 LOT 9 , CONCESSION 6 N,E,Angle/ 650 >__ 0 8 OE — N 8 O O: t0 N ti k�E $ N ° N O N71 9'30"E 6 a. Q .:::.�........ ...�.:.�.........:.�:�� .....v.:..:... .::::.iii i;n:'�.;.:; O O O ,<.i:;.i:.::.::.iiiii:.ii::.,;::::;;:;i:.i;.i:iii:.ii•::::::.::::::.._,::.::>:.>:.i.:;;.ii:;::;;:o:.. i:.::...,:.:i;;::,i:.i.:. .....:..:.::...........:.:.:.,:.:,.i:;..:;:::..:::... f. YW tR. t3R.. i tl' ASR ..<.7..............:.�:::...::.: ...... ... ;:: p 3< ,< fi. x O r.. a:s J _ . &:.:.is:::.i:.:;i:.:;.;:.i::,:::::::.: .i:.ii ii::.ii ii::::::.:::.:.i:::::.i::..::::.::.:::::.:i.;•::.::.,::.:::...::..... 8 v z t0 :_::;.::;.i:.i:.i.iii.:: ::.R$.ii•:::::.;.i;;.::,::.:::.::.::.:.i::. �» h ry4 ••• Z z €:Y r 5:F 3 iloi... ..... ..�. . F--( N71049'30"E 260: :.002 1ZONING CHANGE FROM1(H)RHITOIRHI Mayor Clark "I LOT 10 LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 7 • „••.... „••.• 1. A-11,•, ,A:1 z Y RH EP W EP E (H)RH RH U RH ca U RH RH-6 EP RH RH " (H)RH (0 EP z q_1 A-1 °- RH U r z O U TYRONE 599 7 5 �'00'r 0 m 50m 0 1_