Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #
Date: Monday, April 8, 1991 Res. #<ai I
Report#: PD-82-91 File #: Pln 15 . 3
It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and
Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:
1. THAT Report PD-82-91 be received for information.
1. 1 On October 29, 1990, Council adopted the following resolution:
"THAT Report PD-312-90 be received;
THAT a study of the entire Newcastle Waterfront Study be
undertaken in accordance with the Terms of Reference attached to
Report PD-312-90 and subject to securing grants from senior
government partners and approval of funds in the Town's 1991 and
1992 Current Budgets;
THAT the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Ministry of
Tourism and Recreation be requested for maximum funding for the
THAT the Royal Commission be advised that the Town of Newcastle
is prepared, in principal, to negotiate a Waterfront Partnership
Agreement to include, among other matters, a comprehensive
waterfront planning study;
THAT the Royal Commission be requested to assist in providing
funding for the Study;
THAT the Town incorporate funding for the Study into the 1991 and
1992 Current Budgets;
THAT subject to approval of funding, Staff be authorized to issue
a Proposal Call for the Study and report back to Council;
THAT the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ministry of Tourism and
Recreation and the Royal Commission on the Greater Toronto
Waterfront be so advised;
REPORT NO. : PD-82-91 PAGE 2
THAT the Region of Durham be so advised and requested to approve
the Terms of Reference; and
THAT a copy of Report PD-312-90 be forwarded to the Port
Darlington Community Association" .
1 . 2 Council will recall that in August 1990, David Crombie, Royal
Commissioner on the Future of the Greater Toronto Waterfront,
released his second Interim Report entitled Watershed. Among its
recommendations, the Commissioner recommended that the Province
should declare the Durham Waterfront Area an area of Provincial
Interest under the Planning Act. In addition, it was recommended
that the Province should enter into a Waterfront Partnership
Agreement with Durham and other levels of government which should
include among other matters "suspension of any approvals for
proposed residential, commercial, industrial, tourism or
recreational projects along the Newcastle Waterfront until a plan
for its entire length has been approved or until it can be
ascertained that such proposals are in conformity with the
principles of the plan and those contained in this report" .
1. 3 On December 17, 1990, the Honourable Ruth Grier, the Minister of
the Environment and the Minister responsible for the Greater
Toronto Area, generally endorsed the principles contained in
Watershed. It can be anticipated that in the future, the
"ecosystem" basis for land use planning will become a foundation
of Provincial policy and be imbedded in the Planning Act. Among
other matters, the Minister announced the Government's commitment
i) construct a Provincial Waterfront Trail from Burlington to
Newcastle (linking with the Ganaraska Trail) over a 10 year
ii) enter into Waterfront Partnership Agreements to plan and
implement waterfront development; and
REPORT NO. : PD-82-91 PAGE 3
iii) halt the unnecessary privatization of the public shoreline
and waterlots .
The Minister's announcement is contained in Attachment #1.
1 .4 The Special Advisor to the Premier on Waterfront Development,
Duncan Allen, is presently developing plans to secure a
waterfront trail link. This includes the portion within the Town
of Newcastle. Planning and Community Services staff have
attended several meetings with provincial staff on this matter.
2 . 1 Since Council 's resolution of October 29, 1990, staff have been
actively pursuing sources of funding with provincial officials .
The following Ministries have reviewed the study proposal within
the terms of their mandate and program funding sources: Municipal
Affairs, Tourism & Recreation, Natural Resources and the
Environment. In addition, the Royal Commission has been
consulted. Two Ministries appear to be able to provide funds to
this study. Although formal commitment has not been received, it
is anticipated that such will be confirmed shortly. j
2 .2 In reviewing the proposed terms of reference with various
Ministries, several revisions have been made to accommodate
Provincial Interests and to incorporate recommendations of the
Royal Commission on the Greater Toronto Waterfront (Attachment
#2 ) .
2 . 3 Staff have requested and received "Expressions of Interest" from
a variety of consulting consortiums . These firms have been
shortlisted and staff will be issuing "Proposal Calls" for the
firms bidding on this project. It is anticipated that the
selection process will be complete in approximately six weeks .
The "Proposals Call" will stipulate that the awarding of the
contract for the study is subject to the approval of funding.
REPORT NO. : PD-82-91 PAGE 4
2 .4 At such time as the tendering has been completed, staff will
report with a recommendation on the consultant team. Funds have
been allocated in the 1991 Planning Budget for this Study. By
that time, funding commitment from the Province will be
2 .5 Staff are confident that the necessary approvals can be secured
so that the study can be initiated before the summer. The Town
of Newcastle Waterfront Study will be a component part of the
overall review of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan.
Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation
to the Committee
Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrence E otseff
Director of Planning Chief Adm" i trative
and Development Officer
28 March 1991
Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision:
Dr. M. Michael
Region of Durham Planning
4th Floor
Lang Tower, West Building
1615 Dundas Street East
P.O. Box 623
Whitby, Ontario.
Attachment #1
Provincial Response to Watershed 4
In a statement to the Legislature ing the waterfront.We re-
of Ontario, 17 December 1990, sponded immediately,sup-
�i Y Ft
The Honourable Ruth Grier, porting the report with ,
Minister of the Environment enthusiasm. And we en-
and Minister Responsible for dorsed fully the principles
the Greater Toronto Area put forward for the future °.
(GTA),provided a further re- direction of the waterfront
sponse to Watershed,the second area: a waterfront that is
interim report of the Royal clean,green and attractive;
Commission on the Future of a waterfront that is usable,
the Toronto Waterfront. diverse and open;and a
waterfront that is connect-
66 ed,affordable and accessi-
Mr. Speaker:p ble. These are values that
I want to share with members we,as a government,share.
of this House the Government's
response to the recommenda- We intend to use these nine
lions of the Crombie Royal Y rind les as a guide,note
p . P 8u
Commission on the Future of only for the waterfront,but
the Toronto Waterfront. to move beyond the water-
front—to the GTA urban
It's been two months since structure process. My col-
David Crombie tabled his league the Minister of Natu- The Honourable Ruth Grier,Minister of
second interim report entitled ral Resources and I will the Environment and Minister i
Watershed.The principles of apply these values to the Responsible for the Greater Toronto Area f
the Watershed report and closely related Greenlands
Mr. Crombie's recommenda-
tions are fresh and invigorating.
They have received broad sup- We will establish a Our clear acceptance s of Mr.
Crombie's principles shouull
d be
port from municipalities,envi- continuous Waterfront viewed by municipalities and
ronmental groups,the media, Trail which will become
the general public and from this the community as a ringing en-
the general p I public a d com- the Green-Way that ties dorsement of the ecosystem ap-
the GTA together from proach to planning as well as to
mend the previous government,
and Mr.John Sweeney in partic- Burlington to Newcastle. the underlying value of the
Commission report.
ular,for giving the Commission
a broad mandate and for its Strategy released earlier this
g The call for immediate action
support of the Commission's
summer by the previous gov- has been unanimous. And to-
activities. ernment. We will rovide a
p dad; I.would like to outline how
framework to ensure that green- we intend to implement key
The Commission's findings lands and watersheds become
have already prompted recommendations of the
an integral part of future plans Watershed report.
widespread debate,discussion for the Greater Toronto Area.
and commitment to regenerat- (continued on page 3)
2 January 1991 Newsfetter of the Canadian'lt'aterfront Resource Centre �
(Response continued from page 2)
Firstly,we will establish a con- Thirdly,we will establish by consultation with Metropoli-
tinuous Waterfront Trail which legislation a Waterfront Regen- tan Toronto,and the Ministry
will become the Green-Way that eration Trust. It will be the re- of Transportation;
ties the GTA together from sponsibility of the Trust to the pooling of lands and the
Burlington to Newcastle. It will accept lands surplus to Toronto integration of future plans for
link to the Bruce and Ganaraska port needs as well as adjacent the Canadian National Exhi-
Trail systems at either end. We Provincial lands and to co-ordi- bition,Ontario Place,Fort
see the waterfront trail as the nate regeneration activities. York and HMCS York in con-
highest land use for all public sultation with the Ministry of
lands along the water's edge. Finally,we will move to halt the Tourism and Recreation and
The trail will be much more unnecessary privatization of the the other authorities in-
than a four-foot strip of asphalt. public shoreline and Crown re- volved; and,
This trail will connect the sources such as waterlots. My
waterfront with river valleys colleague the Minister of Natu- • policies,practices, technology,
and source areas and link up ar- ral Resources will address this and methods available to re-
eas of natural and historic im- matter in the near future. A sig- generate shoreline areas.
portance along Lake Ontario. nificant portion of the Crombie
report concentrates on the Eto- We will establish by
It will be a place for people,for bicoke Waterfront. As the local
families and children to enjoy MPP,the Minister responsible legislation a Waterfront
the out of doors and the natural for the GTA and the Minister of Regeneration Trust.
environment on foot or bicycle. the Environment,I am pleased
that Etobicoke,Metro and the These measures are an impor-
We accept the idea of Province will be working co-op- tant starting point for ensuring
Waterfront Partnership
eratively to ensure that there is that the waterfront and the nat-
a comprehensive planning ural environment in the GTA is
Agreements as a valid framework for new develop- preserved and enhanced for
implementation vehicle ment in.South Etobicoke, culmi- future generations. We will
for waterfront plans. nating in modification to the continue to support the work
Etobicoke Official Plan,plus of the Commission and we
other implementation measures. look forward to Mr. Crombie's
Secondly, we accept the idea of The three levels of government final report,
Waterfront Partnership Agree- have agreed on a program
ments as a valid implementa- which includes extensive com- Thank you.
tion vehicle for waterfront munity consultation.
plans. We will negotiate agree-
ments between local,regional In the final year of the Royal
and federal governments,along Commission's work,Mr. Speak-
with conservation authorities, er,we will ask Mr. Crombie to
to prepare responsible develop- address:
ment plans and implementation
mechanisms for the waterfront
consistent with the Crombie • the feasibility of relocating Ontario
the Gardiner Expressway in
° Newsletter of the Canadian'Waterfront Pssouree Centre January 1991 3
1. Study Purpose:
To formulate a long-term strategic plan for the preservation, enhancement and development
of the Lake Ontario Waterfront resource in Newcastle consistent with the principles of
development established by the Royal Commission on the Future of the Greater Toronto
Waterfront, the Greater Toronto Area Greenlands Strategy and the needs of residents of the
Town of Newcastle.
The study shall be prepared on the basis of an ecosystem approach to managing the
waterfront and will include an action plan which identifies short and long term initiatives to
resolve current land use conflicts, the extent and nature of public access, the roles of public
and private sector including identification of priority areas for public acquisition, and
watershed initiatives required to resolve areas of environmental concern.
The Town of Newcastle Waterfront Study will be a component of the Official Plan Review.
2. Study Objectives:
i) To provide guidance to Council in the form of recommended land use policies which
addresses the recreational, environmental and economic potential of the waterfront
area including housing to meet the needs of the community.
ii) To review and address the Provincial initiatives and policies for the waterfront
planning area in particular the principles for a green waterfront formulated by the
Royal Commission being: clean, green useable, diverse, open, accessible, connected,
affordable and attractive.
iii) To identify the role of the Newcastle Waterfront in the context of the Region of
Durham and the Greater Toronto waterfront interest.
iv) To identify short and long term initiatives to resolve current land use conflicts in the
waterfront area.
V) To identify the extent and nature of public access to the waterfront including the
detailing of a continuous public trail system along the waterfront, river valleys and
adjoining or near by open spaces. This system should, where possible, be compatible
with systems in adjacent municipalities.
vi) To provide guidance to Council on the following development applications:
a) proposal by St. Marys Cement to expand its wharf and marine terminal
activities in Lots 14-16, Broken Front Concession, former Township of
- 2 -
b) proposal by the Ridge Pine Park Inc. to expand Wilmot Creek Retirement
Community in Lot 3, Broken Front Concession former Township of
c) proposal by the Ridge Pine Park Inc. to develop a retirement home in Lot 3,
Broken Front Concession, former Township of Darlington
d) proposal by Bramalea to develop waterfront lands in Newcastle Village
vii) Address the relationship of the urban and rural areas to the Lake Ontario
viii) To identify the roles of the private and public sector including the priority areas for
public acquisition.
ix) Identify the broadest possible range of recreational and open space opportunities to
meet the year-round needs of residents of Newcastle, the Region and Greater
Toronto Area.
3. Study Area:
The Study Area comprises all those land on the Lake Ontario waterfront south of Highway
401 in the Town of Newcastle.
4. Study Components:
4.1 Land Use and Environmental Component
a) provide a detailed analysis of the existing use of lands within the study area
including land ownership, agricultural capability and use and potential land use
b) identify environmental features (eg. natural areas, Area of Natural Scientific
Interests) and issues (eg. soil quality, water quality, stormwater management) and
provide strategies to maintain ecological integrity in the waterfront study area
longterm protection of significant natural area (eg. wetlands Area of Natural
Scientific Interests);
provision for ecosystem linkages/connections between natural areas and river
valley system;
longterm management of natural areas;
opportunities for enhancement of the natural features and the environment;
longterm stormwater management;
soil and water quality protection and, where necessary, rehabilitation;
promotion of good ecological/environmentally sound practices.
C) assess existing site qualities including unique visual perspectives, woodlots,
vegetation and overall environmental constraints to be enhanced or protected.
J "9 �_
3 -
d) examine the barriers to the study area and the viability of various means to
integrate the study area with residential areas and services provided north of
Highway 401 and the C.N.R. mainline.
e) review existing Official Plan policies, the GTA Greenlands Strategy, and the
principles established by the Royal Commission of the Future of the GTA Waterfront
as well as those of other affected agencies such as the Conservation Authority to
determine implications for future development patterns
f) develop official plan policies to implement all aspects of the ecosystem approach,
including the protection and enhancement of environmentally sensitive features
g) prepare a comprehensive assessment of the development constraints related to land
use and urban form. In particular, the study must address in some detail the
existing and long term plans for:
Darlington Provincial Park
Darlington Nuclear Generating Station
St. Marys Cement Plant, Quarry and Marine Shipping Terminal
Wilmot Creek Retirement Community
Port Granby Low Level Radioactive Waste Site
existing shoreline residential areas, particularly the communities at
Bond Head and Cedarcrest/Port Darlington
Regional water and sanitary sewage treatment facilities
CN Rail
4.2 Demographic Analysis and Market Component
a) Review the analysis of the population and demographic profile of Newcastle to be
prepared under the Recreation/Leisure Services Master Plan to identify particular
shifts and needs in respect to housing and recreation for the waterfront area. In
this regard, the consultant should have regard for the Town's Municipal Housing
Statement Study and the Provincial Policy Statement on "Land Use Planning for
b) review the analysis of employment and industrial land requirements in the Town's
study assessing industrial land requirements.
c) identify and assess specific markets related to industry, housing, tourism, marinas
and other potential development pressures and trends in the Town of Newcastle.
4.3 Recreation/Open Space Component
The recreation and open space component must be prepared in cognizance of the policy
framework being formulated in the GTA Greenlands Strategy and the Royal Commission on
the Greater Toronto Waterfront. Since much of the background data has been tabulated in
recent studies, it must also be closely co-ordinated with these studies, noted in Section 5 of
these terms of reference, to avoid duplication of work.
G� 9 9 f;= �
- 4 -
a) based on available information from the Recreation/Leisure Services Master Plan
Study (1990), the Region of Durham Sport Fishing Study and the Central Lake
Ontario Conservation Authority Outdoor Recreation Planning and Feasibility Study,
identify the various levels of future needs related to all residents of Newcastle, and
the Region of Durham which could be met in the waterfront area;
b) update, if necessary, the inventory of existing and proposed waterfront-related
passive and active recreation facilities from Scarborough to Cobourg, prepared for the
Bowmanville Waterfront Study;
C) detail potential public access, recreation facilities, and open space systems including
the necessary measures to protect and enhance existing natural areas;
d) identify and detail opportunities related to the tourism potential;
e) identify linkages with valleylands, local parks and conservation areas;
f) assess the potential for conflict between Town-users, Regional-users, and tourist-
users of the waterfront resource and the means of resolving same.
g) develop official plan policies with regard to recreation and open space potentials.
4.4 Transportation Component
a) identify and assess existing and future pedestrian, bicycle and road connections to
ensure safe and adequate access to and along the waterfront
b) identify potential conflicts and improvements related to vehicular and pedestrian
movement through the area and across the CN mainline, 401 and Ontario Hydro
C) detail traffic and parking improvements which would have to be undertaken relative
to specific development opportunities
d) develop official plan policies with regard to the transportation network.
4.5 Coastal Engineering and Water Quality Component
a) review the shoreline management study being prepared for conservation authorities;
b) conduct a peer review coastal engineering studies prepared in support of various land
development applications (ie. St. Marys Cement);
c) identify damage centres, erosion setbacks and the anticipated impacts of shoreline
development and lake filling projects;
d) develop official plan policies with regard to lake filling or shoreline protection
e) review available data on lake water quality; identify sources of contamination and
degradation and identify any remedial action planning or development policies
x) 99 9
- 5 -
4.6 Urban Design Component
a) prepare urban design guidelines for the urbanizing portions of the Newcastle
5. Parallel Studies:
The consultant is required to consult with the firms, co-ordinate information and have
regard for the following studies presently underway in the course of fulfilling the terms of
reference of the Newcastle Waterfront Study.
i) Bowmanville Waterfront Study (1990) - F.J. Reinders
ii) Courtice Community Complex Feasibility Study (1990) - Marshall Macklin
iii) Town of Newcastle Recreation/Leisure Services Master Plan (1990) - Hough
Stansbury Woodland, Jack Ellis & Associates
iv) Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Study (1990) - Sandwell Swan Wooster
V) C.L.O.C.A. Outdoor Recreation Planning & Feasibility Study (1990) - Leisure
Plan International
vi) Royal Commission on the Future of the Greater Toronto Waterfront
vii) Greater Toronto Area Greenlands Strategy
viii) Newcastle Municipal Housing Statement (1991)
6. Study Process:
The Study shall be undertaken in four phases:
Phase 1 Data Collection and Analysis
This phase will include the background analysis related to land use, environmental,
demographic, economic, transportation and coastal engineering water quality components.
The consultant will be required to provide a comprehensive summary of all issues affecting
existing and future use of waterfront lands and identify opportunities and constraints to
development and preservation scenarios. The analysis of the data shall develop the
methodology for an eco-system basis for land use planning.
�" 019 60
- 6 -
Phase 2 Review of Options for the Future of the Waterfront
The consultant will review a wide range of alternative land use scenarios consistent with the
urban structure of the Town of Newcastle and the principles established by the Royal
Commission on the Future of the Greater Toronto Waterfront.
Phase 3 Recommended Waterfront Stratepty and Land Use Plan
Preparation of a recommended comprehensive land use plan for the Newcastle waterfront
study area appropriate for adoption as part of new Town of Newcastle Official Plan. The
recommended plan will contain:
clearly stated goals and objectives to provide vision, direction and priority for
the future use and management of the waterfront lands
articulate policies related specifically to the various land uses intended for
the area
articulate appropriate policies to deal with problem areas
identification of urban development policies and general remedial action
strategies to ensure a clean and green waterfront.
The waterfront strategy will also examine the implementation mechanisms for securing
greenlands and facilitating public access which will include recommendations on the roles of
the Province conservation authorities, the Town of Newcastle and private sector
Phase 4 Waterfront Development Plan for (Newcastle Village)
Further refinement of the principles and land use pattern adopted in Phase 3 which will
review of development applications and all relevant material
preparation of a detailed secondary plan for the Newcastle Village waterfront
urban design guidelines
detailed site master plan for public parkland and open space areas and their
linkages including a waterfront trail
priority listing of capital improvements required to facilitate the
implementation of the Plan and their estimated costs
� � 61
7 -
7. Public Participation:
The consultant will be required to undertake a public information and participation program
intended to solicit the views and identify the needs of local residents. In this regard, there
should be various forums for the input of the major landowners, environmental groups
including the Port Granby-Newcastle Environmental Committee and the Durham Region
Field Naturalists, ratepayers groups including the Port Darlington Community Association
and the Committee of Clarke Constituents, the Newcastle Community Services Advisory
Board and the general public.
Broad public consultation will be undertaken as follows:
interviews with major landowners and citizen groups
Newsletters to be published, one with each phase of the study for circulation
to residents and hand-out at community workshops
community workshops to be in each phase
Public Meeting before Council in phases 3 and 4.
8. Consultation Process
During the course of the preparation of the Study, the requirements and policies of all
affected public or regulatory agencies shall be considered.
For this purpose, the Advisory Committee will continue to meet for the purposes of sharing
information, providing direction and expediting the input of the key agencies. The Technical
Advisory Committee will consist of the following agencies:
Town of Newcastle - One Member of Council
- Planning & Development Department
- Works Department
- Community Services Department
Region of Durham - Planning Department
- Works Department
Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority
Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority
Ministry of Natural Resources
Ministry of Tourism and Recreation
Ministry of Municipal Affairs
Royal Commission on the Future of the Greater Toronto Area Waterfront
This Committee may be augmented by representatives of the Ministry of the Environment,
and Federal Small Craft Harbours Branch. Other agencies will be consulted but not
participating members of the Technical Advisory Committee.
50 `1
8 -
9. Meetings:
The Consultant will be required to attend meetings, including but not limited to:
i) Meetings with the Town of Newcastle Planning Staff as required.
ii) Consultation with the public and community ratepayer groups.
iii) Regular meetings with the Technical Advisory Committee (likely bi-monthly).
iv) Presentation of alternatives at a public meeting of Council at the conclusion of
phases 2 and 3.
v) Presentation of the fmal plan to Town Council and Regional Planning Committee if
deemed necessary.
In addition, the consultant will be required to arrange a tour of various waterfront areas,
including discussions with local planning staff, which would show examples of successful and
unsuccessful waterfront plans east and west of the Town of Newcastle. Tour would include
Members of the Technical Advisory Committee, Town Council and representatives of local
interest groups.
10. Deliverables:
The consultant shall prepare the following documents through the study process:
Newsletters for the Public
Participation Process Each Phase 250
Background and Options Report Draft 20
Final 75
Recommended Waterfront Strategy
and Land Use Plan First Draft 20
Circulation Draft 40
Final 75
Summary of Recommended Waterfront
Strategy and Land Use Plan 250
Newcastle Waterfront Development Plan
Draft 20
Final 75
!=' 0 ( I 7
All newsletters and reports shall be printed on paper made with recycled materials.
Appropriate visual displays which illustrate the various reports will be prepared for the
public participation process and presentations to Council.
All original text, maps, plates, data, reports and other materials or information collected or
prepared by the consultant shall be considered municipal property and will be turned over
to the Town at the conclusion of the study. All data files used and developed through the
study process will be provided to the Town on a floppy computer disk. In addition, all
reports will be provided on floppy computer disk in Wordperfect 5.0.
11. Consultant Responsibilities:
The Consultant will be responsible for:
a) undertaking all necessary research, including data collection and analysis, required
for the completion of the work program components in accordance with Section 3 of
these terms of reference
b) undertaking appropriate measures to enable public input into the planning process,
in accordance with Section 7 of these terms of reference
C) appropriate consultations with outside agencies, organizations, government
departments and Ministries in accordance with Section 8 of these Terms of
d) attendance at meetings in accordance with Section 9 of these terms of reference
e) the preparation, production and distribution of the draft and final documents in
accordance with Section 10 of these terms of reference
f) minutes of all meetings
g) the preparation of monthly progress reports
No materials, data or information pertaining to the study are to be released to any
individual, group organization or agency without the express consent of the Town of
12. Study Direction:
The work of the Consultant will be directed by the Town of Newcastle, Planning and
Development Department. The Consultant will be required to meet regularly with Town
Staff to review the study progress and seek direction from Staff.
10 -
13. Contract for Services
The Consultant shall prepare a written contract containing the following:
a) a detailed description of the consultant's suggested approach to the study as outlined
in these terms of reference and the requirements for any municipal staff resources
b) a specific timetable/work plan for the various phases of the study and a deadline for
commencement, submission of any reports and completion of the study process and
final report
c) the name(s) of the principal(s) of the firm who will be co-ordinating and presenting
the study and the staff who will specifically be assigned to the study
d) cost estimates with upset costs for the study, including such matters as the costs of
meetings, mileage, secretarial, telephone, fax, computer and printing costs. The
consultant will furnish an itemized estimate of the costs of each component and
phase of the study process. Any per diem rates and meeting rates for additional
work not specifically covered in these terms shall also be provided
(e) a schedule of hourly rates and an estimate of the number of days that each member
would spend on the study and a sum total of this time
The Consultant is encouraged to make separate constructive comments and suggestions
regarding the terms of reference and the approach to this study which in his/her opinion
would improve performance in carrying out the assignment. Such comments shall not be
made conditional to acceptance of the assignment.
Upon approval of funding for this study, the contract will be executed by the Town.
14. er-
Ov ft un of Cost:
All costs incurred by the Consultant in preparation of the study and not specifically provided
for in the Consultant's proposal and authorization letter will not be the responsibility of the
Town of Newcastle.
Date: February 22, 1991
;19 Cf 6