HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-09 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarin ton Minutes o Meeting —Tuesday July 9th, 2013 (Not yet approved by committee) In Attendance — Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke, Vice Chair Gary Oliver,Bryan Wiltshire, Councillor Woo, Councillor,Partner Regrets —Bob Holmes, Gord Blaker, Carol Little 1. Call to Order— 7:12 P.M. 2. Adoption ofMinutes —Motion # 13-126 — THAT: The minutes of June 11, 2013 is accepted as presented, with no corrections or, changes noted. Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Councillor Woo CARRIED 3. Arena Manager's Report— Bryan advised: As was discussed in our June meeting, he had offered the skating club's week-day ice to the Clarington Girls Hockey Club and they in turn were acceptable to taking those Monday, Wednesday time slots in addition to what they already rent from us. Still available was the Saturday morning ice from the skating club. The chair advised: He had inquiries from the municipality and the Bowmanville Skating Club for the Saturday ice. However, nothing was confirmed. It was suggested that if no-one gets back to us by June 15th, Bryan proceed with getting these hours allocated to our current user groups. It was also noted that these Saturday prime —time hours were not to be replacement time and traded for hours we would have difficulty re- renting. The energy audit completed by the municipality was discussed. Several suggestions in this report for energy savings were highlighted. Gary Oliver offered to review the entire audit on his own time and bring some suggestions forward at our August meeting. (2) Bryan also brought us up to date on the ice contracts for the fall/winter season. Keeping in mind we have no confirmed start-up time as yet, he was planning on contacting all the hockey groups regarding practice time ice for September. As contract ice commences in October, we need to have a substantial number of rental ice hours in September to start-up the ice plant in the early weeks. Our August meeting will determine start-up time for the ice plant. The Olympia Ice re-surfacer is out for service — new tires are required. It is estimated a service cost on the Olympia will be in $3,000.00 to $4,000.00 range. This includes transportation to and from the manufacturer's service facility in Niagara Falls. Bryan will also be having his cast removed from his broken wrist and will be starting the painting projects in the building towards the end of July. 4. Financial Report— The Newcastle Skating Club situation at this time appears to be a write-off debt of$9,72o.86.Account Receivables were discussed. The only concerns were that of the NVMHA and Scott Turner's personal ice bill. Bryan has arranged a meeting with Scott to get this account clarified and brought up to date. Invoices for both trade shows at the arena had just been submitted and will appear on our next month's list.An income statement was provided — revenue and expenses were at the 47% of target and our June 30th, 2013 bank statement showed a bank balance of$44594.53• 5. New Business — The chair read from an e-mail of Robert Holmes, advising of his resignation. Bob has re-located out of the municipality and is no longer able to serve on our arena board. Also, Gord advised of a new member to our board; appointed by Clarington Council — Ms. Shea-Lea Latchford.Attempts to contact Shea-Lea regarding this meeting had been unsuccessful. She will be introduced at our next meeting. With Bob's resignation, we are again in need of a new member. Nothing can be done in that regard until council is back, after the summer break. The chair advised he had a couple of prospects and would contact them to submit applications, if they are still interested. 6. Next Meeting — Tuesday August 13, 2013 — 7:oo P.M. at the arena 7. Adjournment—Motion # 13-127- THAT: The meeting is adjourned. Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Councillor Partner CARRIED