HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-43-91 REPORT #2 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE File # �, REPORT � • , �t � C �,��', Res. # By-Law # METING: COUNCIL DATE: February 11, 1991 REPORT #: PD- 43 -91 FILE #: PLN 25 . 2 SU ECT: COURTICE POSTAL ADDRESS FILE: PLN 25.2 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report PD- 43 -91 be received; 2 . THAT Council endorse and authorize Canada Post to proceed to implement the postal address identity for Courtice and Canada Post be so advised. 1. In late 1989, Council directed Councillor Hannah and the Director of Planning and Development to approach Canada Post with respect to establishing a postal address identity for Courtice. 2 . Subsequently, meetings were held with officials of Canada Post and the Town's request was received positively by Canada Post. 3 . On May 29, 1990, Council, by resolution, officially requested Canada Post to proceed to create the postal address identity for Courtice. . . .2 REPORT NO. : PD- 43 -91 PAGE 2 4 . Within the last several months Canada Post officials undertook the necessary works for the implementation of the new postal address system. The works undertaken include completion of an inventory of all affected properties . The Town also co-operated in advising the residents to identify their properties by affixing correct house numbers . 5 . Canada Post has now tentatively scheduled early April to implement the new address system. In this regard, two (2) draft letters were prepared by Canada Post to be forwarded to all affected property owners advising of the change. Copies of the draft letters are attached. 6 . In order to appraise Council of the detail of the proposed changes, representatives from Canada Post agreed to appear before Council to make a presentation and to answer any questions that Council may have on the subject matter. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee f Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawren a E. Kotseff Director of Planning Chief A inistrative and Development Officer FW*jip *Attach 22 January 1991 R. � /k K g \- ��� �«`-� � / V'V �`kK �� ��~� &~r-.�..� � K� a l��6���o*�v���v�6�"�u�,���-�� --� --- ----� ---- '----- ----- '----- '~ �~ Delivery Services ~ I,--()0 M ar kham Road Suite 514 Scarbnrough, On LarLo 1111 -,C6 Dear PosLal Customer: As a result of a resolution passed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle, Canada Post Corporation is pleased to inform you that we are now taking steps to recognize Courtice as an official municipal identity . This change Ls scheduled to take place April 8 " 1991 . In order to make the necessary adjustments in mail sortatzon and processing , all addresses within the proposed monzczpal boundaries must carry Courtice as a part of their official mailing addre-�s as of AprLl 8, 1991 . This will not require the changing of your Postal Code. Enclosed are complimentary change of address cards for use in notifying your correspondents . On Friday April 5, 1991 , please remove your lock from your present grmup mall box and place on the appropriate box and compartment as indicated below. (Please Note Locat-Lon ) If you require additional informat3on , please do not hesitate to contact Diana AdamowLcz at 431-4200. Sincerely , -_- � Doug Dickinson - Ma/iager` Delivery Services York Division |^ � �� � D /?�� �� 8 �..��/ -��o�—CCo�rpor-,tion=/-S--o-ci^t-e-o-aoad—ionne deopostes - -- - - —� -- -- --- -- � '�� Delivery Services L--0n Markhum Road ^ Suite 511 � ~~ Si.-Arborouqh, Ontario 111FI ~ Dear Postal (-ustomer : As a result of a resoiuti-on passed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle, Canada Post Corporation is pleased to inform you that wo are now tak Li)g steps to recognize Co/trLzce as an official mun1cJpaJ identLLy . This change zs scheduled to take place April O , 1991 . In urder to make the necessary adjustments in mazl sortat-` on and processing , all addresses within the proposed munzc1,pal boUndar1e* /nusL Ca 1-1-Y Court Lce as a part of thezr o f f i cia] mailing address . Mail for the CourLlce area will be received and handled at postal facilities located within the Town of Newcastle. This wLI ] neces,3itaLe a change in your current Postal Code. Please nnte that as of April 8, 1991 , t-he use of vour new /ounIclpa\ address listed below will be required . If you are presently receiving You mall through a group mail box ' on Friday April 5° 1991 , please remove your lock and place on the appropriate box and compartment as indicated belnw. ( Please Note Location ) . If you are presently receiving your mail through a rural pole box You]- mode of delivery will not change. Enclosed are complimentary change of address cards for use in notiiyzng vour correspondents. If you require addiLional information , please do not heszLaie to contact Diana Adamowicz at 431-4208 . Sincerely , Doug Dickinson Manager , Delivery Services ` ^ York Division � � /« � � ` ' P( S-1/\/Q �~� � D ~ ���/ 8'��f�� k �� - i�o�:���������u��i�'�o�ovoo^���,�----� ---� ------�--- - -- -�' - Delivery Oervzcps 1~n0 Markham Road � suite 514 Scarborough, Ontario |11H 3C6 > '^ Dear PosLal Customer: As a result of a resolution passed hy the Council of the Town of Newcastle, Canada Post Corporation is pleased to inform you that we are now taking steps to recognize Courtice as an official municipal identity . ThLs change is scheduled to take place April O ^ 19q1 . In order to make the necessary adjustments in mail sortation and prucess/ ng , all addresses within the proposed municipal boundaries must carry Cou, tice as a part of their official mailing aJdrens . Mail for the Courtice area will be received and handled at postal facilities located within the Town of NewcasLle. Addresses currently serviced by the Oshawa Post Office and some rural areas will be affected . This will necessitate a change in vour current Postal Code . Please note that as of April 8 , 1991 . the "se of your new municipal address listed below will be required . Enclosed are complimentary change of address card for use in notifying your correspondents . If you require additional information , please do not hesitate to contact DLana Adamowicz at 431- 4200. 5zncerely ` Doug Dickinson Manager , Delivery Services York Division '- � | / � / � [ � �� b D /�/; �'� K �~ ���/8 1�Ns 166 r-[���^��e-i�-ci��d —sp o�-tei- - '-- �� �— -�---- -- — Deljvery Services 11'00 Markham Road Suite 514 ~^ Scarborough, Ontar3o M1H 3C6 ' Dear Postal Customer: As a resu ! L o [ a resolution passed by t-he Council of the Town of Newcastle , Canada Post Corporation is ple.Aspd to inform you < hat we are now takLng steps Lo recog/ij ze Cottrtice a� an off irzal municipal ident-Lty . ThLs� chai`ge is scheduled to Lake p] ace April B, 299J . In ordm- to make the neces�sary adjustments in mail sortatzon and procp-,sing , all addre;ses w-ithin the propuspd mun/ c1-pal bnundarips must carry CourLir(- as a part of their official mazliLny address as of April 8 , 1991 . This will not requIre the char/gzng of vnur Postal Code . Enclospd are complLmentary change of address cards for use in notifying /our correspondents. If YOU require addL �-Lonal information , p] ease do not hesjta�e to coiitarL Diana Adamowzcz at 431-4200. Sincerely , Doug Dickinson (1anager , Delivery Services York Division /