HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-189-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE L�s , y,s\.�• ,#; METRES.GPA REPORT File UN. 51/. Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: . May 22, 19 9 0 REPORT #: PD- 189-90 FILE #: SUQJECT: PARKING METRES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-189-90 be received for information. 2 . That J. J. Mackay Canada Limited with a total bid of $28904 .45 be awarded the contract for replacement of 293 parking metre mechanisms . 3 . That the 1990 Budgeted value of $20,000 . 00 for parking meter conversion be charged to Account No. 7225-X-169 and that the balance of the funds required be drawn from Parking Lot Reserve Funds; Account No. 1110-162-X. 1. In response to the Government imposition of the Commercial Concentration tax throughout the GTA, effective January 1, 1990, Council, in December 1989, approved a new parking metre rate at 50 cents/hour for all parking metres . Subsequently, the Central Parking Metre on Division Street lot has been adjusted. 2 . To date, the parking metres on streets have not been adjusted to accommodate the rate change. This is primarily due to the fact that Staff have been negotiating with the Town of Whitby 599 13 . . .2 REPORT NO. : PD-189-90 PAGE 2 to acquire their surplus metres and if successful, could present very significant savings to the Town. However, our negotiation attempt with Whitby Staff has failed and we were recently advised by Whitby that their surplus metres will be disposed of by tender in August. The time element plus the fact that there is no guarantee the Town will be successful in the tender process make this alternative undesirable. 3 . While staff were awaiting response from Whitby, quotations were obtained from the following companies to change 293 parking metres from 25 cents/hour to 50 cents/hour. Option A - to convert existing metres Curlette Sales Limited $ 9,531.29 J. J. Mackay Metres Limited $ 17,272.35 Option B - to exchange metres mechanism Curlette Sales Limited $ 29,300.00 J. J. Mackay Metres Limited $ 28,904.45 Option C - to install new electronic metres J. J. Mackay Limited $102,257.00 All of the above quotations are exclusive of Provincial Sales Tax. 4 . Subsequent to obtaining the quotations, Curlette Sales Limited of Calgary apparently no longer serves the Ontario market and hence its quotation is invalid. 5 . After examining the options provided by J. J. Mackay Limited, Staff arrives at the conclusion that "Option B" should be 599 14 . . . 3 REPORT NO. : PD- 189-90 PAGE 3 chosen. This option involves replacing the entire mechanical assembly with new assembly which comes with a 3 year warranty. 6 . Although "Option All costs less, Staff could not recommend this option for the following reasons: a) Most of the existing metres were purchased between 1957 and 1970 and they have been subjected to frequent repairs . b) Warranty is not provided after the conversion. 7 . "Option C" is expensive, involving switch over to electronic metres . Although electronic metres are superior in quality, accuracy and least susceptible to breakdowns as compared with mechanical metres, this cannot be justified due to the tremendous cost implication. 8. In consideration of the above comments, Staff is recommending "Option B" (to exchange mechanical parking metre mechanism) be endorsed. The 1990 Budget provided $20,000 .00 in anticipation of the adjustment to the metres, which is offset by a budgeted contribution from the Reserve Fund. The Parking Lot Reserve Fund is authorized under Section 208 of the Municipal Act to use the funds for Municipal Parking operations and capital, and it is therefore suggested that the balance of the funds, be drawn directly from the Reserve Fund. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrence E. Kotseff Director of Planning Chief Administrative and Development Officer rie A. Marano, H.BSc . Treasurer 10 May 1990 599 15