HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-87-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1BT87056 REPORT Fi le # Res. # By-Law # METING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, March 5, 1990 REPORT #: PD- 87 -90 FILE #: 18T-87056 (x-ref O.P.A. 89-140/D/N) SUBJECT: SUBDIVISION APPLICATION - OCEANFRONT DEVELOPMENT LTD PART LOT 6, BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE: 18T-87056 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 87 -90 be received; 2 . THAT the proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-87056 revised and dated September 1989, as per attachment No. 1, be APPROVED subject to the conditions contained in this Report; 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by-law, to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner and the Town of Newcastle at such time as the agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning; 4 . THAT a copy of this Report and Council 's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and 5 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1. 1 Applicant: Oceanfront Developments Ltd. 1.2 Subdivision Application: to permit the development of six ( 6) industrial lots 1. 3 Land Area: 14 . 84 Ha (36 . 68 acres) . . .2 Z1 REPORT NO. : PD- 87 -90 PAGE 2 2 . BACKGROUND 2 . 1 In July of 1987 the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department was advised by the Region of Durham Planning Department of an application for proposed plan of subdivision submitted by Inducon Consultants of Canada Limited, on behalf of Oceanfront Developments Ltd. The subject application proposed twelve (12) industrial blocks, on the south side of highway 401, between Lambs Road and Bennett Rd. The application has since been revised to propose six (6) larger industrial blocks . 2 .2 The application was one of three (3) industrial subdivision applications received at that time. The applications were all adjacent to each other and extended from Port Darlington Blvd. to halfway between Lambs Rd. and Bennet Rd. 3 LOCATION 3 . 1 The subject property is located in Part Lot 6, Broken Front Concession, former Town of Bowmanville. The subject site is south of Highway 401, east of Lambs Road, north of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Ontario Hydro Corridor, and west of Bennet Road. 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4 . 1 The lands are currently vacant. 4 .2 Surrounding land uses include: North: Highway 401, and industrial designated lands; West: Registered plan of subdivision ( 10M-831) and proposed Plan of Subdivision ( 18T-87055) ; South: Ontario Hydro Corridor, C.P.R. line, vacant lands subject to development applications; East: Vacant lands designated industrial and Bennett Road. 3 j11� 5 . . . . REPORT NO. : PD- 87 -90 PAGE 3 5 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5 . 1 Within the Durham Region Official Plan the subject lands are designated "Industrial" . The predominant use of lands so designated may be for manufacturing, warehousing, assembly and processing. The application for an industrial plan of subdivision would appear to comply. 5.2 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan the subject lands are also designated "Industrial" . The subject application appears to comply. 6 ZONING BY-LAW PROVISIONS 6 . 1 Within the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, the subject property is zoned "General Industrial - Holding ( (H)M2) " and "Light Industrial - Holding ( (H)Ml) . The zoning is divided for all intents and purposes to follow the proposed Lake Road extension. The 'M2 ' zone, on the south side of the Lake Road extension, in addition to permitting all the uses listed in the 'M1' zone, also allows outside storage of goods and materials . This is the most significant difference between the two (2) zones . 7 AGENCY COMMENTS 7 . 1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the subject application was circulated to a number of agencies and departments for comments and conditions of approval if any. The following agencies departments in providing comments, offered no objections to the application as submitted: Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission; the Ministry of the Environment; and the Ministry of Natural Resources. 7 .2 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department have provided the . . .4 576 REPORT NO. : PD- 87 -90 PAGE 4 following comments as a result of their review of the subject application: the rural cross section is to be designed to satisfaction of the director of Public Works; the impact of this development on the existing Town road system be assessed and the developer contribute to the reconstruction of the roads impacted by this development; that a storm drainage report to the satisfaction of the director be submitted; that the developer bear the cost 100% of all works associated with the reconstruction of the Lambs Road Lake Road interchange, the illumination or upgrading thereof on Lambs road, the existing south service road and Bennett road; that proposed road 'A' be reduced to a cul-de-sac in compliance with Public Works standards; and that the developer be responsible for all the standard requirements . 7 .3 The Town of Newcastle Community Services Department advised that as a condition of approval the applicant will be required to pay to the Town the equivalent of two percent (2%) cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication. 7 .4 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department Staff advised there would be no objection from the department provided all development complied with the requirements of the Building Code and Fire Code. 7 .5 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority advised that they have no objection to the application, although they suggest that a cash contribution be made to the Town for creekbank erosion control south of the C.N.R. The Authority is prepared to support approval subject to conditions, one of which is to obtain C.L.O.C.A. approval of a hydraulic analysis of the respective watershed, given current official plan designations . As well no on site grading, filling or construction shall occur without written approval of the Authority. . . . .5 `D � � REPORT NO. : PD- 87 -90 PAGE 5 7 . 6 Ontario Hydro review of the application provided no objection although a number of conditions were put forth. Drainage and grading plans must be submitted to Ontario Hydro for review and approval; temporary fencing must be installed delineating the right of way prior to construction, to be replaced with permanent fencing after construction is completed; Ontario Hydro lands are not to be used without prior permission and relocation of Hydro facilities resulting from this development will be borne by the developer. 7 . 7 Ministry of Transportation has not provided any objection to the submission. Ministry Staff advised that all buildings will require a minimum distance of 14 metres (45 feet) from the highway property line and permits will be required for all buildings within 395 metres ( 1300 ft) of the centre point of the highway and Lambs road, in addition, that the stormwater management report and drainage plan be submitted to M.T.O. for approval. The Ministry also advised that they had no plans to acquire any lands for a future Lambs road interchange. However, as the Region of Durham is the proponent of this possible interchange, it will be the Regions responsibility to undertake the property protection and acquisition as well as obtain all the necessary approvals required by an Environmental Assessment. It is noted that if the proposed interchange at Lambs Road and Highway 401 proceeds, the application has made allowances for it. 7 .8 The Canadian National Railway Staff commented they had no objection to the proposal in principle, however, as a condition of approval the applicant must receive concurrence from the railway with regards to any proposed drainage alterations to the existing drainage pattern affecting Railway property. 7 . 9 Regional Public Works Staff provided no objection to the application in principle noting that full municipal services were available to the site. The Region outlined a number of conditions the applicant must fulfil prior to final approval. . . . .6 REPORT NO. : PD- 87 -90 PAGE 6 8 STAFF COM MNTS 8 . 1 The application is proposing to develop an industrial Plan of Subdivision with six (6) blocks for development. The application would appear to comply with the Durham Regional Official Plan policies as well as the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. In addition the proposed lots comply with the provisions of the Town's Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended. 8. 2 The proposed plan of subdivision provides a continuation of Lake Road and connects with the Lambs Road and the existing South Service road. In reviewing the subject application it is noted that the lands current only access is from the South Service Road and eventually to Bennett Road. In consideration of this, and the fact that said proposal may proceed in advance of adjacent lands to the west ( 18T-87055) , it is recommended that the applicant be required to contribute to the upgrading of Lambs Road, the South Service Road and Bennett Road to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works . Should this not be acceptable the subject development should not proceed until such time as Lake Road is connected to Bennett Road. 8. 3 At such time as the Lake Road extension is constructed to connect with Bennett Road, the need for the South Service Road will become redundant. It is suggested that at such time that Lake Road is extended to Bennett Road, the South Service Road should be closed and conveyed in accordance with Town policy. 8.4 In consideration of the above-noted comments to close and . . .7 J7a REPORT NO. : PD- 87 -90 PAGE 7 convey the South Service Road road allowance, there is no need for road 'A' as proposed to extend to the top end of the subject property. It is therefore recommended that road 'A' be redesigned as a cul-de-sac, thereby allowing a greater utilization of the industrial lands. 8.5 Other revisions to the plan include placement of one foot (0. 3 metre) reserves on blocks 1, 5 and 6 where they abut either Lambs Road or the South Service Road. The temporary turning circle be revised to a 27 .5 metre radius and that 9 . 0x9 .0 metre sight triangles be provide at all intersections. 8 . 6 All of the proposed lots would appear to satisfy the zoning requirements, and the existing 'Holding (H) ' prefix would be removed when the subdivision agreement is registered. Any future development on the proposed industrial lots would be subject to site plan approval . 9 CONCLUSION 9 . 1 In consideration of the above noted comments, Planning Staff would have no objection to the approval of the Plan of Subdivision 18T-87055, as revised and as further red-line revised, subject to the conditions of approval attached hereto. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to t e Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. L wren /e, Kotseff DIrector of Planning Chief A , istrative and Development Officer CP*FW*cc *Attach 26 February 1990 . . . . 8 580 REPORT NO. : PD- 87 -90 PAGE 8 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Oceanfront Development Ltd. 115 Simcoe Street OSHAWA, Ontario L1H 4G7 Inducon Consultants of Canada Limited Ms. A1ina Bridgeman 235 Yorkland Blvd. , Suite 1100 WILLOWDALE, Ontario M2J 4Y8 X81 DN: INDU.DRA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION PLAN IDEN11FICATION 1. That \ined l applies to draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-87056 prepared by Inducts Canada Ltd. dated (revised) September, 1989 (and further reviss per the attached plan) showing Blocks 1 to 6 inclusive for indusopment, and various blocks for reserve, road widening, site trianFINAL PLAN 2. That all streets wit 'n of Subdivision shall be dedicated as public highway and shown afinal plan. 3. That all streets sh the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle and shown on the final REQUIREMENTS TO BE SATISFUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 4. That the Owner shall retain a pro ssional engineer to prepare and submit a Master Drainage and Lot Grading Plan the Director of Public Works for review and approval. All plans and drawings mu t conform to the Town's Design Criteria as amended from time to time. REQUIREMENTS TO INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 5. That the Owner shall enter into a Subdivision Ag Bement with the Town and agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the own's standard subdivision agreement, including, but not limited to, the requi ements that follow. 6. That all easements, road widening, and reserves as re ired by the Town shall be granted to the Town free and clear of all encumbrance 7. That the Owner shall pay to the Town at the time of execution f the subdivision agreement, two percent (2%) cash-in-lieu of parkland dedicatio . 8. That the Owner shall pay to the Town, at the time of execution of th Subdivision Agreement, any charges in effect at the time of execution and furthe agrees to abide by the Town's payment schedule as amended from time to time. 9. That the Owner shall provide and install street lights, temporary turning ci cles etc. as per the Town's standards and criteria. \� 10. That the Owner shall cause all utilities, including, hydro, telephone, Cable TV, etc. to be buried underground. . . .2 582- REPLACEMENT PAGES G.P.A. AGENDA - MARCH 5 /90 DN: INDU.DRA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION PLAN IDENTIFICATION 1. That this approval applies to draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-87056 prepared by Inducon Consultants Canada Ltd. dated (revised) September, 1989 (and further revised in red as per the attached plan) showing Blocks 1 to 6 inclusive for industrial development, and various blocks for reserve, road widening, site triangle etc. FINAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS 2. That all streets within the Plan of Subdivision shall be dedicated as public highway and shown as such on the final plan. 3. That all streets shall be named to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle and shown on the final plan. REQUIREMENTS TO BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 4. That the Owner shall retain a professional engineer to prepare and submit a . Master Drainage and Lot Grading Plan to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. All plans and drawings must conform to the Town's Design Criteria as amended from time to time. REQUIREMENTS TO INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT S. That 'the Owner shall enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Town and agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the Town's standard subdivision agreement, including, but not limited to, the requirements that follow. 6. That all easements, road widening, and reserves as required by the .Town shall be granted to the Town free and clear of all encumbrances. 7. That the Owner shall pay to the Town at the time of execution of the subdivision agreement, two percent (2%) cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication. 8. That the Owner shall pay to the Town, at the time of execution of the Subdivision Agreement, any charges in effect at the time of execution and further agrees to abide by the Town's payment schedule as amended from time to time. 9. That the Owner shall provide and install street lights, temporary turning circles . etc. as per the Town's standards and criteria. 10. That the Owner shall cause all utilities, including, hydro secondary, telephone secondary, Cable TV, etc. to be buried underground. ...2 582 -2- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION RE IIIREME S TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 11. That t e Owner shall provide the Town, at the time of execution of the subdivision agreement, Letters of Credit acceptable to the Town's Treasurer, with respect t Performance Guarantee, Maintenance Guarantee, and other guarantees or deposit may be required by the Town. 12. That prior to t e issuance of building permits, access routes to the subdivision must be provided o meet Subsection of the Ontario Building Code and, that all watermain and hydrants are fully serviced and the Owner agrees that during construction, fire access routes be maintained according to Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code, storage of combustible waste be maintained as per Subsection a d open burning as per Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. 13. The Owner agrees that where he well or private water supply of any person is interfered with as a result of construction or the development of the subdivision, the Owner shall at is expense, either connect the affected party to municipal water supply system provide a new well or private water system so that water supplied to the affec ed party shall be of quality and quantity at least equal to the quality and quan 'ty of water enjoyed by the affected party prior to the interference. 14. That a site plan agreement be entered into prior to development of each industrial lot. 15. That it be registered on title that all buildin s be setback a minimum of 14.0 m (45 ft. ) from the Highway 401 property line. 16. That the impact of this development on the existing To n road system which forms a transportation link to Highway 401, Bennett Road a Highway 2 be assessed and based on the above, the developer should contribute to the reconstruction of the roads impacted by this development to the satisfac ion of the Director of Public Works. 17. That the road allowance width be adjusted to the satisfaction f the Director of Public Works to reflect a rural cul-de-sac R.O.W. of 27.5 m ra us, and that sight triangles at all intersections are provided accordingly. . . .3 58J -2- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT . 11. That the Owner shall provide the Town, at the time of execution of the subdivision agreement, Letters of Credit acceptable to the Town's Treasurer, with respect to Performance Guarantee, Maintenance Guarantee, and other guarantees or deposit as may be required by the Town. 12. That prior to the issuance of building permits, access routes to the subdivision must be provided to meet Subsection of the Ontario Building Code and, that all watermains and hydrants are fully serviced and the Owner agrees that during construction, fire access routes be maintained according to Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code, storage of combustible waste be maintained as per Subsection and open burning as per Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. 13. The Owner agrees that where the well or private water supply of any person is interfered with as a result of construction or the development of the subdivision, the Owner shall at his expense, either connect. the affected party to municipal water supply system or provide a new well or.private water system so that water supplied to the affected party shall be of quality and quantity at least equal to the quality and quantity of water enjoyed by the affected party prior to the interference. 14. That a site plan agreement be entered into prior to development of each industrial lot. 15. That it be registered on title that all buildings be setback a minimum of 14.0 m (45 ft.) from the Highway 401 property line. 16. That the developer shall contribute to the improvement of the roads impacted by this development to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 17. That the road allowance width be adjusted to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works to reflect a rural cul-de-sac R.O.W. of 27.5 m radius, and that sight triangles at all intersections are provided accordingly. . ..3 583 -3- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (CONT'D) 18. Th t storm drainage and lot grading be undertaken to the satisfaction of the Dire for of Public Works. 19. That the developer bear the costs (100%) of the following works which would be necessitat d as a result of this development: a) The re onstruction of the intersection of the Lake Road extension and Lambs Road. b) The illumi ation or upgrading of existing illumination on Lambs Road, the existing So th Service Road and Bennett Road. 20. That 0.3 m reserves b placed on Blocks 1, 5 and 6 where they abut Lamb's Road or the South Service Ro d. 21. That Road "A" be re-design d to form a cul-de-sac to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 22. That the applicant satisfy all he requirements of the Central lake Ontario Conservation Authority, financiall or otherwise. 23. That the applicant satisfy all the re uirements of Ontario Hydro, financially or otherwise. 24. That the applicant satisfy all the requirem is of the Ministry Transportation Ontario, financially or otherwise. 25. That the applicant satisfy all the requirements of a Canadian National Railway, financially or otherwise. � a � -3- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (CONT'D) 18. That storm drainage and lot grading be undertaken to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 19. That 0.3 m reserves be placed on Blocks 1, 5 and 6 where they abut Lamb's Road or the South Service Road. 20. That Road "A" be re-designed to form a cul-de-sac to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 21. That the applicant satisfy all the requirements of the Central lake Ontario Conservation Authority, financially or otherwise. 22. That the applicant satisfy all the requirements of Ontario Hydro, financially or otherwise. 23. That the applicant satisfy all the requirements of the Ministry Transportation Ontario, financially or otherwise. 24. That the applicant satisfy all the requirements of the Canadian National Railway, financially or otherwise. 584 ��♦ 1. `� ;% i % • • zo 1 now 02 4 ' IJ TOWN OF OOWMANVI LE,now A h� TOWN OF NE CASTLE (I THE ❑ BASELINE A - _-S I ., KINGS HIGHWAY N ^-7 1ilGHWAY t k SERVICE a.o )) cdYix 2Ap Y.o R 41) II � Ly i II IT - LAKE ONTARIO 1 I KEY PLAN_ ! 7 a DRAFT PLAN I i s slot s OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ..IT I t � y PART OF LOT 6,BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION r FORMERLY IN THE fi T BLOCK 5 TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE NOW IN THE x o„N, , TOWN OF NEWCASTLE C LA- « ) onf[D CASCNCN MCTRIC SGALC 1.1000 kf I ,•- _ _ ~'' — I 1 rani lONAI INFORMATION ' In�iMA.N 1[Clgx>DI>I M rM M1aNNrW KI NM •---- -. ROAO w ws eww ox o•ArT ILAN CRY AUTIpR2ATKtl 1, AS AS Nu+N oN Ot p4AIT RAN Ic) ?CwM OM IT Ran AND•[t RAN _ C;I LAillai N AFLO•PNKL MTN NCOVieC• n w ualon SaiS or Mt M, ousTNMI TONY MMNN6 AR Atl K NP der ri VI MJKM LaM U/ONONTN W+wtl a01 rTCTR _ d CW1M W LI iD'�IO lIONIT TNn fLUTM�CwTR.NrpW ...�_'M1 0•NT RaN ION 1IT0••AL. —T-L Wl WAD vKANT,NTVIIC INDV111M1 t. 111 AS DgwN DN MAR KW p i w. PI AS SMwll ON p1/✓T FLAN KOa 10[N 111 M:T'I 4M BLOCK I Tp iil wHiGi.ai v�rt aNN M D LMIfAN+StwtN j L� 9UAVEY00.'D CCPTI TE, 11 N i Dn MAT+RaN A. THE BLOCK = [NCeY CCnnCr inA t 1 LL� R ISO a eavioco:i"taawxi^ a• ' rrwnm c E oDOO Rti[R E n oNArt RAN ND T c Aiutwrnw.ro ALUACCxr 'N [/DS ARC arLMIATCL+AND ..:m - CCRKCtit SnDNn, %Art °[UNG• 3 CONS INDUCON Q " 11 M \ J £ CONSULTANTS oOF CANADA ANNERS 1 O LOCK A ' 1'.tvl!1•'.i1L - RFLEMNi INTMIMAT K,N „, \ rNUU+AL `n°w•{:« m . o•auxn•nwev.NU Nti.. \\ \° i NNnnn ocNi 1 1 Ct�, itla+NDxt la l•l ars-t•Do \ ^ S ” •^ I,. 11 psl�w xMn�i+mn .A,"I. � SOUTH BOWMANVILLC INDUSTRIAL PARK « " AT — ONTARIO ' ONTARIO " nlw rn OCEANFRONT DEVELOPMENTS LTD. ` HYDRO + .A T - 'vN'wNrcl Ka.M�`,i"<'a"':..e�'I�»<`;�NiNr �,IO,.�A" I,Nn �N ...,... .,\ I mwlwo •NIA -^,•�•• ()FIAT i I•I AN ~•::' Dr noaAN-na rnowtsen au()nrvlRKnl PLAN AS SUBMITTED _ 0�a TOWN OF 70WMAN LE. TOWN OF NE CASTLE 1 I� I(•. D THE fv f P0.0 i• 401 3 i It II _�� �� • _ 1`t N1cNWAY ao R AD Eli II f ° II ' ONTARIO LAKE t I I , I J r KEY_PLAN /A 1 DRAFT PLAN f a BLOC a OF PROPOSED SUBDIV)S*N • PART OF LOT 6,BROKEN FRONT CONCESSC-4 t t' s SR FORMLT N THE c TOWN OF BOWMANVLLE .'' eLOCR II -t fr N Bow w Tnc J »,„ i TOWN OF NEWCASTLE YCT•K ft•a[ 1•qa° LAKE ! », :::Nr°•`M _.»mot_ •�_, ..ROAD AtfM1112AtOl ai wS•sc°w w ruw i •r. 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I PLAN AS SUBMITTED w. 1� .HG W(Y;^ 4 TOWN OF DOWMANV LE ow�n'lh N 17� 7•_ 70WN OF NE CASTLE J�.^ \J I I IIII THE ❑ A IN A " / r I KING S FtlGHlygy ..I � No, 401 CI i IfIGHWAY x e .r II _ II `° � '` •LAKE ONTARIO I 1� 8 KEY PLAN_ 1 e�4 5 DRAFT PLAN OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PART OF LOT $,BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION FORMERLY IN THE i BLOCK 5 TOWN OF BOWMANVIL.LE .V,p. NOW IN THE x °xw, axowp[xJ < TOWN OF NEWCASTLE " I• roue c.l)twc» _ METRIC SCALE 1-1000 LAke S lro1TIONAL INFORMATION „• •, p a.xl ,ux MclrM wv)n hx nAMwW K1 rw] / ._.__ } .I_ .• .`I I' .... ' � ^ ^'_ ..@ NER't AUTMIZAT10)l t ` ` � ° Cx N " nw r RDAD g,�5a� } "�f+�f77S%B L�.. R AccoNMNCr nl A orx,c• 6i u o�ir—fT fLAN �4 1<I AS},OAN OM OMIT RM 10.0 RAN 6 d f[CilOw Sdi)01 i,K NI Ov]TnML S"NITARV ME 2 MmniM KT nN K Iq([n 1.i AeJ1¢N!LAW ufOr .WTxoTR OgL0To COW 11." 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Z0, TsF - cm.€4'A.E.'I'CSRCy ' 11 ThAri I'1 AN Ph!)P113E0 iURhiV11:1(III PLAN AS RED-LINE _REVISED _