HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-08-13 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarin ton Minutes o Meeting - Tuesday August 13, 2013 (Not yet approved by Committee) In Attendance — Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke,Vice Chair Bryan Wiltshire,Arena Manager, Shea-Lea Latchford, Carol Little, Gord Blaker, Gary, Oliver, Councillor Woo, Councillor Partner • Call to Order— 7:00 P.M. The Chair formally welcomed our new committee member, Shea-Lea Latchford to the board members. • Adoption of Minutes — Motion # 13-128 was proposed:— THAT: The minutes of July 9th are accepted as presented, with no corrections or changes noted. Moved by: Councillor Woo Seconded by: Councillor Partner CARRIED • Arena Manager's Report- Bryan advised he had almost completed the inside painting. The Olympia had been returned from service and he was ready to re-call some of his employees for start-up. Practice ice had been booked by a number of teams and mid-September appeared to be an excellent start-up time. He requested a plant start-up of September 3rd, 2013. Motion # 13-129 was proposed: THAT: Sufficient staff be re-called for start-up on September 3rd. and the ice plant be turned on, in order to have ice for mid-September. Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Shea-Lea Latchford CARRIED Discussions took place regarding the snack bar employment and operation, with Bryan suggesting; he and the chair interview Kelly Mc Phee, for the lead-hand position. If hired, she, in-turn would choose her staff for the season. The snack-bar opening will not take place until late September or whenever the ice-contracts take effect. (2) Further, discussions on staff identity in the arena brought forward suggestions on purchasing shell-type jackets to be worn by all rink attendants. Concerns from patrons; not being able to find assistance, as they are unable to identify staff on the floor during busy times. Bryan & Gord offered to acquire quotes on these items. With a minimum quantity Of 4-to-6 low cost shell jacket, Bryan will establish the best price and proceed with ordering them; preferably from a local source. Black jackets, with gold or, yellow print- Large bold print on the back: —Arena Staff— front; over left breast —Newcastle Memorial Arena. Snack bar staff to also,be identified, preferably with fleece type vests —front I. D. only: Staff,,Newcastle Memorial Arena. • Energy Audit Report — Gary Oliver Gary had offered to review the energy audit that had been carried out by the municipality. He reported back on a number of areas where improvements could be completed. Discussions followed on Gary's report. Primarily, we could start with electrical motion sensors for the lighting in the change rooms. This would automatically turn off the lights when the teams leave the room for the ice surface.Additionally, similar sensors, (vending misers) are also available for the pop machine and all vending equipment. Contact will be made with Coca-Cola to update their equipment. Bryan will acquire pricing costs from our electrician for lighting in the areas of the building where upgrades had not been made, i.e., hallways, and outside lighting around the building. The chair suggested: Some of these areas should be looked after by the municipality. Once we have a cost, he will set-up a meeting with Mr. Horvath, requesting some financial assistance on lighting cost, particularly outside. • New & Outstanding Business Bryan and Gord Blaker also reported on the additional Lobby bleacher seat that had been ordered. It will be installed within a few days. Cost of the additional seat had previously been approved at $1,500.00 plus HST. As the initial lobby seating had been donated, it was decided a sign be attached to the seats; advertising the manufacturer— Pantera Multi- Services. Also discussed was the need for handicap seating in the arena. Both Shea- Lea and Councillor Partner sit on the accessibility committee. They offered to follow-up on this issue. (3) The need to enforce a safety helmet policy was also brought forward; (CSA Approved), for any person entering the ice service; employees or, patrons- - Safety shoes for rink employees and an overall neat appearance to be Suggested — no side or,backward fitting baseball caps, while working. • Financial Report —Accounts Receivable and the Income Statement were presented.A number of questions arose from the reports provided. It was determined that updating and corrections were in order. In particular, the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey league account. Their treasurer and our bookkeeper had disagreements on the o/s balance. These will be taken up by the chair, Bryan and our bookkeeper. Corrections and balances will be re-submitted to the board members for our next meeting. In the meantime, Bryan will be chasing down our other outstanding accounts receivables and reporting back to the chair and in-turn, the board members, in September. • Next Meeting - Tuesday September 10, 2013 — 7:00 P.M. • Adjournment - Motion # 13-13o THAT: This meeting be adjourned - Moved by: Carol Little Seconded by: Councillor, Partner CARRIED