HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-289-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE �­ CLUSTER.GPA �s REPORT File # AV Res. # — - ~ ' By-Law # MEETING• General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, September 17, 1990 REPORT #: PD-289-90 FILE #: SECT: DESIGNATION OF CROOKED CREEK AS A CLUSTER RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-289-90 be received; 2 . THAT the Region of Durham be requested to amend Section 10 .2 . 1.2 of the Durham Region Official Plan by adding "Crooked Creek" as a known residential cluster in the Town of Newcastle; 3 . THAT Mr. Plaxton be advised to submit an application to the Durham Region Land Division Committee for severance of a one (1) acre lot north of the existing dwelling; 4 . THAT once an application for severance is made, Staff be instructed to advise the Durham Land Division Committee that the Town supports the severance application and further as conditions of approval, that the severed lot be deeded to Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd George and be held in their ownership for a period of ten ( 10) years, and that the applicant has to meet the. standard requirements of the Town for land severance; and 5 . THAT Council authorize Staff to proceed to amend the Zoning By-law to accommodate the proposed severance in accordance with the requirements set out in the Planning Act. . . .2 REPORT NO. : PD-289-90 PAGE 2 REPORT: 1. ORIGIN: 1. 1 At the Special Council Meeting held on September 4, 1990, Council passed the following resolution: "THAT, as the result of damages caused by the tornado of August 28, 1990, the Director of Planning and Development be directed to liaise with Dr. M.R. Michael, Commissioner of Planning, Regional Municipality of Durham, to designate Part of Lot 9, Concession 3, former Township of Clarke, as a cluster or to consider alternatives to permit a land severance. " 1. 2 Subsequently, the Director of Planning and Development met with Dr. M. Michael to discuss the methods of implementation of the said resolution. 2 . BACKGROUND: 2 . 1 It is Staff's understanding that Mr. Lloyd George was a tenant of a dwelling located on Gilmore Road. Said dwelling was badly damaged by the tornado of August 28, 1990. As a result, Mr. George is temporarily staying with his in-laws, the Plaxtons, who owns a 9 .95 acre property on the west side of Regional Road No. 18 (Newtonville Road) and south of road allowance between 3rd and 4th Concessions . It is noted that the general area has been known as "Crooked Creek" historically. 2 .2 It is also Staff's understanding that the Plaxtons wish to sever off a lot so that Mr. George will have a place to live. Council, out of compassion, passed the above-noted resolution. . . . 3 REPORT NO. : PD-289-90 PAGE 3 3 . COMMENTS: 3. 1 The Durham Regional Official Plan designates the Plaxton's property "Permanent Agriculture Reserve" . Under such designation, non-farm residential use is prohibited. An amendment to the Official Plan is required. 3 .2 The Town's Zoning By-law places the property in the "Agricultural Exception (A-1) " zone. Residential dwelling is permitted provided the property has a minimum area of 100 acres . An amendment to the By-law is required. 3.3 In addition to the foregoing required amendments, an application has to be made to the Durham Region Land Division Committee for the severance. The Plaxtons should immediately file such an application so as to facilitate the amendment to the Zoning By-law. 3 .4 The above implementation method was discussed with Dr. M. Michael, the Regional Commissioner of Planning and was agreed upon as the most expedient way to deal with the matter. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee _ 1 Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. � f Lawrence E. Kotseff Director of Planning Chief Administrative and Development Officer FW*jip *Attach 13 September 1990 . . .4 5 991 , 0 REPORT NO. : PD-289-90 PAGE 4 INTERESTED PARTIES TO BE NOTIFIED OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE'S DECISION: Mr. Bill Plaxton R.R. #1 NEWTONVILLE, Ontario LOA 1J0