HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-17 MinutesCLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting September 17, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Allan Kirby Bonnie Seto Tenzin Gyaltsan Councillor Hooper Colin Maitland Karin Murphy Joseph Earle David Reesor REGRETS: Angela Tibbles, Tracey Ali; Kim Vaneyk and Ruth Goff (Ex- off icios) STAFF: Faye Langmaid, Kristy Kilbourne GUESTS: Jayne Salisbury, Barn Book Project Volunteer Councillor Hooper wel DECLARATION OF P ADOPTION OF AGES 13.20 M ADOPTION OF M 13.21 )med all to the n CUNIARY INTE 01 y Allan Kirby, seconded by Colin Maitland THAT the agenda be adopted. "CARRIED" Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Joe Earle THAT the minutes of June 18th, 2013 be accepted. "CARRIED" PRESENTATIONS Barn Book Proiect Jayne Salisbury, Barn Book Project Volunteer, spoke about her experiences visiting participating property owners' barns. A letter went out to just under 600 barn owners in July and approximately 100 owners responded to indicate they would be willing to participate in the barn inventory /publication project. Jayne indicated that there had been a positive response from all participants she had visited and that they were more than willing to share information about their barns and their history. While there are similar elements to each barn, especially with regard to the interiors, each barn is also quite unique. She noted it takes approximately an hour to an hour and a half to do each visit and that it can be done more quickly if there is more than one person going out — one to do the surveying and the other to do the photographing. They are still looking for volunteers to assist with the property visits'. Tenzin and Councillor Hooper also spoke about their own experiences assisting in the project. It was mentioned that NVDHS has a video of the Pollard barn being built. BUSINESS ARISING Ontario Heritage Trust (OHT) Nominations for 2013 - A report containing the Committee's recommendations will go to the next General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting. There were no submissions from members of the public. Toll House — The Toll House is still listed for sale by the realtor, no demolition permit has been applied for. NVDHS would like to find an interested buyer willing to move the house. 407 Salvage Update — A few weeks ago, the MTO and their architectural consultants, ASI, held a meeting at the MAC for designated property owners who responded to the letter sent out back in February expressing interest in salvaging materials from the 407 expansion project. There were ''8 interested parties and the meeting was quite positive with some informal networking taking place where some property owners had some of the materials others were looking for or knew of a contractor or supplier for certain desired items. The MTO and ASI were optimistic that many of the items on the property owners' wish lists could be satisfied by the 6 heritage properties they intended on opening up for salvage. It was also determined that an iron fence will be removed from one of the other MTO owned properties and donated to the King Lane Cemetery, Hampton. Two opportunities for site visits were arranged for September. One has already taken place. Karin and David attended to take photos of the buildings prior to salvage and demolition taking place. The Committee reviewed the photos taken by David and Karin. Walbridge House — The structural works necessary to stabilize the foundation and framework of the Walbridge House have been completed and they are seeking approval for the siding and window frames. A sample mock up was provided by Jim Sculthorpe, Contractor, which the Committee reviewed and discussed. The following motion was passed in support of the proposed alteration: 13.22 Moved by Allan Kirby, seconded by David Reesor "THAT the CHC recommends approval of the proposed cape cod wood siding material, double hung wood window frames with storms in their original locations and configurations on the west, north; east walls; and as shown in the drawings for the south wall of the Walbridge House at 483 King Avenue East, Newcastle." IED" Candidates for designation: Knox family, 6325 Enfield Road The Report for the designation has been written. Faye has followed up with Jenny to inform her that we are waiting on the list of features to be designated. It is the hope that this will be received, by November at the latest so that the presentation of the plaque could take placing during Heritage Week 2014. Camp 30' In light of the National Designation this past April, and recent national media coverage on Camp 30, at last night's Council Meeting a resolution was passed for representatives from the ACO, Museum, the M.P., M.P.P, Ward 3 Local Councillor, and the property owner to come together to determine who should form the charitable foundation and also to determine a Task Force to generate ideas for reuse of the property. The Community Development Council of Durham has offered to assist in helping with the formation of a Foundation. Part of this resolution was also for the Planning Department to bring forward a budget in 2014 for work that would advance the protection of Camp 30. REPORTS from OTHER COMMITTEES (community improvement plans, etc) Bowmanville CIP — Councillor Hooper provided a review of the July meeting, a power point presentation was shown with before and after photos of the Bowmanville CIP projects that have received grant money to date. An update on the Heritage Incentive Grants Program was also provided. Grant funding was awarded to designated heritage property owners in the amount of 20 -25% of the cost of their projects. 3 of the 5 recipients this year were in Bowmanville. The next meeting will take place October 16tH Newcastle CIP — Newcastle CIP did not meet over the summer as they had an additional meeting in the spring to discuss the draft >Urban Design Guidelines for Newcastle. The next meeting will take place October 24tH Orono CIP — The Orono CIP met on July 3rd. At this meeting a before /after power point presentation was provided. There has been a,recent surge in applications in Orono after a quiet past couple of years. The next meeting will take ,place October 2 °d. ACO, Clarington Branch — Tracey w they held a BBQ in Tyrone in the sure property owners. ACO is actively w threatened sites in Canada irreaardle antique Massey plow hE produced a banner. In c on creating a book. Th Clarinaton Public Library community members telling finished a video of the box passed at the last meetin application form to become fees. ISO > not present to give a report. Faye reported that ner to thank all of the Doors Open volunteers and king on Camp 30, it is on the top 10 list of most of the National designation. ical Society ( NVDHS) — Allan reported that an led in front of the Community Hall. NVDHS has 3ond Head's 175th anniversary, they are working )articipating in Culture Days this year with the HS members continue to make videos featuring )f earlier years in Newcastle and they recently rmer Massy building). Pursuant to the resolution e Clarington Heritage Committee has completed an ember of NVDHS and provided a cheque to cover the Clarington Museums and Archives — Bonnie informed the Committee that the Museum is busy preparing for their annual Pig Roast Fundraiser which will be held at Tooley Mill and that Marilyn Morawetz was appointed as the CMA rep for Camp 30 committee. Also, pursuant to the resolution passed at the last meeting, the Clarington Heritage Committee has completed an application form to become a member of CMA and provided a cheque to cover the fees. Heritage Week Working Group — Kristy provided an overview of the last Heritage Week Working Group meeting (Attachment 1) which met on September 12th. Several of the Committee members were in attendance. This year's theme will be Clarington's agricultural heritage. This will serve as an opportunity to promote the barn book project as well. The CHC will be hosting one or more movie nights this year in the Council Chambers, based upon the success of last year's movie night. The next meeting of the working group will be held October 17th CORRESPONDENCE and COUNCIL REFERRAL Public Information Session — Newcastle Urban Design Guidelines — Notice was circulated electronically to all members of the Heritage Committee inviting them to attend a Public Information Session on the Newcastle Urban Design Guidelines. The session will take place on September 24th from 6:30- 8:30pm at Newcastle Community Hall. The Committee received a presentation from Ruth Porras, Senior Planner, at the June Meeting. Heritage Conservation Districts & Hertac Heritage Ontario and the Town of Ajax from 8:30am to noon with a presentation panel on communication ideas, the role and a question and answer session v Canada on insurance and heritage prope The Committee passed t 13.23 Mov "THAT the CHC a the cost of $30 budget. PROJECT REPORTS ie Property Insurai re hosting a half -c on `how Heritage C of the consultant, B Workshop — Community workshop on October 3rd iservation Districts work, a nd the success of HCDs, the Insurance Bureau of by Karin Murphy, 'seconded by Bonnie Seto 'ove all interested members to attend this workshop and that r person be covered through the Heritage Committee's "CARRIED" Inventory Photographs — See update on 407 Salvage above. NEW BUSINESS Historic Tours Update There are several tours (walking /driving) available on the Heritage Committee website and they are quite popular. The Tourism office has also asked for additional copies of the tours that have been provided to them. Two older tours circa 1980 are in need of updating so that they can also be added to the website. Scanned copies are available for any volunteers to work on (e.g. take the tour and update the information). Allan will pass along the tours to NVDHS to work on updating the Newcastle portions. In addition to the tours on the Heritage Website, the Museum offers guided walking tours of Orono, Bowmanville, and Bowmanville Cemetery for a small fee periodically. It was suggested that Tourism could explore attaching QR Codes to the stops on tours in the future as this is being done in other jurisdictions for events such as Doors Open. Baker Farm 4th Concession Property Preservation P A student at Willowbank, a herita old arts of building and constructi+ from the 407 for restoration of a fire a few years ago. Though the restoration /preservation school which teaches the ached the municipality about salvaging items )n the 4th concession that was damaged by -ame in after the meeting that was held for made accommodations for the project. The Jally be in the future. It was suggested that tation or a tour for the Committee on her interested property owners, the MTO ha property is not designated but could pote the student be approached to do a pres project. Orono Town Hall A while back the own Hall were replaced with doors that contained arched windows at the top,, which had been ordered and agreed to by the Orono Town Hall Board. While many residents prefer the look of the old doors (without the arched windows), they are no longer in a usable condition. Operations have tried to salvage them but they are too deteriorated. The newer doors are now quite weathered. The Operations Department has indicated that the doors are in need of maintenance and they will be painting the doors a hunter green colour. David Reesor moved the meeting be adjourned Next meeting: October 15th, 2013, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1 A Attachments Attachment 1 — Heritage Week Working Group Minutes from September 12, 2013