Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #
Date: Monday, April 6, 1992 Res. #
Report#: pD_4�� File#: pl.n !1. 10
It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and
Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:
1. THAT Report PD-86-92 be received for information; and
2 . THAT Staff be authorized to advertise and hold a public
meeting on the draft Official Plan Amendment on housing.
1. 1 Information gathered from the Town of Newcastle Municipal
Housing Statement is used to fulfil the requirements of the
Provincial Land Use Planning for Housing Policy Statement.
One of the requirements of the Policy Statement is for
municipalities to re-examine their official Plans and Zoning
By-laws in order to implement Provincial housing policies.
1. 2 Through the work completed on the Town of Newcastle
Municipal Housing Statement, it has become apparent that a
number of changes are required for the Town's official Plan.
The required changes have been presented in the Official
Plan Amendment (see Attachment #1) .
REPORT NO. : PD-86-92 PAGE 2
2 . 1 Addition to the Strategic Policies Section of the Official
2 . 1. 1 The Official Plan Amendment proposes that a new section
dealing with housing be added under the Strategic
Policies section. This new housing section outlines a
housing goal, housing objectives and specific overall
housing policies for the Town of Newcastle.
2 . 1.2 The main housing goal for the Town is to provide a
range of housing types, sizes, price and tenure
arrangements for households of differing socio-economic
2 . 1.2 The housing objectives for the Town include: 1)
maintaining an adequate supply of land for housing
purposes; 2) providing a range of housing types; 3)
streamlining the planning process; 4) promoting
residential intensification; and, 5) monitoring the
Policy Statement provisions.
2 . 1. 3 Specific housing policies proposed include:
• encouraging the provision of a diverse housing
• recognition of the residential growth targets in
the Municipal Housing Statement and updating these
targets every five years, subject to the financial
capabilities of the Town;
• encouraging a new housing unit mix of 70% low
density, 20% medium density, and 10% high density;
. . . 3
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REPORT NO. : PD-86-92 PAGE 3
• requiring a minimum of 25% of all new residential
units to be affordable as defined by Provincial
• encouraging the production of rental
• maintaining a land supply and housing unit supply
target of:
- 3 year supply of draft approved and/or
registered lots and blocks in plans of
2 year supply of land zoned for medium and
high density,
15 year supply of serviceable residential
• encouraging intensification subject to a number of
• encouraging mixed-use development;
• recognizing the housing requirements of special
needs groups;
• increasing housing opportunities for seniors by
investigating innovative housing and support
• encouraging the development of non-profit housing
by co-operative and non-profit housing
• encouraging maintenance and preservation of
existing housing stock;
• allowing condominium conversions only when certain
conditions are satisfied;
2 . 2 Notice Period for Official Plan Amendments
2 . 2 . 1 The Land Use for Housing Policy Statement requires
municipalities to streamline the planning process. One
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REPORT NO. : PD-86-92 PAGE 4
way to do this is to shorten the notice period for
official plan amendments so that it is the same as for
zoning. Accordingly, a section will be added to the
Implementation Section which changes the required
notice period from thirty (30) days to twenty (20)
2 . 3 Additions to the Residential Area Policies for Courtice
Bowmanville and Newcastle Village
2 . 3 . 1 For each of the urban areas of Courtice, Bowmanville
and Newcastle Village, a subsection will be added to
the Residential Policies section. These additions
include the following:
i) Encouraging the creation of residential units
through residential intensification subject to a
number of criteria including: the physical
capability, servicing capacity, demonstrated
demand, and physical compatibility with the local
ii) Allowing accessory apartments in all residential
areas subject to the following criteria:
• maximum of one accessory unit per dwelling;
• one parking space per accessory unit in a
• suitability of road and driveway access;
• suitability of the parcel of land in terms of
lot size, setbacks, side yards and landscaped
open space to accommodate an additional unit;
• structural suitability of the building to
accommodate alterations for an additional
dwelling unit.
iii) Permitting residential intensification through
redevelopment, the creation of rooming, boarding
and lodging houses, and conversion subject to the
general criteria for residential intensification
and the following criteria:
• where traffic impacts on the surrounding
neighbourhoods can be minimized;
. . .5
REPORT NO. : PD-86-92 PAGE 5
• suitability of the parcel in terms of lot
size, setbacks and side yards to accommodate
more intensive use;
• proximity to retail and service commercial
facilities, employment opportunities, parks
and open spaces;
• provisions of adequate on-site parking and
landscaping; and,
• the impact upon adjacent uses with respect to
density height, design, massing and the
potential for introducing screening and
buffering techniques.
3 . 1 The Town of Newcastle Municipal Housing Statement identified
a number of changes that were required to the Official Plan
in order to implement the Provincial Land Use Planning for
Housing Policy Statement. These changes were incorporated
into an official plan amendment.
3 .2 The Planning Act requires the municipality to hold a public
meeting for any official plan amendments, and therefore, it
is recommended that Staff be authorized to advertise and
hold a public meeting to consider an official plan amendment
to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan.
Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation
to the Co mittee
Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Lawrence Kotseff
Director of Planning Chief Ad m istrative
and Development Officer
27 March 1992
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PURPOSE: The Provincial Government adopted the Land Use Planning for Housing Policy
Statement on August 1, 1989. Under the Policy Statement, municipalities
identified as priority areas are expected to establish appropriate policies,
regulations, and approval procedures to create opportunities for a variety of
housing types to be developed.
The purpose of this amendment is to incorporate policies into the Official Plan
of the Town of Newcastle which will encourage the creation of an adequate
and accessible supply of housing that is affordable for all residents of the
BASIS: The Policy Statement identifies five main polices which must be implemented
by municipalities, as follows:
a) maintaining a supply of land for future residential use;
b) streamlining the planning process to reduce the time to process
residential applications;
c) providing for a range of housing types in new residential development
and residential intensification;
d) promoting residential intensification opportunities to increase the supply
of housing; and
e) monitoring how the provisions of the Policy Statement are being met.
In accordance with the requirements of the Provincial Policy Statement, the
Town of Newcastle adopted a Municipal Housing Statement on ,
1992. This Official Plan amendment is based on the recommendations
contained in the Town of Newcastle Municipal Housing Statement.
AMENDMENT: The Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle is hereby amended as follows:
1. By moving Section 2.1 (Zoning By-laws) and Section 2.2 (Site Plan
Control) to Section 4 (Implementation), and renumbering same as
Sections 4.5 and 4.6 respectively.
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2. By renumbering Section 2.3 (Community Improvement) as Section 2.2,
and renumbering all subsections accordingly.
3. By adding a new section 2.1 as follows:
2.1.1 GOAL To provide for a range of housing types, sizes, price and
tenure arrangements in order to provide residential
accommodation for households of differing socio-
economic characteristics.
2.1.2 OBJECTIVES To maintain an adequate supply of land for housing
purposes. To provide for a range of housing types and tenure
throughout the Town to meet the housing requirements
of a changing population. To maintain the present housing stock of the Town of
Newcastle. To maximize the efficient use of land and buildings for
residential accommodation, consistent with good planning
principles. To provide a greater range of housing options and
services within the Town for seniors, those with special
needs, and those requiring financial assistance.
2.1.3 POLICIES Council, in cooperation with other levels of government,
shall encourage the provision of a diverse housing stock
in terms of type, tenure, density and cost relative to
household income and affordability throughout the Town. The Town of Newcastle Municipal Housing Statement
establishes residential growth targets. Such targets shall
form the basis for municipal planning and capital budget
forecasting. The residential growth targets shall be subject
to the financial capabilities of the Town and shall be
updated at five year intervals.
3 It is Council's objective to achieve the following housing
unit mix in the Town of Newcastle: 70% low density, 20%
medium density, and 10% high density. Not-withstanding
this provision, the housing mix of specific neighbourhood
planning units shall be determined on the basis of specific
area characteristics. For each urban area, a minimum of 25% of all new
residential units shall be affordable as defined by
Provincial affordability criteria. The provision of affordable housing shall not be limited
to one particular housing type, nor shall it be concentrated
in or excluded from certain neighbourhoods or urban
areas. Council shall encourage the production of rental
accommodation that is in keeping with the Municipal
Housing Statement target. In addition, the Town shall give
priority to development proposals that include provisions
for rental housing. Council shall seek to maintain the following land supply
and housing unit supply targets:
a) At least a 3-year supply of a combination of draft
approved and/or registered lots and blocks in plans
of subdivision, calculated on a Town-wide basis;
b) A 2 year supply of land zoned for medium and high
density throughout urban areas; and
c) A 15 year supply of serviceable residential land to
meet future housing requirements subject to the
financial capability of both the Region and the Town
to provide the necessary services. Council shall encourage the use of vacant and under
utilized land and the redevelopment of existing buildings
as potential contributors to the future housing stock. Council shall encourage mixed-use development by
permitting residential uses as part of a commercial
development, where areas of development or
redevelopment are zoned or designated for commercial
4 Council shall consider opportunities for all forms of
residential intensification which comply with the following
a) there is the physical potential to accommodate
b) the existing infrastructure can support new
households; and
c) site specific requirements for neighbourhood
compatibility such as building height, lot size, lot
coverage, parking, density, massing, and heritage
conservation have been met. Council shall consider the housing requirements of special
needs groups throughout the Town. Housing for special
needs groups shall have regard for ease of access to
required support services such as community and medical
facilities, commercial areas, parks and open space and
availability of transit. Council shall consider pilot projects and innovative
housing developments, including garden suites/ portable
living units for seniors. Council shall encourage the development of non-profit
housing by co-operative and non-profit housing
organizations. Such developments shall conform to good
planning principles and the locational criteria for medium
and high density residential areas as specified in this Plan. Council shall encourage the maintenance and preservation
of the existing housing stock. In order to ensure an adequate supply of rental
accommodation in the Town, the conversion of existing
residential units to condominium tenure may be permitted,
provided the following conditions are satisfied:
a) the rental vacancy rate for the whole of the Town
is 3 percent or higher for two successive surveys,
as determined in the bi-annual rental vacancy
survey undertaken by the Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation (CMHC);
b) that the rental vacancy rate for the specific bedroom
types affected by such conversion is 2 percent or
i A ��
c) the approval of such conversions to condominium
tenure does not result in the reduction of the
vacancy rate below 3 percent and 2 percent
respectively, in accordance with (a) and (b) above. Applications under the Rental Housing Protection Act for
the conversion of rental units to condominium tenure shall
be accompanied by an analysis indicating that the
provisions of Section have been met. In addition,
the applicant(s) shall be required to enter into agreements
with the Town to satisfy the Town's requirements, financial
and otherwise.
2.1.4 IMPLEMENTATION Council shall amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law
and develop guidelines to implement specific criteria
identified in Section 6.1.2ii) to ensure residential
intensification projects are compatible with their
surrounding neighbourhoods. The criteria to be
addressed shall include, but shall not be limited to the
following: building height, lot coverage and parking,
density, massing, the potential for screening and buffering
techniques, and the availability of municipal and
community facilities. Council shall investigate the use of portable living units
for seniors as a temporary use through such mechanisms
as temporary use-by laws and/or site plan control. Council shall prepare an annual housing report for
consideration by Council in order to monitor the progress
made towards fulfilling the Town's housing objectives. In the preparation of Community Improvement Plans,
Council shall establish policies to preserve, restore and
rehabilitate existing housing stock."
4. In Section 4, by adding a new subsection as follows:
4.4.1 When Council intends to adopt an amendment to this Plan,
Notice of the Public Meeting to consider the amendment shall
be provided at least twenty (20) days prior to the Public Meeting,
and any person who attends the meeting shall be afforded an
opportunity to make representation in respect of the proposed
amendment to the Official Plan.
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4.4.2 Notice of the Public Meeting under Section 4.4.1 shall be as
prescribed by the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended."
5. By adding the following new subsections to 6.1.2(ii):
"e) Accessory apartments shall be permitted in all Residential Areas,
subject to the provisions of Section 6.1.2(vi) and the following
additional criteria:
- maximum of one accessory unit per dwelling;
- sufficient room for one parking space above and beyond
the parking requirement for the main dwelling;
- suitability of road and driveway access;
- suitability of the parcel of land in terms of lot size,
setbacks, side yards and landscaped open space to
accommodate an additional unit;
- structural suitability of building to accommodate alterations
for an additional dwelling unit; and,
- compliance with the Ontario Building Code and the Fire
f) Rooming, boarding and lodging houses, and conversion shall
be permitted subject to the criteria outlined in Section 6.1.2(vi),
and the following additional criteria:
- where traffic impacts on the surrounding neighbourhoods
can be minimized;
- suitability of the parcel in terms of lot size, setbacks and
side yards to accommodate more intensive use;
- proximity to retail and service commercial facilities,
employment opportunities, parks and open spaces;
- provisions of adequate on-site parking and landscaping;
- the impact upon adjacent uses with respect to density,
height, design, massing and the potential, and capability
for introducing screening and buffering techniques."
6. By adding the following new subsections to Section 6.1.2:
"vi) Council shall .encourage the creation of new residential units
through residential intensification provided the following criteria
are met:
the physical potential of the existing building stock or
previously developed sites can accommodate the identified
forms of residential intensification;
the existing services can support new households in the
affected area;
the applicant can demonstrate that the demand exists for
these forms of accommodation, based on the housing
needs of households in the broader community, and the
type of units which could be produced through the various
forms of residential intensification; and,
the new development is compatible with the scale and
physical character of the local area."
7. By adding the following new sub-sections to Section ii):
"e) Accessory apartments are permitted in all Residential Areas,
subject to the provisions of Section the following
additional criteria:
- maximum of one accessory unit per dwelling;
- sufficient room for one parking space above and beyond
the parking requirement for the main dwelling;
- suitability of road and driveway access;
- suitability of the parcel of land in terms of lot size,
setbacks, side yards and landscaped open space to
accommodate an additional unit;
- structural suitability of building to accommodate alterations
for an additional dwelling unit; and,
- compliance with the Ontario Building Code and the Fire
f) Rooming, boarding and lodging houses, and conversion shall
be permitted subject to the criteria outlined in Section vi)
e), and the following additional criteria:
where traffic impacts on the surrounding_neighbourhoods
can be minimized;
suitability of the parcel in terms of lot size, setbacks and
side yards to accommodate more intensive use;
proximity to retail and service commercial facilities,
employment opportunities, parks and open spaces;
provisions of adequate on-site parking and landscaping;
the impact upon adjacent uses with respect to density,
height, design, massing and the potential, and capability
for introducing screening and buffering techniques."
8. By adding the following new sub-sections to Section
"vi) Council shall encourage the creation of new residential units
through residential intensification provided the following criteria
are met:
the physical potential of the existing building stock or
previously developed sites can accommodate the identified
forms of residential intensification;
the existing services can support new households in the
affected area;
the applicant can demonstrate that the demand exists for
these forms of accommodation, based on the housing
needs of households in the broader community, and the
type of units which could be produced through the various
forms of residential intensification; and,
the new development is compatible with the scale and
physical character of the local area."
9. By adding the following new sub-sections to Section ii):
"e) Accessory apartments are permitted in all Residential Areas,
subject to the provisions of Section v) the following
additional criteria:
maximum of one accessory unit per dwelling;
sufficient room for one parking space above and beyond
the parking requirement for the main dwelling;
suitability of road and driveway access;
suitability of the parcel of land in terms of lot size,
setbacks, side yards and landscaped open space to
accommodate an additional unit;
structural suitability of building to accommodate alterations
for an additional dwelling unit; and,
compliance with the Ontario Building Code and the Fire
f) Rooming, boarding and lodging houses, and conversion thereto
shall be permitted subject to the criteria outlined in Section v), and the following additional criteria:
- where traffic impacts on the surrounding neighbourhoods
can be minimized;
- suitability of the parcel in terms of lot size, setbacks and
side yards to accommodate more intensive use;
- proximity to retail and service commercial facilities,
employment opportunities, parks and open spaces;
- provisions of adequate on-site parking and landscaping;
- the impact upon adjacent uses with respect to density,
height, design, massing and the potential, and capability
for introducing screening and buffering techniques."
10. By adding the following new sub-sections to Section
"v) Council shall encourage the creation of new residential units
through residential intensification provided the following criteria
are met:
the physical potential of the existing building stock or
previously developed sites can accommodate the identified
forms of residential intensification;
f� f� 0. Ff
the existing services can support new households in the
affected area;
the applicant can demonstrate that the demand exists for
these forms of accommodation, based on the housing
needs of households in the broader community, and the
type of units which could be produced through the various
forms of residential intensification; and,
the new development is compatible with the scale and
physical character of the local area."
IMPLEMENTATION: Provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, as amended,
regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this
INTERPRETATION: Provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, as amended,
regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this