HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-158-90 /J TOWN OF NEWCASTLE �_� REPORT File V. [I N: DEV88102 a � , ,r fs Res. # „��: �• By-Law # P U B L I C M E E T I N G MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, May 7, 1990 REPORT #: PD-158-90 FILE #: DEV 88-102 (X-REF 18T-88051) SUBJECT: REZONING APPLICATION -FRAM BUILDING GROUP PART LOT 13, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE: DEV 88-102 (X-REF 18T-88051) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report PD-158-90 be received; 2 . THAT application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by G. M. Sernas and Associates on behalf of Fram Building Group be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and 3 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1. 1 Applicant: Fram Building Group 1.2 Agent: G. M. Sernas and Associates Limited 1. 3 Rezoning Application: from "Urban Residential Type One - Holding ( (H)Rl) " to "Environmental Protection (EP) " for a portion of the lands in accordance with conditions of Town approval ( 18T-88051) . . . .2 REPORT NO. : PD-158-90 PAGE 2 1.5 Land Area: 10.46 Ha (25. 8 Acres) 2. BACKGROUND: 2 . 1 An application was received by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department in March, 1990, proposing to rezone a portion of the 10.46 Ha parcel of land immediately west of Scogog Street in accordance with conditions of Town approval to recognize the lands required for flood and/or erosion control. The proponents proposed Plan of Subdivision ( 18T-88051) is currently before the Region of Durham for Draft Plan Approval. 3 LOCATION: 3 . 1 The subject property is located in Pt. Lt. 13, Conc. 2, former Town of Bowmanville. The applicants total holdings is 10.44 Ha, which are situated on the west side of Scogog Street and south of Mill Lane. The lands to be rezoned occupy approximately 2 .22 ha of this . The subject lands are bounded to the west by the Bowmanville Creek and to the south abut the rear yards of existing residential lots fronting on Jackman Road. 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4 . 1 The subject land is vacant of any structures . Surrounding land uses include: North: existing residential fronting on Mill Lane, proposed Plans of Subdivision 18T-87086 . East: limited existing residential fronting on Scogog Street, existing residential east of Scugog St. and south of Fourth St. , as well as Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-86069 . South: existing residential fronting on Jackman Road. West: Bowmanville Creek and its associated valley lands. 5 PUBLIC MEETING AND RESPONSE 5 . 1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage . . . 3 REPORT NO. : PD-158-90 PAGE 3 acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. 5 .2 As of the writing of this report no letters have been received either in support or in opposition to the applications as submitted although a number of enquiries have been made. 6 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6 . 1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan the subject property is designated 'Residential' with "Hazard Land" indications . 6 .2 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, Bowmanville Major Urban Area, the subject lands are within neighbourhood 112A" and are designated 'Low Density Residential' . The subject lands are also characterized by a "Hazard Land" indication which has been identified as an Open Space block (81) . Said block is the purpose of the rezoning application to recognize the lands within an "Environmental Protection (EP) " zone, in compliance with the Official Plan and the conditions of Town Approval. The application would appear to comply. 7 ZONING BY-LAW PROVISIONS 7 . 1 Within the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, the entire subject holdings are zoned 'Urban Residential Type One - Holding ( (H)R1) ' . The residential zone provision allows for 15 . 0 m minimum frontage single family dwellings units as well as semi-detached/link units having a 18 . 0 metre minimum frontage lot. The Conservation Authority has requested a zoning which prohibits structures on the subject lands . 8 AGENCY COMMENTS 8 . 1 The subject application was circulated to a limited number of agencies and departments as the proposed plan of subdivision has received Town approval and the subject rezoning application has . . .4 REPORT NO. : PD-158-90 PAGE 4 been submitted in order to satisfy a condition of approval. Todate the following agencies have yet to respond, these include: the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department; Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority; and Regional Planning Department. 8 .2 The Community Services Department has reviewed the application and have no objection to the rezoning application, as previously advised through the Plan of Subdivision circulation. They have requested that a pedestrian and vehicle access from Block 79, park block, be provided to the valley floor of Block 81 . 8 .3 The Ministry of Natural Resources has advised that they have no objection provided the "Environmental Protection (EP) " zoning reflects the Open Space Blocks 81 to 84, inclusive. 9 STAFF COMMENTS 9 . 1 The subject application is proposing to rezone a portion of the proponents holdings to recognize the lands which have been set aside for storm water management. The Open Space block (81) as Town Approved in Plan 18T-88051 recognizes a small tributary which traverses the applicants lands . This application would allow the lands associated with this water course to be recognized in the appropriate zone category as required by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority as a condition of Town Approval. 10 CONCLUSION 10 . 1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public Meeting as required by the Planning Act, to provide Committee and Council with some background on the application submitted and for Staff to indicate areas of concern regarding the subject application. A recommendation report will be forwarded to Committee/Council at such time all outstanding comments are received and concerns addressed. REPORT NO. : PD-158-90 PAGE 5 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrence' E. Kotseff DIrector of Planning Chief Acm�inistrative and Development Officer CP*FW*cc *Attach 26 April 1990 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Fram Building Group 220 Humberline Drive REXDALE, Ontario M9W 5Y4 G. M. Sernas and Associates Ltd. 110 Scotia Court WHITBY, Ontario L1N 3Y7 Emile Solomon 48 Jackman Road BOWMAVILLE, Ontario MC 2C9 LANDS SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT SITE TO REZONING LOT 14 LOT 13 LOT 12 Rl-10 A f I Rl (H)R1 sp G EP R1-1 oc a R1 sj, °cr- i (H)Rl w J Rl. N z RI i 0 A cn 1 cf) ,() i JACKMAN 0 z of R1 � 1 a RE ,. o I H)Rl RI cn Z w ! � TIM II _ DERIGK AVE. w (.� � ERM co I RI RE-5 , EDSALt ST r----1 IM IF II ! 0 50 roo Zoo 30oem KEY MAP , Dev. 88- 102 c_) rj 6 S S� I G S E E T U N N E Y P L A c 7) L 0 T 113 c o / I rz —————— N o. 1 5 0 D P L A N L L———— RO.W*IDENWG —A Q '"Koc,so RL- 0 S E E -7--7 /-- PROPOSED /4"R Z4 DRAFT PLAN T U N N P L I Z/ l OF SU8DIVISION UD L PART OF LOT 13 HH8C CONCESSION 3 -)3 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REG30hAl MUNW4PALITY OF DURHAM 21 20 14 12 cn T It RELEVANT INFORMATION LPN,Rflt—.- 3o 16, Lu! 171' 26 1-27 25 sr. 0 29 4 5 35 � wSl F S : /R. 1 0 11 7 8 37 tp,32 LJ 5k 57 56 INS T. 55. 1— T- T- T-1 N2369,9 1 N 5 T. 6 52 6, L 0 T 1 L -J war 3J03 / C 0 N C E 5 S 1 0 N 2 JACKMAN ROAD G. M. SERNAS i A8SOC. LTD. 87132 �T t rr RD" DP-1