HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-75-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ��f I i (, s N. COFA Res. #REPORT File # A �� :a. By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, February 19, 1990 A 1/90, A 3/90 to A 9/90, INCLUSIVE REPORT #: PD- 75-90 FILE #: A 107/89, 121/89 to 131/89 INCLUSIVE SUBJECT: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 75 -90 be received; and 2 . THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment on Applications A 107/89, A 128/89 to A 131/89, inclusive, A 1/90, A 3/90 to A 9/90, inclusive. 3. THAT Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment in the event of an appeal. 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 The Committee of Adjustment heard applications on December 14, 1989 , January 4, 1990, January 18, 1990 and February 8, 1990. The Committee approved nine (9) of the applications, tabled two (2) , and dismissed two (2) . One of the dismissed applications were withdrawn by the applicant while the other had a non-complying use and therefore was beyond the mandate of the Committee. . . .2 GNU -,) REPORT NO. : PD- 75 -89 PAGE 2 1.2 Staff reviewed all decisions of the Committee and are satisfied that they conform to the general intent of the Official Plan, the Zoning By-law and that the variances sought are minor in nature. 1 .3 Council's concurrence with the Committee of Adjustment decisions is required in order to afford Staff's official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of appeal of the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C.\\I.P K.. Lawrenc/te.✓ E. Kotsef f Director of Planning Chief Administrative and Development Office� i FW*cc *Attach 9 February 1990 586 r C011NITTEE t)i ADJUSTMENT )=ile• I Decision 1 Location I Minor variance ReceiNed < Roll I PaLe 1 ] .Apia,,:+u3 I Aopeal I 1 I 1 i ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Y,9i107 I DISMISSE I L18 C 0 I ACCESSORY BUILDING COVERAGE 013;-020-C8T20 7 'L/ 8/90 I DARL I NEED MORE INFORMATION G,%1 . -.AL Iti1P.`•f`ll:, >, aJ10/90 ] NAPLE GfCAF 1;'. I 1 I 1CM- 1 ------------------ --------- AP9/128 1 APPROVED I L28 C 5 I TO ALLOh THE APPLICANT TO CONDTRUCT AN ADDITION TO A SINGLE 030-050-14300 I 12/14/39 1 CL-AR1,E I FAMILI I,ICELLIN'G kEQUIRING .`ll'NICIPAL WATER GENOGE 1 13/90 I I ] 1 1ON- _A89/120 1 APPROVED I L31 " 8 I TO CONSTRUCT A DWELLING WITH A O,OM SETBACK FROM THE ENtIRON- � 030-060-12900 1 12/14/89 I CLARIiE I MENTAL PROTECTION ZONE INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 3.OM LEE BRIAN i 1/13/90 1 I ( I I IOM- I A89/130 1 APPROVES I L 8 C 0 I TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TO CONSTRUCT AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING { 020-120-19887 I 12/14/89 I BOW I HAVING A REAR YARD SETBACK OF 4.511 INSTEAD OF THE MINIMUM WILSAM HOLDINGS 1 1/13/90 I 211 BASSELINE RD I REQUIRED 7.5M I I 10m_ I A89/131 I APPROVED I L 8 C 0 I TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN INDUSTRIAL.BUILDING WITH A 020-120-19887 I 12/14/89 I BOW I REAR YARD OF 4.5M INSTEAD OF THE_MINIMUM REQUIRED 7.5M ( WILSAM HOLDINGS I 1/13/90 I 211 BASELINE RD I _ I - - I lOM---- --- - -Z - ----- -- -"- --- -- - ---- --� -� A90/001 I APPROVED I L28 C 5 1 TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY THAT WOULD EXCEED__ ________ 010-000- I 1/ 4/90 I CLARE I THE MXIMUM 40% TO THE MAIN BUILDING FLOOR AREA DOBSON JOHN I 2/ 3/90 I I I I 10:1- I i CDC -------------------====I---------- �� A90/002 I I L28 C 5 I APPLICANT REQUESTED TO CONTACT THE PLANNING DEPT ( 030-100-09500 I / / I CLARKE I TO PROVIDE FURTHER INFORMATION MICHALEJKO I / / I I I I lOM- I A90/003 I DISMISSE I L14 C 7 I APPLICANT PROPOSED TO CONDUCT A SPRING WATER BOTTLING 030-040-17500 1 2/ 8/90 I CLARKE I OPERATION- IT WAS DETERMINED THAT THIS IS NOT A PERMITTED USE FICE JOHN I 3/10/90 I 1 AND IS THEREFORE BEYOND THE CO`9MITTEE'S MANDATE { I I 10m_ I E A90/004 I APPROVED I L29 C__9 _I_TO REALIGN LOT BOUNDA_R_IE_S AND_RETAI_N_A_LO_T_OF 1_._5HA 3_.75 010-160-22610 I 1/18/90 I DARL' -- I ACRES INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 40 HA - -- BURNS LOIS I 2/17/90 I I I I 10M- I _ _ _ ( 3 A90/005 I APPROVED I L28 C 9 I TO REALIGN LOT BOUNDARIES AND RETAIN A LOT 7F.28 HA INSTEAD 010-160-22700 I 1/18/90 I DARL I OF THE REQUIRED 40HA I I lOM- I . .. ,. .... .3,.......,s... ...,,. ..3 .s. , ,., xs. .. .. � : .. . .. .. ..... q ... ..., - � ,. ...f. ..1sr., f d .. s .:. .. s y. z v ,? 3 .,....•.. , „3 3.,s... .,es > 3. 3 ,.f ,.,s,,, „3 t. o f ,.�. ..f • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., y.. ....i..•.. .. ..... f ,r r � .. 9 ., ... 3 ...... r 3 ., •S�... .,a„ s !�::,..,, ,.> y. ss e-Jitii`5i?};� i. 1. 3, 3 .. 1 .. �........, o.. ,•#(3 N f.i N. .•, ...:f:,a...3 , 1.r.11.., ..y .. :::.•:,:,::;:...,:>::•.,.,;..:.::s,.. ... ..... .3 ....:.....:...:.,,...:.;.. .•f, ) 3 ... .j,,.., .,,,:. .y { :.,,. .3.Y,f:., ... .., z...r a ........ ..3...s, ..,.•.,.,.. .... .� .S .,. .,�., ��.gg jJf.. 3,ga�.o -. 3 .r, ., ... .. .,,#. ...f.l: ..., ...3 s.. 3 ....s.. s..s ..3...: ,. ,... .. 1 � 1.. ,.}7zfs f ., .+. ........ ........ , ... 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