HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-264-90 j/ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DSCA. REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # SING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: September 4, 1990 REPORT #: PD 264-90 FILE #: P I a -3 1. 1 S[J&JECT' LANDSCAPING DESIGN GUILDELINES FOR SITE PLANNING RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-264 -90 be received; 2 . THAT the attached "Landscaping Design Guidelines for Site Planning" be adopted; 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 In the course of the preparation of the Courtice West Highway No. 2 Corridor Study, it became apparent that much of the landscape treatment in new developments was unsatisfactory. Some of the problems noted in the Report included poor landscape design, use of undersized plant material, minimal use of plant material, lack of integration of hard landscaping surfaces (ie. pedestrian walkways, access for physically handicapped) and lack of maintenance of existing landscaping. REPORT NO. : PD-264-90 PAGE 2 For its part, the Town has not established any guidelines or standards, does not have adequate procedures for the processing, approval construction and inspection of landscape works, and does not have the required expertise on staff to oversee the landscape treatment required in new developments. If the Town wishes to ensure a higher quality of urban development, it will need to address these issues . This Report is intended to address the first two components noted above. 1.2 The Landscape Design Guidelines for Site Planning are prepared for use in assessing future developments subject to site plan approval. It is intended to eventually extend such guidelines to plans of subdivision. The Guidelines have been prepared after an extensive review of requirements in other municipalities. I 2. LANDSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES 2.1 The Landscape Design Guidelines for Site Planning are intended as guidelines. They are not rigid and absolute but they provide for flexibility to the extent that they can be modified at the discresion of the Director of Planning and Development. Depending on the nature or scale of the proposed development, alternatives would be considered provided the objectives of the guidelines are maintained. 2.2 The Landscape Design Guidelines apply generally across the Town although three types of areas are identified as requiring special landscape treatment: historic downtown areas in Bowmanville, Newcastle Village and Orono the Community Central Area in Courtice the Courtice West Highway No. 2 Corridor Area `) 9 6 REPORT NO. : PD-264-90 PAGE 3 2.3 Procedures The Landscape Design Guidelines outlines the procedures to following for landscape treatment in new developments. The procedures for the Submission and Approval of Landscape Plans is contained in Section 2 . It outlines the steps to be followed when a development project is initiated. Both the applicant's and the Town's responsibilities are identified. The procedures for inspecting the landscape works is outlined in Section 5. This includes the responsibilities of the Landscape Architect and the Town to ensure the project is completed satisfactorily. 2.4 Letters of Credit for Landscape Works The Guidelines detail the requirements and procedure for Letters of Credit for landscaping, including defining a warranty period and holdback provisions as follows: i) Applicants shall submit a detailed estimate of the costs of landscape construction works prepared by a Landscape Architect in good standing with the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects or a landscape contractor who is a member in good standing with Landscape Ontario. ii) Letters of Credit shall be provided as a performance guarantee to cover 100 percent ( 100%) of the cost of the landscape works including the Landscape Architect's fee for contract administration and a 15 percent ( 15%) contingency. iii) In the event that the Town is required to drawn down on a Letter of Credit to complete any portion of work, it will be charged at 200 percent (200%) of the actual cost REPORT NO. : PD-264-90 PAGE 4 of the work. This provision is added to cover the Town's administrative costs and a deterent to contractors in the final phases of work when there might be a temptation to walk away from the job. iv) Upon completion of landscape works to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Development, a release for eighty percent (80%) is to be issued. The remaining twenty percent (20%) shall be retained for a warranty period as defined by Town policy. v) Upon the expiry of the warranty period, the remaining twenty percent (20%) will be returned less any monies required for repair or replacement of landscape elements. vi) There is a provision for reduction of the Letter of Credit when the work cannot be properly inspected due to weather conditions (November 1 - April 30) . The Guidelines provide sample forms to be used by the landscape architect and contractor. 2.5 Landscape Plan It is a requirement under the proposed Guidelines that the landscape drawings be prepared by a qualified landscape architect. There is a comprehensive list of the details required on the landscape drawings. Standard notes incorporating the Town's policies are to be shown on the actual drawings so that the landscape contractor is cognizant of his obligations (ie. tree cutting, grading, etc . ) . REPORT NO. : PD-264-90 PAGE 5 2.6 General Requirements The proposed Landscape Design Guidelines identifies four standard landscape features: high-branching deciduous trees required along the perimeter of any development provided in accordance with type of use; landscape screening consisting of various combinations of shrubs, trees, berms and brick walls to provide a buffer from visually unattractive elements in the site plan; planting within parking lots to soften the impact of parked cars and asphalt foundation planting around buildings to create entrance features and break up large expanses of blank walls The four standard landscape features are to be applied to each development on the basis of the use proposed and the surrounding uses. 2.7 The proposed Landscape Design Guidelines includes standards for parking lots, service areas, pedestrian areas, play areas and requirements for barrier-free access design for physically handi-capped individuals . In addition, there are plant material standards and policies regarding fencing. 3. COMMENT AND CONCLUSION 3 . 1 The development of Landscape Design Guidleines fills a void. Up to this point, the Town has not had any standards to provide guidance for private developers and, as a consequence, ') 9 REPORT NO: PD-264-90 PAGE 6 much of the landscape works have depended largely on the commitment of the individual developer to quality development. These Guidelines provide a minimum standards . Moreover, because they are only guidelines which can be modified and not rigid standards . The individual proponent still has the ability to tailor the landscape works to the scale and requirements of the project. 3.2 The standards and procedures established by the Landscape Design Guidelines for Site Planning recognizes the need for improving the quality of the built environment. It is recommended that the Guidelines be adopted by Council. Planning staff will notify all proponents and consultants of the adoption of these Guidelines Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee 3 Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. L' rence Kotseff Director of Planning Chief A i� istrative and Development Officer DC*FW*df *Attach 27 August 1990 597 U Landscape Design Guidelines for Site Planni*ng Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department '% 0 L� LANDSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR SITE PLANNING Department of Planning and Development Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Approved by Council. on ' 1990 599 03 PREFACE ' The Landscape Design Guidelines have been prepared as a result of the commitment. of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle to ensure the enhancement of the urban landscape. As the Town grows, there is a need to ensure good urban design which provides for the needs of aR citizens, minimizes potential conflicting land uses, integrates the built environment with the natural environment and provides for the 'Greening' of the urban landscape. The urban environment, by its nature,will evolve into denser forms of development. As the costs of services dictate a shift to denser forms of development,the urban landscape wilt assume a vital function in making our urban areas not only functional but a pleasant and attractive environment in which to live. If we do a superb job with the landscape of today, the pattern of spaces wilt function for several generations to come. 599 04 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPE PLANS . . 2 2.1 Site Plan Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2 Letter of Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3. LANDSCAPE PLAN GUIDELINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.1 Application of Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.2 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 32.1 Perimeter Planting Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 32.2 Landscape Screening Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.2.3 Foundation Planting Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.3 Landscape Policies for Specific Land Uses . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.3.1 Commercial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.3.2 Service Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.3.3 Industrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.3.4 Institutional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.3.5 Low Rise Multiple Residential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.3.6 High Rise Multiple Residential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.4 Parking Lots and Service Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.5 Pedestrian Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.6 Play Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.7 Access for the Handicapped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.8 Planting Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.9 Fencing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 599 U` 4. LANDSCAPE PLAN REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 4.1 Drawing Requirements . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.2 Standard Landscape Plan Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5. LANDSCAPE INSPECTION PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6. APPENDICES A Tree Preservation Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 B Cost Estimate Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 C Landscape Completion Notification Form . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 D Landscape Warranty Period Completion Form . . . . . . . . . 25 E Letter of Credit Reduction Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 F Planting Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 G Fencing Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 9 9 �.6 1. INTRODUCTION These guidelines have been prepared for the preparation, approval and inspection of Landscape Plans for development proposals subject to Site Plan Control. Landscape Plans for Parks and Street Tree Planting shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Community Services and Public Works Departments. 599 0 / 2 2. SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL OF.LANDSCAPE PLANS 2.1 SITE PLAN PROCESS The following are the generalized procedures for submission and approval of Site Plans as required by the Town of Newcastle. 2.1.1 STEP 1 Preliminary Appraisal Prior to submission, the applicant is advised to consult the Development Review Section of the Department of Planning and Development. The application will be reviewed for official plan and zoning compliance. The applicant will be advised of procedures and policies which may affect the site plan application. If vegetation exists on the site, the applicant must notify the Department. It may be necessary for the Department to undertake an inspection to determine if a tree inventory and Tree Preservation Plan is required. The Tree Preservation Plan should be filed at the time of submission of the site plan application. The Town's Tree Cutting By-law prohibits the cutting or damage to trees and vegetation except for specific circumstan ces. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that no existing trees are removed prior to approval of the Tree Preservation Plan (See Appendix A). IN ORDER TO ENSURE EFFICIENT PROCESSING OF THE APPLICATION, THE APPLICANT IS ADVISED TO OBTAIN ALL THE NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS FOR A SITE PLAN APPLICATION PRIOR TO SUBMISSION BY CONTACTING THE REGIONAL WORKS DEPARTMENT, THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE WORKS DEPARTMENT, THE CONSERVATION AUTHORITY AND OTHER AGENCIES AS REQUIRED. 2.1.2 STEP 2 Site Plan Application A complete Site Plan Application should be submitted to the Development Review Section of the Department of Planning and Development with the requisite fee. Drawings are required to illustrate the following. a) Site Plan b) Site Services Plan c) Site Grading Plan d) Landscaping Plan e) Floorplans of Buildings f) Elevations of Building These features can be illustrated on separate drawings or combined depending on the nature and scale of the project. The Landscape Plan shall be a separate drawing and shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section 4. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE FIRST SUBMISSION CONSIST OF CONCEPTUAL DRAWINGS ONLY. DETAILED WORKING DRAWINGS CAN BE PREPARED AFTER OTHER SITE PLAN DETAILS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED INCLUDING SITE GRADING PLANS. 599 08 3 ; Fifteen copies of the drawings.are required for circulation purposes. All drawings are to be folded to 21.6 cm x 35.7 cm (8.5" x 14"). NOTE: THE TOWN RESERVES THE RIGHT NOT TO ACCEPT OR PROCESS ANY APPLICATION IF THE INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR THE PLANS AND DRAWINGS ARE INCOMPLETE. 2.1.3 STEP 3 Site Plan Review a) The site plans are circulated by the Planning & Development Department for the agency comments. The various agencies are requested to respond within 30 days. b) The comments received are consolidated by the Development Review planner. If necessary, follow-up action is undertaken to ensure comments are submitted and problem areas are clarified. c) The Tree Survey is verified and the Tree Preservation Plan will be assessed and approved prior to site plan approval. d) Required revisions are noted and the applicant is notified. If they are minor in nature, this will be done as a red line revision. If they are major, the applicant will be asked to submit revised plans. e) A revised site plan is submitted to the Planning & Development Department for acceptance. SIX COPIES OF THE FINAL WORKING DRAWINGS ARE REQUIRED FOR THE SITE PLAN AGREEMENT. THE FINAL WORKING DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE FOLDED. 2.1.4 STEP 4 Site Plan Approval A satisfactory Site Plan including the Landscape Plan is approved through the execution of a Site Plan Agreement. If the site plan is generally satisfactory to the Department of Planning &Development, prior to the execution of site plan, a foundation building permit may be issued at the p.erogative of the Director of Planning & Development subject to a Letter of Undertaking being completed by the applicant. Please contact the Development Review Branch for further information. r 09 4 2.2 • i.F:TTER. OF CREDIT FOR-LANDSCAPE WORKS 2.2.1 STEP 1 Cost Estimate As required by the Site Plan Agreement, a"Works Cost Estimate" is to be approved by the Director of Planning and Development and the Director of Works to identify the estimated cost of construction of external works and landscaping (including fencing). As a component of this, the developer is to submit for review to the Town of Newcastle Department of Planning and Development a detailed estimate of the landscape construction work in accordance with Appendix B. The estimate is to be prepared by a Landscape Architect who is a member in good standing with the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects or a landscape contractor who is a member in good standing with Landscape Ontario. 2.2.2 STEP 2 Letter of Credit The applicant will submit an irrevocable Letter of Credit as a performance guarantee in accordance with the Town's policy for Letters of Credit. The Letter of Credit is to cover 100% of the cost of the landscape works as shown on the approved Landscape Plans or to cover the cost of replacing trees shown on the Tree Preservation Plan. The Letter of Credit may be issued for the Landscape Works only or as part of the total "Works Cost Estimate". Acceptable Letters of Credit must be issued by a chartered Canadian Bank. If the Town is required to draw down on the Letter of Credit to complete any portion of the work, it wiIl be charged at 200% of the actual cost of the work. 599 10 5 3. LANDSCAPE PLAN GUIDELINES 3.1 APPLICATION OF POLICIES 3.1.1 The landscape plan requirements apply to all developments subject to site plan approval. At the discretion of the Director of Planning & Development, these guidelines can be modified depending on the nature or scale of the proposed development provided the objectives of these guidelines can be met. 3.1.2 The landscape requirements will be applied according to the actual use of the land and not the zoning. As an example, commercial uses in Industrial zones shall be required to meet the commercial requirements. 3.1.3 The landscape requirements along the property line will be applied on the basis of existing land use or future land use, which ever is greater. 3.1.4 The policies and requirements for landscaping contained herein apply generally to development across the Town. There are areas where special landscape treatment will be required. These are as follows: i) historic downtown areas in Bowmanville, Newcastle Village and Orono ii) new Central Area in Courtice iii) Highway #2 Corridor in Courtice West Neighbourhood 3.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The following situations require specific landscape treatment: a) main entrances to buildings; b) pedestrian and vehicular entrances and exits to a site; c) pedestrian activity nodes; d) outdoor amenity areas; e) intersections of municipal roadways; and f) parking lots 3.2.1 Perimeter Planting Criteria High-Branching deciduous trees are required along the perimeter of any development. Spacing requirements vary depending on the proposed land use and the adjacent land uses. Chart 3.2.1 (below) outlines the required spacings in metres. These requirements are in addition to any landscape screening or parking lot planting requirements. It may be acceptable to provide an equivalent number of trees (determined through the spacing formula) in groups along the perimeter. 599 11 Chart 3.2.1 Municipal Park/ Proposed Land Use Commercial Industrial Institutional Residential Street Open Space Commercial 12.0 9.0 9.0 6.0 7.5 9.0 Industrial 9.0 N.A. 9.0 6.0 7.5 9.0 Institutional 9.0 9.0 9.0 6.0 7.5 9.0 Residential 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.5 9.0 Municipal Street 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 N.A N.A Park/Open Space 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 N.A. N.A 3.2.2 Landscape Screening Criteria Landscape screening is to consist of one of the following. a) Planting consisting of shrubs and trees with greater than fifty percent being coniferous tree planting, or b) Berming (1.0 metre high minimum with a maximum slope of (33%) and planting consisting of shrubs and coniferous trees; or c) Brick wall (1.0 metre high minimum) with planting consisting of shrubs and coniferous trees. 3.2.3 Foundation Planting Criteria Foundation planting is to consist of shrubs, vines and trees to be planted immediately adjacent to the building. Foundation planting is to be utilized to accentuate entrances to buildings and "break up" large expanses of blank walls visible from a roadway. 3.3 LANDSCAPE POLICIES FOR SPECIFIC LAND USES 3.3.1 Each application will be judged on its own merits and variances to these standards may be permitted provided the intent of the policies are met. 3.3.2 In addition to the Town's requirements for tree planting on the boulevards of municipal roadways, a landscape strip shall be required on private property adjacent to municipal roads. It shall not include land to be conveyed to the road authority for road widening, parkland or any other public purpose. 599 12 7' R " 3.3.3 The following policies indicate the minimum landscape standards for various types of developments which should be incorporated into preparation of landscape plans. These requirements are to be applied in addition to the standard landscape requirements for: (i) perimeter planting of high-branching deciduous trees (Section 3.2.1); (ii) foundation planting criteria (Section 3.2.3) (iii) parking lot planting requirements (Section 3.4.7); and (iv) fencing requirements (Section 3.9.1) Where indicated below, landscape screening is required for all exposed parking, driveways, service and garbage areas adjacent to other uses as shown below. 3.3.4 COACMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTS a) On mixed Commercial/Industrial Chart 3.3.4 or Commercial/Residential Minimum Width of Type of Landscape applications, a combination Landscape Area Treatment of the landscape requirements will be applied. Public Road . . . . . . . . . 4.5m....Screening Park/Open Space . . . . . 4.5m....Screening b) Foundation planting is required near entrances to provide areas Commercial . . . . . . . . . 1,5m. perimeter Planting of visual interest and in such a manner to break up large Industrial . . . . . . . . . . 3.0m....Scree ning expanses of blank external walls Institutional . . . . . . . . . 3.0m...Screening from adjacent streets. Residential . . . . . . . . . 3.0m. Perimeter Planting 3.3.5 SERVICE STATION CO1 AIER[LAL a) Special landscape treatment is Chart 3.3.5 required at the intersections of Minimum Width of Types of Landscape public roads. Landscape Area Treatment b) The landscaping should allow Public Roads . . . . . . 4.5m...SpecialTreatment kiosks to be visible from the Park/Open Space . . . 4.5m...Screening street for security purposes. Landscape screening will be Commercial . . . . . . . Uni.-Perimeter Planting required for exposed parking, storage, garbage, and propane tanks Industrial . . . . . . . . . 3.0m.-Screening adjacent to the public road. Residential . . . . . . . . 3.0m...Perimeter Planting C) Pedestrian walkways to kiosk service stations are to be provided and designed for the handicapped. d) Air vents or underground storage tanks are not to be located in the landscaped areas. 599 1 3 3.3.6 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS a) Where there are large expanses Chart 3.3.6 of blank exterior walls greater Minimum Width of Type of Landscape than 20 metres in length visible Landscape Area Treatment from adjacent streets or Provincial Highways, foundation plantings are Highway 401 . . . . . . 5.0m.-Screening required in addition to screening. Public Roads . . . . . . 3.Om...Screening Parks/ b) Foundation plantings are required Open Space . . . . . . . 3.0m.-Screening adjacent to the main entrance. Commercial . . . . . . . 3.0m...Screening c) Where the requirements of Chart Industrial . . . . . . . . . N/A ...N/A 3.3.6 is not applicable, the Institutional . . . . . . . 3.Om..Screening building setback is to be Residential . . . . . . . . 7.0m,..Perimeter Planting landscaped. d) On Mixed Commercial/Industrial Developments applications a combination of commercial and Chart 3.3.7 industrial landscape requirements Minimum Width of Type of Landscape will be applied on. Landscape Area Treatment Public Roads . . . . . . 4.5m.-Screening 3.3.7 INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Parks/ Open Space . . . . . . . 4.5m...Screening a) Minimum landscape area treatment will be waived for school Commercial . . . . . . . 3.0m...Screening boundaries adjacent to municipal parks subject to a joint use Industrial . . . . . . . . . 3.0m.-Screening agreement. Perimeter planting is still required, Institutional . . . . . . . 1.5m...N/A (Schools) Institutional . . . . . . . 3.0m.-Perimeter 3.3.8 LOW RISE MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL (Others) DEVELOPMENTS Residential . . . . . . . . 3.0m.-Screening a) Landscape screening of the rear yard setbacks between privacy areas of townhouse blocks. b) Landscape screening of privacy areas from adjacent pedestrian walkways, internal roadways, recreational amenities and services areas. The minimum width is 5.0m. c) Foundation planting is required near all entrances. 599 1 . .' 9 d) Special landscape treatment is Chart 3.3.8 required at the intersections Minimum Width of Type of Landscape of municipal and internal Landscape Area Treatment roadways. Public Roads . . . . . . . 4.5m...Screening e) Front entrance walks are Parks/ required from the front Open Space . . . . . . . 4,5m...Screening entrances of the units. The standard width of a front Commercial . . . . . . . 3.Om...Perimeter Planting entrance walk is lm minimum Industrial . . . . . . . . . 3.0m...Perimeter Planting and should be of a hard Institutional . . . . . . . 3.Om...Screening surface other than asphalt. Residential . . . . . . . . 3.0m.-Perimeter Planting f) Patios which may include wood decks, are required to be a minimum of 11 square metres. (not including steps). g) Privacy screens (1.8m high wood screen fence) are required between the rear privacy areas of the units. The standard length of the screens is 3.Om between privacy areas and 4.5m minimum at the ends of the townhouse blocks. (Privacy screens are to screen the entire length of the patio area). 3.3.9 HIGH RISE MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT a) Landscape screening of privacy Chart 3.3.9 areas from adjacent pedestrian Minimum Width of Type of Landscape walkways, internal roadways, Landscape Area Treatment recreational amenities and service areas. The minimum width is 5.Om Public Roads . . . . . . 4.5m...Screening for this item. Parks/ Open Space . . . . . . . 4.5m...Screening Should the minimum landscape area width not be achieved, a Commercial . . . . . . 3.0m..Yerimeter Planting masonry wall 1.5m high is Industrial . . . . . . . . 3.Om...Perimeter Planting required to screen the privacy Institutional . . . . . . 3.0m...Perimeter Planting area The masonry wall should be of the same material as the Residential . . . . . . . 3.Om...Perimeter Planting architecture of the building. Wood fence is not acceptable. High Rise Residential . . . . . . . 3.0m..Yerimeter Planting b) Foundation planting is required near all entrances. ' 99 15 3.4 PARKING LOTS AND SERVICE AREAS 3.4.1 All parking lots shall comply with the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63. 3.4.2 Vehicular access points are to be defined by a minimum 3.Om wide landscaped area and may include such special identification features such as gateposts. 3.4.3 Major internal vehicular routes are to be defined with minimum 3.Om wide landscaped area. Minor internal vehicular routes are to be defined with minimum 0.5m wide landscaped traffic islands. 3.4.4 Landscaped traffic islands shall be constructed for low maintenance. All hard surface materials utilized for islands, are to be of a material other than asphalt. 3.4.5 Continuous poured concrete curbing (15cm high) is required in the following areas: i) along internal roadways; ii) around traffic islands; iii) between all asphalt and landscape areas. 3.4.6 All parking and service areas shall be well lighted. However, light standards greater than 9 m are discouraged. Moreover, measures such as lighting redirection and additional screening measures may be required to reduce the effects of lighting glare on adjacent lands or the roadway. 3.4.7 All parking lots shall have planting incorporated with their interior as well as perimeter planting. These internal parking planting areas shall be provided at the minimum rate of one tree for each twenty parking spaces. These planting area shall be designed in such a manner as to soften the visual impact of large parking areas. 3.4.8 Service areas should not be located where they are visually prominent from a public roadway or public facility. Where this is unavoidable, special architectural enhancements should be incorporated. Landscaping or other screening measures designed to minimize the adverse audio and visual impact will be required. 3.4.9 Hydro transformers, hydrants or similar structures located within or adjacent to parking areas, should be surrounded by bollards or be located on a curbed traffic island. 3.4.10 Garbage collection areas are to be adequately screened visually by fences or landscaping and integrated with the architectural style of the project. 3.4.11 Landscape elements such as shrubs and trees shall be setback a minimum of 0.5m from the curb in parking areas. 5,99 16 3.5 PEDESTRIAN AREAS 3.5.1 Surfaces for all walkways are to be of a hard surface material other than asphalt, with the exception of park path connections. 3.5.2 Pedestrian areas shall be designed to accommodate the physically handicapped and the elderly. 3.5.3 Pedestrian sidewalks shall be a minimum width of 1.25 metres. Any sidewalk abutting parking spaces shall be a minimum width of 1.8 metres. 3.5.4 Planters, benches, guy wires, light standards and other site furnishings shall not obstruct the pedestrian walkway. These facilities should be located at the edge of walkways to ensure that a minimum clearance width of 1.25 metres is maintained at all times for pedestrian use. 3.5.5 Vehicular and pedestrian traffic shall be separated,whenever feasible. Appropriately marked pedestrian walkways and crossings shall be provided across internal roadways where deemed necessary, especially in the vicinity of major buildings, site entranceways or transit stops. 3.5.6 Lighting may be required along pedestrian walkways or bikeways where safety or security may be a concern. Walkway lighting shall be appropriately scaled for its purpose. 3.5.7 Where a private walkway is required to an adjacent transit stop, special landscape treatment shall be required. 3.6 PLAY AREAS 3.6.1 Play areas shall be proportionate to the size of the project and the number of children that will be using them. The equipment should reflect the dimensions of the playground and offer a variety of functions conducive to the play experience. 3.6.2 Play areas for younger children should provide the following. a) Soft surface b) Proper drainage c) Edging around the play area d) Equipment which is conducive to the play experience and creative in nature e) Hard surface apron around the play area (minimum 12m width) f) Sitting areas - benches with back rests g) Protection from traffic h) Screening from adjacent units i) Access to the play area j) High branching trees for shade 3.6.3 For multiple unit residential projects greater than 25 units, separate play areas for older children shall be incorporated. Play areas for older children should provide the following: a) Hard surface for activities like basketball and hockey b) Proper drainage c) Backstop for bouncing balls d) Protection from traffic e) Screening from adjacent units f) Access to the play area 599 11 e) Screening from adjacent-units*. f) Access to the'play area 3.7 ACCESS FOR THE HANDICAPPED 3.7.1 The principal entrance of every commercial and industrial unit shall open to the outdoors at sidewalk level or to a ramp. Flush thresholds are required at the entrances. 3.7.2 Handicapped parking spaces must be located as close to the main entrance as possible, preferably within 15m. The space must allow immediate access to a walkway without requiring a person to pass behind or between parked cars or across traffic. 3.7.4 The following standards shall be incorporated for barrier-free access design: Minimum unobstructed width: 920mm Maximum slope: 1:12 Maximum length of handicap ramp: 9m Minimum size landing for turning- 1.5m square 3.7.5 Handrails are required on at least one side of a ramp. IN ADDITION, PLEASE REFER TO ONTARIO BUILDING CODE, SECTION 3.7 - BARRIER FREE DESIGN 3.8 PLANTING POLICIES 3.8.1 The minimum acceptable size for plant material are: Deciduous Trees 60mm calliper Coniferous Trees 2.Om height Shrubs 60cm height and 45cm width (for screen planting only) Plant material spacing shall be appropriate to the species and the purpose of the planting. DECIDUOUS TREES IN HIGH-INTENSITY USE AREAS SUCH AS MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS SHALL BE GREATER THAN THE MINIMUM. 3.8.2 Deciduous trees shall be high branching varieties. They shall be true to the character and habit of their species, single-stemmed, clear of branches to a height of 1.4m from the ground and be free of any wounds or damage to the bark or branches. 3.8.3 Plant material selection should be based on site specific consideration of soil, drainage, exposure and other pertinent conditions. Only nursery stock free of disease, insect infestation, abnormal growth and physical injury shall be used for landscaping purposes. 3.8.4 The following standards and specifications shall be adhered to: (i) Planting and staking specifications shall conform with the Canadian Nursery Trade Association Standards and Appendix F. (ii) All plant material is to conform to the Canadian Nursery Trades Association Metric Guide Specifications and Standards. (iii) All sod is to conform to the Canadian Nursery Sod Growers Specifications. 59 8 y 13. : . 3.8.5 It is the responsibility of the owner to maintain' staking and other protective features. 3.8.6 No planting is permitted within a drainage swale. 3.8.7 All grassed areas are to be sodded. 3.9 FENCING POLICIES 3.9.1 Where fencing is required, it shall normally be located on private property and shall be constructed and maintained to the satisfaction of the Town. Fencing is required as outlined in Chart 3.9.1. 3.9.2 The fencing requirements for proposed developments adjacent to active playground areas in parks may exceed the 1.2 metre requirement depending on the nature of the activity. In such cases, fencing of 1.8 to 2.1 metres in height would be required, 3.9.3 Notwithstanding 3.9.1, where fencing is required by Chart 3.9.2 forms the boundary between Town-owned park or open space land and private property, the fencing shall be located on the property line. 3.9.4 All fences required shall be detailed and installed in accordance to the minimum standards described in Appendix G. 3.9.5 Measures such as agreements, covenants on title, easements and specific by-laws may be required to ensure that the integrity of the fencing is maintained (height, colour, materials, form). 3.9.6 Fencing shall be installed six (6) months from the date of issuance of a building permit for the site or as determined in the site plan agreement. 3.9.7 Retaining walls over 1 metre in height will require a safety rail at the top of the wall. 599 19 14 Chart 3.9.1 Fencing Requirements Existing or Future Land Use Proposed Land Use Commercial Industrial Institutional Schools Residential Railway .ParWfpen Spaoe Commercial N.A. N.A. 1.8m solid 1.8m chain 1.8m solid 1.8m chain 1.8. .vinyl screen fence link fence screen fence link fence cliain link Service Station N.A. N.A. 1.8m solid 1.8m chain 1.8m solid 1.8m chain , 1.8m vinyl screen fence link fence screen fence link fence *chain.link industrial N.A. N.A. 1.8m solid 1.8m chain 1.8m solid 1.8m chain 1.8m'vinyl -0 screen fence link fence screen fence link fence chain link ,Institutional 1.2m vinyl 1.8m solid 1.8m solid 1.8m chain 1.8m solid acoustic 12m.vinyl C chain link screen fence screen fence link fence screen fence barrier/berm chain link. fence School 1.2m vinyl 1.8m solid 1.8m solid 1.8m chain 1.8m solid acoustic N/A chain link screen fence screen fence link fence screen fence barrier/berm fence Low Rise Multiple 1.8m solid 1.8m solid 1.8m solid 1.8m chain 1.8m solid acoustic L2m vinyl** Residential screen fence screen fence screen fence link fence screen fence barrier/berm chaiii•.link High Rise Multiple 1.8m solid 1.8m solid 1.8m solid 1.8m chain 1.8m solid* acoustic -1.2m vinyl** Residential screen fence screen fence link fence link fence screen fence barrier/berm chain,link * High-Rise Development abutting High-Rise Development requires only 1.2m Chain Link Fence. **Residential Development abutting open space areas do not require fencing. 4. LANDSCAPE PLAN REQUIREMENTS: 4.1 REQUIRF14:'NTS OF LANDSCAPE PLANS 4.1.1 Landscape drawings shall be prepared by a qualified landscape architect and shall bear the architect's membership stamp in the "Ontario Association of Landscape Architects". 4.1.2 All drawings related to the site plan, including architectural landscape or engineering drawings, should be of the same size, scale and orientation, unless enlarged or reduced scale drawings are required showing specific details. Landscape plans are to conform to the Site Plan. The grading is to conform to the Site Grading and Drainage Plan for the project, as submitted and approved by the Consulting Engineer. (See 4.2.2 Grading Note). Landscape plans are to be final design and working drawings. All landscape plans are to be drawn in METRIC and FOLDED to 21.6cm x 35.7cm (8.5" x 14"). 4.1.3 The landscape plan shall clearly identify and document pertinent site information and design details as follows: a) A Key Plan indicating the exact location of the site with a north arrow. b) The following Grading Information: i) Natural Features which are existing and those which the builder has designated for preservation, shall be indicated; ii) Existing and proposed contours; iii) Regulatory Flood, top of bank contours and bottom of bank contours of all water courses within the property; iv) Adjacent Roads and Properties surrounding the subject lands are to be adequately marked with spot elevations to show the slope of the land; v) Elevations of proposed walls within the project boundaries are to be marked with "Top of Wall" and "Bottom of Wall'; vi) Steps shall be shown indicating their number and size. Spot elevations are to be shown at the top and bottom of the steps. vii) Drainage flow arrows to indicate direction of drainage; viii) All catch basins and sub-drains shall be clearly marked with proposed spot elevations. ix) Structures: Indicate building entrances and spot elevations at each entrance (door and garages) and show the finished ground floor elevations of all buildings; x) Location and elevations of underground structures. c) Location of existing and proposed features including walkways, parking lots, screens,protective fencing, exterior lighting, street furniture, hydrants, curbs and existing and proposed ground signs. d) Plant material is to be clearly labelled with a key system. A Plant List shall accompany each Landscape Plan. A typical plant list shall provide the following type of information: I 599 21 16' Botanical Name Common Name Caliper Height Spread Root Remarks Quantity Acer Norway 60mm 3600mm 1800mm B&B Uniform 10 Platanoides Maple Picea Colorado -- 2000mm 1250mm SB Specimen 15 Pungens Spruce Euonymus Fortunei Emerald Gaiety -- -- 500mm Potted Min. 2 yrs. 8 "Emerald Gaiety" Euonymous Growth e) Details and/or specifications are to be included to clarify the drawings: i) Planting Details - coniferous and deciduous trees, and shrubs (staking, guying, installation, pruning etc.); ii) Soil types and additives (fertilizers, peat moss, mulch etc,); iii) Landscape Structures - benches, play structures, fences, walkways, retaining walls, planters, edgers, stairs, ramps, etc.; iv) Surface Materials (paving, sodding, etc.); v) Any other landscape feature requiring clarification. f) All existing trees to be preserved or removed are to be accurately located and clearly specked as to the type, diameter and condition on plan. g) Type of surface materials; h) Type and location of all easements, sight triangles and road widenings; i) Recreation amenities: Adult and child facilities are to be included, fully designed and . dimensioned; j) Show all existing and proposed street trees adjacent to the site. 4.1.5 The Title Block of a Landscape Plan shall include the following information: a) Project Title or proposed use of building; b) Name of Owner; c) Project Address or Location; d) Subject of Drawing (eg. Landscape Plan, Detail, Tree Inventory); e) Scale; f) Name, address and telephone number of Designer; and g) Professional Seal. 4.1.6 The Information Panel of the Landscape Plan shall include the following a) Date of issue of drawing; b) Nature and date of each revision; c) Key to symbols and abbreviations; and d) General and speck notes. 4.1.7 Landscape Plans shall show adjacent roads and properties for a minimum of 10 metres surround the subject lands shall be adequately marked with spot elevations to show the slope of the land. The location and name of adjacent roads shall be shown and the description of adjacent land uses shall be marked on the plans. 599 2 17 4.2 STANDARD LANDSCAPE PLAN NOTES The following notes to be included on the landscape plans are requirements for the approval of the Landscape Plan. 4.2.1 Owner's Note i) To be included on Landscape Plans prepared by a Landscape Architect: We agree to implement the approved landscape plans within 18 months after the execution of Site Plan Agreement and will retain the Landscape Architect to make periodic site inspections and on completion of the landscape works, we will forward to you a copy of the "Landscape Completion Notification Certificate" from the Landscape Architect. Any revision to the landscape plans will be submitted to the Department of Planning and Development of the Town of Newcastle and before commencement of the works, for review and approval. We hereby authorize the Town, its authorized agents, servants or employees to enter upon our land to which these drawings apply, to carry out inspections from time to time and agree to indemnify the Town and its authorized agents and save them harmless from any and all actions arising out of the exercise by the Town, its authorized agents, servants or employees of the rights hereby given to them. And we further undertake to notify the Town forthwith of any change of ownership of the said lands. Signature of Owner: Name of Owner: Address: Date: ii) Where it has been determined by the Director of Planning and Development that a Landscape Architect is not required to prepare the landscape plans, the following note may be substituted for the first paragraph in the note in 4.2.1(i): We agree to implement the approved landscape plans within 18 months after the execution of the Site Plan Agreement to the satisfaction of the Department of Planning and Development and we will forward to you a copy of the "Completion Notification Certificate". 599 � ..l$ .. 4.2.2 Grading Note To be included on all grading plans submitted as part of the Landscape Plan submission. I hereby certify that these Landscape Plans conform to the Site Grading & Drainage Plan for this project, as submitted by the project's Consulting Engineer. Signature of Landscape Architect Name of landscape Architect Date: 4.2.3 Parkland Note To be included on all landscape plans for projects abutting parklands. We will be responsible to give a minimum one(1) week written notice to the Operations Superintendent Community Services Department, prior to any construction within or adjacent to the park. We also will accept responsibility to make the necessary repairs incurred by the construction of the project, to the public lands, to the satisfaction of the Town prior to the issuance of the "Landscape Completion Notification Certificate" from the Landscape Architect. Signature of Owner: Name of Owner: Date: 4.2.4 Landscaping on Municipal Boulevards Should there be any proposed landscaping on the municipal boulevard adjacent to the site plan application, the following note should be included on the landscape plans: The applicant will be responsible to acquire the necessary approvals from the utility companies and the responsible road authority (i.e. Newcastle Public Works Department) prior to the installation of the landscape works on the municipal boulevard. 599 24 4.2.5 Street Tree Relocation Should any existing street tree be required to be removed due to the location of the driveway, include the following note on the landscape plan: The owner is responsible to give a minimum of five (5) days notice to the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department, prior to the time the street tree(s) are being relocated, for the installation of the driveway. - 4.2.6 Protection and Preservation of Existing Ve etation To be included on all landscape plans for projects with the existing vegetation to be preserved. a) All existing trees and other plants which are to remain shall be fully protected with hoarding, i.e. snow fencing, erected beyond their "drip line" prior to the issuance of the Building Permit, to the satisfaction of the Planning and Development Department. Areas within the protective fencing shall remain undisturbed and shall not be used for the storage of building materials or equipment. b) No rigging cables shall be wrapped around or installed in trees and surplus soil, equipment debris or materials shall not be placed over root systems of the trees within the protective fencing. No contaminants will be dumped or flushed where feeder roots of trees exist. c) The developer or his/her agents shall take every precaution necessary to prevent damage to trees or shrubs to be retained. d) Where limbs or portions of trees are removed to accommodate construction work, they will be removed carefully in accordance with accepted arboricultural practice. e) Where root systems of protected tress are exposed directly adjacent to or damaged by construction work, they shall be trimmed neatly and the area backfilled with appropriate material to prevent desiccation. fl Where necessary, the trees will be given an overall pruning to restore the balance between roots and top growth or to restore the appearance of the trees. g) Trees that have died or have been damaged beyond repair, shall be removed and replaced by the owner at his own expense with trees of a size, species and of equal value as approved by the Director of Planning and Development. Failure to replace damaged trees to a condition satisfactory to the Town shall result in the Town's exercising its right to draw down on the Letter of Credit. h) If grades around trees to be protected are likely to change, the owner shall be required to take such precautions as dry welling, retaining walls and root feeding to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Development. 5995 -20: 5. LANDSCAPE INSPECTION PROCESS 5.1 The following inspection procedure is to be followed upon completion of the landscape works: 5.1.1 STEP 1 Upon completion of the landscape works, a"Landscape Completion Notification Certificate", (Appendix C) from the Landscape Architect is to be submitted to the Department of Planning and Development. Due to weather conditions, final approval of the landscape works by the Town will occur between May 1st and October 31st. 5.1.2. STEP 2 Upon receipt of a "Landscape Completion Notification Certificate", the Town will make an inspection to verify that the landscape works are installed in accordance with the approved landscape plans. 5.1.3 STEP 3 Should any on-site discrepancies and/or deficiencies be found, an inspection report will be issued to the applicant and the consulting Landscape Architect. Upon completion of the items outlined in the inspection report, the applicant will notify the Town for a final inspection. 5.1.4 STEP 4 Upon completion of the landscape works to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Development, an approval will be issued and the Treasurer will notify the Bank to release eighty percent (80%) of the Letter of Credit. The warranty period begins as of the date of.the Town's approval. 5.1.5 STEP 5 Upon the expiry of the warranty period, the Owner shall ensure all staking of plant material is removed. A"Warranty Period Completion Certificate" (Appendix D) shall be submitted to the Town, and the remaining twenty percent (20%) of the Letter of Credit shall be returned less any monies required for repair or replacement of landscape elements in accordance with requirements of Section 5.5. 5.2 Between November 1st and April 30th, release of any portion of the Letter of Credit without the benefit of a final site inspection shall be at the discretion of the Director of Planning and Development. A REDUCTION TO A LETTER OF CREDIT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN APPROVAL OF ANY OF THE LANDSCAPE WORKS. Reductions of the Letter of Credit will be based on the amount of site and landscape works that cannot be assessed due to weather conditions, and the site and landscape works will outstanding as estimated by the Town of Newcastle. To request a reduction to a letter of Credit,"Landscape Letter of Credit Reduction Request" (Appendix E) from the consulting Landscape Architect is to be submitted to the Department of Planning and Development. 5 9 9 2 C/� : . 21 5.3 During all phases of construction, all projects may be subject to periodic site-inspections by the Town to ensure adherence to the approved Landscape Plans. 5.4 In the event that plant materials cannot be installed as indicated on the plans and no suitable relocation site can be determined, cash-in-lieu may be accepted, equal to the value of the tree installed. 5.5 Approval requirements for the landscape works are as follows: i) The landscape works are to be 100% completed in accordance with the approved landscape plans; ii) All landscape works are to be maintained and all plant material is to be in healthy vigorous state of growth; and iii) A landscape contractor's plant material guarantee is not acceptable in lieu of replacing dead or poor condition plant material. 5.6 Landscape development is subject to a warranty period to be established in the site plan agreement, usually 12 months. The warranty period shall commence from the date of the approval of the landscape works by the Town (Step 4). Upon the expiry of the warranty period, the remaining twenty percent (20%) of the Letter of Credit shall be returned less any monies required for repair or replacement of landscape elements. Where the landscape development has not been completed to the satisfaction of the Town with the time period specified, the Town may deduct from the Letter of Credit a non-refundable amount at the rate of 200 percent of the cost of completing any outstanding landscape development. 5.7 The Town of Newcastle relies on the professional integrity of consulting Landscape Architects to n ensure that projects are constructed according to their landscape plans and to their professional satisfaction. 599 21 " . .22 ; APPENDIX A TREE PRESERVATION PLAN, 1. The purpose of a Tree Preservation Plan is to identify the existing vegetation on site and determine what can be preserved within the proposed site development. The following information is generally required on the Tree Preservation Plan (Some items may not be pertinent to a particular project; other projects may require additional information). 2. VEGETATION INFORMATION - location of each tree exceeding 100 mm D.B.H. (diameter at breast height); - location of general areas of smaller trees or shrub growth; - species of plant material; - size of plant material; - crown of tree; - condition (state of health); - quality of tree with regard to species; - sensitivity of tree to development; - INDICATE WHETHER THE TREE IS TO BE RETAINED OR REMOVED. 3. SITE DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION - detailed layout of the proposed site plan showing building locations, driveways, parking areas, walkways, etc.; - existing and proposed grades (contours and spot elevations); - location and type of services and utilities; - construction area requirements (area around the proposed buildings required for excavation of foundations and access during construction). 4. All existing trees allocated for preservation should be properly tagged on site in accordance with the Tree Plan and protected with snow fencing beyond their dripline prior to issuance of building permits. 599 28 23 : .APPENDIX B '' COST ESTIMATE FORMAT Landscape Architect's or Landscape Contractor's Company Letterhead File No.- Name of Project: Project Location: ITEMS UNIT UNIT QUANTITY COST PRICE 1. Plant Material a) Name of plant material & size b) Name of plant material & size c) Name of plant material & size Sub Total 2. Paving Material a) Walkways (Specify type) b) Patios c) Special surface treatment areas (Specify type) Sub Total 3. Landscape Structures a) Fencing (size & type) b) Acoustical walls (size & type) c) Screen walls (size & type) d) Retaining walls (size & type) e) Planters (size & type) Sub Total 4. Recreation Amenities a) Benches b) Sitting Areas c) Play Areas Sub Total 5. Fine Grading and Sodding 6. Park Reinstatement ($5000. minimum) (if applicable) 7. Landscape Architect's Fees for supervision (5% Total Cost) 8. Contingency (15% Total Cost) TOTAL Affix OALA Seal. Signature of the Landscape Architect c.c. Applicant Date 599 29 24. APPENDIX C LANDSCAPE COMPLETION NOTIFICATION FORM Landscape Architects Company Letterhead Project Name: Town's File No.: Project Location: Owner's Name: Address: Landscape Contractor's Name: Address: hereby notify the Town of Newcastle Department of Planning & Development that the landscape works have been completed to our satisfaction. We therefore request a landscape inspection by the Town of Newcastle for approval of the landscape works. Affix OALA Seal Landscape Architect's Signature: Date: c.c. Applicant 599 30 25 APPENDIX D LANDSCAPE WARRANTY PERIOD COMPLETION FORM Owner's Company Letterhead Project Name: Town's File No.: Project Location: Owner's Name: Address: hereby notify the Town of Newcastle Department of Planning and Development that the landscape works have been inspected and subsequently approved by the Town on . The month warranty period has now expired and we therefore request a landscape inspection by the Town of Newcastle and release of the holdback amount from the letter of Credit. Owners Signature c.c. Landscape Architect 599 S1 26 ". APPENDIX E LETTER OF CREDIT REDUCTION REQUEST Landscape Architects Company Letter Project Name: Town's File No.: Project Location: Owner's Name: Address: Landscape Contractor's Name: Address: hereby notify the Town of Newcastle Department of Planning and Development that the landscape works have been completed as of the date of this letter. 1) % of plant material 2) % of grading and sodding 3) % of fencing 4) % of hard surface material 5) % of 6) % of Other Comments: Since weather conditions do not permit the Town of Newcastle to conduct a proper inspection of the landscape works at this time, we request that the applicant be granted a reduction to the Letter of Credit. Affix OALA Landscape Architect's Signature: Date: c.c. Applicant 59 !(� S2 ���--- PRUNE BRANCHES AND FOLIAGE (NOT-ALL END TIPS) BY I/3 RETAINING CHARACTERISTIC SHAPE. # 10 GA LV. WIRE GUYS SPACED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO TREE AND STAKED WITH 'HEAVY DUTY' T—BARS 2400 mm LONG. T-BARS TO BE PAINTED BLACK WITH APPROVED RUST PROOF PAINT. T- BARS SHALL NOT TOUCH OR PIERCE ROOT BALL. END LOOPS OF WIRE TO BE ENCASED IN 12.5mm DIA. BLACK RUBBER HOSE. WRAP ALL DECIDUOUS TREES WITH APPROVED TREE WRAP FROM TOP OF a. ROOT BALL TO SECOND BRANCH. MAINTAIN ORIGINAL GRADE OF TREE BASE AFTER PLANTING. CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOT BALL. IOOmm DEPTH ( MIN) WOOD CHIP MULCH. CONSTRUCT IOOmm DEPTH IOOOmm O SAUCER AT BASE OF TREE. PLANTING SOIL AS PER SPECIFICATIONS � o •.� :.fti�� FINISHED GRADE SCARIFY SUBGRADE NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. DRAWN DATE S L W FEB,14,1990 APPROVED DECIDUOUS TREE DETAIL N0. PLANTING DETAIL SALE NTS 599 SS PRUNE BRANCHES. RETAINING CHARACTERISTIC SHAPE. DO NOT CUT LEADER BRANCH. # 10 GALV. WIRE GUYS SPACE AT RIGHT ANGLES TO TREE AND STAKED WITH 'HEAVY DUTY' T- BARS 2400 mm LONG.T-BA RS TO BE PAINTED BLACK WITH APP- ROVED RUST PROOF PAINT. T-B SHALL NOT TOUCH OR PIERCE ROOT BALL. END LOOPS OF WIRE TO BE ENCASED IN 12.5 mm DIA. BLACK RUBBER HOSE. MAINTAIN ORIGINAL GRADE OF TREE BASE AFTER PLANTING, IOOmm DEPTH ( MIND WOOD CHIP MULCH. CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP • FROM THIRD TOP OF BALL. PLANTING SOIL AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. NOTES I. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES. 2TREES SPACED 3000mm 0/C OR CLOSER SHALL BE CONTAINED IN CONTINUOUS PLANTING BED. DRAWN DATE SLW FEB.14,1990 l APPROVED CONIFEROUS TREE DETAIL PLANTING DETAIL NO, NTS '599 S4 PRUNE BRANCHES AND FOLIAGE, RETAINING CHARACTERISTIC SHAPE. IOOmm DEPTH (MIN) WOOD CHIP MULCH. CONSTRUCT MINIMUM 500mm 0 SAUCER AT BASE OF SHRUBS. FINISHED GRADE AA 8 CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP THIRD OF BALL. PLANTING SOIL MIXTURE AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. SCARIFY SUBGRADE. NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 2. ALL SHRUBS SHALL BE CONTAINED IN A CONTINUOUS PLANTING BED. 3. SHRUBS PLACED GREATER THAN 23DOmm o.c. SHALL BE SODDED TO SOIL SAUCER. 4. ALL DECIDUOUS OR CONIFEROUS SHRUBS TALLER THAN 1500mm SHALL BE STAKED WITH A MINIMUM OF ONE 5Ommx5Omm POST NOT LESS THAN 2500mm LONG. 5. SET SHRUBS 50mm HIGHER THAN FINISHED GRADE. DRAWN DATE SLW FEB.14,1990 APPROVED DETAIL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL NO. NTS 599 35- 2134 1981 42.9 mm O.D.PIPERAIL KNUCKLED TOP EDGE FASTENERS@ 450mm o.c. 60.3 9 mm O.D. END OR CORNER POST mm O.D. LINE POSTS o FASTENERS Q 350 mm ox. a TT7 ,38mm GALVANIZED WIRE MESH STEEL. STRETCHER 13AR 5irm xl9mrm No.9 GAUGE-� MIN. KNUCKLED BOTTOM EDGE FORGED TURNBUCKLE 75mm MAXIMUM CLEARANCE +, GROUND LINE STRETCHER BAR BANOS® Ex' 300mm � �:�•;�� STEEL 3mm x IBm1n MIN. �f} 'o ALUMINUM 5mm x 19mm MIN. 4 ! o °o : _ .'... � M CLASS OF CONCRETE MIN. 20 MPc ® 28 DAYS NOTES I. LENGTH BETWEEN POSTS END CORNER AND STRAINING POSTS 2134 mm FOR 914mm-1200 mm HIGH FENCES. LINE POSTS, 1981 mm FOR 914mm-1200mm HIGH FENCES,. 2. FASTENERS, 6 Ga. ALUMINUM OR HEAVIER. 3.ALL POST AND PIPE RAILS TO BE GALVANIUD. 4.ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES. DRAWN DATE SLW FEB. 14, 1990 APPROVED DETAIL 12 m HT. CHAINLINK FENCE NO. NTS 599 36 3048 2896 BRACE PANEL KNUCKLED TOP EDGE 42.9 mm O.D. PIPE RAIL FASTENERS Q 450 mm o.c. 88.9 mm O.D. END STRAINING OR CORNER POST. 60.3mm O.D. LINE POST STEEL STRETCHER BAR 5mm x 19 mm MIN. FASTENERSQ350mm o.c. 429mm O.D. BRACE STRETCHER BANDS 300mm o.c. 50mm GALVANIZED WIRE MESH STEEL:3mm x 19ax+n MIN. No. 9 GAUGE ALUM: 5mm x 19mm MIN. KNUCKLED BOTTOM EDGE DROP FORGED TURNBUCKLE 75mm MAXIMUM CLEARANCE r� GROUND LINE TOP OF SLOPED 1FOOTING TO BE Ar z r ' ° 94 T y CLASS OF CONCRETE: 20 MPa ® 28 DAYS WN �NNP NOTES L LENGTH BETWEEN POSTS END CORNER AND STRAINING POSTS 3048mm FOR 1829mm HIGH FENCES. LIN? POST 2896mm FOR 1829 mm HIGH FENCE. 2.FASTENERS, 6 Go. ALUMINUM OR HEAVIER. 3.ALL POSTS AND RIPE RAILS TO BE GALVANIZED. 4.ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES. DRAWN DATE S L W FEB.14, APPROVED DETAIL 1.8m HT. CHAINLINK FENCE O. SCALE NTS 599 V 25mm x .150mm BOARDS EQUALLY* SPACED Ox, 25mm OVERLAP -L;=Q- C233 CE-0 CzErmEm TYPICAL IOOmm x IOOmm TIMBER POST. o ' + + t + + + + +_ _+ _+ t _� ± SELF TAPPING GALVANIZED SCREWS,MINIMUM 2 PER BOARD TOP AND BOTTOM. 25mm x 150mm ROUGH SAWN BOARD. 0 o - ao 50 mm x 150 mm WOOD RAIL ON 0o EDGE, TOP AND BOTTOM A.TTACHED N TO-STEEL POSTS WITH L — BRACKET WELDED TO POSTS C/w 65 mm LAG BOLT THROUGH RAIL } AND BRACKET. + 4 + + + + + 300mm O CONCRETE FOOTING + + + + t + WITH CHAMFER EXPOSED. EDGES -- z- CLASS OF CONCRETE:20 MP a ® 28 ° 0 DAYS ROUND LINE 0 o_ 60 � - 11 IIIiI °_ NOTES .. r. 1.ALL WOOD COMPONENTS SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED JACKPINE OR COMPACTED CLEAR SPRUCE, NATURAL CEDAR o CRUSHED GRAVEL OR REDWOOD PERMITTED. 2. ALL METAL COMPONENTS TO BE GALVANIZED. &ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES. DRAWN DATE SLW FER14,IM APPROVED rOOD FENCE DETAIL NO.DETAIL SCALE NTS 599 38 PRECAST CONCRETE CAP' EACH PIECE SET WITH TWO VgRTICAL AND TWO HORIZONTAL DOWELS w ck: HARD FIRED BRICK WITH o LOW MOISTURE ABSORBANCY 0 N 10m or 15m RE BAR 900 mm o.c. CORROSION RESISTANT METAL °—° ~ TIES 900 mm o.c. HORIZONTAL 450mm o.c,VERTICAL. ALTERNATE COURSES. GROUND LINE 0 z �° i 1 A POURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION a ' 28 DA OF CONCRETE 20 MPa d Cli 225 225 100 100 NOTES I. EXPANSION JOINTS PROVIDED®1525 mm o.c. 2 ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES. 3. METAL TIES SHALL HAVE A CROSS— SECTIONAL AREA OF 17.8 mm2. 0 25 1 175 DRAWN DATE SLW FEB. 14, (990 APPROVED DETAIL TYPICAL BRICK WALL N0. SCALE NTS I 599 � 9