HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-85-91 V/ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: DEV91002 REPORT P U B L I C M E E T I N G Meeting:General Purpose and Administration Committee File # -,00-2, Date: Monday, April 22, 1991 Res. # B Law# L Report#PD-85-91 — File #DEV 91-002 (X/REF 0.P.A. 90-105/N & �13T-Slns ) Subject: REZONING APPLICATION - BAYLY HOLDINGS LTD. PART LOT 16, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE: DEV 91-002 (X-REF OPA 90-105/N & 18T-90050) Recommendations- It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-85-91 be received; 2 . THAT application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by G. M. Sernas and Associates Ltd. on behalf of Bayly Holdings Ltd. be referred back to Staff for further processing. 3 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council 's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1 . 1 Applicant: Bayly Holdings Ltd. 1.2 Agent: G. M. Sernas and Associates Ltd. 1 . 3 Official Plan Amendment Application: to permit the expansion of the Bowmanville urban boundary to the west, the redefinition of school symbols, to introduce medium and high density symbols and a local central area symbol, to introduce Green Road as an Arterial road and to increase the population target of neighbourhood "3B" . 1 . 4 Rezoning Application: from "Agricultural (A) " to an appropriate zone to permit the development of the proposed plan of subdivision containing a total of 579 units. 1 .5 Subdivision Application: the application proposes 81, 12 . 0 m single family dwelling lots, 27 , 15 . 0 m single family dwelling 2 REPORT NO. PD-85-91 PAGE 2 lots, 66, semi-detached/link dwelling lots ( 132 units) , a 185 unit medium density block, a 154 unit high density block, a school and park block, a partial school and park block and a 1.2 Ha commercial block. 1 . 6 Land Area: 26 . 335 Ha (65. 0 acres) 2. LOCATION 2 . 1 The subject property is located in Part Lot 16, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville. The property is bounded to the south by Baseline Road, to the west by the unopened Green Road road allowance, to the north by the Canadian Pacific Railway right of way and to the east by lands subject to a draft approved plan of subdivision 18T-88046 . 3. BACKGROUND 3. 1 The subject rezoning application was received by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department on January 4, 1991. On January 10 and January 18, 1991 the Town advised of the related proposed Plan of Subdivision and Official Plan Amendment applications respectively. Town Staff undertook a joint circulation of the three files . 3.2 The Official Plan Amendment application was applied for jointly with Green-Martin Holding Ltd. Green-Martin Holding Ltd. submitted a proposed plan of subdivision and zoning by-law amendment application for lands abutting the subject property to the west. This report will discuss the Official Plan Amendment application as it applies to the Bayly Holdings Ltd. land's only. 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4 . 1 The existing site is currently vacant. 4. 2 Surrounding land uses are as follows: South: Baseline Road, predominantly agricultural and limited residential; DI REPORT NO. PD-85-91 PAGE 3 East: vacant lands subject to draft approved plan of subdivision 18T-88046, further east is the Baseline Community Centre and existing urban residential development; North: The Canadian Pacific Railway corridor, limited existing residential development and lands subject to commercial development applications; West: Unopened Green Road road allowance, limited residential and vacant land subject to residential development applications . 5 PUBLIC MEETING AND RESPONSE 5 . 1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner and tenant within the 120 metre prescribed distance. As of the writing of this report Staff have received verbal inquiries with respect to the applications, however, no letters of objection or concern have been received. 6 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6 . 1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan the subject property within the urban boundary is designated "Residential" . The plan encourages lands designated as such to be used for a variety of housing type, style and tenure. The lands west of the current urban boundary are presently designated "Major Open Space" . Urban development of lands designated as such is not permitted. 6 . 2 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan the subject property is designated "Low Density Residential" within neighbourhood 113B1' of the Bowmanville Major Urban Area. The lands outside the urban area are not governed by the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. . . . .4 REPORT NO. PD-85-91 PAGE 4 The neighbourhood (3B) has a population target of 5800 people and the low density residential designation allows a maximum density of 30 units per net ha. The neighbourhood includes a number of 'medium' and 'high' density symbols as well as 'park' and 'school' symbols . Staff would note that a number of these symbols have been incorporated in the draft approved plan of subdivision 18T-88046 and prior development to the east. The applicant's Official Plan Amendment as it affects the subject lands proposes to expand the urban boundary and increase the population target of the neighbourhood. It would provide additional 'high' and 'medium' density symbols and redefine the location of school symbols . It would further introduce a 'local central area' symbol and amend the transportation network, including the introduction of Green Road as an arterial road. 7 AGENCY COMMENTS 7 . 1 In accordance with departmental procedure the subject application was circulated to a number of agencies and departments for comment. To date comments remain outstanding from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Newcastle Separate School Board, Regional Public. Works Department, the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of the Environment and the Canadian Pacific Railway. 7 . 2 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department Staff recommended that the proposal does not proceed until such time the applicant/ owner has provided the following three (3) items to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works . A site servicing report and drainage plan in conformity with the West Side Creek Master Drainage Study. An intersection design which improves the visibility, sightlines and vertical alignment of the intersection of Green Road and Baseline Road. The proposed horizontal and vertical alignment of the Green Road realignment indicating whether a railway underpass or overpass is proposed and any anticipated slopes . . . . .5 i REPORT NO. PD-85-91 PAGE 5 Should the applicant address the above matters in a satisfactory manner, the drawings must be revised to indicate a 5 . 18 metre road widening on both Green Road and Baseline Road. The applicant would be responsible for the reconstruction of Green Road from Baseline Road northerly to the limit of the subdivision and the reconstruction of Baseline Road from Green Road easterly to the limit of the subdivision. 7 .3 The Community Services Department has identified concerns with regards to parkland requirements within this proposal and within adjacent Neighbourhood (3C) to the north, as affected by this application. The parkland requirement for this site equals 1. 91 ha. The applicant is proposing a combined parkland dedication of 1 . 67 ha over two blocks . Community Services comments on proposed Plan of subdivision 18T-88046 (adjacent lands to the east) required a cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication of 0. 92 ha due to an under dedication of land. Community Services requests that the 0. 92 ha of additional parkland be incorporated within said proposal. In addition, a further 0 . 5 ha is to be acquired from the under dedication of parkland from 18T-90051 adjacent lands to the west. The total parkland dedication from this application is to be 3 .33 ha. (8 .29 acres) . The 1 .42 ha over-dedication is to be purchased with monies received as cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication through the adjacent proposals ( 18T-88046 & 18T- 90051) . The subject application proposes to introduce Green Road as an Arterial Road from Baseline Road north of the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks . This concerns Community Services Staff due to previous commitments and requirements on proposed plan of Subdivision 18T-88047 (northwest of the subject application) . A park block was previously accepted by the Town on the north side of the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks abutting the Green Road road allowance (in plan 18T-88047) . This park block was accepted with the understanding it was under sized and that in the future . . . .6 REPORT NO. PD-85-91 PAGE 6 the Green Road road allowance, as well as additional lands on the east of the road allowance could be available for park purposes . The proposed Green road alignment would seriously jeopardize this scenario. The Community Services Department wishes to see the Green Road extension resolved in a manner benefitting the parkland concerns of neighbourhood "3C" . 7 .4 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department advised the subject applications propose a population increase of approximately 1737 persons . The response time to this site is approximately 3 - 4 minutes for full-time and 8 - 10 minutes for part-time fire fighters. 7 .5 The Public School Board advised the subject application would generate approximately 185 students at Waverly Public School. Waverly Public School is currently over capacity with eleven portables on site. The Board expects to construct a school in the adjacent development to the east ( 18T-88046) . The Board request sidewalks on both sides of Green road and along all access roads in the proposal . The School Board has also request access from street "E" to Street "A" of the adjacent plan of subdivision to the east ( 18T-88046) . Said plan is draft approved, and does not provide such an access . The Public School Board or the Town must request Regional Planning Staff to make such an amendment to the draft approved plan. 7 . 6 The Ministry of Natural Resources Staff have advised the subject lands are traversed by the West Side Creek and tributaries of the main branch. The water quality of these watercourses should be protected as they flow into the West Beach Marsh, Class 2, provincially significant wetland. The Ministry will address concerns regarding pre, during and post construction water quality protection at the draft plan of subdivision stage. J _ REPORT NO. PD-85-91 PAGE 7 8 STAFF COMPMNTS 8 . 1 The subject applications are proposing a total of 579 units on the subject lands . Many of comments received from commenting agencies have related to the design aspects of the proposal. Staff will provide limited comments on this aspect of the proposal until such time the Official Plan Amendment has been finalized. 8 .2 Prior to assessing the merits of the Official Plan Amendment as it relates the subject site staff require documentation supporting the expansion of the urban boundary and introduction of a proposed commercial development. As well the merit and feasibility of the increased population target and density symbols must be demonstrated. Staff will review the changes to the transportation network and redefinition of school symbols in conjunction with other agencies . 8 . 3 It would appear significant changes to the proposal will be required in order to accommodate the comments of the Community Services Department. This involves parkland requirements within the proposal as well as road alignment as it affects parkland requirements in the adjacent neighbourhood to the north. 8 .4 Planning Staff have concerns with the proposed school block ( 177 ) . Said block abuts the south side of the C.P.R. tracks at the intersection of the Green Road alignment. This places the school block on the inside curve of the realignment which will also require either an overpass or an underpass to negotiate the railway tracks . Staff consider this a potential safety problem with children and request further review of this intersection and adjacent uses be undertaken. 9 CONCLUSION 9 . 1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public meeting as required by the Planning Act, to provide Committee and Council . . . .8 I REPORT NO. PD-85-91 PAGE 8 with some background on the application submitted and for Staff to indicate issues or area of concern regarding the subject application. It is recommend the application be referred back to Staff for further processing and subsequent report upon resolution of the above issues and receipt of all outstanding comments and required revisions. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrence ' Kotseff DIrector of Planning nistrative and Development CP*FW*cc *Attach 15 April 1991 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: G. M. Sernas and Associates Ltd. 110 Scotia Court Unit 41 WHITBY, Ontario L1N 8Y7 Bayly Holdings Ltd. 1409 Salem Road R.R. # 1 AJAX, Ontario LIS 4S7 D 'I If • I I 1 • 1 ee� e:: >:> <`X.X.. �.r il. . -•M d: O: H =r. e.: .: _ o.: �N - e M !� - y a� 1 -t. c 3 w ,t �. ::.:. �v � N • �r t Yr I ++eta S .1. t .v ti I.� o' V 0 .0 0 ••'3 N ub' P tim 71 OWO rLc �►�::::: i�:�:�:�:# �p �`�iiwi:ii�iiitiiia:ii�:iai. �' e !rl o . . i. MINOR OPEN SPACE BASE LINE RD. LC—)LOCAL COMMERCIAL AREA NO NEIGHBORHOOD PARK OHIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AREAS OMEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AREAS LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AREAS FIGURE 1 HAZARD LANDS �ow—URBAN AREA BOUNDARY 1 �+an LA in PROPOSED NEIGHBORHOOD BOUNDARY ® PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN r'"-w4--ma TRANSPORTATION NETWORK QA.ssociates Ltd. : f r 01 Consulting Engineers&Planners f° i OAF OF a . . i r\ r r �,, 4 }� 'ly I l}2 t•r,�,t t 1 +l i .. ./. � r' ' �j='fir � %�i✓ t��1 y r .. 1 ., /J �' i Y "Ij,. � \"✓i r.r t'\, t 4� ,t f t f''>n��"Yx�s�l'Stti,�,7,r''�� ��tie � \/. . /rt ,Ar ��, �y}'�:.r'• • ✓ � ,..� t ,..+i"� ' '1C` Y + Ir tslri Y'Y t , f r / \\ � II . s, \: {'d �y�Nr i'S'� '-.:+I i r>t,•.t'.i1F`:\f \\+t n.• � �}£� rf� r\ ' 4 1� �Y1 i I (:.f I i l :}}"rf'Fl+'}'q j !••,b �r• �`i''' .a r 1 � I 1 /\ \. `1 y� .i •� 1 .� r\•1 tier dF_t, r T.1S,���1 I t�' fi ...,7� v �( p tf 'Vki�SrN r.yl'f 't, rfr,1� Rim, ll a\1 \ S\'{'b fir ' ��+� it �j pest 1t tF �1r,1 \ : / • r',r tar\-e.Y r\ F'a s;s'�•� �S t`5�I'� r �) �'`,�'' \!..'� \t���.'' 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