HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-21-89 DN: repor 5 (g) TOWN O F NEWCASTLE REPORTS 2- File # Res. By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, January 23, 1989 REPORT #: PD 21-89 FILE #: SECT: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR MEETINGS HELD ON NOVEMBER 24, 1988, DECEMBER 11 1988, AND DECEMBER 15, 1988 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD 21-89 be received, and 2. THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment on applications A 102/88 to A 130/88, inclusive. 3. THAT Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in the event of an appeal. REPORT: 1. On November 24, 1988, December 1, 1988 and December 15, 1988 the Committee of Adjustment dealt with applications A 102/88 to A 130/88 inclusive. 2. Summary of these applications are provided as per the attached table to this report. . . .2 c ~'1 � \ J ' REPORT 00. : PD 31-89 PAGE 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Staff reviewed all decisions of the Committee and are satisfied that they conform to the general intent of the Official Plan, the Zoning By-law and that the variances sought are minor in nature. 4. Council's concurrence with the Committee of Adjustment decisions is required in order to afford Staff's official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of appeal of the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee ___________ _ #Chief V Fraukliu Wu, M.C.I.g. oeff, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning & Development ative Officer MBaIW*mb *Attach. *January 16' 1989 _ momzrouzmo OF oomazrzEE OF AoJoormEmz oEnzuzomo ' FILE mo' z noczSzom z NATURE OF APPLICATION ArrLzoAmz z LoCAzzuw z \ ^ =======================z======================z============================================================== \ a88/102 z ozoMzoS z asPLA000 BY A 121/88 ` NEWCASTLE rovm LINE z Lux r x ouoL z - � z z I 1oM- z =======================z======================r============================================================== ( Axn/zxz z GRANTED z ONE STOREY COMMERCIAL PLAZA aAvzmG FLOOR AREA or 840u2 NEWCASTLE conm LINE z Loo n c oAoL z MAXIMUM poomzzroo 50oo2 I z � z zVo- z ` A80/122 I oaAmzoo z oomoTonnz xrz' GARAGE ON LOT eAvzNo SIDE rAoo oocoAoK OF ,osM � uoaznaeno, P a o I L13 o z ooWmA0 z moQnzaEo I'2m z z z zom- z ( =======================z======================z============================================================== ' A88/123 z GRANTED z zzuo SQ. Fr' aooEaSomY onzLozmo JASPERS-rArEa G. z L n n o oAoL z ( z z I zom- z =======================z======================z============================================================== ( ` � ( A88/124 z oaAmToo z nomrzmnE TO comazmooz S.F.D. ON LOT WITH zmTEmzno aIno YARD n:eoLLz, o z L35 n * oAoL z OF 1'54M nEQnzuEo oM I z ( z 10m_ z =======================z======================z============================================================== A88/125 I GRANTED I 0omrImDo CoNsronnTIom OF S.F.D. ON LOT oAvzNo zmrEazVo ozoo vznToazA wnoo oEv' z Lza n o ouoL z oAoo OF z'oM REAnzoEo z.zM I z I zno- 005 z A88/126 z oRAmzsn z oomozaDcr aonzczoN To PozmrzNo PLANT oo LOT Bavzma REAR ruao CANADA YEAR a000 aoov z L y o 0 onwMAm z nEraAoo or 7.43M RoAnzazn 7'5m ( z I ol I zom- 750 �v 't A88/127 I GRANTED I CONSTRUCT ADDITION TO S.F.D. ON LOT HAVING SIDE YARD SETBACK i VALCKX, H & T I L 8 C 2 CLARKE I OF 1.26M REQUIRED 2M � I I t... I lOM- I A88/128 I GRANTED I TO PLACE HOUSE ON A LOT HAVING INTERIOR SIDE YARDS OF .91M & t LAZOVIC, M I L31 C 3 DARL 13.6M, REQUIRED 1.2M AND 4.5M I I ( I lOM- I A88/129 I GRANTED I LEGALIZE A S.F.D. HAVING LOT AREA OF 366M2 REQUIRED 370M2 t GRECO, JOSEPH I L 8 C 1 BOWMAN I I I I 1OM- 785 I ( _______________________I=====____________=====I=====________________________________________________=________ A88/130 I GRANTED I CONSTRUCT ACCESSORY BUILDING WITH ADDITIONAL 720 SQ. FT. HORNER, THOMAS I L23 C 2 DARL I WITH CONDITIONS I I I lOM- I t t t l t E r� �n t