HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-243-92 rHE CORPORATION OF 17HE TOWN OF NEWCASTLr-- DN: ALLIN.GPA REPORT Meeting General Purpose and Administration Committee File tt Date Monday, December 7, 1992 Res ff L-P dl /11�_2_ V , By-Law 1, Report# -pD-2-43-9-2- File# -PrA Q89-147/D, DEV 90-012 Subject DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS - W. & E. , L. & M. ALLIN PART LOT 19, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-243-92 be received; 2 . THAT the application submitted by Keith Allin to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan (OPA 89-147/D) to permit a 21 lot estate (country) residential subdivision in Part Lot 19, Concession 2 , former Township of Clarke, be approved; 3 . THAT the application submitted by Keith Allin to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 (file number: DEV 90-012) to permit a 21 lot estate (country) residential subdivision in Part Lot 19, Concession 2 , former Township of Clarke, be referred back to staff until such time as the related Plan of Subdivision application is submitted; and 4 . THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham, the applicant and interested parties. 1. APPLICATION INFORMATION 1. 1 Applicant: Keith Allin on behalf of W. & E. Allin and L. & M. Allin. 1. 2 O.P.A. From "General Agricultural Area" and "Major Open Space" to "Estate Residential" . 1. 3 Rezoning: From 'A' Agricultural and 'EP' Environmental Protection to an appropriate zoning to permit the development of a 21 lot estate residential subdivision. :J U REPORT NO. : PD-243-92 PAGE 2 1. 4 Area: 23 .918 ha (59. 100 acres) . The south end of the site fronts on the north end of Brownsville Road. 2. LOCATION 2 . 1 Legal Description: Part Lot 19, Concession 2 , former Township of Clarke. 2 . 2 Relative Location: North of Highway 2, south of Concession Road 3, east of Golf Course Road and west of Brownsville Road (see Attachment No. 2 . ) . 3. BACKGROUND 3 . 1 On January 9, 1990, the Town was advised by Durham Region Planning Department of an application submitted by Keith Allin to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan. On January 23, 1990, the Town Planning and Development Department received an application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 . 3 . 2 In accordance with the Town's procedures and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands, and written notice was circulated to property owners within 120 metres of the subject site. On Monday, April 8 , 1991, a Public Meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee was held to satisfy the Planning Act requirement for a public meeting. The Committee and subsequently Council adopted the recommendation of Staff that, in view of the outstanding comments and the need for further detailed evaluation of the proposal, the applications should be referred back to staff for further processing. BSI REPORT NO. : PD-243-92 PAGE 3 3 . 3 On April 29, 1992 , the Durham Region Planning Department received a revised proposal (dated March 30, 1992) . The revision was minor, effecting a reduction in the number of lots from 22 to 21. Subsequently, the Town Planning and Development Department was notified of the revision. 4. LAND USES 4. 1 Existing Uses: The site consists of a residence, pasture and bush. These uses reflect the fact that the soils on the site have an agricultural capability rating of 73% Class 5 through 7 with some Class 3 and 4 soils. 4 . 2 Surrounding Uses: East - Agricultural West - Golf Course South - Golf Course North - Creek/Agricultural 5. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 5. 1 A written submission expressing concerns about the proposed subdivision was received from Cynthia Robson. Ms. Robson expressed the following concerns with respect to the proposed development: i) loss of privacy, peace and quiet within the area, as a result of this development; ii) the possibility of shortages of water; and iii) a concern over the quality of homes to be built in the area. 5. 2 Three letters of support for the proposed subdivision were received. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mudra simply stated they supported the proposed amendments. Mr. and Mrs. Adams stated they had no objections to the proposed subdivision. Mr. Tom Simpson, on behalf of Newcastle Golf Course Ltd. , stated that the 22 estate lots on the Allin property were appropriate since: , 3 2 REPORT NO. : PD-243-92 PAGE 4 i) the location is "out of the way" causing "as little disruption as possible" ; ii) "the land is unsuitable for farming" ; iii) "the development is in close proximity to a Rural Cluster", thereby not noticeably altering road use; iv) "there is no farming within half a mile" and with the low quality of the land there never will be; and V) there is a great need for alternative housing in the Newcastle area, ie. not everybody wants to live in an urban subdivision. 6. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6. 1 A limited number of estate residential subdivisions on large lots may be permitted as an exception to the "General Agricultural" and "Major Open Space" policies by amendment to the (existing) Durham Regional Official Plan. The limits to the numbers of such estate residential subdivisions shall be established by their scale and location, their financial implications for the Region and their effect on the Region's transportation facilities and utilities. 6. 2 The new Durham Regional Official Plan, like the existing Regional Plan designates the subject site as "General Agricultural Area" and "Major Open Space" . Country residential subdivisions may be approved provided that the following criteria are met: i) they are not in the "Permanent Agricultural Reserve" ; ii) each lot is serviced with drilled wells and private sewage disposal systems in compliance with Regional and Ministry of the Environment standards iii) each country residential subdivision has no more than 50 lots; iv) they not be so large as to compete with hamlets; V) they blend in with the Region's landscape; kD 7 � REPORT NO. : PD-243-92 PAGE 5 vi) they do not require significant alterations to the existing topography, waterways or vegetation; vii) they not have a cumulative impact on the environment; viii) they are distinct and well separated from hamlets, other country residential subdivisions and most urban areas; ix) they contain a range of lot sizes generally from 0. 6 to 1.0 hectare; X) they be served by internal road(s) with a minimum of two access points not having direct access onto either a Highway or a type 'A' Arterial; xi) they are not on lands of high capability for agriculture, recreation or aggregate resources; xii) they are not in corridors affected by existing or proposed highways, railways, airports, hydro lines or other utilities; xiii) conform with the Agricultural Code of Practice; xiv) they not impact on environmentally sensitive areas; and xv) conform with the area municipal official plan. 7. AGENCY COMMENTS 7 . 1 In accordance with Departmental procedure, the subject application was circulated to various agencies and departments for their review and comment. The following agencies/departments offered no objection to this application: • Durham Region Works Department • Separate School Board • Ministry of Agriculture The following agencies have offered no objection to the principle of this application, but have outlined conditions for draft approval: • Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority • Ministry of Natural Resources • Town of Newcastle Community Services Department � 3A, REPORT NO. : PD-243-92 PAGE 6 • Town of Newcastle Fire Department • Town of Newcastle Public Works Department 7 . 2 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education objects to this proposal, noting that Newcastle Public School is presently overcrowded. The Board anticipates that an expansion of this facility will occur within three or four years. 7 . 3 The Ministry of the Environment has made a number of comments concerning the application. • An adequate water supply is available on site from an intermediate aquifer. However, this aquifer is discontinuous and so, if it is not encountered when well drilling on certain lots water should be obtained from the bedrock aquifer. • The water has a high sodium level that, while not limiting development potential, necessitates notification of local health officials. Also, although water treatment should not be required, water softeners using salt should not be installed due to the already elevated sodium levels in the water. • The potential impact of the development on groundwater is acceptable. • It is recommended that the portion of the subject lands that are within the 154 metre arc of influence of the nearby agricultural use be placed in a land use designation that prohibits residential uses but, the Ministry does not object to "approval of the balance of the subject lands being placed in an "Estate Residential" land use designation" . 7 . 4 The Regional Health Services Department has no objection but it does reserve the right to comment on the Draft Plan of Subdivision when the appropriate application is circulated. 8. TECHNICAL STUDIES 8. 1 Applications to amend the Regional Official Plan for estate residential development, is to be accompanied by the following technical studies: REPORT NO. : PD-243-92 PAGE 7 • A preliminary analysis of the soil and ground-water conditions of the site indicating satisfactory conditions for private servicing; • A preliminary analysis of the landscape features of the site and adjacent properties which indicates the suitability of the site for estate residential uses; • A preliminary statement of all possible modifications to the natural features of the site required for the development of the site. 8 .2 The applicant has submitted on behalf of these Applications, the following studies. a) "Newcastle Estates Landscape and Environmental Analysis" ; b) "Photo-Interpretative Soil and Terrain Analysis and Agricultural Capability Assessment" ; C) "Soil Investigation for a Proposed Residential Estate Subdivision" ; d) "A Preliminary Groundwater Assessment - Proposed Rural Estate Development" ; and e) "Geotechnical/Hydrogeological Investigation - Proposed Residential Sub-division" . 8. 3 These reports raised the following concerns and presented the following solutions: i) the site soils cannot support a variable agricultural practice and so, the site can reasonably be put to non- agricultural uses such as the proposed development; ii) Graham Creek, its tributary and their associated slopes place constraints on development but, the layout of the roads, drainage systems, septic tanks and wells all respect these constraints and require only a minimal amount of site manipulation and as well, no development will occur in either the tributary valley (15 m on either side of the tributary) or beyond the Regional Fill Line along Graham Creek; REPORT NO. : PD-243-92 PAGE 8 major stands of mature vegetation exist on the site but, they will be preserved and indigenous species will be used for proposed landscape planting and for reforestation; iv) a farm is across the road but all development will occur outside of the Agricultural Code of Practice setback distance (radius) ; V) private sanitary systems must be employed on estate residential lots but, the sandy silt soil conditions will usually allow the use of normal in-ground septic tile beds and where this is not advisable, raised septic the beds can be used; vi) groundwater near the surface complicates septic system operations but, test pits confirmed that the permanent groundwater table is more than two metres below grade; vii) 700 sq.m. of area is required for each septic system tile bed but, the lot with the smallest amount of buildable land is 5, 670 sq.m. ; viii) septic systems in the southwest corner of the site will be located with special care so as to not contaminate the well on the adjacent Newcastle Golf Course property; ix) the domestic well yield required by the Ministry of the Environment was more than met by two on-site test wells; x) purity (chemical) tests for wellwater required by the Ministry of the Environment (Drinking Water Objectives) revealed one health concern, the sodium levels, which exceed Ministry standards and consequently, require the developer to inform potential home buyers; xi) certain soils are not suitable for normal footings but, the situation can be dealt with by carefully selecting the founding grade for house construction; xii) carefully placed fill will be required for undulations in some of the building lots or otherwise, extended footings will be required for house construction; and xiii) a Bell Canada easement running east to west crosses the north end of the property but, all lot area calculations exclude the easement. Staff is satisfied with the findings and conclusions of these technical studies and the recommended solutions can be implemented through approval of a plan of subdivision process. '� 77 REPORT NO. : PD-243-92 PAGE 9 9. STAFF COMMENTS 9. 1 This estate residential proposal meets the requirements for estate residential proposals as stated in the existing or 1976 Durham Regional Official Plan and, the requirements for country residential proposals as stated in the new or 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan. Staff are satisfied that the criteria for estate or country residential development for both plans have been met. 9 . 2 The Official Plan Amendment and rezoning applications were made without the submission of a Plan of Subdivision. Since no Plan of Subdivision application has been made, the Town will evaluate the details of that Plan when the appropriate application is made. Also, this point has been made by several commenting agencies including the Regional Department of Health Services. It is also not desirable to deal with the rezoning application until the details of the plan of subdivision are finalized. 9 . 3 On land use planning and other more technical grounds, this estate residential proposal is acceptable, and in regards to the Land Use Planning for Housing Policy Statement, this estate residential proposal contributes to diversity in the Town's housing stock, generating the large single detached type, which is suitable for families that are larger and in upper income brackets. 10. CONCLUSIONS Based on the comments contained in this report, staff recommends that the Official Plan Amendment application be approved. With respect to the rezoning application, it should be referred back to staff for consideration in the conjunction with the review of a plan of subdivision. REPORT NO. : PD-243-92 PAGE 10 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. Lawrence E. Kot eff Director of Planning Chief Administratlive and Development Officer ' BR*DC*FW*df 16 November 1992 Attachment No. 1: Key Map showing Site Location Attachment No. 2 : Preliminary Grading Plan for Subdivision Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Keith Allin Henry Kortekaas & Associates 192 Glencairn Avenue 82 Sherwood Road East Toronto, Ontario. Ajax, Ontario. M4R 1N2 L1T 2Z2 W. & E. Allin Cynthia A. Robson L. & M. Allin "Stolen Hours" Box 246 R.R.#2 Newcastle, Ontario. Newcastle, Ontario. LOA 1HO LOA 1H0 G) 3 9 Attachment N2 I SUBJECT SITE GOLF COURSE 23 22 21 20 . 19 18 17 16 15 14 Qy CONCESSION RD.4 ` A I A A A � AI I I I I I I Z I I O , q W A7 I 0 0 ` I l CONC.RD.3 I V + W �� � I EP cq 1 Z All o , v J N I I 0 > U- -8 � ; o M3 ui _j o , o I Ad � A AM A� o i I I HIGHWAY 2 RC I = "3 o ( I ' Z W � Iq , i Iq I 0 i I ( I c6-2 HWY. 401 I P l ((f)n W V I Z M2-4 I E I I Q I ( V CONCESSION RD. I 0 s00 1000M KEY MAP wom 00 ...I., 54 Dev. 90-012 ® 89- 147 /D Attachment N°- 2 III i r `ice I I� 'F --l[ I to u _ Q x g 00 �y v i� . 5 [� LOT 1q ,, CONCESS 1ON t 2 x rCnrCN ,� G IX OUSTING REMAIN O ELEVATION LWAiANGE O Q MOUSE LOCATION TB TLE BED ELEVAMN LG LOT GRADE RG ROAD GRAM REnA0VXNT BED AND MANTLE HP Mfg roar RASED TLE BED LP LOW PONT L I JZI AND MANTLE V*TNG TREES TO EMSTNG CONTOURS RETAIN - RCKOVE TREES To 541