HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-216-92 TI-lE CORPORATION OF TI-IE TOWN or NEWCASTLE DN: PENWEST.GPA REPORT Meeting General Purpose and Administration Committee File It Dale Monday, October 19, 1992 Res 11 LK(A- PD- 216-92 18T-76011 By-Law 4 Report# File It -- Subject PROPOSED REVISIONS TO DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - MARCH 27, 1992 PENWEST DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED PART LOT 9, CONCESSION 11 FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE: 18T-76011 Hor,ommendations It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 216-92 be received; 2 . THAT the Plan of Subdivision 18T-76011, revised and dated March 27 , 1992, submitted by Conroy Dowson Planning Consultants Ltd. , Project No. 75-17-7 on behalf of Penwest Developments Ltd. be approved subject to the conditions of approval previously imposed and attached No. 1 hereto; 3 . THAT the Ministry of Municipal Affairs be advised of the decision of Council and that a copy of the Report be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs; and 4 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be informed of Council' s decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1. 1 Applicant: Penwest Developments Ltd. 1.2 Agent: Conroy Dowson Planning Consultants Ltd. 1. 3 Subdivision: to increase the number of units by fifty (50) and the land area by 0.847 ha (2 . 09 acres) within the last phase of development. 2 . LOCATION 2 . 1 The subject site is located within part of Lot 9, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville on the west side of Mearns Street south of Concession Street. 52 2 REPORT NO. : PD- 216-92 PAGE 2 3 . BACKGROUND 3 . 1 In January 1981, draft approval to the proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-76011 containing 236 single family dwelling units was given by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Over time and due to various circumstances the number of draft approved units has been revised to 208 (Attachment #3) . To date plan 18T-76011 has developed in three (3) phases: 10M-782 (38 units) ; 10M-804 (40 units) and 10M-816 (48 units) for a total of 126 built units. Twenty (20) units remain unregistered, therefore undeveloped. The balance of the lands contained 62 draft approved units, plus an additional 0.847 ha (2. 09 acres) of land are the subject of this revision. The proposed revision of March 27, 1992, if approved, would see the development of fifty-two (52) semi- detached/link lots (one hundred and four (104) units) and eight (8) single family dwelling units. This provides an increase of fifty (50) units on the subject increased area (See Attachment #5) Staff would note this revision is a reduction of five (5) units from the fifty-five (55) unit increase requested in June 1991, which was DENIED by Committee and Council. This earlier revision was subsequently referred by the applicant to the Ontario Municipal Board. A hearing has been scheduled for November 10, 1992 . 3 . 2 Draft conditions dating back to January, 1984 have required the applicant to allow for a favourable development of adjacent lands to the north and west then owned by Mrs. Vanderveer and Mr. Mutton (Attachment #2) . In 1988, Council endorsed revisions to the plan which also dealt with extension of streets onto the development of said adjacent lands (Attachment #3) . 3 . 3 Both Mrs. Vanderveer and Mr. Mutton have sold their lands to developers and the lands are now subject to three different development applications. The 0.847 ha of additional lands . . . . 3 522 REPORT NO. : PD- 216-92 PAGE 3 included in this revision were once part of the Mutton property. Inasmuch as Penwest has purchased the additional lands now included in this revision, a previous condition of approval requiring the owner to provide a cash contribution equivalent to 50% of the cost of extending a street immediately abutting the west boundary of lots 189 and 204 on the revised approved plan (Attachment No. 3) , would no longer be necessary due to redesign of the street layout. 4. OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 4. 1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan the subject lands are designated "Residential" . The predominant use of lands within said designation shall be for a wide range of housing types, styles and tenure. The proposed revisions to the draft plan for the last phase of development incorporating semi-detached units would appear to conform. 4 .2 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan "Bowmanville Major Urban Area" , the subject lands are located within Neighbourhood 111C" and are designated "Low Density Residential" . The low density provisions allow a maximum of thirty (30) units per net hectare in conjunction with the compliance to the 2800 population target. This application proposes a net density for plan 18T-76011 of 20.8 units per ha compared to 21. 3 units in the June 1991 revision. Staff would note that based on the target population of 2800 people for neighbourhood 111C11, and in consideration of the number of existing units, vacant lots in registered Plans and approved or proposed units within neighbourhood 111C11 , an increase of fifty (50) units within Plan 18T-76011 would not jeopardize the population target total. 5. AGENCY COMMENTS 5. 1 Staff in reviewing the revised plan of subdivision have undertaken a limited circulation of the application to . . . .4 `J REPORT NO. : PD-216-92 PAGE 4 internal agencies. No objections were received from the Public Works Department or the Fire Department. The Community Services Department in reviewing the proposal, acknowledged that although Penwest did previously provide through the original conditions of draft approval for 18T-76011 park lands, additional park land dedication would be appropriate inasmuch as the objective of the revised plan was to increase the number of residential units on site. The request to increase the parkland area based on 1 ha per 300 units, as well as to masterplan all table lands within Blocks "A" and "B" (See Attachment # 5) was discussed with the applicant and agreed to. Additionally, it was noted that prior to the Owner receiving more than twenty-five (25) percent of the building permits within the last phase, the Owner was to have developed the tablelands within Block "A" and "B" in accordance with the masterplan. 5.2 Staff would note that the comments of the Region, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority were forwarded directly to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, being the originating body requesting consideration of the revised plan. 6. STAFF COMMENTS 6. 1 The lands within draft plan 18T-76011 which have not proceeded to date, through to registration, under the original conditions of draft approval would permit the development of sixty-two (62) single family lots. The area in question, as shown on Attachment No. 2, comprise of Lots 143 through to 208 . The proposed revisions to this portion (See Attachment No. 5) would include an additional 0.847 ha of land and a total unit increase of fifty (50) units by permitting semi- detached units on Lots 143 through 195 and eight single family units on Lot 195 to 202 . As previously noted, the lands comprising lots 195 to 202 (formerly Mr. Mutton's lands) were not included in the original draft plan, but are added in this revision. . . . . 5 1124 REPORT NO. : PD- 216-92 PAGE 5 6.2 It has been proposed within the revisions that the walkway - Block "U", (Attachment No. 3) to Concession Street be deleted as Street "G" through lands to the west of Penwest Developments Ltd. , owned by Ashdale Holdings would extend Street "G" to Concession Street. Through the provision of sidewalks along Street "G", the need for the walkway in Staff's opinion would no longer be warranted. 6. 3 Should Committee and Council deem it appropriate to support the latest revisions as proposed, the Owner would be required to enter into a subdivision Agreement with the Town for the development of the remaining lands within 18T-76011. Said agreement would address the existing conditions of draft approval and those raised in this report. 6.4 With respect to the earlier revisions proposed in June 1991 (Attachment # 4) as contained in Staff Report PD-128-91, Committee and Council recommended denial of such changes. By correspondence dated February 26, 1992 the Ministry of Municipal Affairs requested clarification as to Council 's reasons/rationale for recommending denial. This request was referred to Staff for review and the preparation of a subsequent report. Should Committee and Council concur with Penwest's latest revisions of March 1992, the disposition of the Ministries request will be responded to through their notification of Council's action taken on the current revision. Staff would confirm that the applicant's agent has indicated that the Ontario Municipal Board referral of the 1991 revisions will be withdrawn pending Committee and Council's favourable disposition of the current revisions. 6.5 Staff would note for Committee's information, that should the revisions as proposed not meet with Committee and Council's approval, the Ontario Municipal Board hearing scheduled for November 10, 1992 , dealing with the June 1991 proposal, would in all likelihood proceed as scheduled. . . . .5 ')25 REPORT NO. : PD-216 -92 PAGE 6 Staff would note that inasmuch as Staff supported the original proposal, Staff could not attend the hearing in defense of Council's decision. Furthermore, it is Staff's position that in consideration of the Town' s Municipal Housing Policy Statement and the proposals conformity with the Town's Official Plan Policies, the likelihood of success before the Ontario Municipal Board would be minimal. Should Council wish representation at the hearing, authorization for retaining a planning consultant and legal counsel would be required. 7 . RECOMMENDATIONS 7 . 1 In consideration of the above comments, Staff would recommend approval of the proposed revisions to the draft approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-76011 to permit the development of an additional fifty (50) dwelling units. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee �..J F'��.---•_..� �(/lJ to �1 ,�,� � ( �, �'4 a Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. Lawrence E. Kotse'ff Director of Planning Chief Administriative and Development Officer LDT*FW*cc 30 September 1992 Attachment No. 1: Revised Conditions of Draft Approval Attachment No. 2 : Original Draft Approval Attachment No. 3 : Red-line Revised - 1989 Attachment No. 4 : Proposed Revisions - 1991 Attachment No. 5: latest Revisions - 1992 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee' s decision: Mr. Stephen Pustil The Michael Stuart Group Suite 2812 85 West Beaver Creek Road 390 Bay Street Unit 2 TORONTO, Ont. M5H 2T2 RICHMOND HILL, Ont. L4B 1K4 E) 2 f ATTACHMENT NO. 1 REVISIONS TO CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION Plan Identification 1. That this approval applies to revised Plan of Subdivision 18T- 76011, prepared by Conroy Dowson Planning Consultants Ltd. , project No. 75-17-7, dated December 19, 1990, as further red- line revised March 27, 1992, showing 154 lots for single detached dwellings, 52 lots for semi-detached dwellings; Block A and B for open space and park purposes, reserves, road widenings, site triangles etc. 8LK G DLK H ' 185 186 187 188 199- 190 t i' • ` 104 183 192 191 180 179 ' K d I � - ter ���I •-- � /�� 1 �� •,OLN E ,178 t �", (�.� / ,1��,,, I 177 KEY PLAN f « _ SUBJECTPROPERTY ;tea 198 197 i% 195 194 193 12 191 176 08 o � � , '—�• 175 :, ,A ( I I74 8LK I 1UTHONIIA1tON 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 ,1 m Ira .Loa» « ;4^•_^ _ w+ .LOCK 0 1 I fll ...,».« w»•t-� ... .«.. ..-,. G .� • 1T2 :7, '«•..�!^':r ING KOC.1'« 1 ti,t t aAr r•• , + IE� 165 166 161 168 16 17 1 71 --•-«... , ••462 ` t ~I • » / `� •\.. /." �.161 :.. - ` a's`, s,''�, �'J•�.:i ia,twttiff 160 ISs 158 Is 1% 155/Sa 15 -0 Tom- t:; .t;=,::i''t •i`� 7t;�;:�,`/xwF7; STREET Ix •., � SURVEYMS Cf4•°fSIE 1..._l• `,.tR,; +, ( .,. `':.7'•..;., i it•ti,t i taa ,• .., •J1r1 e' i'EG.. a A: . I• i,I i, H5 '" 147 148 149 ISO 151 152 207 208: i:ct Papt���0•YN�,1pSPN: LOCK t (( • �, 98 97 % 95 91 _i 88 87 as 85 S,T RE c T 'E' �� e3 F .� �`q1 c1f:. -' 100• �•_ - .. � •,^Y>1.{����; �., « 103 101105 lc-:1071oe 105_ as ,s 82 .. lof .02 •�' ��� �s 4�', •� ll � 43 46 Of 1 a. -116 115:114 11-' 112 111 .0 _ I� ,•„•�„ , , 117 209 210 79 i- !18 r STREET ! 1a2 2N 79 '^SL%VtAY 119 " - + » lal 212 T7 Yea«.. 135:136 1!- 138 7 9 1<p• 120 1 41 48 76 �! I 121 .. .. I a0 a9 •• 75 ' 3 1% SDDITIONAL O.t E-a.TION 131 433 L. 131 i30 129' '` •"^• ^ 1 422 • F.. 39 50 F- T4 .1 ....... _ .�«. `t„8LK'J ..... �: I 123 41. �' iJJ ST.. 'Q' ., -..« »... ! f^' 1243 126•tz- 128 }.-, 38 SI 37 52 : En N1 t t ` 36 s} 69 NOTE ORIGINALLY DRAFT a - 33 sa •/, 66 APPROVED 8Y THE s 3a— Ss MINISTER CN✓onuo7y29, 67 1981, ono I.CLUDES 6 - .• 33 56 « 66 ALL MINISTER APPROVED REVISIONS TO June 11,1984 ,7 32 57 65 ST Y! 3o Se 64 59s 63 8 29 60 ' » 29 62 7 61 �Z^2— _ _ 1)RAPT PiAn OR za T7 SUBI)Jv1510n 18T-76011-P P-RT OF LOT 9 CC :-551041 1 t t FORUEALY TOWN OF ac- - f.t.c l TO:.IJ OF NEWCA57;= \ v» P=GG::1. 1.tUNiC1PAU- C>r DlMtlu/at K ATTACHMENT +2 ' 1 15 APPROVED DY C1IQL CC IOPEB 9 1979 + ORIGINAL D RAFT APPROVAL PP AL LOTS 143 TO 206 (66 SINGLE FAMILY UNITS) BLOCK T' t8418 186 •3 187 188 sao-wLpAK SUBJECT PROPERTY — BLOC K'V• 1 161 18 17 _ t78 177 �,' /r —` •• ••' � � • I / et K_C •(«•si•�} =S BEE T ra..«• 1 176 T P RARY 8 19 191 f9 19°194 196 1175 TU NI G .174 CI C ES o^ O4 3 Z Oi 0 1� � 19 173 euCY autNOmratKU+ SU 8LOCK�P' 164 m 16 167 16S 16 170- W _- 4 At s 1 to _l.._t� '%� '� ' L�, �^ �� 162 161 N 160 15 158 157 IS �• _ •-"•„•�I r- --m �^ STREET 'F' :' ;w VoWyo" MITWICA All '' 146 147 48 149 i51 IS m oil +1 IT 94 14 f f 9 s of ff f7 Ot f5 :J �,<,�� w r�' ♦ M 14 \�i, i. ,�S i.��- S BEET 'E• t •`, a3 a t&NO vv- too' , .. • ��• . •• ro3 105 lo< ror rot IOf H t3 82 �•••••- .r two z 43 44 •4�'�,f.47'��-�' \,Ii 113 tN 103 M2 Itl b a2 a7 U 8 O BLOCK ���— •♦' ,+. •••_; ^3�: wr w :208 207 79 C wALlcrr,n 1 We. PEACHTREE« - ? _ 142 206 ,, 7e -. to ; a 141 205 sr i°M: i 03104 137 130 . a 1 40 7c ad .120 q « ?3 I tz, '• 40 n Yt ! 04 933 t3z a 1 m >r a.�GTT,oNat ..rto«u.T10+r . ..._. tzz " _ W- 3f 30 • 74 s 1 tzs CRESCENT = 0 ST., '8` w 73, et.c f ... _.. s _ w ?. .. .. 72 �• y '• 1• 30 St• =J 04 tzc 127 tze • 0 ` t- 71 1- _ 37 .3z co • Q 34; 53 NOT£: THIS PLAN WAS \ 1 = c� ORIGINALLY ORAFT - 4 33 34 APPROVEO BY THE MINISTER ON JoJI(JOry29, 47 1981, 0w4 INCLUDES ALL AUNISTER.APPROVED 4 = �• 33 Si • i4, REVISIONS TO 4U0411.1964 ROYAL PINE 7 3z r c3 + COURT at se f c4 Tr RED-LINE REVISION • N 30 39' • c3 -SEPTEMBER-28.1987 .... - ....�. ' ` v 2.27 26 4 -40 � - - - - DRAFT PLAn OP M:" � Z� 24 SUBDIV(SIOn 1ST-76011-R P- OF LOT 9. CONCESStON 1 .y~~�(1, ' r ire, rC*•w 0� eOwwNVlttc 1 ^1 , \ TC+a'Y CF NEWCASTLE R-Z7� &"AC --.Lf Y OF OL"MM ATTACHMENT #3 a, ""toy" CCTOecr s."" RED LINE REVISED 1988 ') 29 r. � _.. LOTS 143 TO 204 (62 SINGLE FAMILY-UNITS) w f I • r ' - RES.O',N::AL 16T-66 24 BLOCK E PROPOSED JNVE= aL EC< (. ADDITIONAL LAND$ BLK.•tf 7'" CONCESSION STREET RCA-- ALLOWANCE KTX'ECN C^NC_1 S.'JNS.... a - )1 I• / .. ----T-� r— SUBJECTPROPERTY--' --'--: 7 • 177 178 179 IBD 4fJENTt �� BLOCK C Aco1T1oNA. �- I I I 17s' 174 173' 172 I71 LANOf 6 STR »T IG[ - I7o Lr_' 7� `\ .. � ...< ..• - » - » .. .. KEY PLAN _ •«.««. ' I ..�� 195[•1 --� / •tl94 193 192: p9 IBB. 169 196: f . 168 —� J'•'v/ 197 r - � BL•L 1 AUTHORIZATION W 61 fez I..: 163 106 le7• 167 ¢ Ise W BLOCK «.«« ....••�•`r i< --' ---r ip —AfLrAb N-I —!'I_ n••r.• y!Z ! 2 IS-B S=TwR EE T #131 199 : ... 166' co Is zi y 61 62. 1 I r 200 139 16 01 o 31�=fµ�•n — «« J •iT.7i tp!•• •�- `� tF1' N 156 t .cult o •[ - " 7 '` J 1 134 153 132 tat 1 BLOCK f A K4N t. ` ..�. ;y, n r ••••.• LA 01:+AL •1T-iiON •1 2^T 1 1. . 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I J R♦ 133 132 41 I 129- Z 122 1••• 3; 3o Q .«...-..« 1 I t y N ., w wL« «' I tzs (CRESCENT) x ST. 191 x n BLK w 71 z i ' e a4 ' 3 126 UT a6 R W t 37 52 t- > NOTE THIS PLAN WAS 0 ss s3 69 ORIGINALLY DRAFT P 4 33 34 so APPROVED BY THE o V MINISTER ON 4onuory29• 3 _ a 5 = 67 1981, and INCLUDES ii 6 a 33 ms F+ ALL MINISTER APPROVED tt x W of REVISIONS TO ✓unell<1984 / (ROYAL 7 v sx 57 WtC 63 a 1 PINES COURT a0 31 38 1. 64 w 4u•.nr•[YISIDM[vr .mo I BLOCK L ST I[M• 30 59 E! 8 . 29 60 28 it 62 ' 27 N.. 26 T . • , b < « , _ _ ,• --40 — — DRAFT PlAn OF 2 �`-%1,� ' 24 23 22 - S U n D 1 V 1 S 1 o n 18T-76011-R t PART OF LOT 9. CONCESSION i <1 f ,FORMERLY TOWN OF BO%WNVK.LE) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE =EG"4AL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM ATTACHMENT #4 •"['�` • `K• AS APPROVED BY Cp/f7CM. OCTOBER 9 1979 «:D. DD.�NwPL;N:-;- PROPOSED REVISIONS 1991 GDNSVLTANTS Ny(011rD.lATED f� 4� o TS 143 T(X20 (116 TA HE LOT 201 (1 SINGLE FAMILY UNITS) PP'PJ::J I II� I 1 Ill il(i PRLPOSED CONYC��;�L NT1,11 IFlT-OFlOr^4 1.0111'1' IIIK '0 AUUII GhAL LARBe IIIK'1l' �i � �' • CONCESSION FREET RCAC ALLOWANCE 3CTA'CLk CONCC SIONS„ -- - lJI : - I �f�:� I 1�jj I m 178: n9 leo £ ,—Ll. t---#- BLOCK 'n -' _1 �` —774 173 172 1TI J STR £T 'G' o, 170 C _7 793t '.,• ,. • • - , .• , KEY PLAN I I J I I I 99 i93 192' I 89 188. 169 l 116 L I I '»d'I 168 Ol ,. W BI 182 181 IB9 IBS 186 187- 167 8LK I' AUTHORIZATION BLOCK'0 .,•„... .....-., 19 6• 5 RESERVE r _rte I� 1r STREET G' I 6 CJ ( 15 -r 161 162 • 165 a _159_ 160 "'•'« rn PLAN 11T Ti 31• 4 ti<j�,l' ��`."� C'•I..C• Yi IS6 •r REVIS D , Yt .t� ,4�`�aj� Ly S"u:,4•'+( 155= 134 733: 732 731 750 BLOCK F er nRN s- :,5 "V:_. !yL`, w.;:. LANDIONAL IST-eiwe- �µµ4yJ:Y 4�Y tLL t7 r' 1 SUAVE/G'1`CERTIFICATE y^,r:y `x �, � ....c'cL4S ..•...r 7 S T .R E E T F' IL'_tA '`-`'}�*StY kf�1'fL.lLtiir `D`B4 K e `..,L`a ,. .. $ ''Y r{ie CLwS A001 O6h.PARK 141 144 143 196 147 118 119. l� r'r'- „•u, ,•r c r,� '§40CK a�7o1._36noE�kfl w ---- •1 PAPK B OPEIj'SPADE o4>,.�,t,G, 1�t I iJa�,i` BLOCK\`f:J•+. 2}8 n`!'i` _' 94 93 9 �11 90. _Q :B9 BB B7 B6 83 bj ST 'E'(MERRYFIELD COURT)-- S 'C' 83 ? LAND u loo J 11.11 �. 103 11 l 105 106 107 108 109 W 41 45 82 •.E 0 102 43 46 ' LJ 42 41 c -'v J-" 7 i•,����^M1\•,�., II6 113 114 1 113 I12 I III 11 so. D, A fL 79 •.... ...•..•, •-� o ' Z 7j I •" _ W OLKK w 49 118 ACTREE) z .• 78 0. BLOCK N P 119 141 -14i- 77 Sn RES EPVf '� • 120 IJS 136 137 1 19 140 w � 41 48 76 121 w CC ' 40 49 0 75 \ C: 134 133 132 131 1 0 129 a 39 30 z 74 ADDITIONAL 1`FORMATION' 122 I- Q ( 1 23 y (CRESCENT) ST 187 = n BLK J 72 W r I 0\' 124 125 126 I 38 sl F Q. 37 52 a 77 z ' z7 ze a L> > •I••�• 36 53 !2 69 a NOTE THIS PLAN WAS • _-�_„L,,Jr_7 _ ORIGINALLY DRAFT 35 34 APPROVED BY THE i 6B V MINISTER ON Jonuory29, 5? 5 L 5 67 1981, and INCLUDES LJ ' a 33 36 ALL MINISTER APPROVED O• 6 = W 66 w REVISIONS TO Junell,1984 a (ROYAL ' 7 v 32 57 w 65 a PINES COURT 31 58 }� s1 w .r..S,oR Svr 1 q BLOCK L T O 30 (n Jn RES[RVE 59 63 8 29 J 60 28 61 62 9 27 z FT 29 23 pp E1 s U t3//i v i s i o n I6T-76011-R PART OF LOT 9, CONCESSION I (FORMERLY TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE) ATTACHMENT #5 i, TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 17 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM ,yy 18 N 20 BLK N' 1 „ BLOCK M +�7 S[PVE ��INE�FUISIe/J �IR�A1�� AS APPROVED BY COUNCIL ? PROPOSED REVISION 1 �["'y( 17 OCTOBER.9 1979 N 992 v/ d ". �"" DCo.,S V DOASDx Pa ANN,ND fA ni'\ yCORSVIt.Frs INc0J OF EO LOTS 14'3 T Y p O 194'(104' SEMI-DETACHED UN LOTS 195 TO 202 ( 8 SINGLE FAMILY UNITS )