HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-41-91 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT } d r r }b File # t , �-� o. n: status .gpa Res. # t -�• By-Law # PEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: February 4, 1991 REPORT #: PD-41-91 FILE #: Pln 15 .2 SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT - BOWMANVILLE WATERFRONT STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-41-91 be received for information. 2 . THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council 's decision. 1. BACKGROUND 1 . 1 In September 1990, the first draft of the Port Darlington Secondary Plan was presented to Committee at a Public Meeting forum. Many area residents and landowners spoke with regard to various aspects of the proposed draft Secondary Plan. Subsequently, Committee resolved that Staff hold "a further public presentation with area residents and requested that, a further report be prepared addressing the i question of applying a freeze on all building permits for residential units versus units situated on lands owned by the Port Darlington Harbour Company" . 1 .2 The purpose of this report is to update members of Committee and Council with respect to progress made towards the completion of the Bowmanville Waterfront Study. � i� 1 REPORT NO. : PD-41-91 PAGE 2 2. RESIDENTS MEETING 2 . 1 On October 11th, 1990, a 3 1/2 hour meeting with area residents was held at the Port Darlington Marina. The comments from area residents are summarized as follows: Many area residents who owned property on the East and West Beach are concerned with restriction on building permits for renovations for dwelling units (Section 3 .2 . 1.4) in the Draft Plan. Area residents enquired as to the necessity, for the proposed offshore marina and the cost and ownership of the proposed facilities . Some area residents were concerned about increased erosion along the shoreline as a result of the new marina and responsibility for shoreline protection measures . The president of the Port Darlington Community Association noted concern with the effect of other surrounding land uses in the area, particularly the St. Marys Cement operation, and had noted that the scope of the Study should be expanded to study the cumulative effects of the other land uses . Residents were generally pleased that an initiative had been taken to prepare a comprehensive plan for the Waterfront. Concern was raised with regard to the objectivity of the Study given the developer contributions to funding the Study. REPORT NO. : PD-41-91 PAGE 3 Staff and the consultant answered questions and recorded the residents comments . These issues are being considered by Staff and the Consultant in the ongoing review of the draft plan. 2 .2 Staff have also received written comments on the Draft Plan from Mr. Roger Howard of Ridge Pine Park Inc . Mr. Howard is concerned with the following issues : objection to the east/west collector road continuing into Wilmot Creek and suggested it be terminated at their western property boundary; suggestion of an alternate route for Bike Path/Trail System, rather than continuing along the two kilometres of private lake frontage of Wilmot Creek; concern with the deletion of Bennett Road interchange; concern as to the phasing of development in the Study area to ensure that the provisions of services will not affect Wilmot Creeks expansion plans . 3. AGENCY COMMENTS 3 . 1 The Background Report and draft Secondary Plan has been circulated to various departments and agencies for their review and comment. The following agencies/departments have offered no objection to the Draft Secondary Plan: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Separate School Board REPORT NO. : PD-41-91 PAGE 4 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation 3 . 2 Town of Newcastle Public Works Department raised concerns with continued development of the Bowmanville and Soper Creeks Watershed and the potential impact it could have on proposed development of the Secondary Plan, most notably the "Highway Commercial" and "Village Commercial" areas in the floodplain. The cumulative effects of urbanization of both watersheds has never been examined by the Town or CLOCA. Public Works is suggesting that a study be completed to determine the feasibility of development in the effected areas . The Public Works Department also raised a major concern with regard to the proposed collector road system. In order to provide final comments on the Plan, a functional road alignment study is required detailing the alignment and design of roads and grade separations . 3 . 3 Town of Newcastle Community Services Department suggested that open space areas be under the ownership of a public agency. Community Services has also raised some concerns that the specific contributions in lieu of density bonusing be detailed in the Plan. 3 .4 The Region of Durham Works Department noted that Bowmanville Water Supply Plant and the Bowmanville Water Supply expansions at present are based on the present Regional Official Plan, additional expansions to each plant would be required to accommodate uses in the proposed draft changes to the Regional Official Plan as well as the Study Area. i Works also notes that additional lands for expansions will also be required. Regional Works also requested the deletion of any reference to passive uses on water supply 4 REPORT NO. : PD-41-91 PAGE 5 and water pollution control plant sites, noting that public uses of these lands is not desirable, as it make it difficult to carry out future expansions because of public objection. Works also requires a buffer zone between a water pollution control plant and any surrounding development. 3 .5 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education requires a school site within the Study area. 3 . 6 The Ministry of Transportation requires the deletion of references made to the future reconstruction of Liberty Street interchange, and that the reference made to the Lambs Road interchange is premature given that the positions of the Region and the Ministry is unresolved. 3 . 7 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has raised an objection to the recognition of existing and proposed uses in the floodplain, and is also concerned with the cumulative effect of development within the Bowmanville- Soper Creeks watersheds . To determine if the areas designated as "Highway Commercial" , "Village Commercial" and the east/west road below the CN railway is feasible, the Authority is suggesting that the regulatory floodplain be reduced to 1: 100 year be investigated. CLOCA has also requested that the ownership of any lands to be acquired by a public agency in the West Beach area be transferred to the Authority, as it is in keeping with the Bowmanville Harbour Conservation Area Master Plan. The final report for the Shoreline Management Study had not been received at the time of CLOCA's comments. It was noted, however, the outcome of this Study will have to be ) 1 REPORT NO. : PD-41-91 PAGE 6 considered in terms of shoreline setbacks, which is important in terms of the alignment of the collector road and the setback of any structures . 3. 8 Ontario Hydro requested that they be kept informed of further progress of the Study. 3 .9 Comments are still outstanding from the Ministry of Environment, The Royal Commission on the Future of the Waterfront, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Region of Durham Planning Department and Newcastle Hydro. 4. CONCLUSIONS 4 . 1 Comments from several key agencies have yet to be received. To date, however, the agency circulation and public review process has identified a number of major concerns that need further review and study prior to finalization of the draft Secondary Plan. i) Public Works Department and the Conservation Authority have raised concerns with regard to identifying urban land uses in floodprone areas prior to appropriate studies to examine the feasibility of such a designation. Given that the "Village Commercial" area on the east side of the existing harbour is a fundamental component to the Secondary Plan concept, it has been agreed that a Floodplain Review Study should be undertaken to review the flooding implications of any development. The approximate cost is $8,000 . 00 . If the general feasibility of reducing the regional storm to the 1: 100 storm or implementing a "two-zone" floodplain policy proved viable, a complete remapping REPORT NO. : PD-41-91 PAGE 7 of the watershed would be required prior to development. ii) Public Works Department raised concerns with respect to the viability of the collector road system. As a result, it is proposed that a functional alignment study be undertaken under the direction of the Works Department. A work program and cost estimate has been prepared by F.J. Reinders and Associates which is satisfactory to the Director of Public Works . The total costs of the study amount to $25,000 . 00 . The above-noted work is beyond the scope of work of the original terms of reference for the study. The Public Works Department and Planning Department would share the costs of the functional alignment study. In addition, developer contributions would be sought to offset some of the costs . Further work on these issues is dependent on the outcome of the 1991 budget deliberations . 4 .2 Other concerns raised through the agency circulation and public review will be dealt with in the context of revisions to the draft Secondary Plan. In particular, staff will be formulating a less stringent renovation policy (Section 2 . 3 . 1.4) that is responsive to residents concern yet can protect the municipality from substantial increases in acquisition costs for lakefront land. 4 . 3 Several matters will need to be dealt with in the context of the implementation strategy. Specifically, the following needs to be addressed: REPORT NO. : PD-41-91 PAGE 8 i) There is a need to clarify the roles of public agencies responsible for the development of waterfront parkland. In this regard, CLOCA and the Town must resolve which lands and what facilities each body will assume responsibility for implementation. ii) The Town must identify a fair compensation policy to be utilized in the acquisition of shoreline properties . 4 .4 There are many issues yet to be resolved before staff will be in a position to bring forward a recommended Secondary Plan. Staff are attempting to deal with these issues as expeditiously as possible as they are identified. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee dear, tkk Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. La rence Kotseff Director of Planning Chief A nistrative and Development Officer CV*DC*FW*df *Attach 29 January 1991 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Allan Forester John Winters Box 810 R.R.#3 Thornhill, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. L3T 4A5 L1C 3K3 Philip Brent Yvonne Hamlin Corporate Properties Ltd. Goodman and Carr 99 Scarsdale Road, Suite 100 Barristers and Solicitors Don Mills, Ontario. Suite 2300, M3B 2R2 200 King Street West Toronto, Ontario. M5H 2W5 it ( REPORT NO. : PD-41-91 PAGE 9 841222 and 841221 Ontario Ltd. Irving Rosenberg c/o Walker Gold Fox & Schwartz Bill Stewart 2040 Yonge Street, Suite 3000 25 Bennett Road, Toronto, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. M4S 1Z9 L1C 3K5 Port Darlington Community Assoc . Pat Pingle Group 2, Box 21, 54 West Beach Road Bowmanville, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3A6 L1C 3K3 Debbie Williams E. Gingell Royal Commission on Future of the 72 East Beach Toronto Waterfront, Box 211 207 Queens Quay West Bowmanville, Ontario. 5th Floor L1C 3K9 P.O. Box 4111, Station A, Toronto, Ontario Charmaine Dunn M5W 2V4 56 West Beach R.R.#2 Box 53, Group 2 Gary Parks Bowmanville, Ontario. Parks Property Management L1C 3K3 27 Ingleborough Drive Whitby, Ontario. Brenda Bennie L1N 8J9 73 East Beach, Bowmanville, Ontario. St. Marys Cement Co. L1C 3K3 410 Waverly Road R.R. #2 Frank Lockhart Bowmanville, Ontario. Trinity United Church L1C 3K3 116 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Architecture Plus L1C 1T2 Gary Challis Millwork Home Centre Mrs . Kroon 1279 Simcoe Street North General Delivery Oshawa, Ontario. Bowmanville, Ontario. L1G 4X1 L1C 3K1 Mr. Roger Howard Rice Construction Ltd. 17 Dean Street, Brampton, Ontario. L6W 1M7