HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-52-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: COU-IND.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee F i I e# Date: Monday, February 17, 1992 Res. # By-Law# Report#:___PDL-_52_-_92_ File #: --2LN-32-4 . 4 and 32 .4.8 Subject: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY STUDY COURTICE EMPLOYMENT AREA SECONDARY PLAN STUDY FILES: PLN 32.4.4 and PLN 32.4.8 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-52-92 be received; 2 . THAT Staff be authorized forthwith to retain the services of Stephen Chait Consultants Ltd. and Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. for the preparation of an Economic Development Strategy Study and for the preparation of a Secondary Plan for the Courtice Employment Area; and 3 . THAT Reid and Associates Ltd. and Hemson Consulting Ltd. be thanked for their interest in the project. 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 On January 13, 1992 Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Economic Development Strategy Study, and for a Secondary Planning Study for the Courtice Employment Area. In approving this course of action, Council also resolved to incorporate the cost of the Economic Development Strategy Study in the 1992 Budget and requested the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for a Community Planning Grant to offset some of the costs of the Study. 1. 2 A feature of the Economic Development Strategy Study will be the active involvement by the Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development. Members of the Task Force were selected from members of the industrial and business community who expressed an interest to assist during the Mayor's Breakfast Meeting held January 27, 1992 . REPORT NO. : PD-52-92 PAGE 2 1. 3 Staff issued a Proposal Call to three consulting firms to bid on the project based on the approved Terms of Reference. The three firms were: i) Hemson Consulting Ltd. ii) Stephen Chait Consultants Ltd. /Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. iii) Reid & Associates Ltd. Each proposal was carefully reviewed and interviews with the consulting teams were conducted on Friday, February 7, 1992 . The Mayor, Director of Planning and Development, Manager of Strategic Planning and two Planners participated as members of the interviewing panel. 2. BASIS FOR SELECTION 2 . 1 The Members of the interview panel had lengthy discussions prior to reaching their decisions to recommend the firms of Stephen Chait Consultants Ltd. /Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. to carry out both studies. Stephen Chait and Elizabeth Howson would act as Project Directors. R.V. Anderson Associates Ltd. and Dance Environmental Inc. will act as subconsultants for the engineering and environmental components respectively. 6 Stephen Chait/Macaulay Shiomi Howson were judged to be the best consulting team for both of these particular studies for the following reasons: a) Experience and excellent references with regard to similar projects. b). Greater level of effort for planning components. c) Lower cost for Economic Development Strategy Study. d) Excellent community participation skills. `) / 9 REPORT NO. : PD-52-92 PAGE 3 e) High involvement of the principals of the firms. 2 . 2 The total Study costs (including 7% G.S.T. ) for the Economic Development Strategy Study were as follows: Economic Dev. St. Courtice Emp. S.P. Total Hemson Consulting Ltd. $ 52,163. * $ 38,788. $ 90,951. Stephen Chait/Macaulay 45,646. 82,900. 128,546. Shiomi Howson Reid & Associates Ltd. 57,048. 47,026. 104,074. * Hemson indicated an additional $ 5, 000 - $ 7,000 would be required to incorporate meetings with the Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development whereas the other proposals had incorporated a component for broader consultation with business and industry leaders. This would increase their Economic Development Strategy to $ 59, 653 . 2 .4 It is noted that the Stephen Chait/Macaulay Shiomi Howson proposal was the highest priced bid for the Courtice Employment Area Secondary Plan. This reflected a higher level of effort to be expended including engineering and environmental specialists. 3. FUNDING 3 . 1 The Economic Development Strategy will be funded by the Town in the 1992 Budget. An application for partial funding is currently before the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. If and when approval is granted, the budget amount can be reduced accordingly. 3 . 2 The Secondary Planning Study for the Courtice Employment Area will be funded entirely from landowners within the study area. The study will be under the direction of Town staff. The funding landowners will participate on an equal basis with any other stakeholders in the Town. The landowners are represented by Mr. Hannu Halminen and they have provided a letter of undertaking to bear the study cost. Ju REPORT NO. : PD-52-92 PAGE 4 4. SUMMARY 4. 1 The Interview Panel is confident that Stephen Chait Consultants Ltd. and Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. have the ability and expertise for both exercises. Should the recommendations contained within this report be approved, the studies will commence immediately with an anticipated completion date of November 1992 . Both studies will provide input into the Official Plan Review for the Town of Newcastle. The Economic Development Strategy will provide Council with a specific action plan for its efforts over the next 10 year period to attract business to the Town of Newcastle. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Fr klin Wu, M.C. I.P. Lawrence Kotseff Director of Planning Chief A nistrative and Development Officer CS*DC*df 12 February 1992 Attachment #1 Extract of Terms of Refe Economic Development Str Attachment #2 Extract of Terms of Refe Secondary Planning Study Employment Area � 1;7 Al I Attachment #1 EXTRACT DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 1. Study Purpose To formulate economic development strategy to guide the Town towards a secure and prosperous future while preserving the natural environment and unique quality�of life. The Strategy must be sufficiently flexible and responsive to market changes and government policy changes. It shall promote and enhance live-work relationships, a diversified economic base and full and meaningful employment. The Strategy shall also include an action plan of short and long term initiatives to improve the Town's performance in facilitating economic'opportunities and enhancing . the Town's image. The .Economic Development Strategy shall include policy recommendations to be, incorporated in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan Review Process. 2. Study Objectives a) to identify conditions and trends in the economy within the Greater Toronto Area including government policy and identify how it may effect the local economy b) to quantify the existing economic base of the municipality and identify the strength and weaknesses of our local resources and opportunities and threats to economic growth- c) to, gain an understanding of the perceptions of the Town and provide recommendations improving the image of the Town of Newcastle as a business community d) to assess the Town's economic development skills and provide recommendations for improved marketing efforts e) to identify potential sectors for investment targeting by the Town of Newcastle, including tourism f) to identify the planning policies needed to support the specific areas of economic growth 3. Study Process The study shall proceed in three phases. Phases 1 and 2 lead to the development of an economic development strategy for the Town. Phase .3 will undertake the development of the planning policies which support the strategy and leads to ecologically-sustainable economic growth. The latter is to be incorporated into the new Town of Newcastle Official Plan . PAGE 2 Phase 1 Background a) A review of the economic trends within the Greater Toronto Area as effected global economic conditions b) Discuss any anticipated effects of the proposed North American Free Trade Agreement,the changes in the European Economic Community in 1992 (EC '92) and the re-entry of Hong Kong into China in 1997.. c) QOantify the Town's existing economic base, current trends within the Town and its relationship with growth in the Greater Toronto Area d) Identify the strengths and weakness of local resources and the opportunities and threats to economic growth in the Town of Newcastle e) Identify the potential sectors for investment targeting, including retail, office,' manufacturing, service, warehouse and distribution, as well as tourism and recreational opportunities, f) Provide an evaluation of the Town's skills in promoting economic growth g) Identify existing and proposed federal and provincial governments policy that may effect local.industry, jncluding any funding, training programs, or policies that may have a perceived negative effect. Phase'2. An Economic Development Strategy . The preparation of an economic development strategy would involve the following components: a) Develop a Mission Statement and a set of goals.for Economic Development Activities. b) Recommend an Action Plan to implement these goals. c) Create an evaluation and monitoring system to be used by staff to measure the success of ongoing efforts by the town. d) Recommend the organizational, Staffing and budgetary requirements necessary to implement the Plan. ) 83 PAGE 3 Phase 3 A Planning Framework. for Sustainable Economic Growth The work undertaken in this phase would develop the Official Plan policy framework which would support and promote sustainable economic growth in employment areas. a) review Newcastle's role and share of industrial development within the Region* of Durham b) prepare an employment forecast to be co-ordinated with commercial hierarchy a9d housing studies: c) determine land requirements by industry type d) assess the problems/desireability of commercial (retail/office) infiltration into employment (industrial) areas in Newcastle and other municipalities e) assess the problems and feasibility of permitting. 'dry industry' on private services for the following situations: prior to the extension of services into designated areas - in Orono in rural settlement areas f) prepare alternate growth strategies (including the continuation of existing trends) which . identify the type/quantity/location of industrial designations and employment.and provide recommendations on the staging and development of employment areas g) develop alternate strategies to create a better balance of residential and commercial/industrial assessment and better live-work ratios for Newcastle residents h) prepare a Discussion Paper.which incorporates the work of.Phases 1 to 3 of this study-for public review and assess the comments received from this process i) prepare a recommended planning framework for employment areas vj Attachment #2 EXTRACT DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE SECONDARY PLAN FOR COURTICE INDUSTRIAL AREA 1. Study Purpose To prepare a comprehensive land use plan for the south Courtice Industrial Park appropriate on the basis of the eco-system approach. The Plan shall be appropriate for adoption as part of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. 2. Study Objectives a) T.o address the potential for this area to become a high profile employment area. b) To identify short and long terms initiatives to resolve current land use conflicts in this area. c) To identify land requirements and appropriate locations for a mix of industrial and commercial uses d) To identify requirements for the transportation system of the area,including future transit and bikeway systems e) To address the built form and urban design elements of employment areas. f) To ensure that important elements of the ecosystem (streams, woodlots, etc.) and their natural functions are retained and that the impacts of development are mitigated. g) To address any remediation measures required to restore ecosystem functions or contamination h) To prepare a staged implementation program to allow for the development of new industrial lands on full municipal services as soon as possible 3. Study Area The study area comprises of all those lands south of Bloor Street, east of Townline Road, west of Courtice Road and North of the Highway 401 in the Town of Newcastle. Y� � S 4. Study Process The study should commence immediately with the recommended land use plan to reflect the conclusions of the third phase of the Economic Development Strategy Study. The land use plan will either be processed as an amendment to the Town Official Plan or be incorporated into the Town of Newcastle Official Plan Review process. It is anticipated that the study would proceed in three phases: a. Data collection and Analysis The section will include the background analysis related to land use, environment, demographic, economic and transportation components. The consultant will provide a detailed a comprehensive summary of all issues affecting existing and future uses of the study.area and identify opportunities and constraints to development scenarios. This will include investigating the capabilities and timing of the sewage treatment and water facilities proposed by the Region of Durham. b. Review of the Options for the Future of the Employment areas The consultant will review a range of alternative land use scenarios that will be suitable for all areas of employment including business and office related uses, manufacturing, service type uses, warehouse/distribution as well as exploring any type of use that would bolster the local economy. C. Recommended Land Use Plan Preparation of a comprehensive land use plan for the South Courtice Industrial Park appropriate for adoption as part of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan: The recommended plan will 'contain: Clearly defined stated goals and objectives to provide vision; direction and . priority for future land uses of the area Policies that relate specifically to the various type of industrial and business investment Urban design guidelines A staged implementation program for all capital improvements required to facilitate development