HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-256-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: STEPHENS .REP REPORT File # , Res. # � �-�• By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: September 4, 1990 REPORT #: PD-256-90 FILE #: 030-130-127 & 030-130-126 SU&JECT: MR. LLOYD STEPHENSON 106 and 118 KING STREET EAST, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report PD-256-90 be received for information purposes; and 2 . THAT Mr. Lloyd Stephenson be advised of Council's decision. BACKGROUND AND COMAMNT: 1. BACKGROUND 1 . 1 On June 18, 1990, Mr. Stephenson appeared before the General Purpose and Administration Committee requesting the Town's assistance to permit the development of the rear portions of his and his daughters property on King Street East. 1 . 2 Mr. Stephenson, in his presentation to Committee, suggested that through the easterly extension of Wilmot Street, the rear portions of the two properties would be provided frontage and permit the development of possibly an apartment building on his lands and a portion of the Town Park Lands . . . . /2 REPORT PD-256-90 PAGE 2 1 . 3 To permit the development of said lands, Mr. Stephenson was seeking Council's support in so far as any rezoning or Official Plan Amendment is required. 1. 4 Council, at their June 25, 1990 meeting, endorsed the following resolution: "THAT the presentation of Lloyd Stephenson be acknowledged and his request for rezoning of his daughter's and his property be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer and appropriate Staff to review and report back to the General Purpose and Administration Committee and that Mr. Lloyd Stephenson be so advised. " 2. LOCATION 2 . 1 Mr. Stephenson's property is located on the north side of Highway No. 2, east of Beaver Street and immediately abutting Newcastle Village Memorial Park. 2 . 2 The properties are long and narrow in shape with each property supporting a single family residence. 3. ZONING 3 . 1 The two properties are located within two zoning categories - the southerly portion fronting King Street being within the "General Commercial (C-1) " zone and the northerly portion within the "Urban Residential Exception (R1-1) " zone. 4. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 4 . 1 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan for the Newcastle Village Small Urban Area, the front portion of the lands in question are located within "Main Central Area" - designated "Commercial-Residential Mix" . The predominant uses permitted shall be retail, office and mixed used commercial-residential buildings . . . . J3 REPORT PD-256-90 PAGE 3 4 .2 The remainder of the lands (the northerly portion) are located within the "Residential" designation. The density of a residential development within the Newcastle Village Small Urban Area shall be generally restricted to low and medium density, with an overall average density not to exceed fourteen ( 14) units per net residential hectare. A development proposal for an apartment would not appear to comply with this policy statement. 5. STAFF COMMENTS 5 . 1 During the winter of 1989/90, Planning Staff had a number of conversations with Mr. Stephenson regarding his and his daughters property located at 106 and 118 King Street East and the possible development of each. 5 .2 In reviewing Mr. Stephenson's request, a number of difficulties/concerns arise for which Staff are unable to support his proposal. 5 . 3 Council, by resolution, has endorsed the closure and sale of a portion of the unopened road allowance known as Wilmot Street, east of Mill Street, to be used in conjunction with Dr. Spruyt's development application (DEV 88-92 ) , previously submitted. This closure would not permit the extension easterly of Wilmot Street from Mill Street to Beaver Street. Additionally, the lands necessary to extend Wilmot Street east of Beaver Street would require the acquisition of privately owned properties in addition to Mr. Stephenson's lands . The lands in question are presently developed for residential purposes is compliance with the zoning and Official Plan provisions for the Village. 5 .4 The extension of a "road allowance" through Newcastle Village Memorial Park would not only reduce the available parkland, but would physically separate the park property as it exists today. Through the development of Plan 10M 812 and Sylvia Court, a parcel of land was obtained by the Town to be . . . /4 REPORT PD-256-90 PAGE 4 developed in conjunction with Memorial Park, thereby providing access for residents north of George Street. The introduction of a "road allowance" would jeopardize the functional use of these lands . 5 . 5 Notwithstanding the location factor of any proposed road allowance, Staff would note that the cost element must also be acknowledged. The Works Department have indicated that an approximation as to the cost of extending Wilmot Street as suggested by Mr. Stephenson would be in the vicinity of ( $1, 000,000 . 00) One Million Dollars . This amount would not include the cost associated with the land acquisition of the privately owned properties needed for this project. Staff would note for the Committee's information, that no method of determining the costs associated with such a project has been submitted for consideration. As can be seen on the attached sketch, the greater proportion of lands needed for the road allowance are owned by the Town (Memorial Park Lands) . 6. CONCLUSIONS 6 . 1 In consideration of the above comments, Staff could not support Mr. Stephenson's scheme as submitted to Committee and Council . 6 .2 Should Mr. Stephenson wish to pursue his request through the submission of the appropriate applications (i.e. : rezoning and Official Plan Amendment) , the consent of all owners would be required. This would include the owners of the lands fronting on Beaver Street through which the road allowance would be extended. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee k41- Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrence Kotseff, M.C. I .P. Director of Planning Chief A nistrative and Development Officer LT*HM*FW*lp '� 6 INTERESTED PARTIES TO BE NOTIFIED OF COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL'S DECISION: Mr. Lloyd Stephenson 106 King Street East NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1H0 I,FIN pop/Irp III,I Or 00100011,104 A V R IA' 0 voo 0`0 00 pozo/lo-io a 9:9:0 X41 9:4 6-1 Lei 0 :4 OWE if,1:441:4 Q;I