HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-306-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # ��i ��•�� ,.� N: KUIPERS.GPA Res. # r�-�• By-Law # P U B L I C M E E T I N G MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, October 22, 1990 REPORT #: PD-306-90 FILE #: DEV 90-072 SUBJECT: REZONING AND SITE PLAN APPLICATION — RUIPERS PART LOT 11, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE: DEV 90-072 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-306-90 be received; 2 . THAT application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Abbott Drafting and Design on behalf of Cory Kuipers be referred back to Staff for further processing. 3 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1. 1 Applicant: Cory Kuipers (Northcutt Elliot Funeral Home) 1.2 Agent: Abbott Drafting and Design 1.3 Rezoning: from "Urban Residential Type One Exception (R1-12) " to an appropriate zone to permit the creation of a parking lot to be used in conjunction with the existing funeral home use. 1.4 Land Area: 1226 m2 (0 . 3 Acre) 2. LOCATION 2 . 1 The subject property is located in Pt Lt 11, Conc . 1, former Town of Bowmanville. The lands are located on the north east corner of Wellington Street and Division Street and are municipally known as 53 and 55 Division Street and 70 Wellington Street. - . . .2 `� 10 REPORT NO. : PD-306-90 PAGE 2 3. BACKGROUND 3. 1 Applications for rezoning and site plan approval were received by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department on August 2, 1990 . On August 29, 1990, the Planning Department was advised of an application for Official plan Amendment (O.P.A. 90-074/N) related to the subject property. In August the Planning Department was also requested to provide comments on a land severance application (LD 379/90) related to the subject site. The severance application is proposing to sever the rear yard from the property immediately to the north of the funeral home and meld said yard with the funeral home, thereby retaining the existing dwelling and providing additional lands for the proposed parking lot. 3 .2 The applicant is proposing to redesignate and rezone the property to recognize the existing funeral home operation which is a legal non-conforming use. In addition, the proponent, through related applications, seeks to sever the rear yard of the adjoining residential property to the north and meld it with the corner property. The additional lands would be utilized for off-street parking for the funeral home use, currently there is none available. The application as submitted also proposed to rezone the adjoining residential lands to the east to permit a future expansion of the funeral home use on said property. 3. 3 Regional Planning Staff have advised that upon further review of the Official Plan Amendment application it was determined that an amendment to the local plan is not required. Accordingly, Regional Planning Staff have prepared a report for Planning Committee's consideration at the meeting of October 9, 1990, recommending the Official Plan Amendment application file be closed. As of the writing of this report Staff have not yet received a copy of Planning Committee's recommendation to Council. 3.4 The applicant has recently advised that he wished to amend the subject rezoning application to only deal with the property which REPORT NO. : PD-306-90 PAGE 3 houses the existing funeral home and the lands proposed to meld with the corner property currently subject to severance application LD 379/90 . The property municipally known as 70 Wellington Street is being deleted from the application. 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4 . 1 The subject lands consist of the existing funeral home and accessory dwelling unit, and the rear yard of the adjacent residential property to the north. 4 .2 Surrounding land uses are as follows: South: existing residential dwellings. East: existing residential dwellings. North: existing residential dwellings. West: existing residential dwellings. 5 PUBLIC MEETING AND RESPONSE 5 . 1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands . In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. 5 .2 A few enquiries from neighbouring land owners have been made of the subject applications, however, no objections or concerns have been raised with regards to the proposed development. 6 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6 . 1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan the subject property is designated "Residential" the funeral home would not be considered a permitted use within this designation. However, Section 16 .6 .5 of the Durham Plan allows Council at it's discretion, to zone to permit the continuation, expansion or enlargement of existing non- conforming uses. Each application is to be considered and reviewed on its own merits and may be subject to site plan control. REPORT NO. : PD-306-90 PAGE 4 6 .2 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan the subject property is designated "Low Density Residential" . Within this designation only residential uses and accessory uses thereto are permitted. Section 7 .4 .2 . of the Town's Plan allows Council to pass a by-law permitting an extension or enlargement of non-conforming uses subject to conditions . In such case, Council must be satisfied that the proposed extension or enlargement shall not unduly aggravate the situation created by the existence of the use; the expansion or enlargement shall be in an appropriate proportion to the size of the non-conforming use as established; the characteristics of the proposal shall not be a nuisance or incompatible with the surrounding area; that neighbouring conforming uses shall be protected through the use of adequate buffering, landscaping or screening; and that the enlargement or extension shall not adversely affect traffic or parking conditions in the neighbourhood. 7 ZONING 7 . 1 The current zoning on the subject property is "Urban Residential Type One Exception (R1-12) which in addition to a single detached dwelling, semi-detached/link unit and duplex permitted in the "Rl" zone, the R1-12 also permits a converted dwelling. The applicant is proposing to recognize and expand the existing funeral home use which is not a permitted use in the residential zone. 8 AGENCY COMMENTS 8 . 1 In accordance with departmental procedure the subject application was circulated to a number of agencies and departments for comment. Todate comments remain outstanding from the Regional Planning Department and the Regional Public Works Department. 8 .2 Town of Newcastle Public Works Staff have advised they have reviewed the subject applications and have no objection in principle subject to conditions . The applicant will be required to provide any easements required by the Town free and clear of �� . . . .5 REPORT NO. : PD-306-90 PAGE 5 any encumbrances; the applicant will bear the costs 100% of any works on Wellington Street and/or Division Street necessitated as a result of this development; and the applicant will provide the Works Department with a Master Drainage and Lot Grading Plan satisfactory to the Director of the Public Works Department. 8. 3 The Community Services Department review of the application provided no objection to the proposal. Community Services Staff have requested a 2% dedication requirement being provided as cash- in-lieu of parkland 8 .4 The Newcastle Fire Department and the Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission have both advised they have no objection to the further processing of the subject application. 9 STAFF COMMENTS 9 . 1 The application for rezoning and site plan approval proposes to legalize the existing non-conforming funeral home use and allow the creation of a parking lot, to be used in conjunction with said funeral home on the adjacent lands to the north. The proposed off- street parking to be provided is an improvement to the funeral home use which currently has none available. 9 .2 Staff's review of the site plan application has noted deficiencies in terms of the lack of landscaping between the proposed parking area and abutting residential uses . In addition, not all of the aisles between parking stalls comply with the minimum requirements of 6 . 0 m (20 ft) . These items as well as the Public Works Department request for a Master Lot Drainage Grading Plan must be addressed prior to a final recommendation from Staff. 10 CONCLUSION 10 . 1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public meeting as required by the Planning Act, to provide Committee and Council with some background on the application submitted and for Staff to indicate areas of concern regarding the subject application. It .114 . . . .6 REPORT NO. : PD-306-90 PAGE 6 is recommend the application be referred back to Staff for further processing upon receipt of all outstanding comments and required revisions . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee row Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. Lawrenc E. Kotseff DIrector of Planning Chief inistrative and Development Officer CP*FW*cc *Attach 11 October 1990 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Jerry Heal Halco Building Components 1748 Baseline Road Box 8, Group 10, R.R. #2 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K3 Abbott Drafting and Design 172 King Street East Suite 303 OSHAWA, Ontario L1H 1B7 Mr & Mrs Kuipers 53 Division Street North BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 2Z8 J'. GRANTS LANE SUBJECT PROPEF6 > SUBJECT SITE FOR REZONING —89.10' KEY PLAN /sCTOeccer 1 PRa .o rtoF a•f9) _ Qy I.nAa r.p ii,-1 PERTINENT SITE INFORMATION QI.Ia• es, W59�•a'�I � ,� .� r�l lC�.� ✓_ /� Pte' p v � Qr�iiO�GCr I.?c.•oo..a V1 J \� c.�•�d`� �a.Et„tt-, r t ficvtL r✓ �.a 1�..+o-� r- hR•oo ^` i i -. • ,�•{}� G.ca,arr>t y n: h� � tot L• ICoo•ao" (I�i-oG%) r. l i•_ r.is*i�. F P IJO ,1. oal..ls•-�. 76s,.a�G°' (cor.�,%) O Y (" ) s> a Kr L6w10hC..u7L'� ••nom- h?n537",(Sc-3t i) 17 C eP WELLINGTON STREET PARTS OF LOTS 1,2 AND 3, BLOCK V, ACCORDING METRIC „ TO JOHN GRANTS PLAN IN THE FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE (Part of Lot 11, Concession 1, Geographic - __ Township of Darlington) NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE i TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PROPOSED SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ( REZONING) a b bott ed••ratting S design -.1� -t�7 .,� p WfI� '�' PROPoSED P<RKIMD LIiCUT FlMrMrrr —T (w r,vo—• MR & MRS KUIPERS •L�, -t ri t*i1- .�,� of ,,•�,, ��p�-i.r- s� orvisrD,v srarer, roww<awur. 517E DEVELOPMENT PLAN IO�II� pA1 SUBJECT SITE LO T 12 LOT I I LOT 10 CONCESSION STREET CONCESSION — -STREET ti I X F IF R1 F R4-t BLVD. RI O ^ C, RLISLE AI ci q�/� R�/? RI-24 R3 (E 0 R i R (n KINO am P I H Cl-��l 0 cl c1 a 15 W R1-5 z C 5t. �p.�PW'o � ORINC STREET RI-21 W I Rt JANE �� St $T, o so a0 200 300m KEY MAP Dev. 90111111111111111072 , Q.P.A. 90-074/N