HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-14-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: ECONOMIC.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Res. # Date: Monday, January 6, 1992 By.-Law# Report#: PD-1-4--92— File #: PLN 32 .4 .4 Subject: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY STUDY FILE: PLN 32.4.4 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-14-92 be received; 2 . THAT the Town undertake the preparation of an Economic Development Strategy including the preparation of a Secondary Plan for the Employment Area Lands in south Courtice; 3 . THAT staff be authorized to issue a Proposal Call for the selection of consultants to undertake an Economic Development Strategy for the Town and to bring forward a future report on this issue; 4 . THAT the Ministry of Municipal Affairs be requested for funding under the Community Planning Grant Program for the purpose of undertaking the Economic Development Strategy Study; 5. THAT the funds necessary for such a study be included in the Planning and Development Department 1992 Budget; 6. THAT a copy of Council's resolution and this report be forwarded to the Region of Durham, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Ministry of Industry Trade and Technology. 1. ORIGIN 1. 1 Over the past few years, staff and Council have worked to improve the marketing of the Town as a place to do business. A number of initiatives have been undertaken in this regard: i) Information Base Town staff have improved the information base needed to respond to inquiries and promote the Town's assets. The following have been prepared and updated: Community Profile, Business Directory, Industrial Land Inventory, and Industrial Building PrQf-ile. REPORT NO. : PD-14-91 PAGE 2 ii) Promotional Activities A variety of promotional activities have been undertaken including the preparation of a new brochure, advertising in a number of trade and business publications, attendance at trade shows and involvement in a number of economic development and tourism organizations. iii) Information Sessions for Local Industries The Town has hosted a number of information sessions for local businesses including INVESTECH '91, and several dinners and receptions with guest speakers. iv) Pacific Rim Initiative In 1989, the Town sought exposure of potential investors from Hong Kong and Taiwan which yielded many inquiries and subsequent visits by these investors to the Town. V) Inquiries Staff and Council have fielded hundreds of inquiries from businesses examining relocation or expansion options in Newcastle. 1. 2 One shortcoming of the work done to date is that many of the initiatives have been short-term or specific efforts, sometimes in response to events or programs, but without the comprehensive view as to how all of the individual actions fit together. It is the opinion of staff that it is time to focus the Town's efforts in economic development through a co-ordinated strategy. 1. 3 At the Public Meeting on the need to initiate a review of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan held on September 16, 1991, the questions of economic growth, fiscal planning, and industrial commercial assessment were raised by delegations and subsequently referred to staff for further review. In addition, Council requested that staff investigate the use of consultants for the Official Plan Review. 55 REPORT NO. : PD-14-92 PAGE 3 Staff's approach to the Official Plan Review is that staff should co-ordinate and undertake much of the work in the Official Plan Review but consultants should be used for two purposes only: i) Where specialized expertise is required which is not currently available on staff; ii) Where certain work is required to be completed in a shorter timeframe. In staff's view, the undertaking of an Economic Development Strategy Study falls within the above criteria. Moreover, in addition to providing input to the Official Plan Review, such a study could assist Council to take some immediate steps with regard to a co-ordinated marketing strategy for economic competitiveness. 2 . PROPOSED STUDY 2 . 1. It is staff's recommendation that such an Economic Development Strategy Study should answer two main questions: What are the future economic conditions that the Town and the business community should anticipate and be prepared to compete in? What can the municipality do to promote, enhance, and otherwise improve the attractiveness of the Town as a place for business? This would include a comprehensive examination of the planning policy framework (such as might be included in the Official Plan and Zoning By-law) and the basis for a corporate marketing plan for the municipality. It would also address the administrative requirements to implement such a strategy. The planning framework must place economic growth in the context of environmental sustainability. D , D 5 REPORT NO. : PD-14 -92 PAGE 4 The Strategy would be addressed through an action plan with both short-term and long-term initiatives. A Draft Terms of Reference has been prepared and forms Attachment #1 to this Report. 2 . 2 It is recommended that the study proceed in four phases as follows: Phase 1 Background Report The Background Report would contain the following components: A review of economic trends within the Greater Toronto Area, as affected by global economic conditions; Quantify the Town's existing economic base, current trends within the Town and its relationship with growth in the Greater Toronto Area; Identify the strengths and weaknesses of local resources; Identify opportunities and threats to economic growth; Identify the potential sectors for investment targeting by the Town, including tourism and recreation opportunities Provide an evaluation of the municipality's personnel and financial resources in promoting economic development. Phase 2 An Economic Development Strategy The preparation of an economic development strategy would involve the following components: Develop a Mission Statement and a set of goals for Economic Development activities Recommend an Action Plan to implement these goals Recommend the organizational, staffing and budgetary requirements necessary to implement the Plan F, 171, REPORT NO. : PD-14-92 PAGE 5 Phase 3 A Planning Framework for Sustainable Economic Growth The work undertaken in this phase would develop the Official Plan policies which would support and promote sustainable economic growth in the Town. Phase 4 Secondary Plan for the South Courtice Industrial Area A detailed land use plan would be prepared for the major new employment area lands in south Courtice, specifically the area bounded by Bloor Street, Courtice Road, Highway 401 and Townline Road. This would include a staging scenario to enable partial implementation on the existing servicing system prior to the construction of the new water supply and sewage treatment plants. 2 . 3 With regard to the work to be undertaken in Phase 4, a group of land owners in this area have met with Town staff and offered to cover the costs associated with this portion of the Study. In a similar vein to the Bowmanville Main Central Area Study, staff would support the efforts to "fast-track" this element of the Official Plan review due to its importance to the overall economic vitality of the Town. However, staff would require that this be undertaken at arm's-length and that financial commitment be secured in advance of the Study's commencement. 2 . 4 Staff have investigated the feasibility of assistance from the provincial government for this type of study. For the Fiscal Year 1992-93 , the Province will have a limited funds available under the Community Planning Grant Program. However, the issue of economic development is a priority area and there is some probability of receiving funding for this study. The conditions of the grant would cover 50 percent of the eligible costs up to a maximum of $35, 000. Eligible study costs will be those incurred after grant commitment. Due to the urgency of proceeding with this Study, it is recommended that the Town proceed with Phase 1 entirely at its own expense. Ministry funding, which would be t 58 REPORT NO. : PD-14-92 PAGE 6 committed by April 1st if approved, would be sought for Phases 2 and 3 only. The Phase 4 work has been written as a separate proposal for the purposes of clarifying the scope of the work which will be subject to provincial and private funding sources respectively. 2 .5 Staff estimate that Phases 1 to 3 of the study may cost approximately $30 -50, 000. Since it is not certain that provincial funding will be available, this may need to be entirely funded through the Planning and Development Department 1992 Budget. Staff recommend that funds be allocated prior to Budget approval so that the consultant could commence work shortly after selection. Staff will bring forward a recommendation on the consultant selection at the earliest possible time. 3 . CONCLUSION An Economic Development Strategy is urgently needed to ensure that future efforts of Council are undertaken in an efficient and comprehensive manner. Staff and Council need to develop a clear understanding the strength and weaknesses of the Town, evaluate the opportunities and threats to economic activity and develop a strategy for economic growth. An essential part of this strategy will be a review of the staffing and budgetary requirements necessary to implement the approach identified. In addition, the Economic Development Strategy will include an examination of the planning policy framework to be incorporated into the Official Plan and specifically prepare a secondary plan for the lands in south Courtice. In view of the urgency of this issue, it is recommended that the consultant selection process be initiated immediately. 59 e REPORT NO. : PD-14-92 PAGE 7 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. Lawrenc E. Kotseff Director of Planning Chief inistrative and Development Office DC*FW*df Attachment #1 - Economic Development Strategy - Draft Terms of Reference. Attachment #2 - Secondary Plan for South Courtice Industrial Area - Draft Terms of Reference. 19 December 1991 � �' ��, ;;� DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 1. Study Purpose To formulate economic development strategy to guide the Town towards a secure and prosperous future while preserving the natural environment and unique quality of life. The Strategy must be sufficiently flexible and responsive to market changes and government policy changes. It shall promote and enhanced live-work relationships, a diversified economic base and full and meaningful employment. The Strategy shall also include an action plan of short and long term initiatives to improve the Town's performance in facilitating economic opportunities and enhancing the Town's image. The Economic Development Strategy shall include policy recommendations to be incorporated in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan Review Process. 2. Study Objectives a) to identify conditions and trends in the economy within the Greater Toronto Area including government policy and identify how it may effect the local economy b) to quantify the existing economic base of the municipality and identify the strength and weaknesses of our local resources and opportunities and threats to economic growth c) to gain an understanding of the perceptions of the Town and provide recommendations improving the image of the Town of Newcastle as a business community d) to assess the Town's economic development skills and provide recommendations for improved marketing efforts e) to identify potential sectors for investment targeting by the Town of Newcastle, including tourism f) to identify the planning policies needed to support the specific areas of economic growth 3. Study Process The study shall proceed in three phases. Phases 1 and 2 lead to the development of an economic development strategy for the Town. Phase 3 will undertake the development of the planning policies which support the strategy and leads to ecologically-sustainable economic growth. The latter is to be incorporated into the new Town of Newcastle Official Plan . �� 9 61 PAGE 2 Phase 1 Background a) A review of the economic trends within the Greater Toronto Area as effected global economic conditions b) Discuss any anticipated effects of the proposed North American Free Trade Agreement, the changes in the European Economic Community in 1992 (EC '92) and the re-entry of Hong Kong into China in 1997. c) Quantify the Town's existing economic base, current trends within the Town and its relationship with growth in the Greater Toronto Area d) Identify the strengths and weakness of local resources and the opportunities and threats to economic growth in the Town of Newcastle e) Identify the potential sectors for investment targeting, including retail, office, manufacturing, service, warehouse and distribution, as well as tourism and recreational opportunities. f) Provide an evaluation of the Town's skills in promoting economic growth g) Identify existing and proposed federal and provincial governments policy that may effect local industry, including any funding, training programs, or policies that may have a perceived negative effect. Phase 2 An Economic Development Strategy The preparation of an economic development strategy would involve the following components: a) Develop a Mission Statement and a set of goals for Economic Development Activities. b) Recommend an Action Plan to implement these goals. c) Create an evaluation and monitoring system to be used by staff to measure the success of ongoing efforts by the town. d) Recommend the organizational, Staffing and budgetary requirements necessary to implement the Plan. PAGE 3 Phase 3 A Planning Framework for Sustainable Economic Growth The work undertaken in this phase would develop the Official Plan policy framework which would support and promote sustainable economic growth in employment areas. a) Determine amount of serviced land required each sector of employment. b) Identify areas where infrastructure should be improved to support and access the employment areas including transportation networks, public transportation, sewer, water, storm sewer electricity and natural gas. c) Determine a reasonable distribution of employment for Bowmanville, Courtice, Newcastle Village and Orono. 4. Public Participation The consultant will be required to undertake a public information and participation program intended to solicit views and identify the needs of local business, industry and the general public. In this regard the project proposal shall document the proposed methods and timing for consultation. Public participation shall be co-ordinated with the Official Plan Review. 5. Consultation Process During the Study, the requirements and policies of all affected agencies shall be considered. The consultant shall document the proposed course of action to solicit the relevant input of appropriate agencies. 6. Meetings The consultant will be required to attend meetings including but not limited to: i) Meetings with the Town of Newcastle Staff as required. ii) Consultation with the industry and business leaders. iii) Presentation of findings and proposed Strategy at a Public Meeting of Council at the conclusion of Phase 2. iv) Presentation of the proposed Planning Framework for Economic Growth at a Public Meeting at a Public Meeting of Town Council. V) Presentation of the proposed Planning Framework for Economic Growth at a Public Meeting of Town Council. j 63 PAGE 4 7. Deliverables The Consultant shall prepare the following documents through the study process: Phase 1 Draft Final Background Working Paper 10 50 Phase 2 Economic Development Strategy 20 75 Phase 3 Planning Framework Report 20 50 All reports and materials shall be printed on recycled paper containing a minimum of 50% post consumer waste. The consultant shall prepare a certificate with the submission of the report stating the type of paper used. Appropriate visual displays which illustrate the various reports will be prepared for the public participation process and presentations to Council. All original text, maps, plates, data, reports and other materials or information collected or prepared by the consultant shall be considered municipal property and will be turned over to the Town at the conclusion of the study. All data used and developed through the study process will be provided to the Town of floppy computer disk. In addition, all reports will be provided on floppy computer disk. 8. Consultant Responsibilities The Consultant will be responsible for: a) Undertaking all necessary research, including data collection and analysis required for the completion of the work program for both components in accordance with Section 3 of these terms of reference. b) Undertaking appropriate measures to enable public input into the strategy process and the planning process in accordance with these Terms of Reference. c) Appropriate consultations with a outside agencies organizations, government departments and Ministries in accordance with Section 5 and 6 of these Terms of Reference. S r7 6 4 PAGE 5 d) The preparation production and distribution of the draft and final documents in accordance with Section 7 of these Terms of Reference. e) Minutes of all meetings. f) Attendance at meetings in accordance with Section 6 of these terms of reference. g) The preparation of monthly progress reports. No materials data of information pertaining to the study are to be released to any individual, group organization or agency without consent from the Town of Newcastle. 9. Study Direction and Timing The work of the consultant will be directed by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department. The Consultant will be required to meet regularly with Town Staff to review the Study progress and seek direction from Staff. A general timeframe for the Study is as follows: Phase 1 April 1992 Completion Phase 2 July 1992 Completion Phase 3 November 1992 Completion 10. Proposal for Services The Consultant shall prepare a written proposal containing the following: a) Detailed description of the consultants's suggested approach to the study as outlined in these terms of reference and the requirements for any municipal resources. b) A specific timetable/work plan for the various phases of the study and a deadline for submission of any reports and completion of the study process and final report. c) The name(s) of the principal(s) of the firm who will be co-ordinating and presenting the study and the staff who will specifically be assigned to the study. f 5 PAGE 6 d) Cost estimates with upset costs for the study including such matters as the costs of meetings, mileage, secretarial, telephone, fax, computer, and printing costs. The consultant will furnish an itemized estimate of the costs of each phase of the study process. Any per diem rates and meeting rates for additional work not specifically covered in these terms shall also be provided. e) A schedule of hourly rates and an estimate of the number of days that each member would spend on the study by phase and a sum of this time. The Consultant is encouraged to make separate constructive comments and suggestions regarding the terms of reference and the approach to this study which in his/her opinion would improve performance in carrying out the assignment. Such comments shall not be made conditional to acceptance of the assignment. Upon approval of funding for this study, a contract will be executed by the Town. 11. Over Run of Cost All costs incurred by the Consultant in preparation of the study and not specifically provided for in the consultants proposal and authorization letter will not be the responsibility of the Town of Newcastle. Date: December 17, 1991 E DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE SECONDARY PLAN FOR COURTICE INDUSTRIAL AREA 1. Study Purpose To prepare a comprehensive land use plan for the south Courtice Industrial Park appropriate on the basis of the eco-system approach. The Plan shall be appropriate for adoption as part of the new Town of Newcastle Official Plan. 2. Study Objectives a) To address the potential for this area to become a high profile employment area. b) To identify short and long terms initiatives to resolve current land use conflicts in this area. c) To identify areas of the appropriate mix of industrial and commercial uses d) To identify requirements for the transportation system of the area,including future transit and bikeway systems e) To address.the built form and urban design elements of employment areas. f) To ensure that important elements of the ecosystem (streams, woodlots, etc.) and their natural functions are retained and that the impacts of development are mitigated. g) To address any remediation measures required to restore ecosystem functions or contamination h) To prepare a staged implementation program to allow for the development of new industrial lands on full municipal services as soon as possible 3. Study Area The study area comprises of all those lands south of Bloor Street, east of Townline Road, west of Courtice Road and North of the Highway 401 in the Town of Newcastle. t -, 4. Study Process The study should commence immediately with the recommended land use plan to reflect the conclusions of the third phase of the Economic Development Strategy Study. The land use plan will either be processed as an amendment to the Town Official Plan or be incorporated into the Town of Newcastle Official Plan Review process. It is anticipated that the study would proceed in three phases: a. Data collection and Analysis The section will include the background analysis related to landuse, environment, demographic, economic and transportation components. The consultant will provide a detailed a comprehensive summary of all issues affecting existing and future uses of the study area and identify opportunities ad constraints to development scenarios. This will include investigating the capabilities and timing of the sewage treatment and water facilities proposed by the Region of Durham. b. Review of the Options for the Future of the Employment areas The consultant will review a range of alternative landuse scenarios that will be suitable for all areas of employment including business and office related uses, manufacturing, service type uses, warehouse/distribution as well as exploring any type of use that would bolster the local economy. c. Recommended Land Use Plan Preparation of a comprehensive land use plan for the South Courtice Industrial Park appropriate for adoption as part of the new Town of Newcastle Official Plan. The recommended plan will contain: Clearly defined stated goals and objectives to provide vision, direction and priority for future land uses of the area Policies that related specifically to the various type of industrial and business investment Urban design guidelines A staged implementation program for all capital improvements required to facilitate development 5. Public Participation The consultant will be required to undertake a public information and participation program intended to solicit views and identify the needs of local business, industry and the general public. In this regard the project proposal shall document the proposed methods and timing for consultation. Public participation shall be co-ordinated with the Official Plan Review, 9 6 f' 6. Consultation Process During the Study, the requirements and policies of all affected agencies shall be considered. The consultant shall document the proposed course of action to solicit the relevant input of appropriate agencies. 7. Meetings The consultant will be required to attend meetings including but not limited to: i) Meetings with the Town of Newcastle Staff as required. ii) Consultation with the industry and business leaders. iii) Presentation of the alternatives at a Public Open House and a Public Meeting of Council at the conclusion of Phase 2. iv) Presentation of the proposed Secondary Plan at a Public Open House and a Public Meeting of Town Council at the conclusion of Phase 3. 8. Deliverables The Consultant shall prepare the following documents through the study process: Phase 1 and 2 Draft Final Working Paper on Background and Options 10 25 Phase 3 Recommended Land Use Plan 10 50 All reports and materials shall be printed on recycled paper containing a minimum of 50% post consumer waste. The consultant shall prepare a certificate with the submission of the report stating the type of paper used. The Final Phase 3 Report shall utilize full colour-separation for the Land Use Schedule. An additional 50 copies of the Land Use Schedule shall be prepared. Appropriate visual displays which illustrate the various reports will be prepared for the public participation process and presentations to Council. All original text, maps, plates, data, reports and other materials or information collected or prepared by the consultant shall be considered municipal property and will be turned over to the Town at the conclusion of the study. All data used and developed through the study process will be provided to the Town of floppy computer disk. In addition, all reports will be provided on floppy computer disk. 4' �- 69 9. Consultant Responsibilities The Consultant will be responsible for: a) Undertaking all necessary research, including data collection and analysis required for the completion of the work program for both components in accordance with sections 3 of these terms of reference. b) Undertaking appropriate measures to enable public input into the strategy process and the planning process in accordance with these Terms of Reference. c) Appropriate consultations with a outside agencies organizations, government departments and Ministries in accordance with Section 5 and 6 of these Terms of Reference. d) The preparation production and distribution of the draft and final documents in accordance with Section 7 of these Terms of Reference. e) Minutes of all meetings. 10. Study Direction and Timing The work of the consultant will be directed by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department. The Consultant will be required to meet regularly with Town Staff to review the Study progress and seek direction from Staff. This study shall be undertaken concurrent with the Economic Development Strategy Study. 11. Proposal for Services The Consultant shall prepare a written proposal containing the following: a) Detailed description of the consultants's suggested approach to the study as outlined in these terms of reference and the requirements for any municipal resources. b) A specific timetable/work plan for the various phases of the study and a deadline for submission of any reports and completion of the study process and final report. c) The name(s) of the principal(s) of the firm who will be co-ordinating and presenting the study and the staff who will specifically be assigned to the study. d) Cost estimates with upset costs for the study including such matters as the costs of meetings, mileage, secretarial, telephone, fax, computer, and printing costs. The consultant will furnish an itemized estimate of the costs of each phase of the 7 0 study process. Any per diem rates and meeting rates for additional work not specifically covered in these terms shall also be provided. e) A schedule of hourly rates and an estimate of the number of days that each member would spend on the study by phase and a sum of this time. The Consultant is encouraged to make separate constructive comments and suggestions regarding the terms of reference and the approach to this study which in his/her opinion would improve performance in carrying out the assignment. Such comments shall not be made conditional to acceptance of the assignment. Upon approval of funding for this study, a contract will be executed by the Town. 11. Over Run of Cost All costs incurred by the Consultant in preparation of the study and not specifically provided for in the consultants proposal and authorization letter will not be the responsibility of the Town of Newcastle. Date: December 17, 1991 9 " 7 '1