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Fi le #,4,5-. t3
Res. #
By-Law #
MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee
DATE: I September 4, 1990
REPORT #: PD-261-90 FILE #:
It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and
Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:
1 . THAT Report PD-261-90 be received;
2 . THAT the Region of Durham be forwarded a copy of Report PD-
261-90 .
1. 1 On October 17, 1989 , Premier David Peterson asked Ron Kanter,
M.P.P. St. Andrew-St. Patrick, to conduct a study and
recommend options for a Greenlands Strategy for the Greater
Toronto Area. On July 26, 1990, Ron Kanters overview,
'Options for a Greater Toronto Area Greenlands Strategy 19901 ,
was released and received by the Town of Newcastle.
2 .1 Tasks
To examine options for developing a Greater Toronto Area
Greenlands Strategy, three main tasks were undertaken:
REPORT NO. : PD-261-90 PAGE 2
i) the identification of areas to be included in a regional
greenlands system;
ii) the examination of various mechanisms to secure and, as
appropriate, to rehabilitate or enhance greenlands; and
iii) the examination of alternative institutional arrangements
to assist in implementing a strategy.
2.2 In undertaking this study, the study team contacted
representatives from various government bodies, umbrella
interest groups, academics, and professionals . On February
21, 1990, Town Planning Staff responded to a questionnaire
circulated by Mr. Ron Kanter, M.P.P.
2.3 The study perspective was regional, not local, in focus.
Areas were examined with a view to inclusion in a Major
greenlands system for the GTA. As a result, local municipal
parks and open spaces were not specifically included. Such
lands, however, do have a definite role to play by feeding
into a larger regional greenlands system.
The study team quickly became aware that there are many
organizations involved, to varying degrees, in greenlands .
The question most often posed by these organizations was how
this particular study related to the initiatives of other
organizations. The study team thus developed the approach
that the study was intended to develop options for a
greenlands strategy, and that this strategy would provide an
overview or overall framework for greenlands .
REPORT NO. : PD-261-90 PAGE 3
3. 1 Defining Greenlands and the Importance of Developing a
The study first identified a definition of greenlands and why
it is important to develop a strategy to protect and utilize
The study overview notes that "Greenlands" have traditionally
been viewed primarily as public recreation parks . In recent
years, however, a fundamental shift in thinking has been
occurring. People are starting to consider greenlands as
significant with respect to their own personal health and
enjoyment as well as to the overall health of the environment.
The importance of natural ecosystems, significant wildlife
habitats, of rested areas and major physiographic features is
an emerging public value.
"Greenlands" were thus defined within the study to include:
natural, cultural or archaeologically significant
areas performing important natural functions such
as water recharge and discharge or habitate links;
green corridors or open space areas for walking,
jogging, hiking, cycling, or cross country skiing.
Acknowledging that future growth within the GTA could
jeopardize the balance between our built and natural
environments, this study suggests that a Greenland Strategy
would aid in:
providing clear direction;
addressing the pressures on greenlands associated
with rapid urbanization;
REPORT NO. : PD-261-90 PAGE 4
providing information so that significant open space
and natural areas can be incorporated upfront in the
planning and development process; and,
providing a common, consistent starting point for
all interests-governments, developers, interest
groups and residents - and indicating the areas of
3.2 Development of a Proposed Greenlands System
The study recognizes a total of 975 individual greenland
areas/features, (Attachment 1) , and suggests that an
ecosystem-based approach be taken to link and connect these
individual areas . Special attention was also given to
determining the significance, sensitivity and ultimate role
of the Oak Ridges Moraine. The study further suggests the
development of a Regional Trail System which would serve to
link the major physiographic features of the GTA.
3.3 Managing Greenlands
The Study also examined how best to 'manage' the greenlands
area over time. It was noted that neither urbanization nor
greenlands are defined by municipal boundaries alone.
Instead, greenlands should be viewed within an overall
ecosystem context. An ecosystem is the system formed by the
interaction of all living things with one another and with
their habitat. For example the preferred management approach
would address an entire valleyland, rather than the portion
of that valleyland which is located in one particular
3.4 Options for Securing Greenlands
The study team examined methods of securing greenlands . The
options identified within the study include: land use planning
REPORT NO. : PD-261-90 PAGE 5
and controls; development permit system; acquisition; land
stewardship; and other mechanisms .
These options are summarized as follows :
I. Land Use Planning and Controls: The study recognizes
that land use planning in Ontario is performed at three
levels - by local municipalities, regional municipalities
and the province.
Local Municipalities:
i) That a portion of the land obtained through parkland
dedication, be requested specifically for greenlands
as opposed to parks .
ii) That where valleylands are subject to a development
application, municipalities could be formally given
the ability to request dedication of valleylands in
addition to the usual parkland dedication.
iii) That municipalities be given greater control over
site preparation, to ensure that sites are not left
exposed and subject to runoff and erosion.
Regional Municipalities:
i) That development of greenland and rural envelopes
be established in Regional Official Plans.
ii) That Regional Municipalities take an active role in
the implementation of a greenlands strategy, and
that the Region prepare a 'greenlands action plan' .
The plan would fine tune the greenlands strategy and
incorporate information from local municipalities
and conservation authorities .
`) / 4
REPORT NO. : PD-261-90 PAGE 6
i) Preparation of provincial guidelines geared towards
securing greenlands .
ii) Preparation of a Policy Statement under Section 3
of the Planning Act, which would include a
greenlands strategy.
iii) Preparation of land preservation legislation.
iv) Declaration of provincial interest under Section 2
of the Planning Act with respect to the Oak Ridges
v) Bring into force a Minister's Interim Control or
Zoning Order for the Oak Ridges Moraine.
vi) Preparation of detailed plans for the Oak Ridges
Moraine under the Ontario Planning and Development
Act, a designation of a public body such as the
Niagara Escarpment Commission.
II . Development Permit System:
i) Amend Conservation Authorities Act so that control
of buildings or structures anywhere in valleys and
control of the removal of material as well as the
dumping of fill.
ii) Expand the definition of 'conservation' within the
Conservation Authorities Act to include the
protection of natural features .
iii) Develop well water permit system which takes into
account cumulative effects of development, and would
REPORT NO. : PD-261-90 PAGE 7
establish a 'water budget' .
iv) Investigate alternative septic designs for sensitive
areas such as the Oak Ridges Moraine.
III. Acquisition:
i) Establish a greenlands acquisition program in the
order of $100 million over 5 years .
IV. Land Stewardship:
i) Investigate various land stewardship techniques
which include agreements, leases, conservation
easements with private landowners as well as
purchase/sale back, creative development approaches,
conservation real estate, designation and dedication
of areas .
ii) Establish a foundation or land trust to oversee the
implementation of a land stewardship program.
iii) Establish tax incentives to those who practice land
V. Other Mechanisms:
i) Amend the 'Trees Act' to give municipalities greater
authority to restrict and regulate the destruction
of trees .
ii) Encourage Compact Urban Form and the Clustering of
iii) Establish buffer zones along valleys and
watercourses .
'� / 6
REPORT NO. : PD-261-90 PAGE 8
3.5 Institutional Arrangements
The study team examined possible institutional arrangements
to help implement the strategy. The study identifies three
possible arrangements:
i) existing agencies and organizations could implement
those aspects that fall within their respective
ii) create a new agency; or
iii) establish a co-ordinating body, without legislative
authority, to oversee implementation.
The study suggests that the appropriate institutional
arrangement be decided once a GTA Greenland Strategy is
After a review of the options for securing greenlands, the
Kanter Report reached six main conclusions:
1. There is need to urgent action due to strong development
pressures .
2 . Greenlands are being considered in a broader context,
more than park and open space areas .
3 . There are many public bodies and groups involved in the
protection of greenlands but there is no central focus .
4 . More specific attention must be paid to the Oak Ridges
REPORT NO. : PD-261-90 PAGE 9
5 . A more regional context must be given in consideration
of impacts and "cumulative effect" of specific
developments .
6 . Regulation, stewardship and acquisition must be used as
complementary tools to secure greenlands.
Mr. Kanter subsequently makes 16 recommendations to the
Government on a Greenlands Strategy for the Greater Toronto
Area. A synopsis of the study's conclusions and
recommendations are attached hereto as Attachment 2 .
5. 1 The purpose of this report is to inform Council and Committee
of the background behind, and the content of the Kanter Report
'Options for a Greater Toronto Area Greenlands Strategy' . The
Province has requested comments by November 5, 1990. Staff
will continue to review this study and will prepare a response
for Council endorsement prior to the deadline.
Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation
to the Committee
Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. Lawrence Kotseff
Director of Planning Chief Ad i istrative
and Development Officer
21 August 1990
Attachment 1
Provincially Significant Life 6 11 9 4 10 40
Science ANSIs
Provincially Significant 8 8 6 3 4 29
Earth Science ANSIs
Regionally Significant Life 10 11 15 7 4 42
Science ANSIs
Total ANSIs 24 30 30 14 18 111
Provincially Significant 5 10 7 1 20 43
(Class 1+2) Wetlands
Regionally Significant 6 6 6 2 12 32
(Class 3) Wetlands
Locally Significant 21 82 37 2 49 192
(Class 4 to 7) Wetlands
Total Wetlands 32 98 50 5 81 267
Coldwater Streams 4 11 10 0 21 36
Warmwater Streams 3 3 14 3 8 31
Migratory Streams 1 4 0 1 9 15
Total Streams 8 18 24 4 38 82
ESAs 48 39 64 50 82 283
Provincial Parks 1 1 2 0 1 5
Other MNR (Crown)
Lands 0 4 2 0 6 12
Conservation Areas 7 11 20 1 17 56
Other Cons. Auth. Lands 32 25 20 24 16 117
Regional Forests 0 9 18 0 1 28
TOTAL 152 235 230 98 260 975
- 9
Attachment 2
RI-' )ilM/F'/VI),,(TI NS Further,the policy statement would stress the
need for more intensive and clustered forms
of development, thereby maximizing the
(1) The Province provide clear direction through lands available for greenlands and other uses.
the endorsement of a Greater Toronto Area
Greenlands Strategy with the goal of improv-
ing the quality of life through the establish- (5) Due to the significance and sensitivity of the
ment of a regional greenlands system consist- Oak Ridges Moraine Area, the increasing
ing of a variety of types of greenlands, development pressure it is under,particularly
accessible to as many people as possible, for that section in the Towns of Richmond
where appropriate. Hill and Aurora, and the increasing concerns
about the types of development and how
development occurs, the Province declare a
(2) To guide land use planning and development, general expression of provincial interest for
appropriate ministries prepare guidelines the Oak Ridges Moraine Area,under section
addressing: (a) urban drainage/storm water (2) of the Planning Act.
management;(b)water conservation(includ-
ing groundwater); and (c) how existing tools The objective of declaring provincial interest
i under the Planning Act can appropriately would be to provide the time required to
address greenlands. conduct a comprehensive land use planning
study of the Oak Ridges Moraine Area.In the
interim, the Province would review all pro-
(3) As greenlands serve a variety of functions,the posed official plan amendments and re-
provincial resource based ministries review zoning applications within the f
their management and land stewardship pro-
grams to ensure that they are more widely Moraine Area.In the specific instances of the I
ecologically based rather than based primar- Towns of Richmond Hill and Aurora, the I
ily on economic yield or being singular in Province would also review plans of
! purpose. subdivision.
Where a proposed land use change has not
(4) The Province prepare a Greater Toronto adequately addressed the sensitivities of the
Area Greenlands policy statement pursuant Moraine Area or where a proposed land use
to section (3) of the Planning Act. change is considered premature prior to the
completion of the comprehensive land use
The overall thrust of the policy statement planning study, the Minister of Municipal
would be to limit uses to those which would Affairs could make a specific statutory decla-
not reduce the attributes of greenlands, ration of provincial interest, which would
result in the matter going to the Ontario
With particular reference to valleys and Municipal Board and Cabinet making the I
watercourses,they should be left in as natural final decision,or make use of other powers,as
a state as possible.Thus,various uses,includ- provided for under the Planning Act,
ing some types of intensive recreational
endeavours,would be limited. A two year comprehensive planning study of
the Oak Ridges Moraine Area would be coor-
To help maintain the integrity of such areas dinated by the Province and would include
as valleys and watercourses, and to assist in upper and lower tier municipalities, conser-
visually separating such areas from adjacent vation authorities and other interested
development, the establishment of riparian groups.
(natural)buffer zones of at least 10- 15 m(33
- 50 ft) would be promoted. The overall intent of the study would be a
more consistent treatment of development
The policy statement would stress the signifi- within the Moraine Area from one munici-
cance of nodes,such as municipal parks, and pality to the next. The study would examine
of pathways and corridors in linking regional the types of land uses acceptable or not
greenland systems. It would also stress the acceptable within the Moraine Area and the
value of municipal parks and other areas in types of background studies and controls that !
providing public access to valley systems. would be appropriate to help safeguard the
sensitivity of the area. I
(6) Through the official plan process, regional (8) To fill the gap between the definition of
municipalities more clearly establish devel- development under the Planning Act and the
opment,greenlands, and rural envelopes. specific hazard orientation of a conservation
authority's regulation, amendments be made
Development envelopes could be broken to the Conservation Authorities Act such that
down into urban and near urban areas. the regulatory powers under section (28) of
the Act are expanded so that the placing or
Regional municipalities need not designate dumping of fill, the location of buildings and
specific land uses within each envelope.This structures and the alteration of a waterway,
would remain the responsibility of the local anywhere in a valley system,can be regulated
municipalities. However, regional munici- from a conservation/protection aspect as well
palities would be responsible for assessing the as a hazard aspect.
overall implications of each envelope on a
region wide basis from environmental, social Also, with the view to clarifying respon-
and economic perspectives. The limits of the sibility, the Minister of Natural Resources
envelopes could not be modified for at least a investigate any possible duplication of
five year period and then could only be mod- responsibilities between a conservation
ified as part of a regional municipality's over- authority's regulation and the application of
all review of its official plan. the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act.
With regards to the greenlands envelopes, f
each regional municipality would prepare a (9) As part of its responsibility in issuing water
regional greenlands action plan to assist in taking permits under the Ontario Water
implementation. Resources Act, the Ministry of the Environ-
ment investigate ways of undertaking studies
Each respective regional municipality would such that the overall extent of the water
fine-tune the appropriate sections of a resources of a watershed or aquifer system
Greater Toronto Area Greenlands Strategy can be assessed. After which, a water budget
and augment it with input from the local could be determined for all the various uses,
conservation authorities and local present and future, which would include an
municipalities. analysis of the amount available for water
i taking purposes.
The action plans would also concentrate on
E linking local park systems to regional green- The Ministry of the Environment undertake
lands systems through the most appropriate research into more efficient septic system
series of pathways and lateral connectors. designs and materials for use in areas with
rapidly draining soils. This research could
Upon completion of the respective action also examine communal type septic systems
plans, 3 - 5 year implementation packages servicing 2 or more dwellings,thus potentially
would be prepared, identifying which public reducing the present space requirements for i
body or group was responsible for what estate residential lots. j
(10) The Province establish a 5 year, $100 million
(7) To minimize the length of time between when Greater Toronto Area greenlands acquisi-
a site is prepared for development and devel- tion program. The program to be set up on a
opment actually commences, amendments to matching grant basis with half the funds pro-
the Planning Act be made such that site vided by the Province and the other half by ;
preparation,eg.removal of vegetation,stock- local or interest groups, other government
piling of top soil, etc., cannot occur until the bodies, the private sector, etc.
necessary development approvals or draft
approvals have been obtained. While recognized that total reliance on acqui-
sition to secure greenlands is not feasible in
Amendments to the Planning Act also be general,acquisition would only be considered
made such that valley lands may be dedicated where a site was threatened and other means
to the local municipality, in addition to lands to secure it had failed or where the site would
dedicated for park purposes. provide for public access and other means to
secure the land where not viable.
(1 t) The guidance and monitoring required to (13) As a general approach to reducing the
assist in the implementation of a Greater amount of land that is developed,as opposed
Toronto Area Greenlands Strategy be pro- to reducing the amount of development, all
vided through a coordinating body. levels of government be encouraged to inves-
tigate and promote more compact urban
A new level of government or a new public forms (ie. intensive versus extensive forms of
body need not be created. development). Concepts such as cluster
I development and more creative layouts sensi-
I Representation on the coordinating body tive to the surrounding landscape should be
would include the Province, regional and explored.
local municipalities, and local conservation
authorities. To help facilitate moves in this direction,the
Province, through the Ministries of Munici-
As greenlands form the framework within pal Affairs,Housing, Natural Resources and
which urban development can occur, consid- the Environment,would research the matter
i eration could be given to having the coor- and prepare a guideline document.
I i dinating body responsible for overseeing the
E implementation of the Greater Toronto Area i
Greenlands Strategy linked with the body (14) The Province establish a Greater Toronto
responsible for overseeing the implementa- Area Greenlands Foundation to assist in giv-
tion of the Greater Toronto Area Urban ing a more coordinated focus to greenlands
I Structure Strategy. and to provide a means for public/private j
partnerships to protect greenlands. 1
(12) The existing wording of the Trees Act be The Foundation would be responsible for the
reviewed to determine if the focus could administration of provincial acquisition funds r
I include other factors, more environmental in on a matching grant basis. Local interest
nature, as well as wood production. groups, other public bodies, or the private
sector would be responsible for raising the
To reduce the number of instances where remaining funds.
wood lots are eliminated without the knowl-
edge of local municipalities and thus the The Foundation would actively encourage
opportunity to explore other avenues to the formation of an Oak Ridges Moraine
achieve what is desired, amendments be Conservation Land Trust or other types of
made to the Trees Act so that trees cannot be management bodies.
cut without the prior knowledge of the munic-
ipality. Notwithstanding this proposed Further, the Foundation would be charged
amendment, minimum area size provisions with exploring landowner incentives includ-
and exemptions, such as cutting for personal ing recognition awards, the expansion of the
use,as presently defined in the Act,should be Conservation Land Tax Rebate Program to
retained. include all lands identified as regional green-
lands, greater availability or use of personal
i Also, amendments be made to the Act to income tax deductions for land bequests or
include the power to issue stop work orders easements, the transfer and/or sale of prop- j
and to increase the size of penalties for the erty development rights, etc.
contravention of a by-law passed under the
Act. j
J � �
(15) More formalized public involvement in secur- Also, conservation authorities are to be
ing,managing and enhancing greenlands is to encouraged to establish working groups to
be encouraged. assist in major endeavours such as the prepa-
ration of watershed management strategies.
In particular, it is strongly encouraged that
regional municipalities give consideration to
establishing regionally based Ecological and (16) The implementation of a Greater Toronto
Environmental Advisory Committees as exist Area Greenlands Strategy will take the Col-
in areas such as Halton, Waterloo and lective effort of many different bodies and
Niagara. groups.To this end, local groups and special
interest groups,as well as government bodies,
Such groups could assist Regional Councils are to be encouraged to assist in various ways,
on a range of environmental matters, includ- including informing and educating the public
ing greenlands. on the significance of greenlands in the
Greater Toronto Area.
� � I