HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport #1 09/09/2013 clarington Leading the Way REPORT #1 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 2013 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2013 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) PSD-049-13 Official Plan Review Release of The Countryside Discussion Paper (b) EGD-006-13 Second Quarter Activity Report — 2013 (c) COD-019-13 Contract Awards During Council Recess (d) FND-012-13 Financial Update as at June 30, 2013 (e) LGL-005-13 Governance Issues in "Report Of The Mississauga Judicial Inquiry - Updating The Ethical Infrastructure" (f) LGL-008-13 Possible Amendment to Fortification By-Law 2011-091 (g) CAO-008-13 Customer Service Survey: Results 2. TRUDEAU WALKWAY THAT Report EGD-030-13 be received; THAT the Municipal Solicitor continue to work with the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRDSB) to finalize a legal and appropriate smoking area; THAT surveillance cameras be installed at either end of the walkway in compliance with all legislated requirements pertaining to surveillance; CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Report #1 - 2 - September 16, 2013 THAT a policy be developed around the Municipality's rationale and purpose of the surveillance system; THAT "No Loitering" signs be erected with specific reference to the Municipality's Nuisance By-Law; THAT public education be carried out in partnership with the School Board regarding nuisance and loitering; THAT the Municipality provide increased presence in this area from Durham Region Police Services and Municipal Law Enforcement; THAT KPRDSB be requested to provide a student volunteer program to keep the Trudeau Walkway clean; THAT the Municipality's Operations Department provide an increased level of service/maintenance in this area; THAT a garbage receptacle be installed at the walkway; THAT a curb cut be provided in front of the walkway; THAT the Traffic By-Law be amended to prohibit parking on Trudeau Drive from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday to Friday; THAT the Traffic By-Law be amended to prohibit stopping within one metre of any driveway; and THAT the area residents be notified, by mail, advising of the actions to be taken regarding the Trudeau Walkway. 3. DELEGATIONS REGARDING THE BOOTS & HEARTS MUSIC FESTIVAL THAT the following delegations, regarding the Boots & Hearts Music Festival, be received with thanks: Kenneth Kerrigan Leslie Kerrigan Laura Kennedy Shannon McNevan Gary Peters Kevin Anyan Adriane Vogel 4. AN APPLICATION FOR A TEMPORARY USE BY-LAW TO ALLOW CAMPING AND ANCILLARY USES APPLICANT: REPUBLIC LIVE INC. Report#1 - 3 - September 16, 2013 THAT Report PSD-045-13 be received; THAT the application for a temporary use by-law, submitted by Republic Live Inc., to allow camping and ancillary uses for a period of up to three (3) years continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared; THAT a Traffic Management Plan, prepared by traffic professionals at the expense of the Applicant, be submitted by the Applicant, for consideration with the rezoning application; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-045-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 5. APPLICATIONS TO AMEND A DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION AND TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW APPLICANT: CLARET INVESTMENTS LIMITED AND 1361189 ONTARIO LIMITED THAT Report PSD-046-13 be received; THAT the application for proposed Amendment to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-94027, submitted by Claret Investments Limited and 1361189 Ontario Limited, continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent report; THAT the application for Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA 2013-0018, submitted by Claret Investments Limited and 1361189 Ontario Limited, to implement the proposed amendment to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-94027 continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent report; and THAT all interested parties listed in PSD-046-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 6. STREET NAMING POLICY AND THE REQUEST BY BOB OWEN TO RESERVE "ROY NICHOLS" AS A FUTURE STREET NAME FOR COURTICE THAT Report PSD-047-13 be received; THAT "Roy Nichols" be reserved as a future street name for Courtice; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-047-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Report#1 - 4 - September 16, 2013 7. STREET NAME CHANGES IN COURTICE: REQUEST TO RENAME A PORTION OF SOLINA ROAD AND A PORTION OF OSBORNE ROAD TO CRAGO ROAD; REQUEST TO RENAME ENERGY DRIVE TO MCKNIGHT ENERGY DRIVE; PROPOSAL TO RENAME SOUTH SERVICE ROAD TO ENERGY DRIVE; PROPOSAL TO RENAME A PORTION OF COURTICE ROAD THAT Report PSD-048-13 be received; THAT Council waive the Street Name Change fee for Ms. Crago's request to rename a portion of Solina Road; THAT staff be authorized to take appropriate actions under the Municipal Act, to advertise in the local newspapers for, and to hold, a Public Information Centre and a Public Meeting for the renaming of the portion of Solina Road south of Highway 401 to Crago Road; THAT staff be authorized to take appropriate actions under the Municipal Act, to advertise in the local newspapers for, and to hold, a Public Information Centre and a Public Meeting for the renaming of the portion of Osborne Road (extending east from Osborne Road to Solina Road) to Crago Road; THAT no action be taken on renaming Energy Drive to McKnight Energy Drive; THAT staff be authorized to take appropriate actions under the Municipal Act, to advertise in the local newspapers for, and to hold, a Public Information Centre and a Public Meeting for the renaming of South Service Road east of Solina Road to Energy Drive; THAT staff be authorized to take appropriate actions under the Municipal Act, to advertise in the local newspapers for, and to hold, a Public Information Centre and a Public Meeting for the renaming of South Service Road west of Solina Road to an energy themed name; THAT staff be authorized to take appropriate actions under the Municipal Act, to advertise in the local newspapers for, and to hold, a Public Information Centre and a Public Meeting for the renaming of Courtice Road, south of the future Energy Drive to an alternate name, potentially with a waterfront theme; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-048-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Report#1 - 5 - September 16, 2013 8. APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF HOLDING SYMBOL APPLICANT: VALIANT RENTAL INC. THAT Report PSD-050-13 be received; THAT the By-law attached to Report PSD-050-13, to remove the Holding (H) Symbol, be passed; THAT Council's decision and a copy of Report PSD-050-13 be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC); and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-050-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 9. PROPOSED GENERAL AMENDMENT TO SIGN BY-LAW 2009-123 THAT Report PSD-051-13 be received; THAT the general amendment to the Municipality of Clarington Sign By-law 2009-123, be approved and that the By-law, contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD-051-13, be passed; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-051-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 10. ESTABLISHMENT OF CAMP 30 TASK FORCE AND FOUNDATION WHEREAS in April, 2013 the Federal Government notified Clarington that it had officially designated the lands of the former Prisoner of War Camp 30 and former Training School (the middle third) of the property at 2020 Lambs Road comprised of approximately 20 acres as a National Historic Site; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington in October, 2009 added six of the buildings at 2020 Lambs Road to the Municipal Register as structures with cultural heritage value; AND WHEREAS the commemoration of this nationally, provincially and locally significant heritage resource will only be possible through the combination of many people's efforts; AND WHEREAS the Municipality is willing to continue to work collaboratively with the Provincial and Federal governments, property owner and community advocacy groups having sought their input and commitment; Report #1 - 6 - September 16, 2013 AND WHEREAS the responsibility for the safety, liability and access to the property lies with the owner; AND WHEREAS to have a sustainable redevelopment of the Camp 30 site a viable business plan, economic development strategy and vision will have to be developed in collaboration with the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario - Clarington Branch and all stakeholders; AND WHEREAS the Owner has offered the site to the Municipality in exchange for unspecified compensation, discussions on which are continuing between the Municipality and Owner; AND WHEREAS it would be desirable to have the ownership of the site transferred to an independent not-for-profit Foundation, who could avail themselves of all funding opportunities; AND WHEREAS the Community Development Council of Durham (CDCD) have offered to assist in the formation, drafting of by-laws and development of a constitution for a Foundation and Architectural Conservancy of Ontario Clarington have raised funds to help establish a Foundation; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council endorse the establishment of a Foundation for Camp 30 for the long term management of the Camp 30 lands; THAT Council endorse the creation of a Camp 30 Task Force with a mandate to secure the property, work with the Foundation on the development of the long term plan for the re-use of Camp 30; THAT the Owner be requested to improve security of the site in accordance with "Mothballing Procedures for Heritage Structures", and that applicable Provincial grants for such work be applied for by the Foundation; THAT a recruitment committee be established to recommend members to the Task Force and Foundation Establishment Committees, and that it be formed of the Owner, the Mayor, local MPP, local MP, or their designates, Architectural Conservancy of Ontario and a representative from the Clarington Museums and Archives; and FURTHER THAT the Planning Services Department be assigned to assist the Foundation and Task Force and to incorporate in its 2014 budget sufficient funds for studies to assess the structural requirements and to develop a long term plan for Camp 30. Report #1 - 7 - September 16, 2013 11. SPEED HUMP INSTALLATION AND WARRANT ANALYSIS THAT Report EGD-031-13 be received; and THAT Council endorse the Speed Hump Installation and Warrant Analysis, as amended to delete the following sentence, within the Requisites Section of the Speed Hump Warrant, Attachment 2 to Report EGD-031-13: "All warrants in Part (A) must be met in order for the request to proceed." 12. APPOINTMENT OF ANIMAL SERVICES OFFICER — DUNCAN ANDERSON THAT Report CLD-024-13 be received; and THAT the By-law appointing Duncan Anderson as an Animal Services Officer, attached to Report CLD-024-13, be passed. 13. CL2013-13 2013 DEVELOPMENT OF PORT DARLINGTON WATERFRONT PARK AT EAST BEACH THAT Report COD-020-13 be received; THAT Drain Bros. Excavating Ltd., Lakefield, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of$2,906,853,23 (net of H.S.T. Rebate), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2013-13 be awarded the contract for Development of Port Darlington Waterfront Park at East Beach, as required by the Municipality of Clalington, Engineering Department; THAT the funds required in the amount of$3,685,600.00 (which includes $2,906,853,23 for construction, tendering, design, contract administration, material testing, contingencies and net HST) be drawn from the following Engineering Department Capital Accounts: Port Darlington Waterfront Park 110-32-325-83406-7401 ...........................................................$3,000,000.00 Pavement Rehabilitation 110-32-330-83212-7401 .............................................................$100,000.00 Region of Durham Contribution 110-X-X-X-1010 ...........................................................................$155,600.00 Additional Funding Required Roads and Related Development Charges Reserve Fund ..........$110,000.00 Unexpended Funds from Horsey Street Construction 11-32-330-83274-7401 ................................................................$320,000.00 Total Funding ............................................................................$3,685,600.00 Report #1 - 8 - September 16, 2013 THAT the use of additional funds from Roads and Related Development Charges and Unexpended Funds From Horsey Street, be approved; THAT all unexpended funds from the 2008 Concession Road 8 (110-32-330-83337-7401) and Concession Road 7 (110-32-330-83339-7401) improvements, which are now complete, be transferred to the Pavement Rehabilitation account (110-32-330-83212-7401) for this and other road rehabilitation works; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreement. 14. 2013/2014 INSURANCE PROGRAM THAT Report FND-010-13 be received; and THAT the general insurance placement, in conjunction with the other member municipalities of the Durham Municipal Insurance Pool, with the Frank Cowan Company for an integrated pooling arrangement that includes integrated insurance coverages and common self retention deductible levels for the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, at an approximate cost to Clarington of$994,937 be confirmed. 15. TAX AREA ACCESSIBILITY IMPROVEMENTS THAT Report FND-011-13 be received; THAT renovations to the Tax Area in the Finance Department be approved at an approximate cost of$175,000; and THAT the accessibility renovations be financed from the following sources: General Municipal Reserve Fund- $100,000 General Capital Reserve- $50,000 (new); and General Capital Reserve- $25,000 (already committed). 16. ACCEPTING CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS FOR CEMETERY RELATED FEES THAT Report FND-013-13 be received; and THAT Council authorizes an exception to the restricted use of credit cards as a payment method to allow the Municipal Clerk's Department to accept credit card payments to a maximum of$5,000 for cemetery fees to accommodate for legislative changes. Report #1 - 9 - September 16, 2013 17. UPDATED SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT THAT Report LGL-006-13 be received; THAT Council authorize Staff to use the updated subdivision agreement, attached to Report LGL-006-13 as Attachment 1, as a standard agreement for all future plans of subdivision; THAT the Municipal Solicitor be authorized to make minor changes to the standard subdivision agreement as the need arises; and THAT Council approve the fees referenced in Sections 4.3, 4.4, 4.6 and 4.8 of the updated subdivision agreement. 18. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON'S COMMENTS ON THE REVIEW OF ONTARIO'S LONG TERM ENERGY PLAN (LTEP) THAT Report CAO-009-13 be received; and THAT the submission as set out in Report CAO-009-13 be approved as the Municipality's comments on the review of Ontario's long term energy plan. 19. ECONOMIC IMPACT OF NASCAR THAT Clarington will work with Canadian Tire Motorsport Park and the Clarington Board of Trade to develop a study of the economic impact of NASCAR on Clarington. 20. CORRESPONDENCE FROM SUSAN LLOYD SWAIL, PRINCIPAL, PLANIT CONNECTIONS CONSULTING SERVICES, RICK RONDEAU, FOURTEEN ESTATES LIMITED, AND RICK JAMES, PRESIDENT, JAMES PRINTING AND SIGNS REGARDING THE PUBLIC MEETING (AGENDA ITEM 5(A)), CONCERNING AN APPLICATION FOR A TEMPORARY USE BY-LAW TO ALLOW CAMPING AND ANCILLARY USES, REPORT PSD-045-13 THAT the correspondence from Susan Lloyd Swail, Principal, Planit Connections Consulting Services, Rick Rondeau, Fourteen Estates Limited, and Rick James, President, James Printing and Signs regarding the Public Meeting (Agenda Item 5(a)), concerning an Application for a Temporary Use By-Law to Allow Camping and Ancillary Uses, Report PSD-045-13, be referred to the Director of Planning Services to be considered as part of the application review process. 21. PROPOSED PENDING ACQUISITION OF LAND THAT Resolution #CGPA-15-13, passed in Closed Session regarding a proposed pending acquisition of land by the Municipality of Clarington, be ratified.