HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-67-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: COFA.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Q Date: Monday, March 16, 1992 Res. # PD-67-92 A92/010 to A92/014, inclusive By-Law# Report#: File #: Subject: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 27, 1992 FILE: A92/010 to A92/014 INCLUSIVE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-67-92 be received; and 2 . THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made at its meeting of February 27 , 1992 . 3 . THAT Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment in the event of an appeal. 1. 1 The Committee of Adjustment heard five (5) applications on February 27, 1992 . Application A92/010 was TABLED to the next available meeting to allow the applicant to consult with the Town. Applications A92/013 and A92/014 were TABLED to allow a recirculation due to an error in the applicants calculations. 1.2 Application A92/011 and A92/012 were both APPROVED. Application A92/011 was to permit the reconstruction of a dwelling on Cedar Crest Beach Road having 1.5 m side yard setbacks as opposed to the required 3 . 0 m. The proposal was approved subject to satisfying the requirements of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. 2 REPORT NO. : PD-41-92 PAGE 2 1. 3 Application A92/012 was submitted to recognize an existing deck which encroached into the required sideyard setback. During the site inspection Staff noted that the deck only encroached 0. 09 m (0. 3 ft. ) as opposed to the 0. 61 m (2 . 0 ft. ) applied for. The application was therefore approved as amended to a 0. 09 m variance. 1.4 Staff have reviewed the decisions of the Committee and are satisfied that the decisions conform to the general intent of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law and that the variances sought are minor in nature. 1.4 Council's concurrence with the Committee of Adjustment decisions is required in order to afford Staff's official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of appeal of the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. Lawrence E Kotseff Director of Planning Chief Ad i istrative and Development Officer CP*FW*cc *Attach 9 March 1992 r /l /l THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT FILE NUMBER: A92/011 ******************** APPLICANT: GARY DANIELL AGENT: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 101 CEDAR CREST BEACH ROAD PART LOT: 12 CONCESSION: BF TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON PLAN NUMBER: 1OM-318 -H ZONING: RS & EP HEARING DATE: 27-Feb-92 DECISION: APPROVED APPEAL DATE: 28-Mar-92 MINOR VARIANCE: TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TO CONSTRUCT A DWELLING ON A LOT HAVING A SIDEYARD SETBACK OF 1.524M (5 FT. ) , MINIMUM REQUIRED 3M ( 10 FT. ) REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS MINOR IN NATURE AND DESIRABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AREA, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE COMPLETE APPROVAL OF CLOCA PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT `-f J THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT FILE NUMBER: A92/012 APPLICANT: ERS LTD. AGENT: IRWIN HAMILTON PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 121 MARTIN ROAD PART LOT: 15 CONCESSION: 1 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON PLAN NUMBER: 1OM-784 -75 ZONING: R HEARING DATE: 27-Feb-92 DECISION: APPROVED APPEAL DATE: 28-Mar-92 MINOR VARIANCE: TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING DECK LOCATED ON A PROPERTY HAVING A SIDEYARD SETBACK OF 0 . 61M (2 . 0 FT. ) , MINIMUM REQUIRED 1.2M REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS IN KEEPING WITH THE O.P. AND THE ZONING BY-LAW, ' THE APPLICATION IS APPROVED AS AMENDED, FOR AN INTERIOR SIDEYARD SETBACK OF 0 .09M (0 . 3 FT. ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT FILE NUMBER: A92/013 ******************** APPLICANT: WAYNE CHASKAVICH AGENT: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 61 PROSPECT ST. PART LOT: 12 CONCESSION: 2 TOWNSHIP: BOWMANVILLE PLAN NUMBER: - - ZONING: Rl HEARING DATE: 27-Feb-92 DECISION: TABLED APPEAL DATE: 28-Mar-92 MINOR VARIANCE: TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TO CREATE A LOT HAVING AN AREA OF 412 .42M2, MINIMUM REQUIRED 460M2 REASON FOR DECISION: THE APPLICATION BE TABLED TO THE MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1992 TO ALLOW THE RECIRCULATION REQUIRED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT FILE NUMBER: A92/014 ******************** APPLICANT: WAYNE CHASKAVICH AGENT: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 61 PROSPECT STREET PART LOT: 12 CONCESSION: 2 TOWNSHIP: BOWMANVILLE PLAN NUMBER: - - ZONING: R1 HEARING DATE: 27-Feb-92 DECISION: TABLED APPEAL DATE: 28-Mar-92 MINOR VARIANCE: TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TO CREATE A LOT HAVING AN AREA OF 449 .23M2, MINIMUM REQUIRED 460M2 REASON FOR DECISION: THE APPLICATION BE TABLED TO THE MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1992 TO ALLOW THE RECIRCULATION REQUIRED FOR A92/013 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT FILE NUMBER: A92/010 ******************** APPLICANT: PHILIP HAMBLIN AGENT: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 135 QUEEN STREET PART LOT: 12 CONCESSION: 1 TOWNSHIP: BOWMANVILLE PLAN NUMBER: - - ZONING: Rl HEARING DATE: 27-Feb-92 DECISION: TABLED APPEAL DATE: 28-Mar-92 MINOR VARIANCE: TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO AN EXISTING RESIDENCE WHICH EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE 40% OF THE TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF THE MAIN BUILDING REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION BE TABLED UNTIL THE NEXT AVAILABLE MEETING TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TIME TO CONSULT WITH THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT