HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-114-95J THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DNOPAGPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Lo L Date: Monday, October 23, 1995 Res. #r �� J Report #: Subject PD- 114 -95 PLN, PLN File #- ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HEARING DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN REFERRAL NO. 16 (MOSPORT) AND SYSTEMS) By-law # REFERRAL NO. 36 (LAIDLAW WASTE FILES: PLN 2.2.7., PLN Recommendations. It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 114 -95 be received for information. 1. PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this report is to advise Council of the status of the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing process in respect of Referral No. 16 (Mosport Park Ltd.) and Referral No. 36 (Laidlaw Waste Systems) to the Durham Regional Official Plan. 2. REFERRAL NO. 16 - MOSPORT PARK 2.1 Mosport Park referred those lands identified as Regional Node "J ". Their referral centered on their request for additional uses within the Node. The Regional plan recognized only the uses existing on the date of adoption of the Plan. Any new uses would therefore require the approval of an amendment to the Durham Official Plan. It is staff's understanding that negotiations are ongoing with respect to the uses permitted. It is noted a hearing date before the Board has been scheduled for February 26, 1996. 3. REFERRAL NO. 36 - LAIDLAW WASTE SYSTEMS 3.1 Laidlaw has referred a broad range of policies in the Regional Plan related to regional structure and waste management. They have also referred the designation of their existing landfill site on Schedule A5 of the Plan, the Agricultural and Major 531 REPORT NO.: PD- 114 -95 PAGE 2 Open Space policies as they relate to the use of their land, and the policy regarding legal non - conforming uses. 3.2 Two pre- hearing conferences before the Ontario Municipal Board to deal specifically with Referral No. 36 were held on August 281 1995 and September 26, 1995. These pre- hearing conferences were intended to identify, refine and possibly reduce the scope of the issues to be addressed at the main hearing in respect of Referral No. 36. The Board also granted participant status to the Committee of Clarke Constituents. A copy of the Board's decision of September 26, 1995 is attached. 3.3 The Board noted the dual nature of Laidlaw's referral and concluded that the hearing should take place in two parts. The first part would deal with evidence related to the Regional Plan's general policies - specifically, Sections 2.3.8 through to 2.3.17, and Section 2.3.22 (g). No evidence specific to Laidlaw's site would be heard. This phase of the hearing is scheduled to run from December 11, 1995 to December 19, 1995, with a further one and one -half days scheduled for early January 1996, if needed. 3.4 Laidlaw advised the Board that they had intended their referral request to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to include Section 2.3.7, which provides a definition of 'waste' and 'waste disposal site'. The Board found that this Section had not been referred by the Ministry to the Board. However, the Board also noted that if Laidlaw chose to submit an official plan amendment application to change Section 2.3.7, such application could be joined with the Phase 1 hearing if expedited by the Region and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. To date, Laidlaw has not submitted an official plan amendment application on this issue. 3.5 Counsel for the Municipality advised the Board that the Municipality of Clarington supports all the Regional Plan 532 REPORT NO.: PD- 114 -95 PAGE 3 policies to be considered in the Phase 1 hearing, save and except for Section 2.3.22 (g). This section states that area municipal official plans shall include policies and designations pertaining to former and active waste domestic and industrial waste disposal sites. The Municipality intends to present evidence that the wording of this section does not accurately reflect the intent of Modification 17 to the Plan (Section 2.3.12), which requires area municipal official plans to identify all active and former waste disposal sites for information purposes only. 3.6 The Board indicated, if it found at the end of the Phase 1 hearing that there is no fundamental deficiency in the way the Plan deals with waste management, Phase 2 of the hearing would likely not be needed. It is anticipated that a Phase 2 hearing, if required, would not proceed prior to the middle to end of March 1996. It is also anticipated that a further pre - hearing conference would be held regarding Phase 2 in order to scope the issues, and determine the timing and length of that portion of the hearing. 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 Staff will continue to keep Council apprised of developments related to these two referrals to the Durham Regional Official Plan. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development JAS *LDT *FW *df 16 October 1995 Reviewed by, `W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer 533 Attachment No. 1 OB # FOLIO # ORDER ISSUE DATE 0940147 r OCT 1995 !j I Ontario Ontario Municipal Board os ! - Fouo a ommisslon des affalres municipales de I'Ontario At the request of the following party, the Minister of Municipal Affairs has referred to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 17(l 1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c P 13, portions of the Official Plan for the Regional Municipality of Durham (1991) as they apply to the specific policies or land use designations within the Plan Ministry File No. 18 -OP -0012 Referral No. 36 - OMB File No. 0 940147 Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Limited re. Major Open Space System and Permanent Agricultural Reserve designations and related policies for Waste Management Sites COUNSEL: W T. Barlow for Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Limited D C Hefferon for K. I. MacGregor for Municipality of Clarington Region of Durham MEMORANDUM OF ORAL DECISION AND REASONS FOR DECISIONS given orally by M. MELLING on September 26th, 1995 and ORDER OF THE BOARD This was the second pre - hearing conference concerning Referral No. 36 of the Durham Region Official Plan ( "the Plan ")'. The referral was requested by Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Limited ( "Laidlaw"), which is opposed in this matter by the Regional ' The Decision and Order of the Board arising out of the first pre- hearing conference is unreported, and was issued on September 8th, 1995: DB# 108, Folio# 292; OB# 1995 -5, Folio No. 319. 534 - 3 - 0940147 specified, the referral letter names "sections 2.3 6 to 2 3 9, inclusive "' We received no evidence about why s. 2 3.5 was not mentioned in the first referral request. 3. The Plan was forwarded to the Minister for approval and, as is not unusual in the case of a large -scale official plan revision, the Minister provided extensive post - circulation comments, which included a number of proposed modifications'. These are dated March 25th, 1993. 4. Regional staff then prepared what is often called a "convenience copy" or (as in this case) an "office consolidation ", which incorporated the Minister's modifications8. In virtue of the proposed modifications, s. 2 3.5 was renumbered to s. 2.3.7. 5. On November 23rd, 1993, counsel for Laidlaw wrote to the Minister to "clarify" Laidlaw's earlier referral request, and to "request referral of those policies, as amended, namely, s. 2.3.7 to 2.314 inclusive..." (our'emphasis) Attached to that letter was a document entitled "Extracts from proposed Durham Region Official Plan as amended to October 1993" (our emphasis). In that document, s. 2.3.5 is renumbered to s. 2 3 7. 6. By what was apparently a coincidence, the Minister's Approval Certificate for the Plan was issued the very next day, November 24th, 19939. It provides that* 6 Exhibit 14. 7 Exhibit 15, Appendix "A ". 8 The relevant portions of the final version of this document, dated February 1 oth, 1994, were provided as Exhibit 18. 9 Exhibit 16. 536 - 5 - 0940147 of the Plan as adopted by the Region, a completely different provision which all parties agree is before us. Subsection 17(6) of the Act says that, upon meeting specified preconditions, the municipal council "may by by -law adopt the plan and submit it to the Minister for approval" (our emphasis). Subsection 17(9) then says that the Minister may "approve, or, after consultation with council, refuse to approve the plan or, if modifications appear desirable... after consultation with the council, make the modifications to the plan and approve the plan as modified" (our emphasis). For those provisions not approved, modified or deferred under s. 17(10), s.17(11) provides that the Minister "may refer the Ian or any part of the plan to the Municipal Board..." (our emphasis). It is clear to us that, in using the phrase "the plan ", s 17(6), s. 17(9) and s. 17(l 1) mean the same thing: "the plan adopted by by -law", not "the plan adopted by by -law, as modified by the Minister ". Otherwise the last half of s. 17(9) would have to be read to mean that the Minister may "make the modifications to the plan as modified and approve the plan as modified as modified ". It is also clear that "making modifications to" and "approving" the plan are separate steps, taken in that order. The Minister's post - circulation comments and proposed modifications do not amend the plan, nor do they approve it, either in amended or unamended form. There is no change to the plan adopted by by -law until the Minister's Approval Certificate issues What that means in this case is that s 2.3.5 was still s. 2.3.5 on both occasions when Laidlaw made referral requests specifying s.2.3.7. Regrettably, as a result of relying upon the numbering in an "office consolidation" of the Plan, counsel for Laidlaw did not request referral of former s. 2.3.5 to the Board. And, whether advertently or inadvertently, the Minister did what Laidlaw requested and did not do what Laidlaw did not request. 538 - 7 - 0940147 DOES s. 20.4.4 BELONG IN PHASE ONE OR PHASE TWO? The division of the hearing into two phases was effected by an Order issued after our first pre - hearing conference on the Laidlaw referral and explained in the accompanying reasons for decision ". Our goal was to separate general from site - specific issues, and assign them respectively to Phase One and Two. At the second pre- hearing conference the parties sought a ruling on whether evidence regarding s 20.4.4 should or could be called in Phase One or Phase Two Laidlaw urged us to assign this issue to Phase One, arguing that because of the particular nature of the disputed policy, it should be dealt with in the general policy context The Region and the Municipality took the position that s. 20.4.4 was a Phase Two matter, since the Minister's Approval Certificate provides for referral of "...Sections 12, 14 and 20 4 4 as they relate to the lands subject of this referral." We ruled in favour of the Region and the Municipality. We find that we are constrained in our jurisdiction to consider s. 244.4 by the clearly expressed intention of the Minister's referral. Section 20.4.4 is, in our opinion, approved and in force for all lands except those affected by the Laidlaw referral We have no power to consider approving, rejecting or modifying it as it applies in the more general context We asked counsel for Laidlaw whether, if-his client was not permitted to address s 20 4.4 in Phase One, and in addition was ultimately unsuccessful in that part of the hearing, there would be any issues arising out of s. 20.4.4 that could not be addressed in Phase Two. He very fairly indicated that his client's s. 20.4.4 issues could be addressed in Phase Two, even in those circumstances. On the other hand, counsel for the Region cautioned that if s. 20.4.4 were "on the table" at Phase One, her client could not avoid adducing site - specific evidence. 11 Cited at note 1. f INE 0940147 5. the hearing of Phase One is scheduled for December 11 th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 18th and 19th, 1995, and for January 2nd (at 2:00 p.m ) and 3rd, 1996, in the Council Chambers, Regional Municipality of Durham, Whitby, and 6 the order of proceedings at the hearing of Phase One will be: a. the case for the Region, b. the case for the Municipality; C the case for Laidlaw; and d reply by the Region The evidence of participants will be scheduled based on whether they support or oppose the referred policies So orders the Board. "W. E. King" W. E KING 542 Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de I'Ontano SCHEDULE "A" ISSUES 1 Section 2 3 8: i) Should this section be deleted from the plan? If not: 0940147 ii) Are the exemptions from Section 2.3 8 appropriate or what modifications to this section are appropriate? iii) Should an official plan amendment be required if the permitted capacity of a waste disposal site is to be increased? iv) Should 2.3 8 be modified to address the differentiation made under Section 2.3.8 between the Regional Corporation and other proponents? 2. Sections 2.3.9, 2.3.10, 2.3 11, 2.3.12: i) Is it appropriate for these sections to address matters which may also be addressed under Provincial legislation and regulations? ii) In any event, are the policies therein appropriate and expressed with sufficient certainty? iii) Section 2.3.12 - Should the first sentence of this section be deleted and substituted with an identification of waste disposal sites in the Durham Regional Official Plan? iv) Is the role of the area municipal official plan specified in Section 2 3.12 appropriate? v) Section 2.3.10 - Should the matters required to be addressed in supporting documentation for an application for a waste disposal site be more specifically defined in Section 2.3.10? vi) Section 2.3.11 - Does the Regional Municipality have the authority to provide for the selection and retaining of a qualified consultant to review a proponent's report at the expense of the proponent? 543