HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-10-91 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE fil REPORT File # �(-'f�- f-1� DN: DANARUS.GPA Res. # (` By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, January 7, 1991 REPORT #: PD-10-91 FILE #: 18T-81008 SUBJECT: EXTENSION OF DRAFT APPROVAL 772503 ONTARIO LTD. (FORMERLY DANARUS MANAGEMENT GROUP) PART LOT 29, CONCESSION 7, FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE FILE: 18T-81008 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report PD-10-91 be received; 2 . THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the extension of draft approval for Subdivision 18T-81008 for a further one ( 1) year period to January 3, 1992 . 1. BACKGROUND 1 . 1 By correspondence received December 10, 1990 (copy attached) , Staff was advised by the applicant's consultant, G. M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. that draft approval for plan 18T-81008 would lapse on January 3, 1991 pursuant to the Planning Act, unless an extension was granted prior to the lapsing date. 1 .2 By correspondence, Town Staff requested that the Region consider a one month extension to permit the opportunity of a report being forwarded to Committee and Council for the first meeting in the new year. . . . .2 REPORT NO. PD-10-91 PAGE 2 2 . LOCATION 2 . 1 The subject property is located within part of Lot 29, Concession 2, former Village of Newcastle, on the north side of Highway Number 2, east of and having access onto Old Kingston Road. Staff would note the subject property is within the urban area boundary of Newcastle Village. 3. STAFF COMMENTS 3 . 1 Staff would note for Committee's information that the conditions of draft approval as issued are consistent with Town Policy in the reviewing of the Plans of Subdivision. 3 .2 G. M. Sernas and Associates, on behalf of the Owner, are proceeding towards the resolution of the outstanding items pertaining to the proposed development and the eventual completion of a Subdivision Agreement. 4 . CONCLUSIONS 4. 1 In consideration of the above-noted comments, Staff would have no objections to the extension of draft approval for a further one ( 1) year period to January 3, 1992 . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C.I .P. Lawrence E Kotseff Director of Planning Chief Adinikistrative and Development Officer I LDT*FW*cc *Attach 12 December 1990 I I a I i G.?M SernSF7�,-s De—�--mber 6 , 1990 OASsoclates i--, Regional Municipaliny of Durham Plan-Vilna, oepartinent sox 623 1615 nondas Street Last, 4th V1 . Lang Tower, Nest Building Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Attention; Dr. M. Bichsel Commissioner of Flan ninq RE-= EXTENSIOU OF DRAFT PLAN APPROVAL PLAN OF St8DIVISION !VT-81008 TOWIT OF NEWCARME YOUR RMFERENCE NO. 22024 gTAI PROJECT =. ;8011___ I am Y - Itiny further tc your li letter datea Decomfor 7 ? , ! 0FA i,- h yu a advised that draft approval at whe Mwe named p- p- —zi du= 00 lapso on January 3 , 1994 . Cn L---. half cf 772503 Ontario Limited, we ask that an s�_(, dr5t� appro�,Yal be granted for this plan, We cvr went ly, storn sewer and San itary sower outfalls. through an a - P)�o,erty, This property is currently under a de-ielt& rmx- OPP! IcatiOn bUt is noz yet aPpreved. Our client's into fir n - - pxocend with this development immediately upon reweivin� t-� -- a5sary sorvicing easements from the adjacent developer. in 1 7 these rnancns that the extension of draft approval i� equosted - If we can be of any assistance in this regard by providing <riho r information, please 3c not hositate to contact us. Yours very truly, aM SERNAS & 1550CIATES LTD. w Nick P. Caliicci, P,Fnq Project Mnn, qor NYC: bi, cc; 772503 Ontario Limited !Etn: M- P . Kumar k/Town of Newcastln, Attn: Rr. L, Taylor mot.% t ii Iil ��- •1 i4I rflY wNr a 'GS;SiNNt' 'W —� - 3Y ^�• U $� ^, :1 I L 1 I}t ,�`I V�}f���'IS.i1r4`�(.1�, t .{i• I V I � _ I 11 r:i'•� t Yt'Ii d.. U'.. v cr) i �• rff w IY �n LLJ '''' 3,H• t ' /w v t. •� IY Z N01 MC)N0c) i' Q w z