HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-78-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: DEV92005.GPA REPORT P U B L I C M E E T I N G Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File Q Date: Monday, April 6, 1992 Res. #LLIL-ill PD-78-92 DEV 92-005 (X-REF OPA 92-N/002 , By-Law# Report#: File #: E)x-­rX ­-D '004 & 18T-92002) Subject: REZONING APPLICATION GREEN MARTIN HOLDINGS LTD. PART LOT 17, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: DEV 92-005 (X-REF OPA 92-N/002, OPA 92-D/004 & 18T-92002) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-78-92 be received; 2 . THAT application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 , as amended, submitted by Design Plan Services Inc. on behalf of Green Martin Holdings Ltd. be referred back to Staff for further processing. 3 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1. 1 Applicant: Green Martin Holdings Ltd. 1. 2 Agent: Design Plan Services Inc. 1. 3 Rezoning Application: from "Agricultural (A) " to an appropriate zone to permit urban residential development 1.4 Official Plan Amendment: i) Durham Region Official Plan: to expand Bowmanville Urban boundary to permit proposed residential development ii) Newcastle Official Plan: to expand Bowmanville Urban boundary to permit proposed residential development 1. 5 Proposed Plan of subdivision: to develop 23 , 12 .0 m (40 feet) minimum frontage single family dwelling lots. 1. 6 Land Area: 1.84 ha (4 .54 acres) REPORT NO. : PD-78-92 PAGE 2 2. LOCATION 2 . 1 The subject property is located in Part Lot 17, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington. The lands are located south of Highway No. 2, west of Green Road and abutting the north side of the Canadian Pacific Railway right of way. The property has no frontage on existing roads, but would provide for the continuation of a road previously approved in Plan of Subdivision 18T-88047. 3. BACKGROUND 3 . 1 The subject zoning by-law amendment application was received by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department on January 21, 1992 . In conjunction with the rezoning application the applicant submitted an application for amendment to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. On February 20 and 21, 1992, the Town was circulated applications for proposed Plan of Subdivision and amendment to the Durham Regional Official plan respectively for review and comment. 3 .2 The subject lands were initially included in applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and proposed Plan of Subdivision submitted in 1988 and 1989. At that time it was determined that due to physical constraints the subject property could not be serviced by sanitary sewer, therefore the subject lands were excluded from the application for expansion to the urban boundary and identified as a block for future development in the Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision (18T- 88047) . The applicant advised that these lands may now be serviced, therefore the necessary applications have been filed. 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4 . 1 The existing site is currently vacant with a intermittent water course traversing the south east corner of the site. 3 ;1 j . . . .% J REPORT NO. : PD-78-92 PAGE 3 4 . 2 Surrounding land uses are as follows: South: the Canadian Pacific Railway right of way and vacant agricultural land subject to development applications. West: agricultural land with farm related structures. North: vacant lands subject to draft approved development application (18T-88047) , highway No. 2 and limited existing residential. East: vacant lands subject to approved development applications (18T-88047) , limited existing residential fronting on Green Road. 5 PUBLIC MEETING AND RESPONSE 5. 1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner and tenant within the 120 metre prescribed distance. As of the writing of this report no letters of objection or concern with regards to the applications have been received. 6 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6. 1 Within the current Durham Regional Official Plan the subject property is designated Major Open Space. The predominant use of lands so designated is for agricultural and farm-related uses. The Official Plan policies states limited non-farm residential uses may be allowed in the Major Open Space system. However, these policies are not applicable in the instance of a urban boundary expansion. The subject application does not conform to the Official Plan policies, hence the application for amendment to the Plan. Within the June 1991 Regional Council approved Official Plan the subject lands are located within the expanded Bowmanville Major Urban Area boundary, however remain within the Major Open Space designation. The policies of the Major Open Space system . . . .4 l 4 REPORT NO. : PD-78-92 PAGE 4 contained in the 1991 document are similar to those of the 1976 Plan. Regional Staff have advised that should the Official Plan Amendment be approved a modification to 1991 Plan will be required to provide for the expansion to the urban boundary. 6.2 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan the subject property is not designated within the current Bowmanville Major Urban boundary, therefore, amendment to the Official Plan to include the lands is warranted. 7 ZONING 7 . 1 The current zoning on the subject property is "Agricultural (A) " . The proposed 23 single family dwelling lots would not be permitted to develop within said zone, hence the amending application. 8 AGENCY COMMENTS 8. 1 In accordance with departmental procedure the subject application was circulated to a number of agencies and departments for comment. To date comments remain outstanding from the Town of Newcastle Community Services Department, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Regional Works Department, Ministry of the Environment and the Canadian Pacific Railway. 8 .2 In providing comments to the various related applications most agencies have advised they have no objection to the principle of the development, this includes Newcastle Public Works Department, Fire Department, Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Public and Separate School Boards and Ontario Hydro. 8. 3 Many of the above-noted agencies advised that although they have no objection to the principle of the development, they have conditions of approval which should be imposed on the subdivision development. These conditions will be reviewed with the _)) . . . .5 ,J L REPORT NO. : PD-78-92 PAGE 5 applicant and further discussed prior to any final recommendation on the applications. 9 STAFF COMMENTS 9. 1 The various applications as submitted propose to expand the designated Bowmanville Urban boundary limits in both the Durham Region Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. The Plan of Subdivision application proposes to develop these lands with 23, 12 . 0 m single family dwelling lots, while the rezoning application would allow the implementation of the above lots. 9. 2 At time of submission of the rezoning and official plan amendment, the applicant's agent advised the Town the subject lands could be appropriately serviced in conjunction with development of 18T-88047. Staff is awaiting for wtitten comments from the Regional Works Department that servicing of these lands is possible. 10 CONCLUSION 10. 1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public meeting as required by the Planning Act, to provide Committee and Council with some background on the application submitted and for Staff to indicate issues or area of concern regarding the subject application. It is recommend the application be referred back to Staff for further processing and subsequent report upon resolution of the above issues and receipt of all outstanding comments and required revisions. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to h Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. La rence E. otseff DIrector of Planning Chief Administrative and Development Officer CP*FW*cc *Attach 27 March 1992 - 1-) 2 6 . . . . 6 REPORT NO. : PD-78-92 PAGE 6 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Green-Martin Holdings Ltd. Design Plan Services 1029 McNicoll Ave. 385 The West Mall SCARBORO, Ont. M1W 3W6 Suite 303 ETOBICOKE, Ont. M9C 1E7 JL / ® SUBJECT SITE LOT 17 LOT 16 LOT 15 r �.� HI GHW H)R `!`.�_ y /Vo 2 H)R3 H)RI H I RC Ci-7 ( Q 0 c.H)RZ A X A Lo z � o w w i o (H) R1 (H)RI (H)RI Z* I z 0 L \RA � � O •(H) co ui U) (H)R2 P4 A �w t� (H) �H)R4 HA2 R4 R 3 V l�� H) %Z �- 62 Q H)R R3 R1 R2 t RI (H)R 2 Rt EP H)R1 A KEY ill AP 50 m '°° 2 00 300m Dev. 92-005 ,OPA. 92 -N/002 NNN 4 S i AREA TABLE 1 / RESIDENTIAL LOTS ,-23 1.563 ho y \ OPEN SPACE BLOCK 24 0.02 ROADS 20.R.O.W. 0 130. 0.26 1 / TOTAL -- 1.843 ho UNIT COUNT cf) 1 ` N 12.Om SINGLE 23 L-u ' ` TOTAL -- 23 units . 0 3 N \ J 3 4 3 c z N T43 30' I\ 9.562 2 33.7 4 23 33.5 0, / 5 N 2 O 6 3 �+ -_j / 21 3 7 N o z I II 33.7 33.2 o o \ \ 10 17 h N 47.1 I I 6 / Izo , 0 n 12 m / rr. 13 14 GIF�C A� 3 ,a� PN W�- �. z LOCK 24 PACE 0 2--ho \ 1