HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-297-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE r SESSM.GPA REPORT File # /o Res. # By-Law # hEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: October 1, 1990 REPORT #: PD-297-90 FILE #: Pln 2 .2 . 1; Pln 14 .5 SUB.ECT: ASSESSMENT OF INDUSTRIAL LAND NEED IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (SOUTH COURTICE) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-297-90 be received for information; 2 . THAT a copy of the report "Assessment of the Unmet Requirement for Industrial Land in the Newcastle Study Area" . be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department for input into the Review of the Durham Region Official Plan. 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 In March 1990 Council endorsed Staff's recommendation on Servicing Feasibility Study for the South Courtice Area. The study provided an overview in terms of the time and capital costs of the servicing for South Courtice. In order to ensure that the servicing of these lands were warranted, Staff recommended that an Employment Area Market Study be undertaken to investigate the unmet need for the industrial lands in Courtice in the context of the industrial land requirement in Durham Region over the next twenty years . 1 .2 Subsequently, the consulting firm of C.N. Watson and Associates were retained to undertake the study. The Report prepared by the consultants is forwarded under separate cover. REPORT NO. : PD-297-90 PAGE 2 2. THE STUDY 2 . 1 The consultant was requested to determine the market for industrial land in Newcastle. The market for industrial land is determined by two methods of forecasting for future requirements: i) The industrial land absorption method is determined by forecasting future rates of absorption based on historic rates and other factors . ii) The industrial employment method is determined by the forecasting employment on industrial lands and determining land requirements based on an assumed density of employment. 2 .2 Industrial Land Absorption 2 .2 . 1 Industrial land absorption is defined as the transition of land from an idle state to a state where an industrial activity or function is carried out upon the lands. There are 4 determining factors in land absorption: Industrial Inventory Assessment Growth and Building Permits Price Development Density 2 .2 .2 Within the lakeshore municipalities in Durham (Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa & Newcastle) there are 10, 127 net acres of designated industrial land: 4,248 net acres (42%) have been built upon while 5,879 acres (58%) remain vacant. REPORT NO. : PD-297-90 PAGE 3 The total lands that are currently designated for industrial purposes in the study area are distributed as follows: Pickering 3091 acres (30 .5%) ; Oshawa 2 ,088 acres (20 .6%) ; Ajax 1,941 acres ( 19 . 1%) ; Whitby 1, 839 acres ( 18 . 1%) and Newcastle 1, 168 acres ( 11.5%) . Of the net lands vacant and available, they are distributed as follows: Newcastle 852 acres ( 14 .5%) ; Oshawa 675 acres ( 11.5%) ; Whitby 822 acres (14 . 0%) ; Ajax 1,215 acres (20 .7%) and Pickering 2,315 acres (39 .4%) . It should be noted that 391 acres of the Town's inventory is unserviced. 2 .2 . 3 A general indicator of absorption are building permits denoting the placement of structures on the land. The issuance of building permits would indicate that 1,260 acres of industrial land were absorbed over the eight year period between 1981 and 1988 which would average to an annual absorption rate of 158 acres per year. This figure is used to estimate future demand. A number of assumptions and calculations are shown in Attachment #1 to ultimately determine the supply of land. The results indicate there is a 24 year supply of vacant industrial land in the Durham Study Area (to 2014) . However, this method is based on past absorption trends, and the assumption that market, population, infrastructure, transportation and technology characteristics remain the same in the future. 2 . 3 Industrial Land Demand 2 . 3 . 1 Two important factors in determining the demand for industrial land through the Industrial Employment REPORT NO. : PD-297-90 PAGE 4 Projection Method are: i) Industrial Labour Force ii) Population Growth 2 . 3 .2 Industrial labour force is represented by the labour force by place of residence and labour force by place of work. Within the south Durham Study Area, the 1981 labour force was 128, 185 persons but the total work place labour force is 100, 620 persons therefore producing a net out-migration of 27,565 workers . (The 1981 Census is the most recent information available) . 2 . 3 . 3 The population in the south Durham Study Area has increased by 24% over the past seven years . The Region of Durham population forecast for the lakeshore municipalities in 2011 is 657,000, an increase of 125% from 1986 . For 2021 the population is forecasted at 803,000 or a 178% increase. 2 . 3 .4 Under the Employment Projection Method a relationship is established between the number of jobs within a municipality. By determining the number of jobs created in a particular job sector and against the population of a period of time, a density of employees per acre is calculated. The density figure will determine net acres required to accommodate a number of jobs. Within the Study Area the employee density is between 15 to 18 employees per acre. For measure of comparison highly urbanized centres will yield 20 employees per acre. REPORT NO. : PD-297-90 PAGE 5 2 . 3 . 5 Based on this method, industrial land demand is expected to grow from 5,642 acres in 1986 to 9,051 acres in 2001; 11,760 acres by 2011 and 12,871 acres by 2021. See Attachment #2 . As noted earlier there is a current supply of 10, 127 acres which would satisfy the current demand. However by year 2006 the current supply is expected to drop below the projected demand by 240 acres . A greater shortage is expected by 2011 and 2021 unless more lands are designated. 3. STUDY CONCLUSIONS 3 . 1 The study indicates that there will be a shortfall of industrial land in the study area within the next fifteen years . The Town of Newcastle is expected to grow from 34,073 in 1986 to 110,425 in 2011 and 142,065 by 2021. Allocation of the total demand for industrial land by percentage share of population would provide a demand for land in Newcastle of 1,976 acres by 2011 and 2,454 acres by 2021. Newcastle has a current supply of designated industrial land of 852 acres providing a shortfall of 1, 124 acres by 2011 and 1,590 acres by 2021. 3 .2 The Town of Newcastle will require additional amounts of land to accommodate future industrial growth. In order to secure the favourable type of industrial uses the proper setting is required which would include location, access, municipal water and sewer, certain land use controls and restrictions . REPORT NO. : PD-297-90 PAGE 6 Of the 852 acres currently designated, 391 net industrial acres are located in Courtice. These lands are not serviced with municipal water or sewer and thus attract a lower order industrial use. The consultant has noted .that, from a locational perspective, South Courtice is one of the best locations available in this municipality. It would be a natural extension to industrial development along the 401 through the GTA and it is anticipated that there will be a north-south freeway linkage with the proposed 407 within the vicinity. In addition, the land prices in Newcastle are very competitive compared to other municipalities in the same proximity to Metro Toronto. 3. 3 Of the almost 1,600 acres of existing and proposed industrial land in the South Courtice area, approximately 45% is expected to be prestige industrial land. The remaining 55% is expected to be developed as general industrial uses . This mix of industrial uses would seem reasonable as it provides for a variety of industrial uses . The lands in this area, which is currently identified as "Special Study Area" in the Durham Region Official Plan Review, must be designated in order to place the appropriate servicing and land use controls. 4. STAFF COMMENTS The second component of the investigation of future development of the South Courtice area has been completed and Staff suggest that this study be forwarded to the Region of Durham to form part of the Regional Official Plan Review. Staff are incorporating REPORT NO. : PD-297-90 PAGE 7 this information in formulating the Town's response to the "Draft Changes" document now under discussion. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee th I Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrence Chief Kotseff m Director of Planning A strative and Development Officer CV*DC*FW*df *Attach 20 September 1990 P o FIGURE 4-1 INDUSTRIAL LAND SUPPLY VS. ANTICIPATED FUTURE REQUIREMENTS 1 3 5 7 10 14 NUMBERS OF _ GROSS NET VACANT DESIGNATED DESIGNATED INDUST. NET VACANT POTENTIALLY VACANT ABSORBABLE YEARS SUPPLY INDUST.LAND LAND DESIGNATED INDUST. SALEABLE - NET DESIGNATED CURRENTLY NET DESIGNATED INDUST.LAND AVAILABLE LAND IN INDUST.LAND 3,794 acres 1990 =158 acres per year 24 year supply 77,973 acres 70,127 acres 5,939 acres 5,058 acres 3,794 acres LESS: LESS: LESS: LESS: ALLOWANCE JONTINUALLY 1 Lam: REP4CED / I I I 12 4 VACANCY f> oEVELOPMENT MARKET 9 I '9NS1ffUTK)NA12" 1 1 "COMMERCfAL" 12 -INDUSTRIAL- 13 OCCUPIED ALLOWANCES eg. PROCESSING CHOICE ' USES USES USES LOCAL ROADS AREA ALLOWANCE. ALLOWANCE I (--a-- f..b�wraws.Kax* wr.+rau+�e...wauvc. aoo wr saa; I ama artxw N+es ewo nuu. aoa esaew-ca.oaz HYDRO AS OF _ y.MA#K RwouX mac,ewmm errx¢ omrs efts.r.a aunm. ne ^� STORM WATER DECEMBER 31.1989 _IT umaaorrnt A10n41pM wo aaysu¢ I cviun�txr.u—m WIDENINCS surt SEWER/WATER FAM �� I •• 15z=1.786 acres 4,248 i5S=881 acres 31r x 158 ores/yr- ,-x ts8—/r- i 4 acres/yr. 40 ocres/yr —474 ocres =790 aaas I I O j TABLE 54 ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRIAL LAND IN STUDY AREA MISTRIAL EMPI DYMEM METHOD 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 POPULATION 289,052 365.435 434,805 506,465 580,955 657,135 733,240 803,405 ACTIVITY RATE 40.00% 42.00% 43.00% 44.00% 45.00% 46.009A 47.00% 48.00%:' TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 115,621 153,483 186,966 222,845, 261,430 302= 344,623 385,634 %INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT 56.00% 56.W% 56.00% 56.W% 56.00% 56.009A 56.0014 56.00%:;::: INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYEES 64,748 85,950 104,701 124,793 146,401 169,278 192,989 215,955 -ii.l... NON-INDUSIRMLEN1PLOYEE 6,475 8,595 10,470 12,479 14,640 16,928 19,299 21,596 ALLOWANCE-10% TOTAL EMPLOYEES 58,275 77355 2121 112,314 131,761 152.3 4 173 194.359 EMPLOYEE DENSITY NET ACRE 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 i--`--'DEMAND-NET ACRES 3,642 4,835 5,889 6,607 7,751 8,962 9,649 10,798 SUPPLY ALLOWANCt-5 YRS 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 PROCESSING ALLOWANCE-3 YRS 474 474 474 474 474 474 474 474 VACANCY ALLOWANCE'. 736 915 1,073 1,181 1,352 1,534 1,637 0 TOTAL DEMAND 5&2 10,367 11.760 12-550 13,871 CURRENT DESIGNATED SUPPLY 10,127 10,127 10,127 10,127 10,127 10,127 10,127 10,127 (net industrial 8=40) 0 ............ (3.7 )4 :.*,: 14: j I..:: SURPLUS/(SHORTAGE) 'go IV TOWN OF NEWCASTLE t� MEMORANDUMS 9 DN: OR 13 AN 190 TO: Mayor Hubbard and Members of Council FROM: Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. , Director of Planning & Development DATE: 20 September 1990 SUBJECT: ASSESSMENT OF INDUSTRIAL LAND REQUIRSMBNTS FOR THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Further to Council 's consideration of the servicing requirements for the proposed South Courtice Industrial Area, C.N. Watson and Associates was retained to review the marke for industrial land in the Town of Newcastle with specific reference to the South Courtice area. The attached report was recently received and will be the subject of a Staff Report at the October lst meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee. This report is forwarded separately to enable you the opportunity to review the document ahead of time. (J tiA�& Frank *jip CC: Larry Kotseff, Chief dministrative Officer CC: Patti Barrie, Clerk I I