HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-143-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE I [ DN: coFA REPORT File #66. Yt• ' . Res. # F ., .�-�• By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, April 2 3, 1990 A 7/90 & A 8/90 and REPORT #: PD- 143-90 FILE #: A 10/90 to 22/90 INCLUSIVE SECT: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 143-90 be received; and 2 . THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment on Applications A 7/90, A 8/90 and A 10/90 to A 22/90, inclusive. 3 . THAT Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment in the event of an appeal save and except applications A 8/90 and A 15/90. 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 The Committee of Adjustment heard applications on March 1, 1990, March 15, 1990 and March 29, 1990 . During that period, applications A 8/90 and A 14/90 were TABLED twice, while A 16/90 and A 17/90 were TABLED once. The four (4) above-mentioned applications were all APPROVED at the March 29 meeting. The Committee dealt with a total of fifteen ( 15) applications during those three (3) meetings, approving twelve ( 12) , dismissing two (2) , while one has been TABLED to the following meeting (April 12, 1990) . . . .2 D9 `i 4 REPORT NO. : PD- 143-89 PAGE 2 1 .2 Staff have reviewed the decisions of the Committee and are satisfied that the decisions conform to the general intent of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law and that the variances sought are minor in nature with the exception of applications A 8/90 and A 15/90 . 1.3 Minor variance applications A 8/90 and A 15/90 both requested variances from the sideyard requirements in order to legalize non- complying wooden decks . Application A 8/90 was approved with a 0.06 m setback and application A 15/90 was approved with the deck built to the property line, therefore having no sideyard setback. Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, requires a 1.2 m minimum sideyard setback for any projection or accessory structure. Staff are of the opinion that the variances as granted are not minor in nature, however, inasmuch as no one appeared in objection to either application at the meetings when Committee approved the variances, Staff is not prepared to recommend Council to appeal the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. 1.4 Council 's concurrence with the Committee of Adjustment decisions is required in order to afford Staff's official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of appeal of the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee F , Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrenc E`. Kotseff Director of Planning Chief nistrative and Development Office FW*cc *Attach 9 April 1990 9 46, _ ,^nn,rrnn or xnJonrocwr ' ,iz" No I o"`ibl�x. z 1..­"'i".^ z ai"", v",i°""° o""°u°a ( »"/ / N" / »",'. / / ` *.'d ,`."/ / ^'",^/ / / ^yo/nor r numzEo z 1,18 C r z-xo coxor000r As xzoouooar onzLo="-=^^��"�°"_«ox MAX uoxEuAau � 010-150-04200 z v 1/90 z DART, z ( FLAnyzuzv z 3/31/90 z I z zou- ( ^oo/000 r z^aLEo z Lxc o u z z»aLsn TO ALLOW THE oouuzzroE MEMBERS TO rnocaEa REvzow THE } � o1v-1ou-11uvr ` 3/ //on x DART, z AepLrcxTzow-x*o FOR-A unevoY--oe—Tao'-Pmoeoarp«n'as mxon-- u^u^wr / 3/31/9v ^ 85 uxxoxwv, ;xux ' � w oua zom- � z ' ( . � ` xo o/om z Appanvou z L//-r I. - z TO LEGAL x wow-coxFonwzwo onouuzwo~ouwarnooroo WITH AN 020-100-03500 z u/ z/uo z aon z EXzouzux uzoo rAoo on z'rou zmuzoxo on THE nEQnz000 su ��) ( rzvrnEn c^o/. / 3/31/e0 r zon omzxnzo uz z | ( � z �ox------ ---- ' z----- -- ------- -------------------'--- '--- ---' --- - ' ( ` ^vvm/ / m,wvx/, / 1,27 s z TO osnncwzzo nxzaz/oo sIux vAxo OF .mw 2 z ^r,co,En 1 m51 c 2 z TO CREATE x LOT WITH 14.09n roo*zuoE zmsrcAc OF Is.ux � 010-070-15*00 1 o/ 1/90 1 DART, z uOLuzo / -,/31/yn 1 4 2 o^RLzxuzo/ aLvo z I i ioa' z ( ^ou/c'3 z .`rrRorco z os c z z TO oasATo A Luz WITH FooszAuo or 14.09,11 zvSrcAo OF s.uo � 010'070-15400 r :/ 1/yo '. oAnL z / ooLooR z 3/31/90 1 42 oAaosazoN aLvn'z ' r z zoa- z ^90/014 z z^uLso z L e C. 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