HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-1-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: MAPLE.GPA REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File .. Date: Monday, January 6, 1992 Res. By-Law# gym �� / Report#:RD-m--9,2 File#: AMENDMENTS TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SubjecAMENDMENT NO. 42 (FILE: OPA 89-69/N; UNITED COUNTIES HOLDI17G9)-hoz AMENDMENT NO. 43 (FILE: OPA 90-45/N; CARNOVALE CONSTRUCTION) AMENDMENT NO. 44 (FILE: OPA 91-6/N; (LLOYD STEPHENSON) AMENDMENT NO. 45 (FILE: OPA 90-59/N; ORONO SECONDARY PLAN) AMENDMENT NO. 46 (FILE: OPA 91-13/N; MAPLE GROVE SECONDARY PLAN) Reconl%WT'T NO. 47 (FILE: OPA 90-89/N; (COURTICE WEST NBHD. ) 1 0, I is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-1-92 be received; 2 . THAT File OPA 89-69/N, being an application by United Counties Holdings to permit the lands at 15 Church Street, Bowmanville to be used as a parking lot for an adjacent office/commercial building, be approved as Amendment No. 42 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as indicated in Attachment No. 1 hereto; 3 . THAT File OPA 90-45/N, being an application by carnovale Construction Limited to introduce a 'High Density' symbol at the southwest corner of Green Road and Highway No. 2 in the Bowmanville Major Urban Area, be approved as Amendment No. 43 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as indicated in Attachment No. 2 hereto; 4 . THAT File OPA 91-6/N, being an application by Lloyd Stephenson to include the rear portions of the lands at 106 and 118 King Street East, Newcastle Village within the Main Central Area and designate same as 'Commercial, be approved as Amendment No. 44 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as indicated in Attachment No. 3 hereto; 5. THAT File OPA 90-59/N, being the Orono Secondary Plan, be approved as Amendment No. 45 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as indicated in Attachment No. 4 hereto; 6. THAT File OPA 91-13/N, being the Maple Grove Secondary Plan, be approved as Amendment No. 46 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as indicated in Attachment No. 5 hereto; 7 . THAT File OPA 90-89/N, being amendments related to Courtice West Neighbourhood la, be approved as Amendment No. 47 to n U REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 2 the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as indicated in Attachment No. 6 hereto; 8 . THAT the necessary by-laws to adopt the above-referenced Official Plan Amendments be passed and the Amendments be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Region of Durham Planning Department; 9 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 On June 27, 1991, the Regional Municipality of Durham Act was amended by deleting two sections which dealt with the approval of amendments to local Official Plans. As a result of this amendment, the area municipalities in Durham Region must now adopt all amendments to their local Official Plans. Previously, Regional Council adopted all amendments by by-law and forwarded them to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. 1.2 Applications to amend the Town's Official Plan that had been approved by the Town but not approved by Regional Council prior to June 27, 1991, must now be adopted by by-law by Town Council and forwarded directly to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. A total of five applications fall in this category. One other application to amend the Town's Official Plan was approved by Town Council after June 27, 1991; the actual amendment and by-law with respect to this amendment must still be considered by Council. 2 . REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, 1983 2 . 1 Section 17 of the Planning Act, 1983 , requires Council � 2 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 3 to ensure that adequate information is made available to the public when considering an application to amend an Official Plan. The Act also specifies that relevant agencies be provided with an opportunity to submit comments on the application. 2 . 2 With respect to the subject applications to amend the Town's Official Plan, the above-mentioned requirements of the Planning Act have been fulfilled. The non- statutory Public Meetings held previously for each of the applications/amendments meet the requirement for the provision of information to the public. As well, each application/amendment was circulated by the Planning Department to various agencies for comment. 2 . 3 The Planning Act also requires Council to hold a Public Meeting to consider the actual proposed Official Plan Amendment. In this regard, the Notice for the Public Meeting to consider the subject Official Plan Amendments was published in local newspapers on Wednesday, December 4, 1991. As well, notice of the Public Meeting was mailed to the applicants and their agents, as well as all parties who made submissions and delegations in respect of the six applications. Notice of the Public Meetings was also posted on the existing information signs on the subject properties. 2 .4 Staff note that the Planning Act specifies that Council hold the Public Meeting to consider a proposed amendment to an Official Plan. It has been the Town's practice to have the General Purpose and Administration Committee hold any statutory Public Meetings required under the Planning Act. However, the authority for Committee to hold the statutory public meeting in 50 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 4 respect of amendments to the Town's Official Plan has not yet been delegated by Council. Accordingly, in order to meet the requirements of the Planning Act, the Public Notice for the subject Official Plan Amendments indicated that delegations regarding the Amendments will be heard by both Committee and Council. 2 . 5 Report PD-15-92 , which is also to be considered by Committee on January 6, 1992, specifically addresses the issue of delegation for the purposes of holding statutory public meetings. 2 . 6 Section 27 of the Planning Act also states that all amendments to the Town's Official Plan are required to conform to the upper tier plan. In this regard, the Region of Durham Planning Department has provided comments to the Town as to the conformity of the proposed amendments to the Regional Plan. 3 . PROPOSED AMENDMENTS 3 . 1 The six amendments to the Town's Official Plan referenced above are discussed below. 3 . 2 United Counties Holdings (File: OPA 89-69/N) Application 3 . 2 . 1 This application seeks to amend the Town's Official Plan to redesignate the lands at 15 Church Street, Bowmanville (southwest corner of Lambert and Church Streets) from 'Low Density Residential' to 'Commercial' to permit the lands to be used for a parking lot in conjunction with a proposed office building to be located immediately to the south at 196 King Street East. 504 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 5 3 . 2 . 2 Previous Public Meeting A previous Public Meeting in respect of the application to amend the Official Plan was held at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of October 23, 1989. A sign advising of the application was posted on the subject property. As well, notice of the Public Meeting was mailed to all property owners within the , distance prescribed by the regulations to the Planning Act. 3. 2 . 3 Two residents, one of which presented a petition with 158 signatures, spoke in opposition to the application at the meeting. one resident submitted a letter in opposition. Concerns expressed included ensuring the safety of the children walking to and from Vincent Massey Public School, the potential for increased traffic generation, and the intrusion of a commercial use into the residential area. The application was referred back to Staff for further review, including a traffic study of Lambert Street. As well, Council requested the applicant to install sidewalks on Lambert Street. 3 . 2 .4 Staff Recommendation Staff Report PD-39-91, considered by Committee at its meeting of February 4, 1991, recommended that the application to amend the Town's Official Plan be denied. 3 . 2 . 5 Council Decision Committee and subsequently Council on February 11, 1991, resolved to recommend to the Region that the application be approved. REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 6 3 . 2. 6 On July 2, 1991, Regional Planning Committee approved the subject application and adopted Amendment No. 42 to the Town's Official Plan. However, the application was subsequently referred back to the Town when the Region became aware of the changes to the Regional Municipality of Durham Act. 3 . 2 .7 Regional Plan Conformity The Region of Durham Planning Department has indicated that the proposal conforms to both the 1976 and the 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan. 3 . 2 .8 Amendment Proposed Amendment No. 42 to the Town's Official Plan is attached to this Report as Attachment No. 1. The amendment would modify the text of the Official Plan to include a site specific provision that permits the lands subject of the Official Plan amendment application to be used as a parking lot. 3 . 3 Carnovale Construction Limited (File: OPA 90-45/N) 3 . 3 .1 Application The subject application seeks to amend the Town's Official Plan by introducing a 'High Density' symbol at the southwest corner of Green Road and Highway No. 2 in the Bowmanville Urban Area. The applicant has also submitted an application for rezoning in order to develop a three storey forty-eight unit apartment building on the subject lands. 3 . 3 . 2 Previous Public Meeting A Public Meeting to consider the Official Plan Amendment application and the rezoning application was held at the General Purpose and Administration 5 01 6 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 7 Committee meeting of June 18, 1990. Signage advising of the applications was posted on the frontage of the subject property. As well, notice of the Public Meeting was mailed to all landowners within the prescribed distance. 3 . 3 . 3 Two area residents spoke in opposition to the application at the Public Meeting. One of the residents expressed concerns over placing high density developments on lands zoned "Agricultural (A) ", while the other resident, who submitted a petition signed by seven area residents, stated concerns over the proposed density and the potential conflict between municipal and private services. council referred the applications back to Staff for further review. 3 . 3 .4 Staff Recommendation Staff Report PD-165-91, considered by Committee at its meeting of July 22, 1991, recommended that the application be approved and submitted an amendment for consideration. , 3 . 3 . 5 Council Decision On July 29, 1991, Council approved the application to amend the Town's Official Plan and forwarded the proposed Official Plan Amendment to the Region of Durham for approval. However, due to the recent changes to the Regional 'Municipality of Durham Act, it is now Town Council's responsibility to adopt the amendment by passing a by-law. 3 . 3 . 6 Regional Plan Conformity Regional Planning Staff have advised that this application conforms to both the 1976 and the 1991 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 8 Durham Regional Official Plans. 3 . 3 .7 Amendment Proposed Amendment 43 to the Town's Official Plan is attached to this report as Attachment No. 2 . 3 .4 Lloyd Stephenson (File: OPA 91-6/N) 3 .4. 1 Application The subject application to amend the Town's Official Plan seeks to modify the boundaries of the Newcastle Village Main Central Area to include the rear portions of the lands at 106 and 118 King Street East, and to redesignate these same lands from 'Residential' to 'Commercial' . The lands are also subject of a rezoning application. 3 .4 . 2 Previous Public Meeting A Public Meeting in respect of the rezoning application was held at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of November 5, 1990. Signage advising of the application was posted on the frontage of the subject property. As well, notice of the Public Meeting was mailed to all landowners within the prescribed distance. 3 . 4 . 3 Four area residents spoke in opposition to the rezoning application at the Public Meeting. They indicated that they would like to see the use of the subject lands to remain unchanged. Council referred the application back to Staff for further review. 3 .4 .4 On June 18 , 1990, the General Purpose and Administration Committee resolved (Resolution # GPA- 620-90) to direct the Planning Department to take the 58 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 9 necessary steps to rezone the property owned by Mr. Lloyd Stephenson to a commercial designation in accordance with the Planning Act. Council endorsed Committee's resolution on June 23 , 1990 (Resolution # C-537-90) . 3.4.5 Staff Recommendation Staff Report PD-125-91, considered by Committee at its meeting of June 3 , 1991, recommended that, in accordance with Council Resolution #C-537-90, the Town recommend to the Region that the Amendment to the Town's Official Plan be approved. 3 . 4 . 6 Council Decision On June 10, 1991, Council approved the application to amend the Official Plan and forwarded an amendment to the Town's Official Plan to the Region of Durham for approval. However, due to the recent changes to the Regional Municipality of Durham Act, it is now Town Council's responsibility to adopt the amendment by passing a by-law. 3 .4. 7 Regional Plan Conformity Regional Planning Staff have advised that the proposal conforms to both the 1976 and the 1991 Durham Regional Official Plans. 3 .4.8 Amendment Proposed Amendment No,. 44 to the Town's Official Plan, which redesignates the subject lands as 'Main Central Area - Commercial' is attached to this report as Attachment No. 3 . 09 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 10 3 . 5 Hamlet of Orono Secondary Plan (File: OPA 90-59/N) 3 . 5. 1 Application The Town retained the Proctor and Redfern Group to undertake a Secondary Plan Study for the Hamlet of Orono. The Study was initiated in 1988 . 3 .5.2 Previous Public Meeting As part of the Study, a Public Open House was held on February 1, 1989. Notice of the Open House was provided in local newspapers; as well, approximately 800 notices were mailed to residents within and adjacent to the hamlet. 3 . 5. 3 The first Public Meeting to consider the proposed Orono Secondary Plan was originally scheduled for the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of April 23 , 1990. Notice of the Public Meeting was published in the Orono Weekly Times on March 21, 1990. At the direction of Committee, the Public Meeting was rescheduled to June 5, 1990. Notice of this Public Meeting was published in the Orono Weekly Times on May 9, 1990. 3 . 5.4 A number of residents expressed concerns regarding the proposed Orono Secondary Plan and growth in the hamlet in general. These concerns are summarized as follows: municipal water should be a condition of expansion; new residential growth must be encouraged or the community will suffer; supports limited population growth; hamlet boundaries should be extended to include the lands south of Regional Road No. 4 and east of REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 11 Ochonski Road, and the lands south of the Mill Pond. , 3 .5.5 Staff Recommendation The Secondary Plan, as recommended for approval by Staff Report PD-133-90, limits new residential development to approximately 25 lots on municipal water and private sewage disposal. New development on private services is not encouraged given Orono's existing problems with private water supplies and sewage disposal, and the potential for the hamlet to be redesignated as a Small Urban Area. The Secondary Plan as recommended by Staff indicated the lands west of Regional Road 17 and south of Regional Road 4 which are not currently serviced with municipal water, as being outside the limits of the hamlet. A portion of these lands is subject of Rezoning Application DEV 89-97 submitted by Christopher and Lynn Robinson which seeks to develop 8 new residential lots on private services. 3 . 5. 6 Council Decision On June 11, 1990, Council passed a resolution to request the Region of Durham to approve the Orono Secondary Plan as recommended by Staff. Council further directed Staff to prepare a modification to the Plan to include the Robinson lands and adjoining lands to the south within the hamlet. 3 . 5.7 On November 26, 1990, Council passed a resolution to request the Region to modify the Orono Secondary Plan to include lands on the west side of Regional Road 17 south of Regional Road 4, and to permit residential development on these lands to proceed on private wells and sewage disposal systems. REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 12 3 . 5.8 Regional Plan Conformity Regional Planning Staff indicated that the Orono Secondary Plan as proposed would appear to conform to the 1976 Regional Plan as it recognizes primarily existing development with minor areas of expansion with the Hamlet of Orono. 3 .5.9 However, Regional Planning Staff further indicated that the Orono Secondary Plan is not appropriate in light of the 1991 Regional Plan which identifies Orono as an Urban Area to be developed on the basis of full urban services. A number of questions with respect to servicing, population levels, land use designations and transportation infrastructure must be resolved prior to the preparation of the Secondary Plan. As an example, the proposed residential expansion areas on the west side of Regional Road 17 and south of Taunton Road may prejudice the future orderly growth of this area. Regional Staff also noted the difficulty of servicing the more northerly portion of this area with private water supply given the high sodium and chlorine concentrations in the groundwater. 3 . 5. 10 Amendment Proposed Amendment No. 45 to the Town's Official Plan to incorporate the Orono Secondary Plan as previously approved by Council, is attached to this report as Attachment No. 4. 3 . 6 Hamlet of Maple Grove Secondary Plan (File: OPA 91- 13 N 3 . 6. 1 Application A Secondary Plan Study for the Hamlet of Maple Grove was initiated by the Town in 1989. 1 2 REPORT NO. :PD-1-92 PAGE 13 3 . 6.2 Previous Public Meetings As part of the Study, a Public Open House was held on November 23 , 1989. Notice of the Open House was provided in local newspapers and mailed to all property owners within the Study Area. 3 . 6. 3 The Public Meeting to consider the proposed Maple Grove Secondary Plan was held at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of January 21, 1991. Notice of the Public Meeting was published in the Canadian Statesman and the Newcastle Independent on January 2, 1991, and mailed to all landowners within the Study Area. 3 . 6.4 A number of residents made submissions in respect of the Maple Grove Secondary plan as follows: specific parcels of land should be included in the hamlet; desire for municipal servicing, particularly watermains. 3 . 6. 5 Staff Recommendation The Secondary Plan, as recommended for approval by Staff Report PD-22-91, permits only limited new residential development in the form of infilling. New development is not encouraged given the proximity of the hamlet to the Bowmanville Major Urban Area. The Secondary Plan as recommended by Staff did not include within the hamlet, a parcel on the southwest corner of Maple Grove Road and Highway No. 2 . 3 . 6. 6 Council Decision On January 28, 1991, Council passed a resolution requesting the Region to approve the Maple Grove � 1 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 14 Secondary Plan as recommended by Staff, with the exception that a portion of the parcel on the southwest corner of Maple Grove Road and Highway No. 2 be included in the hamlet and designated as 'Residential Expansion' . 3 . 6.7 Regional Plan Conformity Regional Planning Staff stated that the proposed Maple Grove Secondary Plan would conform to the provisions of both the 1976 and the 1991 Regional Plans. 3 . 6.8 Amendment Proposed Amendment No. 46 to incorporate the Maple Grove Secondary Plan as previously approved by Council is attached to this report as Attachment No. 5. 3 .7 Courtice West Neighbourhood la (File: OPA 90-891N) 3. 7 . 1 Application The proposed amendment to the Town's Official Plan regarding the Courtice West Neighbourhood was initiated by the Planning Department. 3 .7 .2 Previous Public Meeting A Public Meeting regarding proposed amendments for the Courtice West Neighbourhood was held at a special meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee in June 1987 . Staff also met with area residents in January 1988 to discuss the proposed amendments. The draft amendment to the Town's Official Plan was considered by Committee at its meeting of September 17, 1990. Notice of the Committee's consideration of the amendment was mailed to all landowners and residents within the area subject of the Amendment. 514 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 15 3 .7 . 3 Concerns raised by area residents in respect of the proposed amendment are as follows: the location and size of Neighbourhood Parks; the road pattern for the lands between the Harmony Creek tributary and Varcoe Road did not allow for optimum development of the area; residents fronting on. Old Varcoe Road were opposed to closure of the road. 3 .7.4 Staff Recommendation The Official Plan Amendment, as recommended by Staff Report PD-280-90, defines land use designations and road patterns for the Courtice West Neighbourhood. Specifically, the Amendment indicates the Adelaide Avenue extension as a collector across the northern boundary of the Urban Area, revises the locations designated for Neighbourhood Parks, amends the provisions in the Plan regarding the public acquisition of valleylands to include the Harmony Creek system, and adjusts sub-neighbourhood boundaries and the related population distribution. 3 .7 . 5 Council Decision On September 24, 1990, Council resolved to approve the proposed amendment to the Town's Official Plan as recommended by Report PD-280-90, with the exception of the proposed Neighbourhood Park site east of Darlington Boulevard, which was referred back to Staff for further review. A Report dealing with the proposed Neighbourhood Park will be forwarded for Committee's consideration at a later date. 3 . 7 . 6 Regional Plan Conformity Regional Planning Staff indicated that the proposed REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 16 amendment conforms to the 1976 Regional Plan; however, they note that Adelaide Avenue is identified as a Type 'C' arterial with a right-of-way ranging from 26-30 metres in the 1991 Plan. The identification of a collector road with a right-of-way of between 20-26 metres would not conform to the 1991 Official Plan. 3 .7.7 Amendment Proposed Amendment No. 47 to the Town's Official Plan related to the Courtice West Neighbourhood is attached to this report as Attachment No. 6. The Amendment is the same as previously approved by Council, with the exception that the Adelaide Avenue extension is now shown as an Arterial Road. 4. CONCLUSION 4 . 1 The six subject Official Plan Amendments have all been previously endorsed by Council. The holding of a new Public Meeting and the adoption of by-laws to approve the Amendments are "house-keeping" matters resulting from the recent changes to the Regional Municipality of Durham Act. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. Lawrence Kotseff Director of Planning Chief Adm n strative and Development Officer JAS*DC*FW*df *Attach 13 December 1991 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 17 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Amendment No. 42 Amendment No. 43 (cont'd) United Counties Holdings J. Jeans Limited R.R.#6 115 Simcoe Street South Bowmanville, Ontario. Oshawa, Ontario. L1C 3K7 L1H 5G7 Wayne Christie Mrs. Nellie Thompson 17 Liberty Street North R.R. #6 Bowmanville, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 2L5 L1C 3K7 .Strike, Salmers and Furlong 38 King Street West E. Stroud P.O. Box 7 89 Little Avenue Bowmanville, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3K8 L1C 1J9 Nancy MacMaster Amendment No. 44 83 Hobbs Drive Bowmanville, Ontario. Lloyd Stephenson L1C 3M2 106 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario. Stephanie Adams LIB 1H5 21 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario. Mr. Bezubiak L1C 1S4 59 Beaver Street Newcastle, Ontario. LOA 1H0 Amendment No. 43 Mrs. Mary Gates Carnovale Construction Ltd. 99 Beaver Street North 21 Gladstone Avenue Newcastle, Ontario. Suite 305 L1B 1H6 Oshawa, Ontario. G FdJ L1J 4E3 Mr. Don Wright 85 Beaver Street North Glenn Genge Newcastle, Ontario. The Green Galloway Group Inc. LlB 1H6 1415 King Street East (Highway No. 2) Mrs. E. Wood Courtice, Ontario. 81 Beaver Street North L1E 2J6 Newcastle, Ontario. L1B 1H6 � 1 % REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 18 Amendment No. 45 Christopher and Lynn Robinson Gordon and Marjorie Lowery R.R.#1 Box 123 Orono, Ontario. Orono, Ontario. LOB IMO LOB 1MO Mr. Jan Ochonski Mr. W.A. Grady R.R.#2 'Box 412 Orono, Ontario. Orono, Ontario. LOB 1M0 LOB 1MO Mr. Aleck Moffat Mr. Douglas Simpson R.r.#1 Box 98 Orono, Ontario. Orono, Ontario. LOB 1MO LOB 1MO Mr. & Mrs. Klaas Schoenmaker Mr. Ralph Bouwmeester Box 134 Box 346 Orono, Ontario. Orono, Ontario. LOB IMO LOB 1MO Mr. William H. Carman Steven & Heather Rowe Box 249 36 Church Street Orono, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. LOB 1MO LIC 1S5 Mr. Dave Climenhage Mr. Lane Gibb R.r.#2 320 Chestnut Street East Orono, Ontario. Whitby, Ontario. LOB 1MO UN 2Y2 Mrs. Marjorie Best Mr. Paul Scargall R.R. #2 Bordon & Elliott Orono, Ontario. Barristers and Solicitors LOB 1MO Scotia Plaza 40 King Street West Mr. Dirk Woudstra Toronto, Ontario. R.R.#1 M5H 3Y4 Orono, Ontario. LOB 1MO Mr.Henry J. Sissons R.R.#1 Mr. Murray Taylor Orono,Ontario. Box 489 LOB 1MO Orono, Ontario. Mr. Roy Forrester Stephen G. Armstrong P.O. Box 209 Walker, Wright, Young Orono, Ontario. and Associates Limited LOB IMO 172 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario. M5R 2M7 !� 18 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 19 Amendment No. 46 John and Inge Huber Dave Maika R.R. #6 R.R.#6 Bowmanville, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. Brian and Joan Seaton Peter Vis R.R.#3 R.R.#3 Bowmanville, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. Mike Kube Ed Leslie 531 Rogers Street R.R.#6 Oshawa, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. Matt Yeatman William Eeuwes 19 Barley Mill Crescent R.R.#6 Bowmanville, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 4E6 Lou and Di Mastroianni Mrs. J. Chapman Maple Grove Road, R.R.#6 R.R.#6 Bowmanville, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. LIC 3K7 Calvin and Joan Watt R.R.#6 Carmela Cupelli Bowmanville, Ontario. R.R.#3 Bowmanville, Ontario. Len and Carol Clement L1C 3K4 R.R.#6 Bowmanville, Ontario. Harry Gruyters R.R. #6 Brian OfDonoghue Bowmanville, Ontario. R.R.#3 L1C 3K7 Bowmanville,Ontario. Bob and Dianne Malarczuk Alan McLeod, B. Arch. R.R.#6 Gallant Architect Inc. Bowmanville, Ontario. 55 1/2 Simcoe Street North L1C 3K7 Oshawa, Ontario. L1G 4S1 Tony and Rachele Perro 41 Renwick Drive William Hasiuk Bowmanville, Ontario. R.R.#3 L1E 1V5 Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3K4 Andy Batelaan 2538 Maple Grove Road Box 44, Group 1 R.R.#6 Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3K7 519 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 20 Amendment No. 47 01� ' John R. Lazenby Mr. Bill Creamer Harvey Mintz Associates Ltd. D.G. Biddle & Associates 122 Brock Street South Consulting Engineers Whitby, Ontario. and Architects L1N 4J8 96 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario. Gino Nave L1H 1B6 Remax Apple Realty Ltd. Realtor Glen Easton 80 Athol Street South The Proctor & Redfern Group Whitby, Ontario. 45 green Belt Drive L1N 1J7 Don Mills, Ontario. M3C 3K3 John Fred Connell Iva Doreen Connell Mr. & Mrs. G. Blackiock Lawson Road 176 Old Varcoe Road R.R.#5 R.R.#3 Oshawa, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. L1H 1J7 L1C 3K4 Roy and Pam Good Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Welsh 68 Varcoe Road North 98 Varcoe Road Bowmanville, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. L1E 1N2 L1E 1M2 Terrence Frederick Crick Mrs. Teri Gibner Catherine Ellen Crick 77 Townline Road North 60 Birchfield Drive R.R. #5 Bowmanville, Ontario. Oshawa, Ontario. L1C 4A6 L1H 8L7 Leon Art Jack Webb Lucienne Augusta Art Remax Lawson Road, Box 18 Apple Realty Ltd. , Realtor R.R.#5 80 Athol Street (Athol Place) Oshawa, Ontario. Oshawa, Ontario. L1H 8L7 L1H 1J7 George and Violet Walters Wayne Jeffery Lawson Road 290573 Ontario Ltd. R.R.#5 58 Rossland Road West Oshawa, Ontario. Oshawa, Ontario. L1H 8L7 L1G 2V5 Tony Francis Slavin Mr. Mark McCann Group 7, Box 21 Akal Properties Ltd. R.R.#3 330 Bay Street, Suite 900 Oshawa, Ontario. Toronto, Ontario. L1H 7K5 M5H 2S8 -920 REPORT NO. : PD-1-92 PAGE 21 William Alexander Godfrey Mr. Luigi Lammarino Jean Godfrey 1204 Eldorado Avenue 33 Lawson Road Oshawa, Ontario. R.R.#5 L1K 1G1 Oshawa, Ontario. Barrie and Alice Morden Mrs. Karen Mansfield 58 Varcoe Road North 1436 Nash Road Bowmanville, Ontario. Oshawa, Ontario. L1E 1S5 UK 1A6 Gerald and Emily Moores Lawson Road R.R.#5 Oshawa, Ontario. L1H 8L7 Emilia and Antonio Checchia Lawson Road R.R.#2 Oshawa, Ontario. L1H 7K5 Irwin and Ruth Weidner 100 Varcoe Road Bowmanville, Ontario. L1E 1M2 Burton and Linda Noble Lawson Road R.R.#5 Oshawa, Ontario. UH 7K5 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rodnell 265 Townline Road North R.R.#5 Oshawa, Ontario. L1H 1M2 Arnold and Audrey Eyman R.R.#5 Oshawa, Ontario. L1H 8L7 Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Mehring 94 Varcoe Road Bowmanville, Ontario. L1E 1N1 521 Attachment No. 1 i THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- being a by-law to adopt Amendment Number 42 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to permit the lands at 15 Church Street, Bowmanville, to be used as a parking lot for an office/ commercial building on adjacent lands. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 42 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Expanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the afore-mentioned Amendment Number 42 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a second time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 19 MAYOR CLERK 52 AMENDMENT NO. 42 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to permit the development of a parking area. LOCATION: The subject lands are located within the Bowmanville Major Urban Area on Part of Lot 10, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle, and more specifically described as 15 Church Street, Bowmanville BASIS: The applicant is requesting the development of a parking area for an associated proposed office/commercial complex on the abutting parcel to the south. The proposal meets the objectives of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan to promote mixed use development in the Bowmanville Main Central Area. In addition, the small scale of the proposal was determined not to create any major impact on the existing character of the area. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Town of Newcastle Official Plan is hereby amended by adding a new subsection h) after Section 7 . 2 .5.2 . i) g) as follows: "h) Notwithstanding any other portions of this Plan to the contrary, a parking lot use is permitted on the property identified in the Assessment Roll Book as No. 18- 07-020-080-09500-00000, in the former Town of Bowmanville, now the Town of Newcastle, and more specifically described as 15 Church Street, Bowmanville. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 5 ? _> Attachment No. 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 43 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to introduce a 'High Density (H) ' symbol on lands at the southwest corner of Green Road and Highway No. 2 in the Bowmanville Urban Area. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 43 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibit "A" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the afore-mentioned Amendment Number 43 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a second time this day of , 19 BY-LAW a third time and finally passed this day of 19 MAYOR CLERK i Attachment No. 2 �I THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 43 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to introduce a 'High Density (H) ' symbol on lands at the southwest corner of Green Road and Highway No. 2 in the Bowmanville Urban Area. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 43 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle., being the attached Exhibit "A" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the afore-mentioned Amendment Number 43 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a second time this day of , 19 BY-LAW a third time and finally passed this day of 19 MAYOR CLERK AMENDMENT NO. 43 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to introduce a "High Density (H) " symbol within Neighbourhood 3C of the Bowmanville Major Urban Area. LOCATION: The lands subject of this Amendment are a 0. 65 ha (1. 6 acres) parcel at the southwest corner of Green Road and Highway No. 2 in the Bowmanville Major Urban Area, and are more specifically described as Part Lot 17, Concession 1, in the former Township of Darlington, now the Town of Newcastle. BASIS: This. Amendment is based on Application OPA 90- 45/N which seeks increased densities on the subject property in order to permit the construction of a three storey, 48 unit apartment building. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle is hereby amended as follows: 1. By amending Schedule 7-1 (Land Use Structure Plan - Bowmanville) as indicated in Exhibit "A" to this Amendment. Exhibit "A" attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply to this Amendment. 5Z6 EXHIBIT "A" TO AMENDMENT No. 43 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE _ J ADD "HIGH DENSITY z RESIDENTIAL AREA 0 z W ri HW Y N° 2 n' P. LC n �MN n.p� I�a�j is is 3 C D 0 P ul of io n 3 A•, O 5 o PPlotu 'ion 4 00C� •:Y Al }/ .. •l y.. r M :.t r N :•r •t• `,l r! .!r4Mi N ti• t •I,• ti rr »ktiV: a: r•r fi t. J.Y. ff.� i .i• f L S+ :'W4ti 3 m. t. a r i'• t ri"• :'If^ , r :4 t ;•f!r N 3 .: r lotion '14f.80 . ..'1 ...'i�:t:'i�S::..,.,rl :a�'Si•....• ....e.............................. i. i Y Attachment No. 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 44 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans for the Town of Newcastle and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to expand the boundaries of the Newcastle Village Main Central Area to include the rear portion of the lands at 106 and 118 King Street East, Newcastle Village, and to designate these lands as 'Commercial' . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 44 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibit "A" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the afore-mentioned Amendment Number 44 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a second time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 19 a MAYOR CLERK D28 Attachment No. 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 44 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans for the Town of Newcastle and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to expand the boundaries of the Newcastle Village Main Central Area to include the rear portion of the lands at 106 and 118 King Street East, Newcastle Village, and to designate these lands as 'Commercial'. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 44 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibit "A" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the afore-mentioned Amendment Number 44 to the' Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a second time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 19 MAYOR CLERK 529 AMENDMENT NO. 44 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to include additional lands within the Newcastle Village 'Main Central Area' and to designate same from 'Residential' to 'Commercial" . LOCATION: The lands subject of this Amendment are located in Part Lot 28, Concession 2, former Township of Clarke, now Town of Newcastle, and are more specifically described as a 0. 19 ha parcel at the rear of 106 King Street East, and a 0. 2 ha parcel at the rear of 118 King Street East, both in Newcastle Village. BASIS: This Amendment is based on Application OPA 91- 6/N which seeks to designate the subject lands for commercial purposes. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle is hereby amended as follows: 1. By amending Schedule 8-2 (Land Use Structure Plan - Newcastle Village Main Central Area) as indicated in Exhibit "A" to this Amendment. Exhibit "A" attached hereto shall form Part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply to this Amendment 530 EXHIBIT • TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE �►�r7�t1m uu.�-w� �� E FROM RESIDENTIAL IMP TO COMMERCIAL signs � � t r r - . noun, ■ a 004 5000, �i /.� ►. Naomi ■rrr/ �n.::_ssrnrrrrm L _urrl .0/01021 1.-r: rwr �i, : rr11 U6r ur.lu•n1rm ill / I. - <,.. a. 1 nrrrrGGirrrutrn3a014 N"Umml r� rrrinvlGll / w�uu■"murnunnarunrr�rnnu. - �..�.. �i� is�' ; u..iro:�a�r�r:r►nlrrrrrro_rarrll � .. � �� • �� '! �■ ilr■■!rI -1 1 )�■ °Irrrarrl•11rI1r1/r)D'Irtlr7rrrrrrrl. rte••". .� f/J ■��� � nitt.emainwrur l.urrrurra i■ narycaaron�::ril.�rnau•rsanlr v. .,. -•s. ]I — fie.: � �. i �.:.�� ' ��. •iii a. i�� . •■� rW ,� 1!, .•r■r►�►��tlt,�1LTPSirnrita � � � k� NINE moons, • rrrrrrrrl ~ ���■��aal. X11111.■1111.. � �i /i,, , • � r� Attachment No. 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 45 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to incorporate a Secondary Plan for the Hamlet of Orono. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 45 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibit "A" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the afore-mentioned Amendment Number 45 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 19 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 19 MAYOR CLERK c_ Attachment No. 4. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 45 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to incorporate a Secondary Plan for the Hamlet of Orono. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 45 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibit "A" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the afore-mentioned Amendment Number 45 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. That this' By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a second time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 19 MAYOR CLERK AMENDMENT NO. 45 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to incorporate the Orono Secondary Plan into the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. LOCATION: The lands subject of this Amendment generally comprise the existing Hamlet of Orono lying west of Highway 35/115 and south of Regional Road 4, and are more specifically described as follows: Part of Lots 28 and 29, Concession 4 and Part of Lots 26, 27, 28 and 29, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke, now Town of Newcastle. BASIS: The Amendment is based upon a detailed Secondary Plan Study for the Hamlet of Orono prepared by the Proctor and Redfern Group, dated March 1990, as required by Section 9 . 1 of the Official Plan of. the Town of Newcastle. The Orono Secondary Plan limits new residential development to approximately 25 lots on municipal water and private sewage disposal. New development on private services is not encouraged given Orono's existing problems with private services and the potential for Orono to be redesignated as a 'Small Urban Area' . On November 261* 1990, the Council of the Town of Newcastle approved a modification to the Orono Secondary Plan. This modification changed the boundaries of the hamlet to include lands on the west side of Regional Road 17 immediately south of Regional Road 4, and permits residential development on these lands to proceed on full private services. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle is hereby amended as follows: 1. In Section 9 . 1 (iv) , by deleting 119-7" from the first line and replacing same with 119-8111 and by adding the phrase 119- - 8 Orono" to the end the section. 534 PAGE 2 2 . In Section 9.4 (ii) , by deleting the last sentence in its entirety and replacing same with the following: "Where a municipal water system exists, new development shall only be permitted if same is- connected. to municipal water supply. " 3 . In Section 9.4 (ix) , by deleting the paragraph in its entirety and replacing same with the following: "ix) Notwithstanding the minimum lot size requirements set out in this Plan, the minimum lot size in the Hamlets of Newtonville and Orono can be less than 0.4 hectares without amendment to this Plan provided that the new development is to connect to the municipal water system, and further provided that a detailed engineering report demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Ministry of the Environment, the Region of Durham and Town of Newcastle that soil conditions can support the reduced lot size without causing soil and groundwater contamination. In no case however, shall the lot size be reduced below 0.2 hectares. " 4 . In Section 9.4, by renumbering Subsection " (x) " as Subsection " (xi) " and by inserting a new Subsection " (x) " as follows: "x) Notwithstanding Section 9. 4 (ii) , new residential lots on private water supply and sewage disposal systems may be created on the lands designated 'Residential Expansion" on -the west side of Regional Road 17 immediately south of Regional Road 4 in the Hamlet of Orono, subject to the approval of the Durham, Region Health Services Department. PAGE 4 5. In Section 9. 6, by adding the following new subsection: "iv) Council shall encourage the revitalization and improvement of the historic commercial area as the main focal point of economic and social activity in the Hamlet of Orono. " 6. In Section 9 . 10, by adding the following new -subsection: "iv) Council shall encourage the Region of Durham and the Ministry of the Environment to investigate and determine appropriate solutions for the soil pollution and water quality problems in the Hamlets of Orono and Hampton. " 7. By adding a new schedule, being "Schedule 9-8 (Orono Secondary Plan) ", as indicated in Exhibit "A" to this Amendment. Exhibit "A" attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the' Town of Newcastle, as amended, with respect to implementation of the Plan, shall apply to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, with respect to the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply to this Amendment. REGIONAL ROAD NO,4 (TAUNTON ROAD) ...I. h , �/Ji•i,i,' 1 �ii / i/ii iiiiii /• � oAmo T 11 II � E �I �l L It Z 0 ILL /, ' W y; O C) Z Z z WLE—E Sl LU y� Z !- sr ArIsrRe a :i(,• LL O -, 0 I \ E E, ?s Existing Residential R Z ' Residential Infilling Q _J _ E t�..�.. a ' Residential Expansion E Co Q j ® Community Facility 3: — I XU J°+ © Community Pork W U. Elementary School O SOMMERVILLE DRIVE D ® Senior Elementary School W Commercial Industrial L0L f'RS Utility Area Subject to Development Restrictions Possible Access Points Limit of Z Hamlet Secondary Plan O r- ! 0 U ORONO SECONDARY PLAN Q SCHEDULE 9-8 ' _ O TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 D 100 300 ]OOm Attachment No. 5 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 46 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, as amended, authorizes the Town .of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to incorporate a Secondary Plan for the Hamlet of Maple Grove. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 46 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibit "A" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the afore-mentioned Amendment Number 46 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. 1 BY-LAW read a first time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a second time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 19 MAYOR CLERK 7, �, Q Attachment No. 5 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 46 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, as amended, authorizes the Town .of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plans and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to incorporate a Secondary Plan for the Hamlet of Maple Grove. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 46 to the official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibit "A" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the afore-mentioned Amendment Number 46 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a firsttime this day, of , 19 BY-LAW read a second time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 19 MAYOR CLERK _ 39 AMENDMENT NO. 46 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to incorporate the Maple Grove Secondary Plan into the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. LOCATION: The lands subject of this Amendment are located in Part Lots 18, 19 and 20, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. BASIS: The Amendment is based upon a Secondary Plan Study for the Hamlet of Maple Grove as required by Section 9. 1 of the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. The Maple Grove Secondary Plan permits only limited new residential development in the form of infilling. New development is not encouraged given poor soil conditions for private water and santiary services and the proximity of the hamlet to the Bowmanville Major Urban Area. On January 28, 1991, Council of the Town of Newcastle amended the staff recommended plan to incorporate certain lands on the southwest corner of Maple Grove Road and Highway No. 2 . ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle is hereby amended as follows: 1) In Section 9. 1 (iv) by deleting 19-81 from the first line and replacing same with 19- 91 and by adding the phrase '9-9 Maple Grove' to the end of the section; and 2) In Section 9 . 3 (i) by deleting 145' after the words Maple Grove and replacing same with '90' . 3) By adding a new schedule, being "Schedule 9-9 (Maple Grove Secondary Plan) " , as indicated in Exhibit "A" to this Amendment. Exhibit "A" attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment. PAGE 2 IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply to this Amendment. 541 Z Q E J O o c Q a M t o N J c cc o pJ. Q 0 0 i o d o 0 0+ t (n o o T a i U N C •C Q. d •U a L O O N N O Q ( U- C W W V- O T E p N -2 U O W W O d) Eo �>' o` w c) od) Q U J J w` c o W a d)C31 .- to W o c a) 'o v+v E o, E o E a u`oi �' W W Q o N <n N c N E _� c E = () > (n E E ] Z U n X d d) O N O N N O �- d O d Q U W a a J U Z W to U Q d- _J Z � t!� W p U Z W W LI 2 � o r- Z NOISS33NOO l 'ON00 co t— 0 avow 3n0a9 3ldYW F- •f f. O ti w � y N ° m O ♦ J ov H 10" EXHIBIT "A" TO AMENDMENT No. 46 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE r A l Attachment No. 6 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 47 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plan and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to incorporate amendments related to the Courtice West Neighbourhood. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 47 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibits "A" and "B" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the afore-mentioned Amendment Number 47 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof., BY-LAW read a first time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a second time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 19 MAYOR CLERK LA Attachment No. 6 THE CORPORATION,OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 92- being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 47 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS Section 17 (b) of the Planning Act, 1983, as amended, authorizes the Town of Newcastle to pass by-laws for the adoption of or repeal of Official Plan and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to incorporate amendments related to the Courtice West Neighbourhood. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 47 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, being the attached Exhibits "A" and "B" and Explanatory Text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the afore-mentioned Amendment Number 47 to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a second time this day of , 19 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 19 MAYOR CLERK 544 AMENDMENT NO. 47 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PURPOSE: The Purpose of this Amendment is to provide further detail regarding the arterial and collector road network in the Courtice West Neighbourhood; to redefine the boundary between Sub-neighbourhoods 1a and 1b; to delete a Neighbourhood Park symbol from the Courtice West Neighbourhood; to revise the sub- neighbourhood population figures for the Courtice West Neighbourhood; and to amend the provision regarding the public acquisition of valleylands to include the Harmony Creek system. LOCATION: The lands subject of this Amendment are located in Part Lots 33 , 34 and 35, Concessions 2 and 3 , former Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle, and are more specifically described as the Courtice West Neighbourhood. BASIS: This Amendment is required to establish road patterns and land use designations for the area west of Varcoe Road and north of Nash Road. In addition, a review of parkland requirements for the Courtice West Neighbourhood has been undertaken and incorporated in this Amendment on the basis of Neighbourhood Park standards. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Town of Newcastle Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. In Section 6. 3 .3 . ii) (a) , by replacing the words "Black and Farewell Creek Systems" with "Black, Farewell and Harmony Creek Systems" such that Section 6.3 . 2 (ii) (a) reads as follows: "The Major Open Space system within the Courtice Major Urban Area generally comprises those lands below the topographic break in slope of the Black, Farewell and Harmony Creek systems. The boundaries of the Major Open Space System shown on Schedule 6-1 are not precise and shall only be used as guidelines. More precise boundaries shall be delineated in the Zoning By-law in consultation with the PAGE 2 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources. Council shall encourage the public acquisition of and access to, for flood and erosion control, preservation of natural features, and where feasible for passive recreational purposes, the valley lands of the Black, Farewell and Harmony Creek Systems. " 2 . Schedule 6-1 entitled "Land Use Structure" is hereby amended as indicated by Exhibit "A" to this Amendment. 3 . Schedule 6-4 entitled "Transportation Network" is hereby amended as indicated by Exhibit "B" to this Amendment. Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 1 A EXHIBIT "A" TO AMENDMENT No. 47 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ADD ARTERIAL ROAD •;xe X<S n ,xa4t z: rs^i: .......... ADD ij C TORR OAD t ft (r' f >f t f 't f r{ , Yh p <'R L: f attLt: I ';4i3.i•i 'r� d r: !a. f: $a: .tJ M' •F �r r' t';Far F +w tti .a 4 .Y C: f Y iia r t+K y,! rySt h Z r r w e: •r/:f r xx: 1 3% �i N .. �^c 1 a. x ,f a •2, i 1:33> r;vio`? ka}, kfet2s� ';✓'`` +xv e 95S#A {ykry: DELETEf.. ?s O.. 1 i Y :$O>Tti i@. NEIGHBOURHOOD P PARK R t.. x > .:.?>::;;vi:LC'=w x!/,.7ry .':i::.{..3t 9a>,`'A`�i.4'•��%�: ADJUST UL ST POP ATION wx; n, r s's M 30 OM 4 0 TO420 0 11 t.S d Ln .T t +5 i .n.C•. 'J 'z s., J' +S 1 >+,Kt i!. sem;; eve" Cc 3e,5 •L'�s { i f�! .iR 4 �f� t 6 t• C. �i. 1 L tai,•, 'C a� •4 t Y t r fv 4 nf�< k t:< ^ycs:t C s 7 z� j•t i1 r1 r I. r d; f. .c� I�' •``tf 9 rl �a :sir <a. L rpt, ,4 1 �b 1' C• �i y f;F aY r r4i4 .� C'r...........:...... .4 F' S C• C= F£ t CC<< J C:3 cC i ♦C tg, r t t(+ ti r:ty::.>:b.a:ii..�,,:,`.>n:'r{"•mss:::.: R A4 e( REALIGNMENT Y NM T OF !•':ixf'>"`:';'irik try.' >J,¢ / � 1 s"C r r `•l L 4 o. } NEG B H HOU OOD R S a� �t C:e xJ. ti r� x:r.. r n`x .., "aioa ld � r & b BOUNDARY cc RY ys r�` f i C! F.: s' ts'�;xi'sr r. =1 c .c' S s.c"ted.: c a. f tr. c' s Rt. s` •Z. �o �r Wr -1' x T :tk t >i%S :tK c1C. wf i ADJUST P i OPULA N T 0 �. R G 1500 TO FROM 2400 Y: %(.N�p«:G'ir:f%�e�<',,F� (}.�^'�'}rx,�`'i 21�?. .CQ• �1J qd7 EXHIBIT "B" TO AMENDMENT No. TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ADD TYPE B ARTERIAL ROAD dA I + ' • ' • + t It'll r.; ,i►TAU�i���� .. 11C�_ art • "f. '�r' �. v.fT•! t!111 j j •11�° .aMu i -• � V it OEM awe a'���;.. I�"•�_ _ !lliii�{r{�{{11l-1.11,t�l. •t`L�-- -- �1��+�' ',� _r�� .� :�;»..�, i'�•' �r,'� ill � M�• J (A', N {•r•