HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-159-90 r' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ALLIN.GPA REPORT File 6, Res. # By-Law # PUBLIC MEETING MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: May 7, 1990 REPORT #: PD-159-90 FILE #: 89-147/D, DEV 90-012 � . OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION - KEITH ALLIN PART LOT 19, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE FILE: 89-147/D; DEV 90-012 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-159-90 be received; 2 . THAT the applications submitted by Keith Allin to amend the Durham Region Official Plan and to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and 3. THAT a copy of the report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and 4 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1. 1 Applicant: Keith Allin 1 .2 O.P.A. : From General Agricultural/Open Space to Estate Residential 1. 3 Rezoning: From Agricultural/Environmental Protection to an appropriate designation to permit the development of a 22 lot estate residential subdivision. . . .2 4, REPORT NO. : PD-159-90 PAGE 2 1.4 Area: 23 . 92 ha (59 . 10 acres) 2. BACKGROUND 2 . 1 On January 9, 1990, the Town was advised by the Durham Region Planning Department of an application submitted by Keith Allin to amend the Durham Region Official Plan. Subsequently, on January 23, 1990, the Town of Newcastle Planning Department, receives an application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law. 3. LOCATION 3 . 1 The subject site is located in Part Lot 19, Concession 2, in the former Township of Clarke, on the west side of Brownsville Road. 4. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4 . 1 Existing Uses: Residence, Bush, Pasture 4 . 2 East: Agricultural West: Golf Course South: Golf Course North: Creek/Agricultural 5. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 5 . 1 A written submission was received from Cynthia Robson. Ms . Robson expressed the following concerns with respect to the proposed development: i) the loss of privacy, peace and quiet within the area, as a result of this development; ii) the possibility of shortages of water; and iii) a concern over the quality of homes to be built in the area. 6. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6 . 1 A limited number of estate- residential subdivisions on large lots REPORT NO. : PD-159-90 PAGE 3 may be permitted as an exception to the "General Agricultural" and "Major Open Space" policies by amendment to the Durham Region Official Plan. The limits to the numbers of such estate- residential subdivisions shall be established by their scale and location, their financial implications for the Region and their effect on the Region's transportation facilities and utilities. 7. AGENCY COMMENTS 7 . 1 In accordance with Departmental procedure, the subject application was circulated to various agencies and departments for their review and comment. The following agencies/departments offered no objection to this application: Durham Region Works Department Separate School Board Ministry of Agriculture The following agencies have offered no objection to the principle of this application, but have outlined conditions for draft approval: Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Ministry of Natural Resources Town of Newcastle Community Services Department Town of Newcastle Fire Department Town of Newcastle Public Works Department 7 .2 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education object to this proposal, noting that Newcastle Public School is presently overcrowded. The Board anticipates that an expansion of this facility will occur within three or four years. 7 . 3 Comments are still outstanding from the Ministry of the Environment and Regional Health Services Department. 8 . Technical Studies submitted by the Applicant: 8 . 1 An application to amend the Durham Region Official Plan for estate 10 . . . .4 REPORT NO. : PD-159-90 PAGE 4 residential development, is to be accompanied by the following technical studies: A preliminary analysis of the soil and ground-water conditions of the site indicating satisfactory conditions for private servicing; A preliminary analysis of the landscape features of the site and adjacent properties which indicates the suitability of the site for estate-residential uses; A preliminary statement of all possible modification to the natural features of the site required for the development of the site; and 8.2 The applicant has submitted , on behalf of this application, a "Landscape and Environmental Analysis" , prepared by Henry Kortekaas and Associates, a "Soil Investigation" prepared by Soil-Eng Limited, and a "Preliminary Groundwater Assessment" prepared by Ten Rannie. Each of these reports support the subject applications, however, each report outlines a number of recommendations to be fulfilled prior to construction. 8. 3 The consultants raised the following concerns: Environmental Consultants - potential erosion problems and sedimentation of Graham Creek. potential human over use of the more sensitive vegetative units on site. Soils Consultant - tills are low in permeability not ideal for normal septic systems . occurring soils to a shallow depth are weathered and are not suitable for normal footing construction. area fill will be required to fill undulations. potential for further erosion of soils Hydrogeological Consultant - the Newcastle Golf Course well located near the southwest corner of the property could potentially be affected by on- site septic systems . REPORT NO. : PD-159-90 PAGE 5 The consultants have noted corresponding mitigative measures as part of their recommendations with respect to this proposal, and as such support the estate residential proposal. 9 . STAFF COIF MNTS: 9 . 1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public Meeting as required by the Planning Act, and to provide Committee and Council with some background on the applications submitted. in view of the outstanding agency comments, it would be in order to have the application referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee -Y/Y Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. L$ ren�d -, Kotseff Director of Planning Chief i�nistrative and Development Officer JDB*DC*FW*cc *Attach 27 April 1990 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Keith Allin 192 Glencairn Ave. , Toronto, Ont. M4R 1N2 W. & E. Allin L. & M. Allin Box 246 Newcastle, Ont. LOA 1HO H. Kortekaas and Associates 73 Old Kingston Road Ajax, Ontario L1T 3A6 Cynthia A. Robson "Stolen Hours" R.R. #2 Newcastle, Ontario LOA 1H0 N D N EPHENS -- D - - - - - - - --- A-7 W OD ROD ai D D N e ■ ro GOL COURSE ROAD R1 CD Z7 -- - - D C D o _ : :: :: : g o co (o m N - D 0- cb c� -1 Z _ BROWN VILLE RD. w � Z OD F0 -- -- - - - --- - - - - - ---- o ---- ---- - -- o ° MOL $ `' MORGANS ROAD o - - -- - - D W I -- - - - -- -- - - - _. CONCESSION I CONCESSION 2 CONCESSION m