HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-105-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE z �. NECREST. REPORT File # < , Res. # By-Law # METING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: March 19, 1990 REPORT #: PD-105-90 FILE #: Pin 2 .4 SU&JECT: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE OSHAWA OFFICIAL PLAN PART II - PLAN FOR THE PINECREST PLANNING AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-105-90 be received; 2 . THAT the City of Oshawa and the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle does not support the deletion of the Beatrice Street Type 'B' arterial road between Harmony Road and Townline Road. 3 . THAT the City of Oshawa be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the remaining provisions of the Pinecrest Neighbourhood Part II Plan. 4 . THAT a copy of the report and a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the City of Oshawa and Region of Durham Planning Department. 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 The City of Oshawa Planning Staff have undertaken a Study to establish detailed policies for the Pinecrest Neighbourhood. The Pinecrest Neighbourhood is bounded by Taunton Road to the north, Townline Road to the east, Beatrice Street and the Beatrice Street extension to the south, and Wilson Road to the west. 590 REPORT NO. : PD-105-90 PAGE 2 1.2 From this Study, the Oshawa Planning Department have developed a Part II Plan for the Pinecrest Neighbourhood. Part II Plans or Secondary Plans, are prepared in order to refine and compliment the Oshawa Official Plan. They provide further detailed land use designations and related policies . 1. 3 Alternative Land Use Concepts for the Pinecrest Part II Plan were received by the Town of Newcastle Planning Department, June 26, 1989, and the following concerns were forwarded with respect to the various concept Plans by Town Staff on July 25, 1989 : i) That the Planned Commercial Centre within the Pinecrest Part II Plan serve a 'Neighbourhood' function only. ii) That the Town would wish to be satisfied that there would be no financial impact related to the upgrading of Townline Road. iii) That the need for an East/West Connector should be examined (Beatrice Street extension) . 1.4 The City of Oshawa forwarded the Proposed Pinecrest Neighbourhood Part II Plan to the Town by letter dated October 25, 1989 requesting comments . This report is prepared in response to that request and further refinements to the Pinecrest Neighbourhood Part II Plan. 1.5 At the Oshawa Planning and Development Committee public meeting of November 13, 1989, the Oshawa Department of Planning and Development presented the proposed Part II Plan for the Pinecrest Planning Area. The Oshawa Staff report addressed the Town's Staff comments as follows: 9 REPORT NO. : PD-105-90 PAGE 3 i) The Pinecrest Part II Plan contains a policy indicating that the area designated as Planned Commercial Centre shall be developed as a 'Neighbourhood' shopping centre in accordance with Table 1 in the Oshawa Official Plan. ii) With respect to the Town of Newcastle's concern for the upgrading of Townline Road North, this is not considered to be a Part II Planning consideration. iii) An east/west collector road extending across the entire Planning Area was not included in the proposed Pinecrest Part II Plan due to transportation, environmental and financial considerations . At the conclusion of the public meeting, the Oshawa Planning and Development Committee referred the proposed Pinecrest Part II Plan back to the Oshawa Department of Planning and Development for further review and preparation of a subsequent report. 1. 6 Oshawa Planning Staff presented their follow-up report, with respect to the proposed Pinecrest Part II Plan on February 26, 1990, to the Oshawa Planning and Development Committee. A revised Pinecrest Neighbourhood Part II Plan was developed and forms Attachment #1 to this Report. The land use plan varies slightly from the previous Preferred Land Use Concept. 2. PROPOSED PINECREST PART II PLAN 2 . 1 Description of Part II Plan The Pinecrest Part II Plan proposes a predominantly low density residential community with some low-medium density and high-medium density uses located on Taunton Road, Grandview Street North and Wilson Road North. The Plan also provides for a range of commercial uses located along Taunton Road and REPORT NO. : PD-105-90 PAGE 4 along Wilson Road North. A planned population of approximately 8500 persons is expected to be accommodated in the Pinecrest Planning Area. The proposed Land Use and Road Plan for the Pinecrest Planning Area is Attachment 1. 2 .2 Description of Related Proposed Amendments to City of Oshawa Official Plan Amendments to the Oshawa Official Plan are necessary for the implementation of the Pinecrest Part II Plan, and are as follows: i) the addition of a Local Central Area south of Taunton Road, east of Harmony Creek; ii) the redesignation of lands along Wilson Road from Residential to Special Purpose Commercial; iii) the addition of collector roads; iv) the deletion of Beatrice Street Type 'B' Arterial Road from Harmony Road North to Townline Road North. The proposed amendment forms Attachment #2 and Attachment #3 . 2 .2 . 1 Local Central Area Oshawa Planning Staff have identified that the 'Planned Commercial Centre' will form the central component of Local Central Area. The Local Central Area is shown as a 'Planned Development Area' within the Part II Plan for Pinecrest and contains commercial, residential and community uses . The 'Planned Development Area' is intended to ensure an overall integrated design. 2 .2 .2 Addition to Special Purpose Commercial Area An amendment to the City of Oshawa Official Plan to 5 "1) REPORT NO. : PD-105-90 PAGE 5 extend the presently designated special purpose commercial lands on Wilson Road North. This amendment would extend the present special purpose commercial block from Taunton Road to the proposed collector south of Taunton Road, along Wilson Road North. 2 .2 . 3 Addition of Collector Roads The Oshawa Planning Department have indicated the location of collector roads as shown on to Attachment #3. These collector roads will serve moderate volumes of short distance traffic and light or moderate volumes of traffic moving between points of origin and arterial roads . 2 .2 .4 Deletion of Beatrice Street Extension In 1987, the consulting firm of Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited prepared a Transportation Needs Assessment for the Beatrice Street extension. It was concluded from this study that from a traffic perspective, development accessibility and economic feasibility viewpoint that the construction of Beatrice Street East from Harmony Road North easterly to Townline Road North as a Type'B' arterial road would not appear to be justified. The Oshawa Planning Department does not support the extension of Beatrice Street East, and have proposed to delete the extension from the Durham Region Official Plan, the Oshawa Official Plan and with the proposed Part II Plan. 3. COMMENTS 3 . 1 Town Staff have reviewed the proposed Part II Plan and are satisfied that the Plan will generally provide for a co- D94 REPORT NO. : PD-105-90 PAGE 6 ordinated development pattern. Staff are not however, in agreement with the deletion of the Beatrice Street extension and are concerned with the potential impacts this deletion presents to this municipality. Although the draft changes to the Durham Regional Official Plan have not indicated that the Courtice Urban Area should expand northward, it may be possible that this will be the outcome of the current Official Plan review process. Notwithstanding the current review, if the Courtice Urban Area does not expand to the north immediately, it is viewed as eventually being a logical progression for the development of the Courtice Urban Area. This being so, there is a need to ensure that adequate east/west arterial road connections are included at the present time. 3 .2 Recent Traffic Demand Analysis by the Region concluded that traffic volumes would be higher than those projected in the Marshall Macklin Monoghan Report. If development does not proceed in Newcastle, traffic volumes are anticipated to be 6500 vehicles per day. If development proceeds east of Townline Road and north of the Courtice Urban Area, the average annual daily traffic for Beatrice Street can be expected to exceed 10,000 vehicles per day. This would be comparable to the existing traffic volumes along Rossland Road throughout the Town of Whitby and along Taunton Road from Harmony Road to Courtice Road in the Town of Newcastle. 3 . 3 Provisions have also been included in the draft changes to the Durham Region Official Plan to connect Beatrice Street with Dryden Boulevard in Whitby at such time as the Oshawa Airport is relocated. This only further emphasizes that Beatrice Street will play a strong role as a east/west connector, 9 � REPORT NO. : PD-105-90 PAGE 7 providing relief for the traffic which would otherwise be required to utilize Rossland Road or Taunton Road. 3 .4 Both the Region of Durham Works and Planning Departments as well as the Oshawa Department of Works, believe that there is a long term need for the Beatrice Street extension. Town Staff agree with this position and do not support the deletion of Beatrice Street, particularly if development options north of the Courtice Urban Area are to remain. Should Beatrice Street terminate at Harmony Road, future development north of Courtice would be negatively impacted. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. La rence E Kotseff Director of Planning Chief A i, istrative and Development Officer JB*DC*FW*df *Attach 9 March 1990 C� q � I J t+1 1 j){F 111 1 I i >i�•••;3'••••�.•;•}•�{ •,••e•a•�•,9•A��•f•.••'tlm'/�•'',,„•�'�,.••.'••,,a JJ)J01•`0,000ry 00o 00'•0�00"r0,0t/•'•0;�•00)0�,.i•O 0)J 0o7 0,\.•t 00 0°�t0•000.;!,0�00�•'tI0 jj rl�''-000'0.T'(Z`n T1�.11 00tla�3�•30000•�,00'P'h,F:•t•00 0 0'JC 00•l♦t 1,�00L�*o.00!T•0•0t-0.o.0 O•).i00(,4'-10o0 O:0)00,•t`o0 O i r�0t0 0•o)A! t)o0`E 0O•oo00�0O Xq 0o0.0o00 t[S.o0o0 f.o 00u,o0�oo�0 0$,0o.oo0 0'?'0000o:0J 0`0X00o0 o o7*00�00oo0J)0M 000.0o O U.0„00o0o00,.;0O 000o00O1 00o00o^0 o='00Oo0000b00no00otl00 0O00o00000tlo 0000o0O0000o0000o0oo00o00.000Oa0o0.�0000j 0o00000 0'"00O00oo000ao 0o 000Oo0o0000 0ou o,00"00 0Oo0o00o0000000otl000o000oo00ou000�'O0o0 0tl000`oOo 0 00 vo 000oo"Oo 000O 0 00oOo 000 U0 0•t(,t t,•a=){)�i1000otl00O0;000p0ap(0O0;0o0n00j 00o00 0p,0,00po.0 o00b0-0)0tl 0-00tl.o,00b`0oo0000•bo0o0°0tl00o0>bo,o 0bM•0y 0,-tl]0+0b i�,0P.,0(i�tlS •o°b/1 ri0tl,•/,0tl j.o 0b �,'r0�{Y��'n.'''+1y bYv-`?..�1��•�J J6by�0v j•.�,`�,�),)5-iF_?.0)`t' �0aO 0{^O0'0 0O0000IOouo0000UO0o0a00n00l Ou0°00n0� ,00°oOon:n000yLO0o0oj'00o0tY�jlO0n00'`W`U 0?Ooo0 WA{un'yOYoYMIo0,y(ouU0N U oo�OnLt000O UOoo 0OO t.0oo 0U0 oc C•'Q�,'z�t�t t i 0,00pt='-;0U;` 0�'�vtl f%0\_:'\��0O_%�),0�,0�:o�\0o„�0%%0'0'o�•�l`0.q oU,•..%0/�t�oUy\,+�\✓U//%s,!;\��\i0>o. 0!U;00 0��0.��00.i/0•:/0 0S��ce�00✓0✓/�0o0:�0',�\0" �00o�-/",o.:0 o'Vn'ov✓'000o;o�o"o00 0^io'o1"o'�00�',U o 0 o0 0O"c OnoOo oO,U"";oo0O,0o0 C,20Va"oa oO•"oo�a 0,�u"i ouo" ou 000•l(o"i TYoo o,( 0o0 ll0�Oo 0"000t 0,O 0•0Du �U 0U,0•0O0O o- 0 00 00o00 u.0 00o00uo00"00Oor000o0 o0„1U 00O0oo0(�o0 oU 0oU0oo0o 0U'oo0 UMo0U 0 )° 0 0000000 00000c 000000000000000000 00000000000 o 0000000 0 00000000000 100000 o 000000 000 0000000 0000000aooc 0000 °°000 0 0000000000uDo0O o o0u0) DOo0o on,0u0I O1 0o0o ao0oIU 001110O"D0,'I,�OiD0ttI'U 0,,U y I�0O0t �,ti.i0VO0qt-", 0 0 000000 00o0o00000000000000 00 0000000000000000000, to 0000 0000000 00 000000000 000000000,,<I lU(o 0 L 000000, )00000)0000000000000000 0000000000 0000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 000000000000°0000000 000000000, )000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000' ','J 00000 000000000 00 00000000000(OOOD 00OOOOOOOO 00 O 0000000 000 00 000000000000000,00000 1000000..000000000 00)000000000000000 0 000° 0 ° ° ° ° ° °°°° °°° ° °°0 0000000000000°UOO, • O 000000000 O 000000 00O 000 '000) 000 Op Op On On OOap00 0O p O°OO ^ ^�O Op ODtp 0 000000000000000 o0c )000000000000000000,0000000^^^^^ 0 0000000000000000000000, 000000000000000000000 000000 00 000000000000000000 000000°0 u000 aOOOOOO 0 °°°, )00000000000000000000000 UU OOOOOUOOOOOOOOOU 00 00 00 00000000000000000 00000O0O 0 0 O 000000000000000000O00 00000 )OOU0000000000000 J000000°O0U 0O OO0000O000 OO OOO UOODU000000000i, l)000000 ( OOO O0000000000000000 000 00000000000U 000 0000 00000000000 )O 00000000UO0oU U 00 • 0000t •)0000 00000000000000 0 000)Oaa 0000000000000u , 0000000( 000000 000 OOOOOOO0000000 000000` ` 0( 10000 0 o°0 0000°°°°000 , •, 0000000 00000 0000000000t 0000000• 000000c 000 < 000000o o , OOO0000000 000000000000 OO 00 o 00000 o00u c 000000000 oo00 O 0tt -00000 00000000000000 0O00O0O0°0O0o � 00000u OOOo oo(coo0000u 00000 10000000000000000000 JOOO ,l00000 .Pl Gt. y 1 o00 °° 0t•L - 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NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK PINECREST LAND USE AND ROAD PLAN rT LOW-MEDIUM EDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CHURCH PEDESTRIAN A'AR TRAIL L� ®TYPE"A"ARTERIAL ROAD �'•T._•-�T.'�•-�'.a�. MEDIUM-HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL =PLANNED COMMERCIAL CEN"r RE TYPE"B"ARTERIAL ROAD PART If PLAN FOR THE PIN ECREST PLANNING AREA ®LARGE LOT SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS 1 PLANNED COMMERCIAL STRIP COLLECTOR ROAD ®COMMUNITY USE Bll1 CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL CENTRE ® PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ARFA ,00 n >n zoo MfTRIC SCALf iFBRUARY 1990 6;::G:�l::'.:1 UTILITIES CJ SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL �--1 SPECIAL StUDYAREA _ Attachment No. 2 •�.,t::,•.,�p;^r,.;._,1: {:•'tic{{;: " ..••�'.it:A;{ 1 Lt :- 'tk f it%:=: �r?}.,?,••• {c•?u;::';:;'> :�: %f.Lff +F::{?vti:}{•:{. ••4, I v:!1.`}''{.:x:{f:,..: ....;•. 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CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT © DEFERRED COUNCIL (AN4nin"'I uet NAa1kAd1 BOUNDARY OF MAJOR PLANNED COMMERCIAL CENTRE URBAN AREA - Date: 90 0216 PLANNED COMMERCIAL STRIP a9 � Attachment No. 3 040 • 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 9116 • • • 9 • • • ♦ ADD COLLECTOR ADD COLLECTOR ROADS ROAM".- r! $ j Iiq -T. t CIF. DELETE TYPE'13'ARTERIAL ROAD FROM HARMONY ROAD NORTH TO TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH t r_J DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Exhibit "B" LEGEND: TYPE W ARTERIAL ROAD RAIL UNE Amendment to Schedule 'B' TYPEW ARTERIAL ROAO GO-TRANSIT REQUESTED ALIGNMENT Transportation TYPE VARTCRIAL ROAD GO-TRANSFT REQUESTED STATION LOCATION City of Oshawa Official Plan COLLECTOR ROAD EXISTING INTERCHANGE PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY PROPOSED INTERCHANGE THAT CITY COUNCIL WISHES TO SEE CONSTRUCTED. PROPOSEO HIGHWAY 401 OORRIOOR Date: 90 02-16 fimli"d) 599