HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-101-04 '" Clfll-!lJgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: Date: Report #: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Tuesday, September 7,2004 PSD-101-04 File #: S-0-2004-02 f\~A~ 34Q-o+ By-law #: Subject: DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION AND REZONING APPLICATION TO PERMIT AN 84 UNIT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF OsHAWA STUART GLAsPELL & BROOKFIELD HOMES L TO. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-1 01-04 be received; 2. THAT the City of Oshawa be advised that the Municipality of Clarington would have no objections to the approval of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision (S-0-2004-02) and rezoning 2-6/2004, provided that: a) The City of Oshawa confirm in writing that it will assume and accept all costs of street illumination and/or sidewalk improvements that are deemed necessary on Townline Road as a result of this development including all future maintenance; and b) The condition contained in Attachment 3 is incorporated in any Draft Approval; 3. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the City of Oshawa Planning Department and Region of Durham Planning Department; and 4. That the interested parties listed in this report be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Da id rome, MCIP, R.P.P. Director of Planning Services TW*L T*DJC*sh August27,2004 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 631 REPORT NO.: PsD-101-04 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Brookfield Homes Ltd. 1.2 Owner: Stuart Glaspell 1.3 Draft Plan of Subdivision: To permit the development of 84 lots, consisting of single detached dwellings, two park blocks totalling 0.87 ha, and three open space blocks, including a storm water management facility, totalling 6.71 ha. 1.4 Rezoning: To rezone the lands from UR (Urban Reserve) and OSH (Open Space Hazard Lands) to appropriate zones to implement the draft plan. 2.0 LOCATION 2.1 The subject lands are located within Part of Lot 1, Concession 3, now Parts 5 to 16 on Plan 40R-15946, in the City of Oshawa. More specifically, on the west side of Townline Road, south of Taunton Road and north of Pebblestone Road. 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 On May 31 , 2004, the Municipality of Clarington was circulated by the City of Oshawa to provide comments on the Draft Plan of Subdivision and rezoning application. 3.2 The area subject to the Draft Plan of Subdivision is located within the Eastdale Part II Plan in the City of Oshawa. The lands are designated Low Density Residential, Open Space and Recreation. The Harmony Creek Valleylflood plain is shown as Hazard Lands and Environmentally Sensitive on the Environmental Management Schedule. The wood lot in Open Space Block 87 is also shown as an Environmentally Sensitive Area. ' 3.3 The plan of subdivision, as circulated, consists of the following: · Residential development consists of 84 single detached dwelling units; · Storm water management facility, located on a 0.76 ha open space block; · Two park blocks at 0.03 ha and 0.84. The larger park block is between Harmony Creek and the Harmony Creek Conservation Area; · An 3.53 ha open space block that surrounds Harmony Creek and Ontario Hydro and Trans-Northern Pipeline easement; and · A 2.42 ha open space block. 632 REPORT NO.: PsD.101-04 PAGE 3 4.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 4.1 The application was circulated to the Municipality of Clarington Engineering Services Department for review. The following comments have been received for consideration: Sidewalks and Street Illumination The subject development may necessitate sidewalk improvements and street illumination improvements on Regional Road 55 (Townline Road). The subject section of Regional Road 55 is not situated adjacent to any portion of an urban area within Clarington. Street illumination and sidewalk improvements are not required by the Municipality of Clarington on Regional Road 55. In the event that this development receives approval, the City of Oshawa will be required to assume and accept 100% of the cost of all street illumination improvements and/or sidewalk improvements that are deemed necessary on Townline Road including all future maintenance. 5.0 STAFF COMMENTS 5.1 All existing development on the Clarington side of Townline Road is based on private well and septic services. The applicant will be required to prepare a hydrogeological report to assess any potential impact of development on neighbouring wells so that preconstruction information is available for subsequent monitoring. 5.2 The City of Oshawa should confirm in writing that it will be responsible to assume and accept all costs for street illumination, and/or sidewalk improvements on Townline Road including their future maintenance. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 In consideration of the comments provided within this report, it is recommended that the Municipality would have no objection of the approval of the Draft Plan of Subdivision provided the City of Oshawa confirms its responsibility for improvements on Townline Road as a result of the development on Townline Road subject to the Condition of Draft Approval contained in Attachment 3. Attachments: Attachment #1 - Key Map Attachment #2 - Draft Plan of Subdivision Attachment #3 - Conditions of Draft Approval 633 REPORT NO.: PsD-101-04 PAGE 4 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Region of Durham Planning Department 1615 Dundas Street East 4111 Floor Lang Tower P.O. Box 623 Whitby, ON L 1 N 6A3 City of OShawa, Planning Dept. Municipal Office 50 Centre Street South Oshawa, ON L 1 H 3Z7 634 City of Oshawa Municipality of Clarington LOT2 LOT 1 LOT 35 LOT 34 ATTACHMENT 1 LOT 33 I. I TAUNTON ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 4) \ \ '" z Q en en w () Z o () % I- '" o Z Q <( o '" w z ::; z ;: OL.J I- Subject Site M '" Q ~J '" ...J <( Z o i~ ~ Q <( o '" >- z o ::! '" <( % 11 \1 Q <( o '" V> W <> ;;: AI w~~ s Oshawa/Darlington Key Map PEBBlESTONE ROAD 635 Q ~ '" >- W ...J o o I- ..,. z Q en en w () z o () 5-0-2004-02 u , /.1"- , ~~ ~ -t- "( -~ . . " 5 4 3 2 , .......... ~Z.1'ill'"in~t~,-~w:_~ f'o r'o !'o i'''.. ~../ --.\ .I . .. i '\.'. --.. t a;' c..s.;., a;. SURVEYOR'SCEmlFtCATE '~adf.rIld1lN ~~01'l:t>\lI r.ooa&I....M .,tdrldN_itI'1awn lII1 tl1Bp/an, ID'KIlI1oeit'l1IlEIlIonsnp 1c"'~'IiIIOl.15"""'lIOWreWb'Im'i~!ItJooMr. ,e6~",'~4 ~ "" l!3 . . . A , i 58 55 hi '2'.!i3'20~ E: / OWNERS AUTHQRJ2AnON 'ilIa, B~ HOM6SLTD, ~~~==r.atD~~::::. aohdplalJQf~toI"~_ ~4I~~ ~"'\...""'''':"'-'~'''''-''' ! 0" _..~--,....r-. ~......- ~ -- .>> ... ZI rb.J""I KEY PLAIl -.-. -. -~:'" ~- ;l 1\HJ AREA TAB,. ABU:1EtfT\ALLOT1!Il--lS! Illmil. 'IR( Boob!!6. U c.n OPEHSPACE IJwhll..!8.:k;rjl_t.'1 IeO#DwroeING II~ ijII) o.3G """" ,.... lOTAL. "..... tJHrr COUNT 1.a,.,SbQltUO')_A_2'h.l !.l3ln"'(ID1_B_ll3 ""... ... ROADS K.Qn(M')R.o.W. - ll1Qn(S)R.O.W. '" '.....,... 1B..Cm(:..J')R.Q.'H. ". -- .... 'OT"- t....... :) ....... ---~..tl.4d!IIkIn ...~~,.o,) NOTE. M~..lItfl'llllM. AI -.-.. .........o.oa.IilIl:IIIhm. ,._......~_).Jm)[:un. IOOl11OtW..lNFORtAATlON REO.lIRED UNDERSECIlON' aa.(2}gflHE P'L.ANNINGN.:T ..MlIlII;rleI..,......,.,..e......... an~...~IIII.._~ D.~~.w0jNll - H.~_ll:I_ Lc:t.y'-mInOl..... X. 5Wtawy..-.m DEVEL ...........sERV REeF. APR 2 DRAJ=TPlAN or .-iift PROPOSED S~B "2- PART of lOT I, co .r;~.; oasibi1i!', - PARTS M8, PlAN ~ ,15ll46 OIlY 01 OS~WA REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY orOURHMl 4ft __N PLAN .....~ ~ DBIGN IIUN 58lYICB" INC. Tovm Planning Canwlltlnts 33S-TJ.'l'alIU,S.:;W ~~.\t;(:'D T~{41~l.(li6.su.;; ~...(4r~,~ --...~.. 1:11lOO .....,..'-nlru ~ f) I ~ m z -I f\) ATTACHMENT 3 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON September 7, 2004 Stuart Glaspell and Brookfield Homes 5-0-2004-002 1. The Owner must retain a qualified professional engineer to prepare and submit a hydrogeological report to the Director of Planning Services for the Municipality of Clarington to demonstrate that the proposed development will not adversely impact the existing wells in the surrounding area. 637