HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-23-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE t T' N: POLICY REPORT File # J5� j /. Res. # By-Law # SING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, January 8, 1990 REPORT #: PD- 23 -90 FILE #: PLN 11. 1 SUBJECT: WORK PROGRAM FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE POLICY STATEMENT ON LAND USE PLANNING FOR HOUSING RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 23 -90 be received; and 2 . THAT the attached Work Program for the Implementation of the Policy Statement Land Use Planning for housing be approved; 3. THAT a copy of Report PD- 23 -90 and a copy of the decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham, the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs . 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 Two previous reports have been prepared for the General Purpose and Administration Committee with respect to the provincial policy statement on Land Use Planning for Housing. I Report PD-230-89, which was received for information by the General Purpose and Administration Committee September 18, 1989, outlined the objectives and components of the Provincial Policy Statement. II Report PD-264-89, which was received by the General Purpose and Administration Committee October 23, 1989, addressed the following issues: . . .2 599104 REPORT NO. : PD- 23 -90 PAGE 2 i. noted that housing policies can not be developed without having regard to the overall policy direction established in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan; ii. recommended the preparation of a Municipal Housing Statement, which would in turn provide background information for the development of housing policies, as prescribed by the Provincial Policy Statement; iii. noted that a generalized work program would be developed to guide the implementation of the Provincial Policy Statement. 1.2 Staff have proceeded to take the necessary steps to initiate a Municipal Housing Statement, including obtaining the approval from the Region of Durham. Consultants will be selected shortly. A status report on these activities will be prepared in the near future. 1. 3 A generalized Work Program for the Implementation of the Policy Statement on Land Use Planning is hereto attached as Appendix I . Due to the Province's inclusion of the Town of Newcastle as a "priority area" , the attached work program is correspondingly aggressive in its implementation time framework. 2 . CONCLUSION 2. 1 Staff will continue to investigate avenues for further assistance to develop a monitoring system, as a result of the policy framework to be established. It is respectfully recommended that the attached work program be adopted as the municipality's intent to perform work related to the implementation of the Provincial Policy Statement. 599 105 . . . .3 REPORT NO. : PD- 23 -90 PAGE 3 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee i Franklin Wu, M.C.I .P. Eavirence E. Xo eff DIrector of Planning Chief Administrative and Development Officer JB*DC*FW*cc *Attach 19 December 1989 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Ruth Melady Ministry of Municipal Affairs Field Management Branch 47 Sheppard Avenue East WILLOWDALE, Ontario M2N 2Z8 Darlene Mahyr - Richardson Ministry of Housing Central Region Housing Programs Office Madison Centre WILLOWDALE, Ontario M2N 6K1 599106 APPENDIX 1 WORK PROGRAM FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE POLICY STATEMENT ON LAND USE PLANNING FOR HOUSING The policy statement on Land Use Planning for Housing identifies the following five areas for action: i. supply of land ii, range of housing types iii. residential intensification iv. streamlining the planning process V. monitoring The appropriate actions to address these policy areas are contained in the following phases to this work program. PHASE I: BACKGROUND INFORMATION The accumulation of Background Information is necessary to establish an indication of the Town's housing needs. The necessary Background Information will be provided by way of the Town's Municipal Housing Statement, and shall contain the following information: i. demographics - population and household projections - household characteristics ii. servicing - existing physical servicing capacities - existing community services iii. housing supply - existing housing supply - existing vacancy rates iv. housing costs - present house prices and rents - present housing production costs V. approval process - timing of current planning approval process PHASE II: ANALYSIS The Background Information provided by PHASE I of the work program will be further analyzed, within the context of the Town's Municipal Housing Statement. The analysis will include study in the following areas: i. land availability and services - determine potential land availability for new residential development - determine servicing requirements and the feasibility of the extension of services - determine servicing requirements for potential residential infilling sites ii. housing supply - determine potential housing supply - determine housing needs - determine appropriate assisted housing requirements . . .2 599107 -2- iii. housing market analysis - determine range of housing prices and rents to meet housing needs - determine expected production costs - determine expected market prices iv. residential intensification - determine potential sites for residential intensification V. approval procedures - review of practical development time approvals PHASE III The Ccompletion of the Town of Newcastle Municipal Housing Statement will involve the preparation of housing policies to be incorporated into the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. The policies to be developed will address the five areas for action: i. supply of land - designating at least a 10 year supply of land for residential development - establishing servicing policies to identify how growth on the designated residential lands will be accommodated - establishing a target to maintain at least a continuous 3 year supply of a combination of draft approved and/or registered lots and blocks ii. range of housing types - designating lands for an appropriate range of residential uses and densities, including affordable housing, for all identified planning areas iii. residential intensification - designating areas where residential intensification will be permitted iv. streamlining the planning process - establishing a commitment to adhere to specified planning approval guidelines and targets for each phase of the planning process v. monitoring - establishing a commitment to implementing a monitoring program Amendments made to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan will also require the amending of the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The provisions to be incorporated into the zoning by-law will consider: - zoning lands to accommodate the range of housing types identified in the official plan 599108 " 3 -3- establishing zoning provisions to permit rooming, boarding and lodging houses, and accessory apartments as-of-right where they are permitted in the official plan PHASE IV - DEVELOPMENT OF A MONITORING SYSTEM A monitoring system is required to determine the extent to which housing objectives are being met, and to identify when corrective action needs to be taken by the Town. A system will be developed that monitors a variety of concerns including the following: - the adequacy of the supply of land, monitored at least every five years - the range of housing forms produced through development and intensification, monitored annually - house prices for each housing form relative to income distribution for the housing region, monitored annually - how targets for processing of planning applications are being achieved, monitored every two years PHASE V - CIRCULATION/PUBLIC MEETING/APPROVAL The Town will circulate to concerned agencies for comments on the proposed amendments . The Town will also conduct open houses to solicit public input on the proposed amendments . After the Town has received both public and agency input the Town will: - reassess the draft amendments based on public and agency comments - revise the draft amendments if necessary - present the final recommended amendments to the General Purpose and Administration and Council for approval TIMING Timing of completion of: PHASE I - March, 1990 PHASE II - June, 1990 PHASE III - September, 1990 PHASE IV - December, 1990 PHASE V - Hold public meeting with respect to amendments by September 30, 1990 - approval of amendments by August 1, 1991 RESOURCES Funding assistance from the Province may be available for the completion of some of the work detailed in this work program. The extent to which such assistance may be available will be explored during the course of the work program. 999109