HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-313-90 Addendum THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: TOMINA.GPA REPORT T. Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# ��V Date: April 22, 1991 Res. # ADDENDUM TO By-Law# Report#: PD-313-90 File#: 89-38/D; Dev 89-47 and 18T-89025 Subject: DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION - WILLIAM WOLFE ON BEHALF OF JOE TOMINA PART LOT 20, CONCESSION 2, DARLINGTON FILE: OPA 89-38/D Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT the Addendum to Report PD-313-90 be received; 2 . THAT Report PD-313-90 be lifted from the table and recommendations contained therein be approved. 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 The subject applications seek the creation of a fourteen ( 14) lot residential subdivision identified by the applicant as a rural cluster. 1.2 On July 17, 1989, Committee reviewed Staff Report PD-179-89, which outlined aspects of the proposal and fulfilled Public Meeting requirements . The report contained no recommendation as some comments were outstanding and some environmental concerns were unresolved. Committee referred the application back to staff for a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments . 1. 3 Staff prepared a subsequent report (PD-313-90) that went to Committee on October 22, 1990 . The Official Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Plan of Subdivision applications were recommended for denial for the reasons contained in Report PD-313-90, attached hereto. Concerns with the proposal were (and are) of a land use/locational nature and an environmental nature. The land use/locational concerns are as follows: REPORT NO. : PD- -91 PAGE 2 1) Regarding environmental conditions, the site is in a local ground water recharge area, immediately northwest of a wetlands area and immediately east of a high-water table area. Regardless of whether or note we accept any proposed environmental impact mitigation measures, it is undesirable to allow this development to be so close to areas that have been identified as "environmentally sensitive" . 2 ) Regarding residential development, the site is north of Maple Grove directly between the Whitby-Oshawa-Courtice Major Urban Area and the Bowmanville Major Urban Area. This area is part of the urban separator concept of the Durham Region Official Plan. Residential development should not be allowed in order to maintain the integrity of the Official Plan policies to maintain open space between Courtice and Bowmanville. This urban separation concept has been reinforced in the Region's Draft Changes to the Official Plan. 3) The proposed development is an unplanned subdivision in close proximity to Bowmanville and Maple Grove. If approved, this type of development will create countless problems for the municipality in future years including, but not limited to, premature requests for municipal water and sanitary services, demand for commercial and community facilities outside designated Hamlets and Urban Areas, and additional pressure to "fill in" the urban separator. 4) In addition, another complication of the site is its location in the Study Area for the Proposed Oshawa/Newcastle (Highways 401 and 407 ) Freeway Link. _, 1 ( , REPORT NO. : PAGE 3 1.4 Committee tabled the three applications at the request of Mr. Joe Tomina, owner, for a period of six (6) months (until April 22, 1991) . 1.5 The six month period has elapsed and the two of the three agencies with environmental concerns have not received any additional information to substantiate further consideration of the proposal by staff. 2. STAFF COMMENTS 2 . 1 The Ministry of the Environment received a copy of a hydrogeological study by Terraprobe Limited on October 22, 1990. It is not known whether this study satisfies all of the Ministry's information requirements . 2 .2 As of April 10, 1991, the Regional Department of Health Services had not received any of the information they had requested, although the applicant was notified in a letter dated June 13, 1989 . 2 . 3 As of April 10, 1991, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority had not received any of the information they had requested, although the applicant was notified in a letter dated July 17, 1989 . 2 .4 It should be noted that the concerns of the above agencies were all detailed in Report PD-313-90, a copy of which was set aside for the owner. However, whether or not any or all concerns from the three agencies have been dealt with adequately is not the primary issue, which is, that the proposal fails on land use planning grounds . Those grounds are stated in Subsection 1. 3 of this addendum. The four reasons cited remain valid and so, there is no valid reason to change the staff position (recommendation of denial) as contained in Report PD-313-90 . 1 -) 0A I 1 REPORT NO. : PD- -91 PAGE 4 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C.I .P. awrence E. o seff Director of Planning Chief Adminis ative and Development Officer BR*DC*FW*df *Attach 10 April 1991 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Joe Tomina R.R.#3 Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3K4 Joan Watts Group 2, Box 4 R.R.#6 Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3K7 John and Inez Huber Group 2, Box 5 R.R.#6 Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3K7 William Wolfe 7 Elmira Court Willowdale, Ontario. M2K 2T1 Carmela Cupelli Box 7 , R.R.#3 Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3K4 Mrs . Allen Thompson R.R.#6 Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3K4 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: TOMINA.GPA REPORT File # Res. # ----MBE . By-Law # 11EETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: October 22, 1990 REPORT #: PD-313-90 FILE #: 89-3810; Dev 89-47 and .18T-89025 SUBJECT: DURHAM REGIONAL -OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS'' PLAN OF . SUBDIVISION APPLICATION - WILLIAM WOLFE ON BEHALF : OF JOE TOMINA PART LOT 20, 'CONCESSION 2, DARLINGTON .. FILE: OPA 89-38/D RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that' the General. Purpose..and Administration Committee recommend' to Council the following.: 1.. THAT Report, PD-313-90 be received; 2 THAT the. Region. of, Durham be advised that the Town .of Newcastle recommends' that Official Plan Amendment' Application File 89-38/0 and .Plan of Subdivision. l8T-89025 submitted• by 'Williain: Wolfe (Vidcon Construction.) on behalf of Joe.'Tomina to permit. the development '.of a .14 lot rural residential development. in :Part Lot'.20,. Concession 2,,.. former.Township of Darlington,,. be. .denied; 3. THAT Rezoning..Application DEV 89-47 submitted by William Wolfe (Vidcon Construction) on behalf of Joe Tomina to permit the development of a 14 lot rural residential development in Part Lot 20, Concession 2, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, be denied; and 3 . THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham, the applicant and the property owner. 1. APPLICATION INFORMATION 1. 1 Applicant: William Wolfe (Vidcon Construction) 1. 2 O.P.A. : From Major Open Space to Rural Cluster. 1 . 3 Rezoning: From Agricultural (A) to Rural Cluster 1.4 Subdivision Application: Approval for a plan of subdivision of 14 single family detached dwelling lots with a minimum frontage of 30 metres . . .2 12, If1 6 REPORT NO. : PD-313-90 PAGE 2 1.5 Area: 7 hectares ( 17 . 3 acres) 2. LOCATION 2 . 1 Legal Description: Part Lot 20, . Concession 2,. -former Township :.of Darlington 2.2 Relative Location: . East side of. Holt Road and south of Nash Road. 3. BACKGROUND 3. 1 On May 14, 1989 the Town was advised by Durham Region 'of an . Official Plan Amendment application submitted by William Wolfe (Vi:dcon. Construction) On April 13, .1989 'the Newcastle Planning and' Development Department received a rezoning application submitted by William'Wol,fe ..(Vidcon Construction) . On May 14,. 1989. the. Town was -advised-by Durham Region of an application_ submitted by 'Killian Wolf6 (Vidcon Construction)' foray 14 lot. -draft plan of subdivision... 4. LAND USES 4. 1 Existing Uses: Vacant Land 4 .2 Surrounding Uses: East: Vacant Land West: Rural Residential South: Rural Residential North: Rural Residential 5. DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN Under the Durham Regional Official Plan, the site is designated as "Major Open Space System" . However, a limited number of estate-residential subdivisions may be permitted . . . . 3 12 (l REPORT NO. : PD-313-90 PAGE 3 as an exception within the "General Agricultural" and "Major Open Space�' .designations. Accordi:ng:to -Map 'A• .(.Regional Structure) - of -the Durham..Regional •Plan, .much of the. land in . the general vicinity of the site is indicated as "environmentally sensitive": Section A,2.'2 of the, Durham Regional Plan states that: "Council shall endeavour to retain in a natural state wherever possible the areas identified as environmentally sensitive" Specifically, Council Wray 'require an environmental analysis and where such an analysis is required, Section 1'.3.2 states that the analysis shall address the following matters.: a) An assessment of the impact of . the proposed development on existing conditions 'of the.- site and ,its surrounding- area, including the impact on -environmentally sensitive areas; b)' An :assessment :of the. financial. implications for .the Region and the. respective area municipality; c).. Urban design alternatives depicting height; bulk, . 'architectural :treatment and landscaping.; d) An indication of the manner in which such a development shall be integrated into the fabric of adjacent land uses; and e) Such other matters as deemed necessary. Prior to approving a development application within an environmentally sensitive area (as shown on Map A) the relevant area municipal council shall co-author with the Region and relevant conservation authority, a study to implement Section 1.2.2. Such a study shall determine to the � r REPORT NO. : PD-313-90 PAGE 4 satisfaction of the relevant area municipal council and .the Region: a) the type and degree .of. sensitivity of the environmental conditions; b) the compatibility. of ,the. proposed development with the environmentally sensitive area(s) ; ,c) the need. for and the 'definition of mitigating measures to cope. with the sensitivity. of, the environmental , conditions d) the location, amount .and. type of development; and e) the location and extent of those sensitive area(s.) which should be preserved. 6: ZONING According-:to. Schedule. l8 (Maple Grove) .of the Town of . .Newcastle. Comprehens,>ve, Zoning By-law, Nall- of the site and all of the' adjoining land parcels are.-zoned Agricultural (A) -and so Residential' subdivisions are -not permitted. 7. PUBLIC MEETING AND SUBMISSIONS Following the requirements of the Planning Act, appropriate signage was installed on the subject site and the appropriate notification was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. In addition, the Region of Durham placed a Public Notice in the newspaper with regard to the Official Plan Amendment. To date, no written submissions have been received. On July 17, 1989, General Purpose and Administration Committee held a Public Meeting on the proposal. REPORT NO. : PD-313-90 PAGE 5 Two delegations appeared objecting to the Wolfe/Tomina .• applications. :..Mrs Inez •Huber; a neighbour -to the -south for twenty- years, expressed concern. regarding water -run off,. pollution of wells and increases .in .property taxes. Joan. Watts, a neighbour on' the west side of-Holt .Road,-: has operated a .dog kennel at.. this location for more than two .years and, is concerned. that future residents will complain about barking dog noise from her kennel. _ No support was expressed for the applications . Following the Public.Meeting, Committee. resolved that the applications "be referred back to Staff for a :subsequent, report- pending receipt of -all outstanding comments" . 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8 . 1 In accordance with Departmental ,procedure, one or more of the three .related. applications were circulated to various .agencies wt and departments .for .:`their review• and: comment. - 'It appears that the following agencies:/departments .have no objections to any of. the three related. applications: Town of Newcastle Community. 5ervices Department Town of Newcastle Fire Department Region• of Durham Works Department Separate School Board Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Transportation Ontario Hydro Consumers Gas Bell Telephone 8 .2 The Durham Region Department of Health Services requested that a new site plan be provided by the applicant showing tile beds located directly behind the houses. The Department also . . . . 6 1210 REPORT NO. : PD-313-90 PAGE 6 requested that Lots 1 and 2 be eliminated due to the grade- level water table -in' the area. -As, well; .,the Department. asked. the applicant -fora* drainage swales plan. complete, with, elevation l'ines .and .the directions for all water flow. On June 13, 1989; the :Regional Planning. Department. informed-the applicant of the Regional Health Department's information requirements: More than a year and four months later, the applicant has yet to respond to .this request. 8.3 The Central Lake .Ontario Conservation Authority had two major concernss• potential interference with and/or degradation of the ground water discharge function of the site . 'and"." potential . impacts on adjacent wetlands: . The adjacent wetland ' (particularly. an abutting 'forest block.) is an . environmentally sensitive area" as" defined by the -Durham Regional official Plan. As well, the forest block has been given the highest level of. envi.rorimental:sensitivity by the Authority's, . :. Environmentally ..Sensitive .Areas Mapping Project. The ; Authority recommended that- there be a re-examination:-of the proposal and its-..potential impacts on 'the Adjacent sensitive areas . Two technical reports were prepared to help support 'the Wolfe/Tomina` applications• (see Section 9 of. this-report):: . Henry Kortekaas and Associates Inc. prepared a "Preliminary Environmental Impact Analysis" which was examined by the Authority (C.L.O.C.A. ) . Terraprobe Limited (Geotechnical Engineers and Hydrogeologists) prepared a "Subsurface Investigation" report which was not sent to the Authority., C.L.O.C.A. found the "Preliminary Environmental Impact Analysis" incomplete and requested a more in-depth analysis which includes the site and adjacent lands . Furthermore, they requested a copy of the Terraprobe report. More than a year and three months later the applicant has yet to respond to this request. REPORT NO. : PD-313-90 PAGE 7 8 . 4 The Public School Board objects to the applications because the new subdivision would overload the capacity of Maple Grove Public School. 8 .5 The"Ministry of the Environment has expressed co.ncerns..wi:th the sub ject. •proposal. The Ministry requires the applicant to conduct: a proper pump test showing yield draw down for pumps on-site, potable water quality tests, transmissivity and storativity calculations for water yield information and,. a proper. assessment, of the sewage, disposal capability of the soils . The Ministry recommends that draft approval' of the subdivision be held in abeyance until a comprehensive hydrogeological. study- is ,submitted. 8.6 The Newcastle 'Public Works- Department has no. objection to.. the applications in 'principie provided that: all works are completed.�.in accordance with Newcastle's Des ,gn 'and.,Standard Drawings. Criteria; easements required by the Town be granted-free and clear of encumbrance8; 30. metres x .10 metres .sight: triangles be dedicated to the Town; the:applicant bear, all costs of any works on Holt Road necessitated by the subdivision's. construction; the utility distribution on the internal streets be installed underground and that all secondary services for the proposed lots be underground; the applicant meet all the requirements of the Public Works Department; the applicant enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Town; all of the standard requirements be included in the Agreement; the applicant provide the Department with a satisfactory Storm Water Management and Lot Grading Plan; . . < .8 z � � � REPORT NO. : PD-313-90 PAGE 8 a performance guarantee estimate for the external works be= provided; illumination on. Holt Road :be provided;. the applicant apply f.or. property .access.; and the applicant-incorporate all' revisions to•'the .plan of . subdivision requested. by the Works Department.. 9. SUMMARY OF TECHNICAL REPORTS 9 . 1 Hydrogeologic Study Terraprobe Limited was retained by William Wolfe ()Tidcon Construction) to conduct a hydrogeologic study of the site. The study, submitted on February 10, 1989, concluded that: ' ' 1.) groundwater supply for 'domestic purposes can be, obtained. from individual wells at the site; 2) the impervious nature of the, native silty sand till . . . .requires .ra:ised sand-tile beds to be used .throughout. the site; 3) based on a si.mplified. water balance, . about 13 .lots . could bo`developed while .mai.ntaining nitrate levels .below the current. potable water objective .of 10 mgll; .and 4) the native soils will be able to support houses on conventional shallow spread footings. 9 . 2 Environmental Impact Analysis Henry Kortekaas and Associates Inc . was retained by William Wolfe (Vidcon Construction) to investigate whether or not the site was suitable for estate residential development. The environmental analysis, submitted on April 20, 1989, concluded that the site was suitable for estate residential development. . . . .9 Lj REPORT NO. : PD-313-90 PAGE 9 10. STAFF COMMENTS 10. 1 Regarding environmental conditions, the site is in a local ground water recharge area; immediately northwest of a wetlands area and immediately east. of a high-water. table area. Regardless of whether or .not we accept. any proposed. environmental impact mitigation measures, it. is undesirable to allow. thi:s development to be so close to areas that have been identified as "environmentally sensitive. 10 .2 Regarding. residential. development, the site is north of Maple Grove directly between the Whitby-*Oshawa-Courtice Major Urban . Area and .the Bowmanville Major Urban Area. This area is part of the :urban separator concept of the .Durham .Regipn Official Plan`. Residential development should not. be allowed in order to maintain the integrity of the Official Plan policies to maintain open- space between Courtice and Bowmanville. This urban separation concept .tias been reinforced in the Region's .,Draft Changes to the Official P. 10.3 :The proposed development is an unplanned subdivision i.n.'close.: .. ` proximity. to 'Bowmanvi:l.le and Maple Grove. If approved,.+this type of Aevelopmerit: will create countless problems. for .the municipality in future years including,, but not limited to: premature requests for municipal water and sanitary services, demand for commercial and community facilities outside designated Hamlets and Urban Areas, and additional pressure to "fill in" the urban separator. 10 .4 In addition, another complication of the site is its location in the Study Area for the Proposed Oshawa/Newcastle (Highways 401 and 407) Freeway Link. . . . . 10 REPORT NO. : PD-313-90 PAGE 10 11. CONCLUSIONS 11 . 1 Based on the aforementioned comments, Staff recommends denial of the "Durham Regional Official .Plan Amendment Application, the Town of Newcastle Zoning By.-law Amendment Application and the Plan of Subdivision Application. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to .the. Committee. :Franklin' Wu, M.C.I ..P`.J4`3 Lawrence E. Kots.eff DIrector of Planning Chief' Administrative and .Development Officer. BR*DC*FW*df *Attach 16 October 1990 Interested parties to be .notified of :.Council and Committee'8 decision: Joe.: Tomina John and Inez Huber R.R.#3 : Group 2, Box 5,. Bowmanvi"d, Ontario. L1C ' 3R4 Bowmanviale;• Ontario: L1C 3K7 Mrs . Allen Thompson Joan Watts R.R.#6 Group 2, Box 4, Bowmanville, Ontario. R.R.#6 L1C 3K7 Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3K7 Carmela Cupelli Box 7, R.R.#3 Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3K4 William Wolfe 7 Elmira Court, Willowdale, Ontario. M2K 2T1 ( ��TACNMCtVT � 7 SUBJECT SITE LOT 21 LOT 20 LOT 19 «.QOA- I 9£'w££ti CONC So;x, 2 B }.....«............ RC NASH ROAD i • • � j 1 t p Q W 0. cr ;J . EP W� cn A w. �o Z . . Z0 \ Z J A=4 qr NTC4 RH ro O SO M 200 Woo KEG( MAP s Dev. 89-47 O.P.A. 89 -38/D 18T" , 9025 w FT i .\ � � N S n 4• .� il Cf L� [�j �a�:..' _.cam._.. `-' fIi (�� ` �!� �`JI , /t _.:�._�..-....� _._�� �-�_...-♦FUY.I✓ s /...IV.IrYN '1 4 `l/ r�(1 Y f JIIV 1 I rl Q V✓C7 u:fi7 v7/JM.GI v G\/Uc� 4�70I•�. Orvv I7-r cry Jer 1 1A IV 2 00 � nn11 I t