HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-088-04 . CJ~mglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: Monday, June 28, 2004 i.-e~~ *c- E3s 7-D~ By-law #: Report #: PSD-088-04 File #: PLN 31.5.5 Subject: BROOKHILL NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report PS D-088-04 be received; 2. THAT the Brookhill Secondary Plan be deferred until 2005 or until appropriate funds can be secured to undertake the study; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by:_ ~avla J. em , CIP, R.P.P. . Director of Planning Services ...-/'. Reviewed by: :j,,-=--t~ ( -___ _ {'--~l.." Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer HB/CP/DJCl*lw/sn June 24, 2004 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-088-04 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On March 1, 2004, Council endorsed Planning Services Report PSD-022-04 authorizing staff to prepare a Secondary Plan for the Brookhill Neighbourhood, investigate a new urbanist approach for the design of this neighbourhood and enlarge the Brookhill Neighbourhood Study Area to incorporate the area shown in Attachment 1 to this report. Staff proposed a municipally-led secondary plan process, however due to the municipality's financial limitations funding contributions from the development interests within the neighbourhood was expected. Funds were allocated in the 2004 Planning Services Budget for a portion of the costs. 2.0 RESPONSE FROM DEVELOPMENT INTERESTS 2.1 After receiving Council authorization to proceed, staff met with the development interests that are currently funding the Brookhill Subwatershed Study on 3 separate occasions. They are: Metrus Developments, Avilon and Tonno Construction Ltd. (Developers Group). During those meetings the Developers Group raised concerns regarding the approach the Municipality is taking with respect to this study. Concerns expressed by the developers included: i) The Expanded Study Area The Developers Group own the majority of the lands south of the future Longworth Avenue extension. They are concerned that the larger study area will add time and expense which should not be borne by them. ii) Review of New Urbanism Part of the scope of work is a review of new urbanism and alternative design standards implemented in the GTA. The Developers Group is concerned about the time and cost of this review and whether they should fund this portion of the work. iii) Additional Time of a Secondary Plan Process The Developers Groups is concerned that a secondary plan process is more time consuming than a neighbourhood design process. iv) Additional Time for a Municipally-Led Process The Developers Group is concerned that with all the demands on staff time, a municipally-led process would be more time consuming. The Developers Group indicate that they could undertake the work in a much shorter timeframe. 2.2 As an alternative, the Developers Group proposed to undertake a Neighbourhood Design Plan for the lands south of the future Longworth Avenue extension. A copy of their proposal is attached (Attachment 2). 3.0 COMMENTS 3.1 The Brookhill Neighbourhood has the potential to be a truly new type of neighbourhood that would benefit from the close proximity of the emerging West Main Central Area. The new urbanist approach to planning offers an alternatiye to other suburban REPORT NO.: PSD-088-04 PAGE 3 development. In order to implement new urbanism, a secondary planning approach is essential; new neighbourhood policy directions will be developed and there must be a statutory means of implementing evolving directions. 3.2 The enlarged Brookhill Neighbourhood Study Area is an appropriate size to provide for more cost effective planning resulting in one planning study rather than two separate planning studies. Moreover, the larger study area closely corresponds to the Subwatershed Study Area and allows for the implementation of this study's findings. 3.3 Staff understand the reluctance of the Developers Group to fund an enlarged study. Other larger landowners should participate and they could be approached on a cost- sharing formula. One landowner in the northerly portion of the study area has verbally indicated a willingness to participate. Staff have not approached other landowners. 3.4 The Planning Services budget provided for $40,000.00 for the Brookhill Secondary Planning Study to address, in part, the review of new urbanism principles and practices in the GTA and their applicability to the Brookhill Neighbourhood. 3.5 In light of the proposal by the Developers Group, there are at least three alternatives for conducting this study: 1. Defer Secondary Plan Study until 2005 The Srookhill Secondary Plan Study could be deferred for one year so that the funds allocated through the 2004 and 2005 budget years could be combined to provide a sufficient funding base for a municipally led Study. 2. Proceed with Secondary Plan Study in Phases The Brookhill Secondary Plan Study could be designed in two phases, with only Phase 1, awarded in 2004. The full study could be tendered with the bidders understanding that moving to Phase 2 was contingent on future budgets. It also could be scoped so that certain elements (e.g. conceptual servicing plan, urban design guidelines) are the responsibility of the development interests. 3. Proceed with Deyelopers Group Proposal for a Limited Neiqhbourhood Desiqn Plan The attached proposal could be the basis for Neighbourhood Design Plan process for a much more limited area. The Municipality would still need to hire peer review consultants familiar with new urbanism to assist in the developer-led planning study. 3.6 Of the three alternatives, staff recommend that the Brookhill Secondary Plan be deferred. This is preferred since it would allow staff to concentrate on the new zoning by-law and other priority projects underway, including the Commercial Policy Review. It would not stretch the study timing out like a phased approach would. 3.7 Staff do not recommend the Neighbourhood Design Plan Approach proposed by the Developers Group. It would require concentrated staff resources and the assistance of a peer review consultant. It would only deal with the south portion of the proposed study area in a developer-led process. A review of practices in other municipalities found that neighbourhood planning studies are generally a municipally-led process. REPORT NO.: PSD.088-04 PAGE 4 Moreover, the final product does not include a statutory policy plan that would ensure that a new urbanist design direction is followed in the preparation of draft plans of subdivision. 4.0 CONCLUSION The Brookhill Neighbourhood is a significant new residential area that, with its unique locational attributes, should be planned with great care. Staff believe that this should be a municipally-led process and that, given the lack of developersllandowner funding, it should be deferred until either municipal budgets penmit the study to proceed or satisfactory arrangements can be made with the developers/landowners for funding. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Developers Group Proposal Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Greg Milosh 357 Turf Court Oshawa, ON L 1J 7B2 Bruce Fischer Metrus 1700 Langstaff Road, Suite 2003 Concord, ON L4K 3S3 Attention: Roslyn Houser Goodmans 250 Yonge St. Suite 2400 Toronto, ON M582M6 James Reininger Avilon 120 Dynamic Drive, Suite 26 Scarborough, ON M1V 5C8 Lucy Stucco Tribute Homes 1815 Ironstone Manor, Unit 1 Pickering, ON L 1W 3M9 Tonno Construction 121 Marcia Ave Oshawa, ON L 1 G 3G9 Bryce Jordan Sernas 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41 Whitby, ON L 1 N 8Y7 Peter Smith Bousfields Inc. 3 Church Street, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5E 2M2 ~ / Bowmanville l' Creek ~ 7/'-1--'.-' ./ I-- ~ ~ ~\:rrrn x ~ ~ ~~v \ ~"\~~I~ \( .....1-- ~ XXX X ~ ~ v Longworth Avenue v~ ~ v ~t \ I v/ )( Extension v IX '\ I!' A i:- /;//~~~_~Mh-C~ ~ //C/h:0 ~J~~~ ~~F~ - ~~ '/ ~ rpt r7(~millt::Ji ~~_ ~ / ~~ ~~ '\ IIRt.~""'~ ~~ ~ :c; 3~~t% ~ ~g ~, West Main 'l' 1~%v1- l~1 ~, Centr~1 Area ~Rii'l.iV7~ ~ ~~ ~ U"l9I~n ~ <<.; GW..0::8 rTir----. :::::--a ~ J ^---- . ):~IIII ~m _~~ ___~~ II'D? :l~l(j ! \,~. ~ ~ RU~ -1RINCEWIWAM'~ I~ 19:\lC i')(')(x j i')( ~ X 1 ~)( X Y ~ 'X.,r, ~)( x ~ x~ ">I ~x xv x )( )( ~ IX )()(~ ATTACHMENT 1 ~)(NAS;)( "; x)< X )(X)(X)()( \ ~ ::.-- JIDII]L v )()(X v v y x y ~ x x )(~ X ~~)( ,,)< x ~ x ~ x x "."-- xx~ x xx x x X7X IlCX ~ "'c it, ~ - - y x x x x IX IX C\.X )()( x D Brookhill Neighbourhood Study Area ~ Current Brookhill Neighbourhood Area ~ Additional Lands to be Included Within the Study Area ATTACHMENT 2 May 18, 2004 PROPOSED FRAMEWORK DOCUMENT BROOKHILL NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN Backaround The three major landowners within the BrookhiU Neighbourhood have expressed serious reservations regarding the approach to undertaking the Brookhill Neighbourhood Design Plan as outlined in Report No. PSD-022- 04, adopted by Council on March 1, 2004. While indicating their willingness to consider appropriate new urbanist principles as part of the Neighbourhood Design process, they have concerns regarding: . timing (particularly given that the master drainage plan component of the Neighbourhood Design Plan is significantly behind schedule) . process (specifically related to the proposal to proceed by way of a Secondary Plan) A cost. Accordingly, they have advised that they are unwilling to fund the Municipality's retainer of an outside consult,mt to undertake the work program outlined in Report PSD-022-04. Alternative Approach Instead, the consultants for the three major landowners have prepared an alternative work plan (see Attachment 1) which attempts to satisfy staff's objectives for the Neighbourhood Design process, particulariy in terms of the identification of appropriate new urbanist principles for incorporation in the design, while at the same time ensuring a process that is timely, flexible and relies on expertise that the landowners and their consultants have previously developed with other similar residential developrnents in other Jurisdictions. The work plan that has been put forward is a co-operative one in which the landowners' consultants would undertake most of the plan preparation (as is typically the case with the Nelghbourhood Design Plan process) but would provide for the Municipal staff to olay a pro-active role by providing direction from the earliest phases of the process. The work plan provides for an up-front identification of appropriate new urbanist principles and approaches that can be incorporated into the Neighbourhood Design Plan (see Phase I and Phase III of the work program). The process outlined is a consultative one that would bring together staff from the relevant Municipal departments, Council members, ~...., .Ao....., "'-.. .&."-........ ....<J........ ...n...... .......v .,...., v, v.... v V .LL ..... ~ ...!~...... ~vv.) 2 the landowners and their consultants in a workshop setting to identify potential design approaches that are desirable, workable and consistent with Provincial, regional and municipal policies encouraging the cost- effective use of land and public infrastructure. Secondary Plan The three major landowners and their consultants have indicated that they are opposed to the adoption of the Neighbourhood Design Plan as a Secondary Plan. They point out that the wording of the Official Plan (Section 9.5) contemplates that secondary plans will generally not be required for neighbourhoods and that, instead, neighbourhood design plans will generally be prepared by deyelopment proponents. They also indicate that the urban design principles set forth in Section 9.5.5 (e.g. the use of a grid street system, the creation of view corridors and vistas, the siting of public buildings on prominent sites, the siting of houses with consistent street setbacks and prominent entrances and. features, the siting of garages to reduce their yisual dominance, the creation of a transit supportive land use pattern, "designing with nature", consideration of public safety and security, and so on) already provide the Municipality with a strong policy basis on which to incorporate new urbanist principles in the Brookhill Neighbourhciod Design Plan.. The landowners acknowledge that, through the neighbourhood design plan process for Brookhill, it is possible that other elements of the ne'lll urbanist approach may be identified that should be specifically incorporated as policy within the Official Plan. Howeyer, their position is that, if such elements are identified as having merit, they should be added to the "menu" of design approaches that may be used generally for neighbourhoods throughout the Municipality rather than being confined to one neighbourhood by way of a Secondary Plan. . Accordingly, the work plan specifically provides for the identification of desirable Official Plan changes that may emerge frorn the experience of the Brookhill Neighbourhood Design Plan process. These changes couid then be made through a subsequent Municipality-wide Official Plan Arnendment or be referred to staff for consideration as part of the overall Official Plan Review. ., " PROPOSED WORK PLAN PHASE 1- REVIEW OF NEW URBANISM DESIGN CONCEPTS Purpose: To provide Municipal Staff and Council and the landowners with an understanding of New Urbanism concepts (planning and engineerin9) including their successes and failures in the Southern Ontario context. What: presentation/seminar of New Urbanism concepts and experiences to be held in the Clarington Municipal Building bus tour of GT A communities to view developments with New Urbanism components and hear the views of Municipal Staff in these communities Who: to be attended by Municipal Council, Municipal Staff, the landowners and their consulting teams to be organized and presented by the landowners' consultants Decision Makinq: identify concepts/ideas worthy of further examination (in Phase III) Timinq: Week 1 to 3 PHASE II - ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE NEIGHBOURHOOD Puroose: To establish the overall engineering requirements of the neighbourhood, which will apply regardless of the approach to urban design. What: meetings with Regional Staff, Town Staff and CLOC Staff to confirm: . o servicing capacity issues/solutions o arterial and collector road capacity and alignment issues " stormwater management requirements (i.e. number and location of ponds) " natural heritage constraints/opportunities generate list and mapping of engineering and natural heritage requirements for !he neighbourhood Who: meetings to be set up and administered by landowners' consultants maps and drawings to be compiled by landowners' consultants agencies will provide independent, direct input (i.e. no need for large meeting at this stage) 4 Decision Makino: Timino: not required at this hme, background inforrnation this phase can be conducted in parallel with Phase I (i.e. Weeks 1 to 3) It is crucial to have the Subwatershed Study (at least to Phase II) complete in order to complete Phase II of this process PHASE 11I- ESTABLISH DESIGN PRINCIPLES Puroose: To reach decisions on the urban design and engineering design principles to be explored/tested in the future phases of the study process. What: working meeting to discuss the. alternative design concepts and their pros and cons direction from Municipal Staff as to which concepts should be pursued Who: meeting to be conducted by Planning Department meeting to be attended by Municipal Staff, landowners and their consulting teams Decision Makino: the decision on the range of new urbanism design and engineering principles to be explored would be made by consensus Timinq: SP.r'"'~ar1n Week 4 prov;u\;I one week for Municipal consideration (to Week 5) meeting with landDwners/consultants to discuss/settle principies (Week 6) PHASE IV - ALTERNATIVE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Purpose; To prepare alternative plans which incorporate the design principles from Phase III. \/\/hat: the alternatives wiii each inc!uCe a different sub~set of design concepts and/or a different degree of utilization of same in total, all design concepts will be included in at least one alternative each alternative will be for the entire nei9hbourhood taking into account the engineerin9 and natural heritage requirements identified in Phase II .....vr ........r....,., .......~,&.u. ""'v .LH.=' .......~ ~...., ........... ~ ;:J . the aiternatives will be presented at a working meeting Who: the alternatives will be prepared by the landowners' consulting teams input from individual agencies will be sought as needed the meeting will be attended by Municipal Council and Staff, CLOe Staff, the landowners and their consuitants and members of the public and other relevant agencies as invited the meeting will be organized and managed by the landowners' consultants DeciSion Makinq: at this stage, no decisions wiil be made, but input from all parties will be received Municipal Staff will be provided with an additional two weeks in order to further consider the alternatives and provide inpuUdirection Timinq: the workshop will be held in Week 9 . final inpuVdirection will be received up to Week 10 PHASE V - PREFERRED OPTION Purpose: To prepare a preferred nei9hbourhood design plan and present it for formal comment. What: prepare a preferred option based on direction from Municipal Staff that is acceptable to the landowners hold a public open house receive comment and direction on the preferred option Who: preferred. option to be prepared by landowners' consultants general public and Council invited to public open house Municipal and Agency Staff are circulated the preferred option Deds ion public and Council provide comments to Municipal Staff agencies provide comment to Municipal Staff Municipal Staff provides direction for changes/revisions wiakln~: Timinq: preferred option completed by Week 13 preferred option circulated for agency comment by Week 15 public open house held Week 15 Municipal Staff direction Week 16 " v PHASE V'- FINAL PLAN AND FOLLOW.UP DOCUMENTS Puroose: To prepare and approve a final Neighbourhood Plan and any follow-up documents such as amendments to the Official Plan. What: prepare final Neighbourhood Plan for approval prepare any implementation documents such as OPA's for approval give final approval to the plan and other documents Who: final Neighbourhood Plan and other documents to be prepared by landowners' consultants under Municipal Staff direction Neighbourhood Plan and other documents to be presented to Council for endorsement/approval TiminQ completion of Plan and other documents - Week 18 endorsement/approval by Council - as SOon thereafter as Council's schedUle permits BLJ/br