HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-98-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: TWP-HOPE.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, April 22, 1991 Res. # By-Law# Report#: PD-98-91 File #: Pln 2 .4 Subject: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMENTS TOWNSHIP OF HOPE OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW AND UPDATE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-98-91 be received; 2 . THAT Report PD-98-91 be adopted as the comments of the Town of Newcastle on the Township of Hope Official Plan Review and Update; and 3 . THAT a copy of this report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Region of Durham Planning Department and the Township of Hope. 1. INTRODUCTION 1. 1 On January 21, 1991 the Town of Newcastle received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, a copy of the Background Document and the Official Plan Review and Update for the Township of Hope. As part of the Ministerial approval process, comments from other government agencies, neighbouring municipalities and Regions are required. 1 .2 The Official Plan of the Township of Hope Planning Area was approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs in January 1985 . The Township Council retained the consulting firm of Totten Sims Hubicki to review and update the Official Plan. 1. 3 This Report provides an overview of the existing situation in the Township as well as a summary of the proposed Official Plan and how it differs from the existing Plan. REPORT NO. : PD-98-91 PAGE 2 Staff 's comments on the Plan focus on those issues which may concern the Town of Newcastle. 2. THE TOWNSHIP OF HOPE 2 . 1 The Township of Hope, with a population of approximately 3,600, is directly east of the Town of Newcastle, and forms part of the westerly boundary of Northumberland County. The majority of residential development has occurred in the hamlets of Welcome, Garden Hill, Elizabethville, and Campbellcroft. There are also a number of smaller settlement areas . The hamlets and settlement areas are not serviced with municipal sewer or water. 2 . 2 Agriculture and related industries account for seventy percent of land use. There is little industry. The assessment base is heavily weighted towards residential and farm properties . The Oak Ridges Moraine traverses the northern portion of the Township, and is identified as an area with an abundance of mineral aggregates . 3. SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN 3 . 1 The proposed Official Plan for the Township of Hope is intended to guide development within the Township until the year 2010 and, as provided by the Planning Act, is to be reviewed every five years . 3 .2 The Plan identifies five major goals as follows: To enhance and preserve the natural environment To optimize and develop the natural resource base To develop the Township to its fullest economic potential by utilizing the resource base of the Township To provide residents with a range of opportunities in terms of work place and living, recreational and cultural pursuits REPORT NO. : PD-98-91 PAGE 3 To develop a safe and efficient road network and provide an effective level of public services consistent with the needs of the residents . 3 . 3 The Plan outlines a number of specific objectives which are intended to implement the goals of the Plan. In particular, the Plan seeks to preserve lands for open space recreational purposes adjacent to Lake Ontario and the Ganaraska River and its smaller tributaries to protect provincially significant Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSIs) to protect the agricultural areas from development and fragmentation of land to protect areas exhibiting a high potential for aggregate resources while ensuring that aggregate extraction is done in a manner so as to minimize negative impacts on the environment to create a land use planning framework which establishes a hierarchy of settlement areas, and the orderly development of commercial and industrial activities, particularly in the lands adjacent to Ontario Hydro's Wesleyville site. 3 .4 The Plan's policies with respect to the Waterfront Area and the Oak Ridges Moraine are of particular interest to the Town of Newcastle, and are discussed in more detail. 3 .5 Waterfront Areas 3 .5 . 1 The Waterfront Area is dominated by two land use designations: 'Agricultural Priority Areas ' and 'Industrial Areas ' . The shoreline area and watercourses flowing into Lake Ontario are designated 'Environmental Constraint' . Approximately one third of the Waterfront is designated in the Official Plan as 'Industrial ' , maintaining the existing designation in the current Official Plan. Most of the lands '. 0Q (� i 1, I REPORT NO. : PD-98-91 PAGE 4 designated 'Industrial ' are owned by Ontario Hydro as part of the Wesleyville Generating Station Project. The project was halted in 1979, and Ontario Hydro has no current plans to complete the project. Ontario Hydro has indicated that the lands can be leased out for alternative industrial uses not necessarily related to power generation. The text describes the Wesleyville Generating Station as a Special Policy Area, although this is not indicated on Schedule 'A' (attached hereto) . 3 .5 . 2 The Plan states that the planning and development of the Waterfront Area shall be coordinated by Township Council in conjunction with the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources, through the future implementation of a Shoreline Management Plan. The Management Plan will identify the Waterfront as a significant resource and landscape element that should be protected in the long term. Council is to encourage public access to the shoreline whenever possible. 3 . 6 Oak Ridges Moraine 3 . 6 . 1 The Oak Ridges Moraine is dominated by four land use designations: 'Marginal Lands ' , 'Agricultural Priority Lands ' , 'Recreation and Conservation' and 'Environmental Constraint Areas ' . The policies related to these designations limit the degree of development permitted in the Oak Ridges Moraine. Actual reference to the Oak Ridges Moraine is only contained in the "Marginal Lands" designation. The new policies in the 'Marginal Lands ' section recognize the Oak Ridges Moraine as a predominant landscape element and encourage the preservation of its rural character and natural environmental features . The Plan also requires studies to be carried out in the area of the Ganaraska headwaters . i REPORT NO. : PD-98-91 PAGE it 3 . 6 . 2 Schedule 'A' also indicates areas of high potential for mineral aggregates referred to as 'Aggregate Resource Reserves (AR) ' being an overlay to the other land use designations . The policies related to the 'AR' area specify that new development in this area shall not preclude the future extraction of the mineral aggregate resource. New aggregate resource extraction operations may only proceed by specific amendment to the Official Plan. The proposed Official Plan outlines criteria to be considered in the evaluation of applications to establish an aggregate extraction operation. The criteria includes an assessment of potential negative impacts such as noise, dust damage to the natural environment and haulage routes . 3 .6 . 3 Estate residential subdivisions are permitted by amendment to the Plan but are not permitted in areas which demonstrate a high resource capability in terms of either agriculture, aggregate resource extraction, forestry or in areas which are environmentally sensitive. These provisions would therefore appear to prohibit estate residential development throughout most of the Oak Ridges Moraine. 4. COMMENTS Upon reviewing the Township of Hope Official Plan Review documents, staff wish to raise the following concerns: i) There has been a heightened awareness of the importance i of waterfront areas and the environment. The Township's Official Plan could be strengthened by providing more comprehensive policies for the waterfront area. The Shoreline Management Plan could, for example, make reference to the eco-system principles for planning identified by the Crombie Commission. It also may wish to re-evaluate the policies in the ' Industrial' and 'Environmental V n 4 i REPORT NO. : PD-98-91 PAGE 6 Constraint Areas ' . Given the uncertain nature of Ontario Hydro's plans for the Wesleyville site, the Plan should establish policies that would re-examine the amount and type of industrial development, and maximize the preservation of the environmentally significant areas . The focus of the Shoreline Management or Waterfront Plan should be one that is preservation-oriented. A Waterfront Plan of such a nature would also be consistent with the efforts being made by the Town of Newcastle and the Royal Commission. ii) Given the significance of the Oak Ridges Moraine, it is suggested that there be a specific set of policies and a land use designation which applies to this landform, rather than the four general designations which apply throughout the municipality (ie. Marginal Lands) . iii) It appears that aggregate extraction activities are the favoured use in the Oak Ridges Moraine. There is a greater need to emphasize the achievement of a balance between aggregate extraction, other land use activities and the protection of the natural environment. The study of Oak Ridges Moraine should be encouraged to examine the ecological significance of the Moraine, compatible land uses and various measures to protect the Moraine. This ultimately would help achieve the goals and objectives set out in the Introduction to the proposed Official Plan. iv) The westerly orientation of haulage routes for aggregate extraction activities could impact on the road network in the Town of Newcastle. The traffic generation and financial impact of road maintenance and upgrading should be examined by the Town of Newcastle and the Region of Durham prior to the approval of new or expanded pits in Hope Township. It is requested REPORT NO. : PD-98-91 PAGE 7 that a policy be incorporated to enable the Town of Newcastle to review aggregate application which may impact the Town. v) An interchange at the Highway 401 and industrial collector has been proposed at the Town of Newcastle/Hope Township Boundary Road south of the Highway, to facilitate traffic to the industrial areas . The actual alignment has not yet been determined. If the Boundary Road alignment is chosen, the Town of Newcastle may need to weight the benefits of a road of this standard to the Town. At the present time, the Town of Newcastle does not foresee extensive development on the east side of the municipality. 6. CONCLUSIONS 6 . 1 The proposed Official Plan is an extensive document, providing a framework for guiding future uses in the Township of Hope. In reviewing the Hope Township Official Plan staff only presents comments on those issues that may have implications to the Town. Upon Council 's endorsement of the content of this report, it will be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. AChiefA&ninistrative . Kotseff Director of Planning and Development Officer CV*DC*FW*df *Attach 12 April 1991 - � J . n I REPORT NO. : PD-98-91 PAGE 8 Interested parties to be advised of Council 's and Committee's decision: Mr. Scott MacLeod Ministry of Municipal Affairs 777 Bay Street 14th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 Ms . Frances Aird Clerk - Administrator The Township of Hope P.O. Box 85 Port Hope, Ontario LlA 3V9 Mr. Andrew McNeely Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 114 King Street East P.O. Box 398 Cobourg, Ontario K9H 4L1 agi, FIR I VAN 1�f1'.o8 ®/ k iL v -n � 2��4i r.i.. yp'•�,y�.l M fol � '01 rfS � i iw err — - -- Sol pal r. ,�� _ice- ; ��� ■ ■1', � �-,�;. c•--uN On • •