HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-12-91 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # ( t , i Res. # f,. -,, DN: IND-REP.GPA _ By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, January 7, 1991 REPORT #: PD-12-91 FILE #: Pin 14 . 1 SUQECT: NEWCASTLE INDUSTRIAL POLICIES PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING AMENDMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-12-91 be received; 2 . THAT staff be authorized to circulate Report PD-12-91 to the appropriate agencies for comment; 3 . THAT staff be authorized to convene a Public Meeting under the Planning Act for consideration of amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 with respect to industrial policies . ) / c. REPORT NO. : PD- -91 PAGE 2 1. INTRODUCTION 1 . 1 The Planning and Development Department is concerned about the Town's ability to attract and maintain diverse industrial development proposals . It is proposed that an examination of the current Industrial policies in the Town's Official Plan be undertaken. During the past year various planning studies have identified shortcomings with respect to the Town's industrial policies . These studies include: The Town of Newcastle Servicing Feasibility Study South Courtice Areas . Assessment of the unmet requirements for Industrial land in the Newcastle Study area. Bowmanville Waterfront Background Study. 1.2 In particular, the report regarding the "Assessment of the Unmet Requirements for Industrial Land" stated that Prestige Industrial (or Business Parks) uses are not clearly defined in the current Official Plan. Although these uses can be accommodated within the current industrial policies, the stringent controls typically associated with the Prestige Industrial development are presently lacking. In addition, this report noted the lack of specific zoning categories and the identification of sites for Prestige Industrial development may hinder the Town's ability to attract this form of development. 1. 3 The Bowmanville Waterfront Study noted that the potential for the future uses on the waterfront lands was linked to overcoming the negative impacts of he adjacent industrial area. Should industrial development be designated for prestige industrial uses, it would be less disruptive to the residential and commercial uses proposed for the Bowmanville Waterfront. Moreover, there could be a linkage in the marketing of industrial location with prime residential areas . ) Ji REPORT NO. : PD-12-91 PAGE 3 But, if future industrial development is visually and operationally low-grade, it would be detrimental to the future of the waterfront. 2. SCOPE OF THIS REVIEW The review of the Industrial policies will be part of the Town's Official Plan Review scheduled to commence in 1991. Staff are of the opinion that Industrial policies, because of their importance to the Town's ability to attract industrial development, require immediate attention and therefore suggest that, as an interim measure, this aspect of the Town's Official Plan be considered. The proposed updated Industrial policies will be an amendment to the current Official Plan prior to the completion of the comprehensive Official Plan Review. Policies with respect to "Aggregate Extraction" and the Region's proposed "Business Parks" policies will not be considered at this time. In addition, at such time the Town has completed an "Economic Development Strategy" the policies may need to be amended to better reflect the Town's economic goals . 3. ISSUES IDENTIFIED THROUGH THE REVIEW 3 . 1 Classification of Industrial Land Uses The present Official Plan Industrial policies only recognize two broad land use categories, that being "Heavy" and "General" Industrial . These two categories are not reflective of current growth areas in the economy and not conducive to the promotion of higher end users . The current 'Heavy Industrial' policies recognize uses which by virtue of their excessive noise, heat, glare and/or transportation requirements are generally not complementary to other urban land users . The type of uses envisioned for this designation would include steel mills, sugar and fuel refineries and port or harbour uses . This sector of the economy has and will continue to have a much lower rate of growth relative to other sectors of the economy. Traditional "Heavy Industrial" 59 � l REPORT NO. : PD-12-91 PAGE 4 users have been forced to restructure and become more efficient by closing some plants and modernizing other existing operations . In light of this, it is considered appropriate by Staff to delete the 'Heavy Industrial' land use district. Some uses normally associated with this category would be permitted in the revised 'General Industrial' designation. A truly "Heavy Industrial" use would require an amendment to the Plan. The Town's Comprehensive Zoning By-law, while it contains generally two types of industrial zones, the list of permitted uses are similar except for provisions regarding outdoor storage. Staff propose introducing three distinct industrial designations in the Official Plan and three complimentary zoning categories in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law. There is a need to introduce a new land use district, the Prestige Industrial designation, as well to restructure and rename the existing classifications to designations to provide greater distinction between the uses. The 'General' and 'Light' land use designations should provide opportunity for the uses previously permitted. However, these policies should attempt to differentiate the uses by locational factors, nuisance, outside storage and other restrictions. The Prestige Industrial land use designation is envisioned as permitting commercial office space, limited retail commercial and introduce other uses presently not permitted in a more upscale environment. 3 .2 Development on Private Services The current Town policies are silent with regards to development of unserviced industrially designated lands . To date Staff have relied on the policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan when reviewing such proposals . The Town of Newcastle Official Plan should contain provisions to assist in the processing of such applications to develop unserviced industrially designated lands. REPORT NO. : PD-12-91 PAGE 5 The lack of services in Courtice, particularly, is seen as problematic . The high visibility land parcels, typically developed with Prestige Industrial uses have continued to be developed below their potential due to these servicing constraints. This will be a detriment to the Town in the long run. The introduction of industrial designations will assist in identifying areas to be developed as Prestige Industrial and hopefully maintain such land for its intended use. The Town will have to consider the means by which to restrict or prevent lower- profile industrial users from occupying high visibility sites such as those areas adjacent to Highway 401. 3 . 3 Open Storage Areas The current Official Plan provisions are silent with regard to outside storage. The zoning by-law provisions presently provide only limited restrictions in comparison to other municipalities. As a result industrial users/developers who are unable or unwilling to comply with the more stringent policies in other municipalities within Durham Region along the Highway 401 have expressed interest in the Town's industrially designated lands due to its relaxed regulations. Staff suggest this area may not always be the best use for high visibility industrial uses . Having low-profile industrial uses in this location also poses as a disincentive for higher end users concerned about the quality of development that may neighbour their site in the future. Staff believe that there should be some clear policies for outside storage areas. 3 .4 Development Standards The current policies provide little guidance to Staff when reviewing and evaluating industrial proposals in terms of development standards . At present road construction in Industrial Areas is to be of a standard acceptable to Council but not necessarily to urban standards . Few policies address on- site development of entrances, parking areas, landscaping and the architectural qualities of buildings . The updated policies � 9 �i _� REPORT NO. : PD-12-91 PAGE 6 should contain provisions regarding the development of land on private services; development of roads at an urban cross section; development of paved entrances and parking areas, enhanced landscaping and a high standard of building design and materials . 3 .5 Obnoxious uses The current policies are limited in dealing with the establishment or enlargement of existing obnoxious uses . The proposed policies should contain similar provisions to the existing policies regarding undue adverse effect caused by industrial uses . In addition, new provisions should be introduced to deal with uses such as asphalt plants recycling establishments, salvage yards, and used tire storage facilities . 3 .6 Property Maintenance Standards Staff's review of existing industrial development in Newcastle found that several industrial land owners have not been paying too much attention to the ongoing property and building maintenance. Undeveloped lots containing rubble, construction materials, derelict motor vehicles, and unkept grounds with tall grass and weeds are not uncommon at this time. Developed sites often lack adequate landscaping, contain cluttered open storage areas with little or no screening of refuse containers and open storage areas. New Official Plan policies cannot be made retroactive on existing development, unless applications are made for expansion or redevelopment of existing sites . However, the policies should attempt to address these concerns in new developments . 3 . 7 Non-Industrial Uses The current Town of Newcastle Official Plan policies do not address the possibility of allowing retail or office commercial uses in the Industrially designated area. "Business Parks" and "Prestige Industrial" developments are becoming more common throughout Greater Metropolitan Toronto Area. Consideration must J9 / 0 ZZ REPORT NO. : PD-12-91 PAGE 7 therefore be given to the type and amount of non-industrial uses to be permitted within Industrial Areas . 4. PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT The major changes proposed are as follows: elimination of the "Heavy Industrial" classification introduction of the "Light Industrial" and "Prestige Industrial" classification greater detail on the type of land uses permitted and the locational criteria for those uses criteria for outdoor storage addition of limited commercial uses in some designations requirements for secondary plans for some industrial areas provisions regarding landscaping and architectural treatment of buildings provisions for dry industrial uses . The proposed Industrial Policies are contained in Attachment #1 . 5. PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would require a restructuring of the current zones in the Town's Comprehensive Zoning By-law in order to introduce a zone category to match each proposed designation. At this point in time Staff have simply identified the various uses currently permitted within the Town's Zoning By-law and the possible zone category they would be most compatible. The proposed list of uses to be permitted in the new zones is contained in Attachment #2 . This would be further detailed into a subsequent proposed by-law amendment. 6. CONCLUSION 6 . 1 The Town's ability to attract and maintain diverse industrial development is limited, in part, by the existing Official Plan and zoning policies . The Town's existing Official Plan policies and zoning REPORT NO. : PD-12-91 PAGE 8 by-law needs revision to, among other things, provide the adequate opportunity with respect to higher-end industrial developments . Staff have, therefore, prepared draft updated Industrial Policies in response to this and the other concerns noted in this report. 6 .2 At this time Staff request Committee and Council's approval to proceed with the principles of an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment in order to undertake the changes deemed necessary. Due to the importance of industrial development to the Town, it is considered imperative that the current policies be amended and updated at this time prior to a comprehensive review of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrence . , Kotseff Director of Planning Chief Adm n strative and Development Officer CP*DC*FW*df 17 December 1990 � C/� % U0 DN:IND-POL.#1 Attachment No. l DRAFT INDUSTRIAL POLICIES 1. OBJECTIVES i) To accommodate a variety of economic development opportunities; ii) To provide serviced lands for industrial development in strategic locations to meet the requirements of industrial users and to minimize conflicts with other major land uses; and iii) To encourage the diversification and expansion of the Town's employment base. 2. GENERAL POLICIES 2 . 1 The use of lands designated for industrial development, as delineated on Schedule(s) shall generally be divided into three types of land use designations: General Industrial Light Industrial Prestige Industrial 2 . 2 Permitted uses shall be such that no undue adverse effects may occur as the result of the emission of smoke, noise, odours, or any other form of pollution. 2 . 3 Industrial development shall be fully serviced by municipal water and sewage systems and all roads developed to an urban cross section. However, limited development may take place in the Industrial areas prior to the availability of complete municipal services if the industry is of a dry nature. In such cases an engineering report shall be required indicating that there is an adequate supply of potable water, the method to be used for adequate fire protection, and that soil conditions shall permit the installation of a waste disposal system which complies with the standards of the Ministry of the Environment as amended from time to time and as administered by the Medical Officer of Health. In addition, an agreement shall be entered into between the applicant and the Town, in which the applicant agrees to connect to municipal services at such time as they become available. 9 U / Page 2 . . 2 .4 Industry of a dry nature shall be defined as one which does not require water consumption in the production, manufacturing, refining, or assembling operation on-site. 2 .5 No use shall be permitted which, from its nature, the materials used, or the waste produced therein, is declared to be a noxious trade, business or manufacture under the Public Health Act or regulations . 2 . 6 Where there are existing residential uses in Industrial designations, it is the intention of this Plan, that these areas be redeveloped for industrial uses in the future. In the interim, existing residential uses may be permitted to continue as a non-conforming use. However, the interests of industry shall be given priority over residential concerns in the resolution of land use conflicts in the area. 2 . 7 The development or redevelopment of lands designated Industrial which are adjacent to lands designated Residential shall be designed to reduce potential land use conflicts through limitations on permitted uses, building siting and design, setbacks and buffer areas, controls on noise and air pollution, vibrations, and the location of garbage handling facilities, loading docks, open storage, parking areas and exterior lighting. 2 .8 Industrial areas shall be designed to discourage the penetration of industrial traffic into or through residential areas . Truck traffic shall be encouraged to use the appropriate collector and arterial road system. 2 . 9 Consideration shall be given to the provision of future transit service in the design of industrial areas . 2 . 10 Any proposal to add or enlarge an Industrial designation shall be evaluated in conjunction with the Durham Regional Official Plan policies and on the basis of: i) the impact on the surrounding land uses; ii) the demand for industrial land as determined through a study to be prepared by the applicant; and Page 3 . . iii) the adequacy of the transportation network, to accommodate additional traffic volumes. 3. GENERAL INDUSTRIAL 3 . 1 The General Industrial land use designation is intended for industrial and related activities such as : manufacturing, assembling, processing, fabricating, refining, warehousing, storage and repair and servicing operations . In addition, accessory office uses will be permitted provided they are on the same lot, related to and ancillary to the main industrial use. 3 .2 Industrial areas shall be planned and developed in such a manner so that the General Industrial designation not be located adjacent to Residential or other non-compatible uses. 3 . 3 Truck and/or transportation terminals shall generally be located within the General Industrial designations adjacent to arterial roads having immediate access to inter-regional roadway facilities . However, it is the intent of Council not to permit such facilities in high visibility sites adjacent to Hwy. 401 or major entranceways to the urban areas . In addition such uses shall have adequate screening of parking and storage facilities. 3 . 4 General Industrial areas will be protected from non- industrial uses, in particular office or retail uses, which could adversely affect the long term viability of these areas as industrial areas . 3 .5 Outside storage will be permitted provided it is properly screened from public view and shall not exceed 40% of the site area, is generally located at the rear of the property and is not detrimental to the neighbouring uses or the general area. 3 . 6 Recycling establishments for paper, glass, metal, plastic oils and chemicals or similar materials, but excluding wood, rubber and nuclear by products within wholly enclosed buildings or structures are permitted in this district. In addition, recycling establishments that include open storage Page 4. . or open-air operations may be permitted providing they are restricted to areas where open storage is allowed and providing they satisfy the following: i) generally subject to the provisions of Section 3 .5; and ii) subject to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act and/or Environmental Assessment Act. 3 . 7 Salvage yards, used tire storage facilities and composting facilities are generally not permitted. However, consideration of these facilities may be undertaken through Official Plan Amendment application. 4. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4. 1 The Light Industrial land use designation shall be located in areas that are sensitive to the range of industrial uses permitted given their location adjacent to residential land use or due to their high visibility along major arterial roads and/or highways . The permitted uses in the Light Industrial district shall include: i) industrial uses contained within wholly enclosed buildings including manufacturing, assembling, processing, fabricating, repairing, research and development, and warehousing; ii) limited retailing of the goods manufactured or assembled on the premises and shall not exceed 20% of the total building floor area; and iii) limited office space as accessory to uses permitted in subsection 4 . 1(i) ; 4 .2 Limited outside storage shall be permitted as an exception, subject to the inclusion of appropriate provisions in the Secondary Plan where appropriate and the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, and in accordance with the following: i) outside storage area shall not exceed an area equivalent to 25% of the total building floor area; Page 5. . ii) the materials stored are finished products produced on site; iii) the stored materials shall not exceed a height of 3 . 0 metres; and iv) the storage area shall be located primarily in the rear of the lot and in the case of storage on the side yard, solid fencing must be provided. 4 .3 In addition, certain retail uses may be permitted which are limited in scale and directly provide services that are compatible with and serve the main uses such as and similar in kind to recreational and banquet facilities, branches of financial institutions, commercial and technical schools, and restaurants . These may be detailed further in a Secondary Plan or in the Zoning By-law. . 5. PRESTIGE INDUSTRIAL 5 . 1 The Prestige Industrial land use designation is intended to provide for the compatible development of office and prestige industrial uses in buildings of a high architectural standard. Industrial uses permitted include light manufacturing, corporate offices, warehousing, data processing facilities, research and development uses provided the operations are within wholly enclosed buildings or structures. Limited commercial activity may be permitted in accordance with Sections 5 . 3, 5 .4 and 5. 5. In addition, day nurseries and places of worship, fraternal organizations, recreational facilities, parks and open space uses are permitted. 5 .2 No outdoor storage is permitted in Prestige Industrial Areas . 5.3 Office development will be limited in density to ensure that the Prestige Industrial Districts do not achieve the same intensity of office development permitted in Central Areas. Office uses shall not exceed a maximum floorspace index of 1. 0. The total amount of office space shall be defined in a secondary plan. 5 .4 Special Purpose Commercial uses which, because of the size of lot required, the predominantly industrial character of Page 6 . . the building required, the specific nature of the commercial use, or other similar reasons, are appropriate in an industrial setting and would not contribute to the enhanced viability of a designated Central Areas. Such uses may include garden centres, home improvement centres, and auto malls . 5 .4 In addition, certain retail uses may be defined in a secondary plan which are limited in scale and directly provide services that are compatible with and serve the main uses may be permitted, such as, and similar in kind to conference centres, hotels and motels, sports, recreational and banquet facilities, branches of financial institutions, restaurants, commercial schools and automobile service stations . In addition, limited retail and service commercial uses may be permitted provided they form part of a larger complex and do not occupy more than 20% of the gross floor area situated on the net site area. 6. IMPLEMENTATION 6 . 1 Secondary Plans may be prepared for the industrial areas indicated on Map "C" in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Durham Region Official Plan and The Town of Newcastle Official Plan. 6 .2 Secondary Plans for any Industrial Area shall: i) identify and designate a name to an industrial district which is significant to the area and can provide a strong identity to the district; ii) define more precisely the boundaries of the industrial area; iii) address existing problems and land use conflicts; iv) provide an efficient transportation network; v) designate land use districts and densities; and vi) provide policies consistent with the overall objectives of the Town of Newcastle and the Region of Durham. J ti i E Page 7 . . 6 . 3 The Zoning By-law shall provide detailed permitted uses and may further divide the industrial designation into categories based on the range of permitted uses, the amount of open storage permitted, if any, and the potential impacts on adjacent areas . 6.4 All industrial developments are subject to site plan approval pursuant to the Planning Act and shall be developed to the satisfaction of the Town. A high standard of building design will be required. This shall include all buildings to be developed with masonry exterior finish for a minimum of 3 metres from the ground elevation. All undeveloped lots will be graded and partially sodded to provide a park like setting. 6 .5 Industrial areas shall be developed with proper landscaping and well-designed buildings. In particular, landscaping and screening shall be required in order to minimize any detrimental effects associated with outdoor uses, open storage areas and industrial uses emanating noise, light and undesirable visual effects . 6 . 6 The number, location, spacing and design of vehicular access points from the road system to industrial areas shall be regulated and shall be subject to the approval of the authorities having jurisdiction. In addition, access driveways and internal driving aisles on industrial sites shall generally be paved and accessible at all times and shall be designed such that all vehicle movements are accommodated off the public roads . D > i ; ,� DN:IND-POL. #2 Attachment No. 2 PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL ZONES AND PERMITTED USES PROPOSED M1 M2 M3 ZONES General Light Prestige USES bank or financial X X office building supply and/or home improve- g ment outlet within a wholly enclosed structure business or professional office X X X as accessory to permitted use eating establishment X X eating establishment X X take-out equipment sales and X X rental, light equipment sales X and rental, heavy cartage or transport X depot and yard commercial or technical X X school dry light industry within a wholly X X enclosed building assembly, manufacturing, fabricating or processing X X X plant within a wholly enclosed building print or publishing X X establishment Jl Page 2 . . M1 M2 M3 General Light Prestige warehouse for the storage of goods and materials within a X X X wholly enclosed building or structure tavern X X adult entertainment parlour within an X eating establishment or tavern private club X X transport service X X establishment cartage or transport X depot and yard feed mill or seed X cleaning plant farm implement and equipment sales and X service bulk storage tanks X and related uses motor vehicle fuel bar X X X motor vehicle body X X shop motor vehicle repair X X garage motor vehicle wash X X X contractor's or tradesman's workshop X and yard storage area for boats X and trailers Page 3. . M1 M2 M3 General Light Prestige precast concrete products or prefabricating wood X products manufacturing and fabricating plant auction room X X professional corporate X offices data processing facility X research and development X facility day nurseries X X places of worship X garden centre X retail warehouse X automalls X conference centres X hotels and motels X X sports, recreational and X X banquet facilities recycling establishments X