HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-202-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE f ,E r�STONE.GPA REPORT File # t Res. # ' ` -- � -�• By-Law # PUBLIC MEETING SING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: June 8, 1990 REPORT #: PD-202-90 FILE #: SUB.ECT: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION VANSTONE MILL INC. PART LOT 13, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE: OPA 90-25/D/N; DEV 90-044 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-202-90 be received; 2 . THAT the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning application submitted by Vanstone Mill Inc. be referred back to staff to enable the applicant to prepare a comprehensive site plan. A subsequent report will be prepared by staff pending receipt of all outstanding agency comments with respect to this comprehensive site plan. 3 . THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and 4 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1. 1 Applicant: Vanstone Mill Inc . 1.2 Proposed Uses: Commercial - approximately 20,000 square feet of existing commercial and an additional 13,200 square feet of commercial and office space fronting onto Scugog Street. _ � �� 9 REPORT NO. : PD-202-90 PAGE 2 Residential - 43 high density residential units located on the West side of Bowmanville Creek. 1.3 O.P.A. : From: Main Central Area (Commercial and Low Density Residential) and Major Open Space with an indication of Hazard Lands and Environmental Sensitivity. To: Designations to permit the proposed uses . 1.4 Rezoning: From: Environmental Protection (EP) , Urban Residential Type One (R1) , and General Commercial (Cl) . To: Appropriate zoning to permit the proposed uses . 1.5 Area: 2 . 34 ha (5 .78 acres) 2. BACKGROUND 2 . 1 On March 13, 1990, the Town of Newcastle received notice from the Region of Durham of an application submitted by Vanstone Mill Inc . to amend the Town of Newcastle and Durham Region Official Plans . Subsequently, on April 17, 1990, the Town of Newcastle received a corresponding rezoning application. 3. LOCATION 3. 1 The subject site is located in Part Lot 13, Concession 1 of the former Town of Bowmanville. The subject site is located on the north side of King Street west of Scugog Street J10 REPORT NO. : PD-202-90 PAGE 3 as shown on the attached Key Map. 4. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4. 1 Existing Uses: Commercial/Vacant 4 .2 Surrounding Uses; East - Residential/Commercial West - CPR/Church South - Commercial/Open Space North - Residential/CPR 5. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 5 . 1 No public submissions have been received at the date of the writing of this report. 6. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6 . 1 The applicant has proposed to bring the existing mill (which predates both the Town's and Region's Official Plans) into conformity with the Plan. Furthermore, the applicant proposes an additional 13,200 square feet of commercial/office floor space fronting on Scugog Street, and the development of 43 high density residential units west of Bowmanville Creek. To achieve this, the applicant wishes to: i) amend the Durham Region Official Plan to extend the Bowmanville Major Urban Area to incorporate the whole of the subject site; and ii) amend the Newcastle Official Plan to incorporate the subject property as part of the Main Central Area of the Bowmanville Major Urban Area. REPORT NO. : PD-202-90 PAGE 4 7. ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY 7 . 1 Within the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84- 63, the subject property is zoned "Environmental Protection (EP) " , "Urban Residential Type One (R1) " , and "General Commercial (C1) " . As the proposed use of the subject property does not comply to the present zone provisions, the applicant has applied to appropriately amend the zoning by-law in order to permit the proposal. 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8. 1 The subject application was circulated by the Town and Region to various agencies and departments to obtain comments. The following agencies/departments have not responded to date: Newcastle Public Works Department Newcastle Community Services Department Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Separate School Board Regional Works Department C.P. Rail Bowmanville BIA 8 .2 The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has responded with no objection to this proposal. 8 . 3 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education are concerned with the approval of further residential units in the Central Public School catchment area. The Board notes that this application would generate approximately 13 students at Central Public School. Interior sidewalks and sidewalks � i � REPORT NO. : PD-202-90 PAGE 5 on No.2 and Scugog Street are required. Central Public School is over capacity with one portable on site. Students would walk to school. There are currently applications for 499 residential units in the Central Public School catchment area yielding approximately 160 students which would seriously overcrowd the facility at Central Public School. 8 .4 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department have responded with no objection to this proposal. However, the Fire Department has noted the following concerns: 1) Access to the mill area should be improved to accommodate access by fire vehicles in accordance with the Ontario Building and Fire Codes; 2) Adequate water for firefighting purposes in required as per the Ontario Building and Fire Codes; 3) Given the makeup of the mill itself, consideration should be given to an internal fire alarm system which could possibly be attached to the fire station. 8 .5 The Ministry of Natural Resources have noted that it would be premature for the Ministry to comment on the acceptability of this application, until such time as new information regarding the Regional Floodline is received. Vanstone Mill Inc. have retained the consulting engineering services of Cosburn Patterson Wardman Limited. Cosburn Patterson Wardman Ltd. have delineated revised flood plain mapping for the subject site. Vanstone Mill Inc . are presently addressing the issues raised by the Ministry of Natural Resources . f� 1 .` REPORT NO. : PD-202-90 PAGE 6 9. COMMENTS 9 . 1 The applicant has not submitted a comprehensive site plan to date. A site concept was submitted for the housing component only (Attachment #1) . This has made review and evaluation of the proposal difficult for both commenting agencies, departments and staff. 9 .2 In order to facilitate the proposed uses the applicant has requested that the floodplain limits of Bowmanville Creek be re-aligned. The applicant states that "until September 1986, a dam next to the mill building was in place, causing a pond. The dam washed away during a heavy rain fall, and as a result the Bowmanville Creek now flows straight through, at a much lower elevation. " Furthermore, the applicant notes that because the dam no longer exists, a larger portion of his lands may be considered table land instead of floodplain. The applicant has retained the engineering services of Cosburn Patterson Wardman, as previously mentioned. The consultant has re-calculated the floodplain limit as shown on Attachment No.2 . The re- calculated floodplain limits would require the removal of a portion of the dam abutment on the west side of Bowmanville Creek. The applicant has advised that "this would allow for the free flow of Bowmanville Creek in the event of a 100 year regional storm" . Neither the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority nor the Ministry of Natural Resources have commented with respect to the re-calculated floodplain limits . 10. CONCLUSION 10. 1 The purpose of this report is to address the requirements of a Public Meeting under the Planning Act. In consideration of the comments outstanding, Staff recommends that the D �� REPORT NO. : PD-202-90 PAGE 7 application be referred back to staff to prepare a subsequent report pending: i) receipt of a comprehensive site plan for the subject site; ii) receipt of all outstanding agency comments with respect to the comprehensive site plan. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. `bawren a E. Kotseff Director of Planning Chief inistrative and Development Offic r JB*DC*FW*df Attach. 8 June 1990 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Vanstone Mill Inc . 100 Allstate Parkway, Suite 501, Markham, Ontario. WR 6H3 SUBJECT SITE LOT 14 LOT 13 LOT 12 1 T N (1eR5CN AV UIVERM CO R1 Z o z 1 RE-5 EUSAL T sccoHo 0 �1 F (n p E f� o c2 - (!� ,{1 kf HOER AVE. J W C�1 TVR h M+E. a Z .w1 p 0 ST ` 0 R1-3 ------STEVENS ROAD _ EP RE (H)M1 1 � Z � - 1 HIGHWAY `N° 2 � . o � R1 0 'Ay �' W g (H RI , . 0 o . Rl � (H)R4 EP 0 -5000 mo gooM KEY mAP Dev. 96-04 UMFMAII WUff=vo%zj% or= /D/N may 1 2_ 3 4 S v• v G � >3 p2,op oF� 0 CAvND CS IS 2 2 S 8 28 2B 2B 18 l 38 GP Rail le, ROO Roco Bowmanville Creek VANSTONE MILL HOUSING SITE f0HN COWIE ARCHITECT INC 1000—Saco+ Eoti 1—m .0n1 Nklc IS irk r (416136303,13 PtA PART NO t R IOR-T45 1+ f l � v •7-� r �"�� t r 1 e L~\ � P4 VA �, ,( /:' n +,i !mow } .: i:fi,if�!.',�3tSL4T'—•;- I s 011 : \� • �� SITE BOUNDARY kflyg y/GMwQY 1' EXISTING BUILDINGS ON SITE ND _ d r i •••••• EXISTING REGIONAL FLOODLINE IV PROPOSED REGIONAL FLOODLINE (BERM REMOVED)