HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-129-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE t �-DN: DEV90014 REPORT File #(p Res. # By-Law # P U B L I C M E E T I N G MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, April 23, 1990 REPORT #: PD-129-90 FILE #: DEV 90-014 (X-REF 18T-90010) SUBJECT: REZONING APPLICATION - KIDDICORP INVESTMENTS LIMITED PART LOT 30, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: DEV 90-014 (X-REF 18T-90010) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report PD-129-90 be received; 2 . THAT application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by D.G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Kiddicorp Investments Limited be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and 3 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council 's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1 . 1 Applicant: Kiddicorp Investments Limited 1.2 Agent: D. G. Biddle and Associates Limited 1 .3 Rezoning Application: from "Urban Residential Type One - Holding ( (H)R1) " to an appropriate zone to permit the development of a proposed Plan of Subdivision. ��) �� 0 . . .2 REPORT NO. : PD-129-90 PAGE 2 1.4 Subdivision Application: to permit the creation of a total 245 units consisting of 54, 12 . 0 metre (40 ft) single family dwelling units; 19, 15.0 metre (50 ft) single family dwelling lot and 62, 18 . 0 metre (60 ft) semi- detached/link lots ( 124 units) ; and 48, street townhouse units . 1.5 Land Area: 16 .47 Ha (40 . 69 Acres) 2. BACKGROUND 2 . 1 An application was received by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department on January 31, 1990, proposing to rezone a 16 .47 ha parcel of land immediately east of Trulls Road to allow for the development of a 245 unit proposed Plan of Subdivision. The applicant has also submitted an application to the Region of Durham for Plan of Subdivision ( 18T-90010) . The subject applications have been circulated concurrently by Town Planning Staff. 3 LOCATION 3 . 1 The subject property is located in Pt. Lt. 30, Conc. 2, former Township of Darlington. The applicants total holdings is 24.51 Ha, this includes 8 .04 Ha which are currently south of the Courtice Urban Boundary. The lands subject to application have approximately 312 m of frontage on Trulls Road. The property is south of the Sandringham Drive extension and extends one lot depth south of the Yorkville Drive extension. 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4 . 1 The subject land has a dwelling and three ( 3) agricultural buildings . Surrounding land uses include: `) - 9 . . .3 REPORT NO. : PD-129-90 PAGE 3 North: limited residential fronting on Trulls Road as well as a small commercial establishment. The balance of the lands are vacant. West: existing residential subdivision development 1OM-820, 1OM-834 and 10M 821 as well as limited strip residential fronting on Trulls Road. South: primarily vacant land with limited scattered residential. East: Vacant agricultural land part of which contains proposed Plan of subdivision 18T-87092 . 5 PUBLIC MEETING AND RESPONSE 5. 1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. As of the writing of this report no letters have been received either in support or in opposition to the applications as submitted. 6 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6 . 1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan the subject property is designated 'Residential ' . The residential policies allow for development of housing and encourage a variety of dwelling type and style. The application would appear to comply. 6 .2 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, Courtice Major Urban Area, the subject lands are within neighbourhood 12C' and are designated 'Residential' . The predominant use of lands within said designation shall be for housing purposes . The application is comprised of blocks for school and park purposes and has a total of 245 residential units, with an overall net residential density of approximately 26 . 18 units per hectare. The application must satisfy the neighbourhood population target, in this case 2500 `) 10 . . .4 REPORT NO. : PD-129-90 PAGE 4 people which would permit an average density of 12 units per ha. The application has an average density of 14 . 8 units per ha. In order to adhere to the population guide lines set out in the Official Plan, reduction in the overall density may be warranted. 6 . 3 Within the Courtice South Neighbourhood Plan the subject property is within an area designated as residential. The Neighbourhood policies allow flexibility in design and housing type, therefore not stipulating specific densities . The population target will assist in determining specific densities permitted. 7 ZONING BY-LAW PROVISIONS 7 . 1 Within the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, the subject lands are zoned 'Urban Residential Type One - Holding ( (H)R1) ' . The residential zone provision allows for 15.0 metre minimum frontage single family dwellings units as well as semi-detached/link units . The current zoning would not permit the proposed 12 .0 m minimum frontage single family dwelling units or the street townhouse units . 8 AGENCY COMMENTS 8 . 1 The subject application was circulated to a number of agencies and departments for comment. To date a number of agencies have yet to respond these include: the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department; Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority; the Separate School Board; Regional Public Works; the Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Transportation. 8 .2 The Newcastle Fire Department advised the subject lands would be within the recognized response area of station # 4, Courtice and has a varied response time depending on whether its full time or volunteer personnel. The comments also advised that continued growth in the Courtice area will put a strain on the current level of service. �] 1 . . . .5 REPORT NO. : PD-129-90 PAGE 5 8 . 3 The Town of Newcastle Community Services Department advise that the planned population of the subject application would be served by the proposed neighbourhood park. Community Services Staff have no objection subject to Block 174 being accepted as parkland dedication and that the developer prepare a masterplan the entire park/school site. 8.4 The Regional Planning Department advised that the lands are designated residential and the proposal may be permitted on these lands . 8 .5 The Northumberland Newcastle Public School Board was supportive of the plan conditional upon the whole site being available at time of construction as well sidewalks are to be constructed on internal roads . 8 . 6 The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ontario Hydro have advised they have no objection to the subject applications . 9 STAFF COMMENTS 9 . 1 The subject application is proposing to provide an extension to both Sandringham Drive and Yorkville Drive, it also allows for the necessary connections to proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-87092. The housing proposed would provide a mix of residential units, including street townhouses which are considered as affordable housing in the Courtice Urban Area. 9 .2 The density proposed would appear to be slightly above the allowable density based on the population target. The applicant is encouraged to review this matter with Town Staff to resolve the issue. x) 12 . . . .6 REPORT NO. : PD-129-90 PAGE 6 10 CONCLUSION 10 . 1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public Meeting as required by the Planning Act, to provide Committee and Council with some background on the application submitted and for Staff to indicate areas of concern regarding the subject application. A recommendation report will be forwarded to Committee/Council at such time all outstanding comments are received and concerns addressed. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee F nkli , M.C. I .P. Lawrence E. Kotseff DIrector of Planning j Chief Administrative and Development Officer CP*FW*cc *Attach 17 April 1990 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Kiddicorp Investments Limited 1748 Baseline Road Group 10, Box 7 R.R. # 2 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K3 D. G. Biddle and Associates Ltd. 96 King Street East OSHAWA, Ontario L1H 1B6 � 1 � t ... ell • u J101"t/ ji /NCG/S VENUE C7 RCCISTER 7Drt2o a 0 r s 4 el( ,s,ae» tt v s/ is 0 i o u v u �Q��v•� / tf W H/LLHURST u J7 Z +`�--..i -naccT rROPEAIT (t ` 41 JJ Jt Q �- +u L_I�c 11ETAIN[D J (f Ss KEY PLAN •KALt•I.r"O QQ M PSO LAD,/Or J20 $, N Jl � PROPOSED fJ Ot1 t0 fJ It fl t( t( Jr ,- DRAFT PLAN RWO ALLOAAACE AETlf2D, LOTS JO AND J, rA\tfSSION 2 i[✓ORART EKRCCNGT ACCESi OF SURD I V 1 S l ON TRULL' ROAD !LOCK 192 cstviK?If_13155 BLOCK It3 -.I u•os w•W SoISBP OF PART OF LOT SG N 1!•O]'.o•a No.Ito 6w.11•!1. •.w..[fP•E 1 N CONCESSION `— ---——'— ---"--------- �\ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 62 I/ • it 12y tl ?----- 1 BLOC I/N�2R > G f• ; - " •. • � REGIONAL W41CIPALITY a DLMAM `-• I I 1 I d _ _ . 121 _ ___BLOCK 141 BLOCK 140 BLOCK 139 - 2 R'I a,[nN:� LAND USE SCHEDULE�OCK 143 1 It LNITCI It LNITSI It UIITSI •'d •a+ •' � /,T.P� •6S LOW DENSITY 1015 V1t7S AREA 1 -4, 1 _ 123 .' o. u.w �,w s..wr u.w BLOCK 111 °2( • THAI LL I N _ 3 ff• SINGLE ,12.o.AM IN FRONTTIlE SS R 1 1 i Q4p[' .., 'i i s.... w'w BLOCK 136 _ BLOC 137 \BLOCK 138 BLOCK u5 q z.15.0.YIN FRONTAGE '1 2•tol LOTS- 7-16.49-69 i I t �O \5 p t12�F If wall IB WtTSI a LNITSI 1 Lot S. 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I..UQS TO BE RETAINED BY APPLICANT-BtX I73 8•04 ( j \ _g •. 0.'IElcwn NI IS • ••1 Il 1i • • 1, LS t 13t 12 't ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REOUIREO UNDER -__-_ __ R - I 1 t1 I t7 130 0h f7\ a SECTION 50 OF THE PLANNING ACT �T t\ V�� Z C•SOUTN-ACRICU.iLRN. p i - \32 •w7s ) 131 r InT Ta O .CST-COSTING RESIDENTIAL NORtN-SNALL NOLOINCS mo iUNIL TIES ICiMIK ' N X3 i • 111 • �C- J CAii•ORAFt PLAN Of SlDO1 VISION I•T-Artf.NO AGRI[l�LiIRAI - 1 •1 y1 ~ K 1t•P ,•" �r •'^� \�+ �(�T N-PIPED WIICIPA.[AILA t ftf �.{ Y ' ' I I L - '► ^"f `•41� f1 r\ a _ .y 1-SAT.CLAT R 1' �A t ' 111 '`I• • J n .ff K-ALL M YWICIPAL SERVICES ARE AYAILAK BLOCK I I OKNER'S CERTIFICATE SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE < 1 11! I• • �� !� 11 •• ,KRClT.MU.,i[IK f1..1i[[I I KRUt CgTVT Mt M•wNRK[ / 1 It '� -0• ` • Q Fw Otto fw11IM KA.•. 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