HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-200-90 c� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT {{ �, File # 67 :y T-REP.GPA Res. # _ __ r�=�• By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: June 4, 19 9 0 REPORT #: PD- 200-90 FILE #: PLN 15 .2 SL ECT: STATUS REPORT BOWMANVILLE WATERFRONT STUDY FILE: PLN 15.2 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report PD-200 -90 be received for information. 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 On December 11, 1989, Council authorized Staff to undertake a waterfront development study for Bowmanville subject to funding from the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation and/or contribution from development interests within the study area. Furthermore, Staff were authorized to issue a Request for Proposals for the preparation of the Bowmanville Waterfront Study and select the consultant. 1.2 Staff contacted a number of consulting firms and asked for an expression of interest in undertaking the Bowmanville Waterfront Study. In a large specialized task of this nature, there is often a consultant pre-selection process to identify firms or consortiums of firms capable of undertaking the works required. Staff subsequently reviewed this material and A REPORT NO. : PD-200 -90 PAGE 2 identified four firms to be considered for the Bowmanville Waterfront Study. These firms submitted their proposals on February 9, 1990 and attended consultant selection interviews on February 15, 1990 . 1. 3 The four proposals were reviewed by Staff on the basis of content, methodology, qualifications and experience of personnel, the experience of the firm(s) and the total budget for the work proposed. The four proposals and their proposed fees were as follows: 1) F.J. Reinders & Associates $ 102 ,000* 2) Marshall, Macklin, Monoghan $ 115,848 3) Macauley, Shiomi, Howsen Ltd. $ 123,692 4) Resource Systems Management International $ 156,000 (* subject to annual increase for work undertaken after January 1991) The firm of F.J. Reinders and Associates was selected to undertake the Bowmanville Waterfront Study. F.J. Reinders and Associates has the following sub-consultants for this project: Hough Stansbury Woodland Ltd. , Jack B. Ellis & Associates Ltd. and Michael Michalski Associates . 1. 4 An application for partial funding of the Study was made under the Community Waterfront Program. On March 30, 1990 , the Honourable Ken Black, Minister of Tourism and Recreation, announced the approval of a grant of $ 50,000 towards the costs of the Study. The balance of the funding required for the study has been secured in advance from the two major development interests which have submitted applications for official plan amendments within the Study Area. REPORT NO. : PD- 200-90 PAGE 3 1 .5 Efforts were made early in the process to co-ordinate the Bowmanville Waterfront Study with the Town's Recreation/Leisure Services Master Plan. 1 . 6 A Technical Advisory Committee has been formed to provide direction to the consultants and ensure the full participation of all affected agencies . The Advisory Committee is chaired by Councillor Hamre and consists of representatives from the following Departments or agencies: Town of Newcastle Department of Planning & Development Town of Newcastle Department of Works Town of Newcastle Department of Community Services Region of Durham Planning Department Region of Durham Works Department Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Ministry of Tourism and Recreation Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Municipal Affairs Royal Commission of the Future of the Greater Toronto Waterfront 2. PHASE 1 - BACKGROUND STUDY 2 . 1 The consultants are in the process of completing the first phase of the Study. A draft Background Report has been prepared for review by Technical Advisory Committee members . Certain sections have not been completed, most notably the market analysis, which is dependent on revised population forecasts being prepared by the Region. The Background Report will be finalized and made available in mid June subject to receipt of all necessary information. REPORT NO. : PD-20o -90 PAGE 4 2 .2 The initial public participation component has been completed consisting of: i) Press Release to all local newspapers to outline the nature and purpose of the Study. ii) Interviews with major landowners in and adjacent to the Study Area including representatives of the Port Darlington Community Association. iii) A workshop with a Grade 5 class from Waverley Public Elementary School was held on May 23, 1990. iv) A Public Information Centre was held on May 23, 1990 at the Bowmanville Recreation Centre. The Background Information collected by the consulting team was presented on a series of panels . The general public was invited to provide comments to the staff and consultants present. Questionnaires were distributed for comment. Approximately 110-120 persons attended. 2 . 3 It was determined near the start of the Study that the existing topographic mapping base was inadequate for the detailed planning to be undertaken later in this study. Consequently, the 1:2000 mapping base is being augmented to cover the entire Study Area by the firm of Intera Kenting on the basis of existing aerial photography. 3. PHASE 2 OPTIONS 3 . 1 The consulting team is currently examining various development options for the Study Area. It is their intention to develop a technically preferred option in this phase in consultation with the Technical Advisory Committee. REPORT NO. : PD-200 -90 PAGE 5 3 .2 A Public Workshop will be conducted later in June to review the various options with members of the general public . This is tentatively scheduled for June 27, 1990 . 4. SUMMARY The Study is proceeding on schedule with minor delay only in finalizing certain aspects of the Background Report. The public participation process is providing opportunity for meaningful public involvement with the formulation of the Plan. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee V Franklin Wu, M.C. T .P. 4Lwrenc�_ /E. Kotseff Director of Planning Chief APPInistrative and Development Officer 1d DC*FW*df *Attach 29 May 1990