HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-102-95 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING File # Date: SEPTEMBER 14 & 15, 1995 Res. # Report #: pn-1 ng,-,arFile #: pT,N_ By-law # Subject PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS RECEIVED SUBSEQUENT TO REPORT PD-88-95 Recommendations It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT Report PD-102-95 be received for information. Since the release of Public Consultation Report No.7, the Planning and Development Department received several submissions regarding this document. These submissions are attached for Council's consideration when dealing with the recommendations contained in Report PD 88-95. Respectfully submitted Reviewed by I Franklin Wu, M. C. I.P, RPP W.H. Stockwell Director of Planning & Chief Administrative Development Officer TH*FW*KM Attachments: Letters From: 1. Lloyd Algar 2 . Anthony Biglieri - S. Roman and J. Holt 3 . Wayne Bolahood - Quantum homes 4a. Bishop James L. Doyle - St. Anthony of Padua parish 4b. Bob Merrin - St. Anthony of Padua parish 5. Sheila Eby et. al. I PD-102-95 Page 2 8. Kathryn Harrison - Georgian Woods and Ray Abott 9. Peggi Levandoski 10. James P. Lovekin 11. M. J. McQuaid - Mosport Park Ltd. 12 . Walter and Bernice Petryshyn 13 . Tom Tester 14 . Bas VanAndel 15. W.F. Hicks - Goodyear Canada Inc. Attachment #1 Clarington Official Plan Rev' „ Friday September 15, 1995 ITMUI tit}t�►"'��'!TY'C}F"-tn!A�R�(F�.�}3�tJ Dear Mr. F. Wu: Since 1972, we have owned 133 .07 acres in the former Township of Darlington Con. 4 S PT Lot 34 (Mailing Address 4327 Fices Road) The property on the west side of Fices Road opposite our laid has been developed for sometime. There are 12 houses. As the services are being provided for the residences , we respectively request that the land abutting Fices Road be rezoned for development in the Draft Official Plan. Having houses on both sides of Fices Road would make full use of the services and facilities serving Fices Road, T have registered to speak at the public meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on Fridav morning September 15, 1995 • Yours truly, Lloyd Algar " 335 15' 03 PLWJT.1CGI Ii i;F'CIIJP Attachmen #2 P ant' actics Rc�up LTD . SEP 1 1995 '+ MUNICIPALITY or GLARINGI ON PLANNING DEPARTMENT Anthony Biglied Reply to 9eiierair Avenge Urtice September 12, 1995 Municipality of Clarington 0 06 Planning Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario I-1 C 3A6 Attention: Mr. Frank Wu, Director of Planning V Members of Clarmgton Council Dear Sir, RE: Clarington Of final Plan Review Public Meetings Our Project No. 9615 We are Plannina Consultants for Ms, 13. Roman and Ms, ,1, Halt, both local residents Their property is located at the south west corner of Prestonvale Road and Robert Adam Drive, Part of Lot 33, Concession 2 and Part of Road Allowance between tots 32 &33 The subject property is approximately 6 hectare/1 5 acres in area We understand that the morning session of Friday, September 15, 1(195 has been set aside to deal with the Courtic;e issues, The undersigned will be irl attendance to address our M medium density designation on the abode mentioned lands. Please accept this request as a registration for the Courtice session The lands are located within urban residential designation of the ClaIngton Draft Official Plan. We are seeking a M Medium Density designation on this subject property. We have reviewed the policies of the Clay ing(un Draft Official Plan and feel that this property would suit s, medium density allocation. It is the iritentivn vf vur client to uumplement the 4wivuridirig rieicdhbuuihuvJ with art upoonlo modium doniaity townhouoo dovolopmont, This medium density development would incorporate unique design concepts such as the following' PLANNING & PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 16 Glenmount Park Road,Toronto,Ontario WE 2MB 28 Bellefair Avenue Toronto,Ontario M41-3TE Telepliunu(410)U4.4959 Fax(416)693-9155 Telephone(41 b)b93-915Ei Fax(416)693-9155 - --- r, P ,GE 04 15: 93 41669_:9155 PLA11THC:TICS 111POIJP P�'GE fit? We would orient the front/facade of the townhouse to Prestonvale Road The houses would be accessed from the rear through the garages The Deal road access would be from Robert Adam Drive ( north /south) into the development The second row of housing would actual front onto this localized street This second row would have their garages located at the front of the unito. This development would also provide for an amenity area in the form of a parkette and would provide for temporary parking Another unique design concept would also incorporate front/facade r.1 the townhouse oriented to Prestonvale Road The local road would also be accessed from Robert Adam Drive (north/south) However, this unique design concept would have no garages, sines a garage is generally used as storage for anything but the automobile. A development without the garages wo,ild provide for possible greater living space In the home for storage or other use:y This would promote a greater amount a green space within the development This development would incorporate an amenity area in the form of a parkette The parking arrangements for the permanent and temporary uses would it►9 situated such that it would accessible by foot and close to the housing develciprrient. The third possible concept would follow the traditional style of development. The local road would be accessed from Robert Adam Drive ( north/south). The townhouse units would front onto the localized roadway. However, the units woula Do orientea closer to the locallized roadway and would incorporate larger verandahs The units would include a► garage in the front of the home. This development would also incorporate fin amenity area in the form of parkette and would provide for the temporary parking within proximity to the units, The medium density designation for tho subjoct proporty is congruonl, with several policies within the Clarington Draft Official Flan specifically 1-lealthy Community, Growth Management, Urban Growth Principles, Mousing and Residential Neighbourhoods. Under Section 3.2.2 Healthy Community, it is the intention of our client to pursue a unique design concept The concepts discussed above promote ru itrionr livinco which wnLild Prr_rmntr? social interaction and contribute to a sense of place. The localized roadway can tonsure physical safety with miriImrsl traffic volumes. In addition, the upscale townhouse development would contribute and promote the surrounding existing land uses, The medium density development under Section 3.2.3 Growth Management would be classified as a infill project with a higher density and would therefore contribute to a Compact Urban form. In addition, the development 1:9 located on a Type "G" arterial roadway and collector road. Thus, the transportation infrastructure is already established. The servicing issue can be accommodated JGI_ 995 15: 03 4166939155 PLAIMACTICS GTPOUF P-1-DE Ely 4 Prestonvale Drive) and is within the same distance from a neighbourhood commercial designation In addition, the subject property is located ,,-it the intersection of a collector road and arterial road The medium density development would not impact on local traffic with Prestonvale Drive being a type "C" arterial road and Robort Adorn Drive being a colloctor road. It is our intention for this medium density development to follow the Urban design criteria in the residential neighbourhood section. In addition, the impact to adjacent land uses will be minimal as we would propose only a two :Morey development and will therefore not cast long shadows Also, the bui ding form would be consistence with the neighbourhood Prior to examining the merits of a medium density designation for the subject property, we explored the lands for low density development The actual land area of the subject property would not efficiently permit a municipal r,.iad allowance because a great deal of the property would be road asphalt and it would be too ciU36 iu'uuti i ti a fiii8r b,,tiGiii of rr d3toi),Vale-RCra 'i-�t- -Rot7t rt- --- - -___ Adam Drive. Therefore, we would be forced to provide direct frontage to an arterial road and/or collector road. Al-;o, the lots that would be creat+:,d would have excessive lot depths and would iherefore not be the "best" utill2:ation of the land. Finally, it is our understanding that the intention of this Draft Official Plan would be not to permit this type of development. In conclusion, this request for M medium density is congruent with tho policies of the Clar}ngton Draft Official Plan. In addition, this development would provide for a housing density and housing form that would complement the neighbour hued and would be developed with gvvd ur bwr i duslyi 1 �,v►it,loijUb t{Idt would promote a healthy and safe environment Therefore, we hope that your assessment of the subject property will ensure a M medium density designation in the final Clarington Official Plan. Should you require any further information or have any questions, pli-,ase do not hesitate to contact the undersigned tr . �g ri, Principal c.c. att'n Ms S Roman att'n Ms J Holt ` r3EP-08-1995 12:02 BOLAHOOD DEU. 9-kttachmentp*3 September 8 , 1995 10 Mary St. S . Oshawa ON . LI H 8M3 Ph ( 905 )434-2443 Fx ( 905 )436-7937 Mr . Frank Wu Director of Planning Planning Department btunicipality of Clarington 40 Temperance St . Bowman-,• L l le ON LIC 6A3 Dear Mr . Wu: RE: J�evie-w of Draft Official Plan We have had an opportunity to review your recommendations as seL out in the Public- Consultation Report 7 as i L relates to our letters of May 24 , 1995 and Oct 31 , 1995 and relating to my property at 1475 Highway ;F2 , courl ice . We are confirming our undergl a.nding of the fallowing : i ) There will be no impact on thi, 333 units previously allocated and zoned on this 1� } Our specii' LC Official Plan Amcndmeril, will come, up i'or "review" 5 years after the approval of the official Plan . At .such time there will be opportunity far my inpilt in this "review" prier to anv Council acLion. iii ) As long as we commence: development of phase 1 within this 5 yetap period, the Official }plan Amendment which applies to the enl i ee site , ind includes 3 Vu Lure phasr-s , Na111 not coma under, any further "review" at any time in the futi)re. iv ) As long as we commence development of phase l within this year period , the 12 sl.ory limi.ta.t-.on on any of the phases will not be affected by this orficial flan or any future- " review" . =P-03-1995 12:03 BOLAHOOD DEV 905 436 7937 P 03 We trust, Lhat this is an accurate interprel.al ion of the proposod changes to the Graft official Plan . If you are noL in agreement with this interpretat, i on would you please respond . Further , in the event thal, you do not agree , ww would like to appear as a deputation t,o the planning committee on Sept . 14 or 15 , 1995 . If this is the case could you arrange for and adv i sc, me of a Lime slot for the deputation Thank you in advaric:e for ;dour. immediate attention to this r-eque-st . Yours truly , Wayne Boi ahood Quantum Homes ( 1988 ) Ltd . c . c . Carlo Pellarin, Planning Department Kevin Tunney , Tunney Planning TI-TrO D 0'% Attachment #4,-,) Fill HP ? i 1995 MUNICI-" LITY OF CIARINGTIMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT September 10, 1995 Dear Mr. Wu: As you are aware, St. Anthony of Padua parish has been actively looking for a piece of property in which to erect a church. The Diocese feels the parish requires 5 acres to accommodate the church and rectory for its parishioners. As the Bishop of the Diocese in which this parish belongs, I appeal to you to review the Clarington Official Plan as it currently stands. I have been informed that the Clarington Official Plan, when passed, will not allow churches in the industrial area where land would cost considerably less. As the official plan only allows churches to be built in the 'URBAN' area, we face an extremely difficult situation given the economic times. I appeal to you and your council to review and change the zoning restrictions for churches to allow us to purchase land in areas other than 'URBAN'. Thanking you in advance for your consideration In this matter, Sincerely in Christ, ishop James L. Doyle Diocese of Peterborough Attachment #4b 51 TutntarryCrescent ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PARISH Courtice, Ontario LIE IA4 �03-1U^\`�J€_NO (905)404-8514 August 31 , 1995 SEP 1 1995 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Dear Councillor Novak: MAYOR'S OFFICE I attend mass at St. Anthony of Padua parish, which is held In Mother Teresa School in Courtice. We, the building committee have been looking for land for the past two years and have not been able to find any as yet. The committee has ascertained that land in the urban area will cost us from $150,000 to $200,000 per acre, and that we will need 5 acres of land to accommodate a church with a seating capacity of 750 people. This will also Include the rectory, office space and parking. I have also been informed that the Clarington Official Plan, when passed, will not allow churches In the industrial area where land would cost about $50,000 per acre, and will not allow churches In the agricultural area. As the official plan only allows churches to be built in the 'URBAN' area, we face an extremely difficult situation given the economic times. I appeal to you and your council to review and change the zoning restrictions for churches to allow us to purchase land In these areas to build our church. Thanking you in advance for your consideration in this matter, Bob Merrin Chairperson Building Committee St. Anthony of Padua Attachment #5 Liu 9EP 1 2 1995 %r'!-'„ 1 UNjrj + �if � CLA p>ANNif� Q MI GTON, i•:R t(�11�1"a1.1'�' I f I. F` �, C?{'d „ nw 1 t" l 0 1-_ MAN r:L:"T 1:114 IN 11 uAF'tw 5 TO L 5 1 L.!DEp ry '_a r.0. t-,r&t-IrlNY I I_KK ON Tu 1=rol-11 t''tt,' 1 '1 ,il\ll•irltt, itlr ,rcfnr' Dr_-of- 11F',, 111 j 1 ilhl t,'uvi 7 11 It, rl n a I HE Of F 1 l I HI 1"11 ht 1 t`Jr= 11111I '",t�i 1 1 I 1 !"f,{ 7° r.IUC'lial=l or L-T RF PT`, :,-r., ,-,m r, (`iQ TUVIN I°'1°"' = L T110 I I I ° QJI` : 1 R1114f•I Y i 1F'I;',l;i;;TE T 11E UP L 1.103 i"1 ij*-)I,ll-fl" From rf.:ohw11: v I A! 1 'L s I l)C.hl`I"1 'd- TO for t;TPL'N r1 AL ONI 1 „ TI I f'; h t+ )I- 1 1 1 1 + 1-4 , I QL M I-J AL_ _ Sf°EMS QER T r lt'i1 yr,nr'i,-w,,-r F J-►i j `, r o r x°11_ s N N IF 1.`C Fall. S t tFTi=;CJt.iND I hlt. 9 011f) IL- E 1-ID)V7 `t M')r-F”T t°; 1-,LQId„ NO 1101' MIL_O WANT TO D t LL D A NEW ME EN 111.11 tiPUF (�h•I(j , L i1 i ifu(;T I"1-i(_" i C�' C t1! I 1 I. 1 i ' 'I'�� I"t it , F'l:'EVA L L_T h1t"x I~�nnor 1 HEAVY TF'on i c = hit 1`i ol; ,. C 1` I_rAyCa 1 t 1 I C_s1IN I Ulf M)IC) r.N t-, T,l`I F, 1 4F'f C;l Al I_ Y till it P I TI I I V I n ONE OF, 1 I IE: ILIA a 14 E-M I F`()l Il'1= To 1-Hr- 4",`,AEIzIT5 111 , I I I I: ID L Ul- FICiF'r_- r-iU)t,l•t r,'z� at i llt i ttl�l7! F' 't-I(- r`, ,11vT Tt"f Dr 1- 'L0F,I• F N I J N TI-Ili., 'AR o) Cif -1"1 Ir- Pru r OF' ' THE SLlr.F't"it Il K, rl•It;'. " n coI lf-,n- F'C r w 1 1,'-'1_"1 L1I'IM I'l ! I'U LL), A In tyf.N F',", rF; muci-1 1'I}11"'L= "I it` w(,1'•1 t, F'us L M I`I"1 I AL t-"1Fa C!',„ YLi1 11 • , `r r't!L.1' , 514='LL A (1t`If) N?L.L. TCd-1 FU F AF'r- 1•I I'll it-F A r1 KIINGSGERRY PROPERTIES 319 COLLEGE AVENUE P O BOX 11 • OSHAWA, ONTARIO • L1H 7K8 - OSHAWA 416-723-1194 FAX 416-571-5437 x_T ''i .�:.__"'r-,--+�`___�._.>_'. �_ �l ..._ .. ,_^.i.. ._.�-T3'. :'..�_ u�, r.,.,._v,z`'�z..,��r'ii -n r• r „, __.ter,. August 24 , 1995 . Faxed To: 623-0830 and Mailed Tr. Franklin Wu, � Director of Planning and Development , AUG Z 8 X995 Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington , 40 Temperance Street , ►��tlhl1�11'��iTY OF C�?1R1Ni��i ON Bowmanvvi 11e, Ontario . V t� tN Iiik "� t,'4��d 1 L1C 3A6 Dear Mayor Hamre and Members of Clarington Council : Re: PD Report No. PD-88-95, Clarington Draft Official Plan, North Courtice Area. Reference No. W89 (Referral No. 1 to OMB) We have reviewed the (Phase Four ) Public Consultation Report No . 7 of the Draft Official Plan for the Municipality of Clarington and wish to make the following comments for consideration as inclusions or revision to Staff Report PD-88-95 . For ease of reference we will refer to the pages of PD Report No. 88-95 . Item No. 1 Page iv - Paragraph 3-2 Staff Recommendation - That a watershed plan for the Farewell Creek be prepared prior to the designation of land uses in the Courtice North neighbourhood (Deferral Area 6 ) in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Comments : The staff report recognizes Deferral Area No . 6 , but fails to identify Referral No . 1 ( to the OMB) . There are ongoing discussions with CLOCA, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing , The Region of Durham and Friends of the Farewell Group to consider designating the subject lands as Living Area in the Region ' s Official Plan (as approved by the Regional Municipality of Durham) with further agreements and assurances that no further development occur until a ( sub)watershed study has been undertaken to the satisfaction of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) . Upcoming meetings to be held in September , 1995 may help to resolve this issue, however , some consistency should exist between Deferral No . 6 and Referral No. 1 in the text of the local plan . In the interim we propose the following recommendation. LAND DEVELOPMENT • CONSTRUCTION • PROPERTY SALES AND MANAGEMENT page 2 . . . . . . . Franklin Wu August 24, 1995 Re : Clarington Draft Official Plan Owners Recommendation. That the North Courtice lands identified as Deferral No. 6 and Referral No . 1 be designated residential in the local plan (as approved by the Regional Municipality of Durham) and no further development shall occur until a ( sub )watershed plan for the Farewell Creek has been undertaken. Item No. 2 Page 12 - Map 1 Staff Recommendation. Map 1 shows lands identified as Area F ( 85 . 12ha) requested to the interim Urban Area Boundary of the Courtice Urban Area. Comments . The lands included in Referral No. 1 represent less than 50% of Area F as shown on Map 1 or approximately 40ha. Referral No . 1 only includes Lot 30 , Concession 3 , Municipality of Clarington. Owners Recommendation. Map 1 should be amended to reflect the area of Referral No. 1 unless it is staffs position to consider an Urban expansion to Courtice Road which would include both Lot 29 and Lot 30 . Item No. 3 Page 24 - Paragraph 3 . 2 Staff Recommendation . Same recommendation as Item No . 1 herein. Comments. Same comments as Item No . 1 herein. Owners Recommendation. Same recommendation as Item No . 1 herein. We thank you for the opportunity to present these amendments for your favourable consideration . Yours very truly, K NGSB PR ERTIES John oley. Attachment #7 97 ATHOL STREET EAST TELEPHONE (905) 434-5309 OSHAWA, ONTARIO PAX PHONE (905) 432-1579 L1H 1J8 JARIGAY INVESTMENTS LTD . September 12 , 1995 Hand-delivered Mayor Diane Hamre 40 Temperance Street SEP 1 31995 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Dear Mayor Hamre : MAYOR'S OFFICE RE : Clarington Official Plan Review Municipality of Clarington (Courtice) On September 15, 1995 Bryce Jordan of G.M. Sernas & Associates Limited will be addressing Council regarding our property shown in green on the plan attached. The Municipality of Clarington will be conducting a Special Study for Area No. 2 on the property to the west of ours, and we would like the new Official Plan to extend the Study to include our property. We understand that the Study process takes time and we are not asking for our property to be zoned Commercial at this time . Rather, by including our site in the Study area (outlined in red) , the Study itself will indicate whether our site should be Commercial or something else . Please note that our plan is to maintain Harry Gay' s house as an integral part of future building plans . We visualize a "Pearson Lanes" type of development . In other words, it would be a "main street" development, not a "strip" development . We hope that this will clarify our vision for this property. I am sure Mr. Jordan (432-7878) will be able to answer any questions you may have before or at the meeting. urs t 1 ick Gay enclosure �PROPQSED _ $ I DRAFT RLA�111 \ FOR PART OF LOT 29&30 FOR 2 _ \\\ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPAUTy OF DURHAM I Oym L-�� I E � \mil I �LOGC2 I - y�`�-�- E n 5 T L E (4- ,ue 41�° s- °`>: i= h�, o ' I T �� SCNEDU E O UNp 5E Yl I ' i'10 ,lo ,lo o I ror.L.Lor:nArts rtEmwnw m!°�i,i.rr J o -reuo T I _ ; TL rs I � /r 77? 71 e 74 ,yPeI z I z y NnRExnawEM_ .mob ° ' c O N x.b '` I 2 I/ AF9l1tD er°,NER I1 I ; JI I /C0E O N 2 I t - " I 30 L � � V A C A N y L I I 20 I �i � ' RESERVE I '9 I LOCH 2 I ICJ ` o�$rREer f R BLOCCK III- ! -I!_ - - - I BLOCK E L A WI nom oxu wffartuAnaw m3 ^%�� e is 2 �� P 9 -J BAlE— - b_ I1, FUTURE DEVELOPMENT / A I) �'� s -7- o.NERS CFRzv m svR,ExRS cou" z_ MCHARB H GAY dD BARNES Wrr= HIX.dNG LTO an..ouo ` P R%- F� E\ -.uLV Zi,am- -.uLr a,cec _ r� N 1 L j m�L L; — - - � sE� // N a � \ Ys — oosz I �J � � iJ rURE PARK E PA /^^_ — R.GAY HWY.No.2 SANDRIN HAM DR 11 r�2 _ FUTURE SG OOL- / // ` / ? taT_eso60 __ r r I j' L A N Vi" 1 I I I 1 f4-\ I �E P rvrvRE SCHOOL Asa 7 K PAa Attachment #8 A RMSTRONG TIA RFJS0N ASSOCIATES Land I3cN etopmentyconsutlnnts ��� �I P--( ect Co-orirtnators AUG �rt�t kRjN1V10�LiTy fir-C' AZINGTON PLANNING �!! ,�,�MAENT Mr Frank Wu, M C I P , R P P Director of Planning and Development Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mr Wu Re CLARINGTO DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN SUBMISSION REFERENCE NO W139 On behalf of Georgian Woods and Ray Abbott et al, I would like to advise that my clients concur with staffs recommendation, included with your letter of August 14, 1995 I will be available at the Public Meeting on September 15th to respond to any questions or comments from the public or Council Yours truly, AR VIS ONG HARRISON ASSOCIATES Kathryn H KH an 1-13801TOPlt, NS STEEi.-,I,N�rmI'FX oNT-rARIO L,1(N?2C3 BUS (905)430-3221 FAY. (905)430-0139 Attachment *9 0,0, 0 i •5 l5 � �V�. U---- L.,O, C ? GAP-� UQ U-ou 3D c-PJ.� o- �u"j, , n � dr- anti. . I , x fJ � J i py Lek JTY" o UJYL C�l dolt, J r 1 /r ' F)-6 lYJ 1 wv r -e ' �EVP\ t wyn J i Attachment #10 3 King Street West, Box 189 Colborne,Ontano KOK ISO 31 August,/95 Mayor and Council nw% Municipality of Clarin ton SEP MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON RE.PUBLIC MEETING-OFFICIAL PLAN PLANNING DEPARTMENT Thursday,September 14, 1995 The most efficient use of the 10 minutes allowed evidently is to table my remarks with supporting documents and take the time for questions . Essentially,there is only one question before this Committee that matters :what happened to the "firm statement of government policy" set out in the 1979 White Paper introductory to the Planning Act that municipal decisions were to be considered appropriate unless proven otherwise? Does the new government support this basic principle, or if something has happened to it,does a return come within the Premier 's announced "planning reform"? i The answer to that is crucial both to the question before us and to municipal governments generally.And perhaps the person who should be before you is the local Member. AK James P.Lovekin Remarks to the Public Meeting to Consider the Draft Official Plan Thursday, September 14, 1995 Evening Session 1. POSITION May I immediately affirm strongly my support of the Official Plan's designation of the subject property as SPECIAL STUDY AREA and am on record with the municipality as having done so for some time. For its own reasons the municipality in its Official Plan has designated the subject property SPECIAL STUDY AREA and for my own reasons I agree fully.The question is when the municipality and owner are in complete agreement, why do Provincial officials interfere for conflicting reasons? 2. LOCATION The subject property is some 20 acres located north of Hwy. 35/115 directly opposite the triangle in the junction of Hwys. 401 and 35/115 (Appendix 1). 3. THE IMMEDIATE QUESTION Originally the Official Plan proposed SPECIAL STUDY AREA for both the triangle and the subject property. On reference to Municipal Affairs, the Ministry substituted PERMANENT AGRICULTURE for both properties on the grounds the Minister had withdrawn SPECIAL STUDY AREA. Shortly, however, and without explanation the Ministry confirmed SPECIAL STUDY AREA for the triangle but insisted on PERMANENT AGRICULTURE for the subject property. The latter occasioned the present reference to the Ontario Municipal Board. Meanwhile Municipal Affairs have withdrawn and given carriage of the reference to Food and Agricutture. While there may be an agricultural aspect to the question, the issue properly is planning. 4. PROPOSALS The Board will be asked to determine two proposals: viz., SPECIAL STUDY AREA (Official Plan) and PERMANENT AGRICULTURE (Municipal Affairs/Ministry of Agriculture). These might be summarized: (a) SPECIAL STUDY AREA (Official Plan) This proposal is designed to follow the Town's interest for some 20 years in finding an alternative use (Appendix 2) and avoiding layers of judgements and agreements since it is not contested. And it is not contested because it refers an appropriate use to an appropriate time and meanwhile does not prejudice the interests of any of the parties. 2 (b) PERMANENT AGRICULTURAL RESERVE The position of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Rural Affairs is set out in a letter of August 11, 1995 (Appendix 3). Essentially it says SPECIAL STUDY AREA does not conform to surrounding land use, violates Food Land Guidelines and so "makes for poor planning". What this letter overlooks is the Ontario Municipal Board ruled on the same issues in a judgement of 14 January 1980 confirmed by an Order-in-Council dated 4 June 1980(Appendices 4 and 5).The Board heard but did not follow the case made by Dr. M. Michael for conformity to surrounding use (Appendix 4, p. 4). But more importantly on the evidence of Keith Pinder, an official of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the Board found development for stated reasons did not violate The Food Land Guide Lines (Appendix 4, pp. 2-3). Of more significance to the question in hand, the Board rested its decision on an essential principle set out in the 1979 White Paper that municipal decisions should be considered appropriate unless proven otherwise (Appendix 4, p. 4). Note the Board said proven, not alleged. Hence it would appear the Ministry of Agriculture proposed to go to the Board to contradict itself and to ask the Board not only to reverse itself but to reverse a judgement confirmed by Order-in-Council.This last point raises issues of law I leave with counsel. Then there is the matter of parallel evidence: viz. -if Permanent Agircultural Reserve,where did Transportation find its figure of$1,000,000 if direct access were cut off, or - why would they build a $400,000 overpass if one end was anchored in a pasture, or -why did Transportation and Communication sell frontage on the cloverleaf and direct access unless for commercial use (Appendi - on what did Hydro base is appraisal of $70,00 n acre,for the subject land? And there is much besides. 5. SUMMARY No one holds the Minister of Food and Agriculture responsible for a situation he inherited from another administration, the product of a lack of unified vision compounded by the momentum of officials. An example is the conflicting use of property indicated by his officials and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. But we might take a glance at the light in which the Minsiter is put. The press carries reports of Hwy. 407 such as: "Extending the highway from Markham Rd.east across Durham Region is important . . . two freeway links to the 401 are planned, one at the west end of Whitby and the other east of Oshawa." ("407 changing face of the GTA" - Toronto Star, Saturday, August 26, 1995, Section K, pp. 1-2) Turning this traffic into the congested interchange of Hwys. 401 and 35/115 would necessitate its redesign and wipe out the subject property. Or in other words, the Minister is made to seem to be using planning to depreciate the value of property the Province knows it has to acquire. All those affected by Hwy. 407 will of course take 3 note. Alternatively, if the same officials are successful in designating the subject property PERMANENT AGRICULTURE you will have a $400,000 investment anchored in a pasture and the Minister will be exposed to the ridicule of the thousands who pass under the overpass every day (Appendix Against this ugly picture the Official Plan p posed SPECIAL STUDY AREA which allows Clarington to explore a use for a conspicuous improvement and does not touch the Minister's right to intervene in a specific proposal. This accords fully with the 1979 White Paper leaving local decisions with local government.Otherwise we face an Ontario Municipal Board hearing w ich will be ". time consuming and correspondingly expensive" (Appendix .At this point, the best estimate is a three-day hearing with a cost tome of$100,000 an a parallel cost in some measure to Clarington. In a recession, can this be justified?I leave it with you. In this mass of detail it is easy to lose sight of essentials. Basically the officials of Food and Agriculture(the Ministry)oppose the official plan on the grounds of policy without stating specific reasons.And without such information, how do those appearing here know what is relevant and should be put before you? Moreover, the Ministry officials clearly disregard the White Paper which you have before you and which respresents as a "firm statement of government policy" that municipal decisions in planning matters are considered appropriate unless proven otherwise. If the new government stands by the White Paper, the opposition of the Ministry officials collapses. If the White Paper has been superceded then when, by whom and on what authority? And would that situation come under the Premier's "planning reform"? What all this comes down to is at considerable cost and inconvenience the municipality and owner affected are caught up in a tangle of Ministries and conflicting reasons. But meanwhile there has been a common sense revolution and the question is how long will it take to bring about order. And that essentially is it. T 4 1 •h ,E —4;)l A, FIN , - ' , � a �v.vi. v.� .a.Gnvac7 V1G i�GAV 1t.l\,1.V11 �`P•�Q,v.�\\ 1 Y SCHEDULE •"B" CQrtifzccf True Copy of RL",OILiLion 11CW-14711-76, .p.ititiud by the Council of the Corporation of Lhe Town of New( ,tsLfe on the 27th clay of September, 1976: "WHI-RKAS the construction of Highways Number 115 and 401 and the proposed Solandt hydro Corridor and the widening of the C.N.R. M.Ml line and the construction of a service road have i 14 scat sous ly segmented L1118 property; . c AND WIIEJUAS the applicant has a dec•islon of the Supreme Court of OnLario registered on 'Title giving him legal access to the abutting_; highwdy; AND WHE,,1:1'All; the property concerned has been destroyed as a viable .w.ricultural. entity and its highest and best possible u5c would appear to be of a }iiehwayv Conuuerr.ial nature; NOW THEREFORE this Council resolves that the Official Plan of the Region of Durham should be amended to authorize these lands 1 -Lo I)v dcvvloped for such uses as d Luurist information centre, restaurant, museum, motel or hotel, sports complex or similar .ind associated uses and that this redesignation Should be made. forthwith to enable Council to properly zone and plan for a ~unable land use." "CARRIED" Adopted by Council Resolution #C-76-1071, October 4, 1976. Certified True Copy Deputy Clerk " ' AUG 16 '95 16-18 T0-041'f0508054461050046 FROM-MCCARTHY TETRAULT T-786 ! , Ontario Ministry of Legal Services Branch totn Floor Fax 801 Bay Street the Attorney Ministry of Tor onto Ontario General Agriculture and Food M7A 282 Ministere Direction des services fundiques too 6tage TeleCopleur' ,416)326-3385 du Procureur Mtnietbre de I'Agrieulture 801 rue Bay gen6ral et del'Alimentation M7A2B2cntaro� Telephone: 326-3379 AUG 15 1995 August 11, 1995 McCarthy Tetrault Barristers & Solicitors Suite 4700, T—D Sank Tower Toronto, Ontario. MSK 1E6 Attention: Phillip L. Sanford Dear Mr. Sanford: RE; Referral No. 24 O.M.B. File ,> 0940136 James Lovekin This refers to your letter of June 6, 1995, to Joanne Davies, Ministry of Municipal Affairs . Ms. Davies had asked me to respond to you as this Ministry (Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs) intends to oppose the application of a Special study Area designation to the oubjeot lande. My apologiQo for not replying sooner. While there is no witness statement at this time, I can say that as far as the issues arc- concerned, the policies of the permanent Agricultural Reserve designation meet the goals of the Food Land Guidelines, while the Special Study Area does not. Furthermore, use of the Special Study Area designation on these lands makes I AUG 16 '95 16 18 TO-04#0508 054461050046 FROM-HcCARTHY TETRAULT - z - for poor planning, givers that they are in the midst of a Permanent Agricultural. Reserve designation. Should you have any questions, please call . Yours truly, 4(-�67f Marianne orr Counsel cc; Dale Toombs J. McNaughton �y u Ontario `Seatario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 15 of The Planning Act(R.S.O. 1970, c. 349), - and- 1.41 IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Regional Municipality of Durham for approval of those parts of the Official Plan for Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Area referred to the Ontario Municipal Board by The Honourable the Minister of Housing COUNSEL: Garry J. Smith, Q.C. - for Ridge Pine Park Limited and Jack D. Winberg Reino O. Kallio - for Regional Municipality of Durham N. Jane Pepino - for Paramount Development Corpora tion Limited DECISION OF THE BOARD delivered by C.G. EBERS and V.M. SINGER This is a reference to the Board by the Minister as requested by Mr. G.J. Smith,Q.C., on behalf of Ridge Pine Park Limited, the owner of the lands referred. The reference reads as follows: "The land use designation for that part of Map A5 as outlined and labelled No. R60, Section 8, Insofar as this section applies to those lands as outlined and labelled No. R60, and that portion of Map C as outlined and labelled No.R6011. The site is located on the Lake Ontario shoreline between Bowmanviile and Newcastle and extends in a southwest-northeast direction some 1.8 miles. It is bounded on the east by Wilmot Creek and on the north by Highway 401. The C.N.R. main tine crosses the property in its northern part from east to west, south of Highway 401. Cobbledick Road, which has a "flyover" Highway 401 and crosses the C.N.R. line at grade, provides access to t � / R-60 z. R 781122 the property. A second access is provided by Bennett Road. The property is part of Lots 32, 33, 34 and 35, Concession 1 and all of Lot 32, B.F.C., in the former Township of Clarke, and parts of Lots 1, 2 and 3, B.F.E., former Township of Darlington, all now in the Town of Newcastle. The total site consists of 454 acres. 375 acres are situate to the south of the C.N.R. track. Apparently 80 acres are required by the Ontario Hydro Commission for a 600- foot right-of-way corridor across the property. A small acreage not developable at the south-east corner is situate at the mouth of Wilmot Creek. 274 acres are available for development. The owners of the land wish to construct on the developable lands an adult mobile home community Nith a minimum of 540 units up to a maximum of 800. These homes will be intended for adults only, mainly retired people. It is expected that each unit will have an average density of 1.8 persons and there will be a total population in the development of about 1,500 persons. The owners have developed a similar though smaller undertaking known as "Sandy Cove Acres" in the Township of Innisfil. It has been very successful. The project would proceed with the rental by way of 20-year leases of lots to future residents. The referror would have mobile homes built off the site as a unit and transported to the lot. The homes would be then purchased by the land tenant from the developer. The community would be fully serviced by the developer with water and sewage facilities, roads, and recreational facilities. There is capacity in the Town of Newcastle service system to handle sewage and provide water supply. The land is 70 per cent Class 1 and 30 per cent Class 3 according to the Canada Land Inventory. Keith Pinder of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture gave evidence that there were some small abandoned orchards on portions of the property. The Food Land Guidelines provide quite clearly that land of this quality should be preserved If possible for agricultural development. Evidence was led, and not contradicted, that while all of the referred hand except for one small parcel was owned by the referror (that small parcel p R-60 3. R 781122 being rented to them), the land was broken into at least 7 parcels separated from each other by road allowances mostly unopened These parcels range in size from 25 to 60 acres and are legally severable without any permission being required under the provisions of Section 29 of The Planning &Ct. if such severance did take place, each of the severed portions could, within the provisions of the Regional Plan, have erected on them a single residence within either an"Agricultural" or"Open Space" designation. The Board was advised that if the designation sought by the owners was not allowed, the owners would probably proceed with such severances as are referred to above, and that the severed lots would be readily marketable at substantial prices. Keith Pinder agreed that if the severances in fact took place, the parcels of land so created would be too small to be appropriate for agricultural use even though they were of high classifications within the Canada Land Inventory. Reference was made to Sections 4A 17 and 4A 18 of the "Food Land Guidelines of 1978" in this regard. The Council of the Region of Durham after considerable earlier vacillation did by resolution passed on May 30, 1979, resolve "that this Council supports a modification to the Regional Official Plan for the referral area known as R 60 for the purpose of a retirement mobile home park." The Council of the Town of Newcastle by its resolution #C-504-79 dated April 23, 1979, confirmed its consistent and earlier stand in support of "a retirement mobile home on as much of the lands controlled by the Pine Ridge Park Limited as is surplus to Ontario Hydro's actual right-of-way requirement...". Evidence against the proposal came from a resident, Susan Sawyer, who had consistently opposed this proposal. She stated there was no need or demand in the area for this kind of development. She also stated that she now lived 8 miles away from the subject lands. R-60 R 781122 4. Susan Sawyer relied heavily on the evidence of Dr. M. Michael, the Director of Planning for the Durham Region. Dr. Michael stated in his evidence that he opposed the development because, in his opinion, it was contrary to the Regional structure as set out in the Regional Plan. He particularly referred to the affect of Section 6.2.1. He also stated that because of the provisions of Section 7.2.1, it was not intended that residential development of the nature here proposed could take place in other than a "Major Urban Area" or a "Small Urban Area". These seLctions had been approved by the Minister of Housing. The proposal was opposed as well by Mr. Welsh, head of the Durham Region of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture who rvF-nted the agricultural ands preserved. On May 31, 1979 "White Paper on the Planning Act" was released by the Minister. This document states in its preface that it is intended that it be a„flrm statement of government policy, It states as part of its Conclusion No. 65 asi follows; The Ontario Municipal Board Act will make it clear that when an appeal has been made on a planning matter, the Board should assume that a municipal decision is appropriate unless proven otherwise to the Board's satisfaction." ,This test is not too different from the criterion that the Board should decide matters before it on the basis of what is in the "public interest" as stated by Mr. Justice Aylesworth in the Cloverdale Shopping Centre Case (1966) 2 O.R. 439. Here the Board is satisfied that it is in the public interest, as exemplified by the resolution of both the Regional and Area Municipalities, tithe subject lands be designated for use as an"Adult Mobile Home Park". As to the designation referred by the Minister, the decisions of the Board are as follows: R-60 R 781122 5. The following subsection numbered S. shall be added to the Official Plan on page 29. "(1) The lands shown on part of Map A5 as outlined and labelled R 60 are designated for use as a mobile home park development for adults, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Plan to the contrary, but subject to the provisions of Section 8 of this Plan that do not conflict with this subsection and are relevant to the designation herein set out. (2) The lands shown on that part of Map C as outlined and labelled No. R 60 shall be allocated a population figure of 1500 to be shown on the said map." i O C 1 fi21 LBLL r� 11 Onlaca WicuUve Council Copy of an Order-.in-Council approved by Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor, dated the 4th day of June A.D. 1980. The Committee of Council have had under consideration the report of the Honourable the Chairman of Management Board of Cabinet and Chainman, Cabinet Convattee on Legislation, wherein he staLus that, W1fCRCAS `[lie Durhall Region Federation of Agriculture has filed a petition praying that the der-ision of the Ontario Municipal Board made on the 14th day of January, 1980, (whereby the Ontario Municipal Board on a reference by the Minister of Housing on behalf of Ridge Pine Park Limed, reles.ignated certain lards located on the shore of Lake Ontario between Bowmanville and Newcastle for use as a mobile hme park for adults) be rescinded, varied or alternatively be the subject of a new public hearing; The Honourable the Chairman of Management Board of Cabinet and Chalrawn, Cabl_neL ComlutLe.e on Legislation, after due consideration of the said petition, thetefore reccamends that pursuant to the provi- sions of section 94 of The Ontario Municipal Board'Act, R.S.O. 1970, c. 323, the aforementioned decision of the Ontario Municipal Board dated the 14th day of January, 1980 be confirm. The Camuttee of Council concur in the recommendation of the Honourable the Chairman of Management Board of Cabinet and Chairnwn, Cabinet Connattee on Legislation and advise that the same be acted on. Certified, Deputy Clerk, Executive Counci. i i _ �k 1 �A..rSt ^.,1 3 fir, .'f:''a"!i �jv�ii'.Sr— 1^_.� -i• 1 �';�K. — .. "..� l�(]�ILLS—y�Y � "A { v f )''':8 � Sf�-.p'` t_,Y Sa:^"��^G• Y 1 jf 1� a`!t' t'�}r� 1 ; 1 1 4 Y AGREEMENT Dated: May 12, 1982 B E T W E E N: , HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, in right of the Province of Ontario represented by the Minister of Transportation and Communications for the Province of Ontario - and - JAMES P. LOVEKIN- Subject: Access to Highway 35/115 t THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this twelfth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two. BETWEEN: i HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, in right of the Province of Ontario represented by the Minister of Transportation and Communications for the Province of Ontario, hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry", OF THE FIRST PART; - and - JAMES P. LOVEKIN OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS Highway No. 35/115 is a Controlled Access Highway running from Highway 401 northerly to the junction with Highway 35 and Highway 115, and the Ministry proposes to widen and reconstruct the said Highway including a concrete barrier median; AND WHEREAS James P. Lovekin is the owner of lands in the westerly part of Lot 35, Concession 1 of the Town of Newcastle, formerly the Township of Clarke and which lands adjoin the north and south limits of Highway 35/115 and the east limit of a closed road allowance between the former Townships of Clarke 1 Tl+n oorUbon+nd n uu U+hom LOVED and Darlington, all of the said lands being subject to a lease UCSIGH OF i made by James Patrickson Lovekin as Lessor, and Ridge Pine + Ar ToVr t eY Park Limited as Lessee, notice of which was registered in the o+l. y`5 proper Registry Office on December 2, 1974 as No. 69831, and which said lease was assigned to Ontario Hydro as Assignee, Q notice of which was registered in the proper Registry Office on January 14, 1980 as No. E-834; MInbtrY of T""'_4 Ion AND WHEREAS the Ministry proposes in conjunction with the Communlc.tlon. APPROVED reconstruction of Highway 35/115 to construct an interchange L".1 Br h A. `,�` with the opened travelled road allowance between Lots 35 and 34, by o.'.p4 i I^11 Concession 1, Town of Newcastle, formerly the Township of Clarke, at the location shown on Schedule "A"; 2 - I i AND WHEREAS in order to effect the construction of the widening I of Highway 35/115 and of the said interchange, it is necessary to obtain certain lands from James P. Lovekin at the locations shown on Schedule "B" and James P. Lovekin has agreed to convey the said lands to the Ministry on the terms and conditions hereinafter set out. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises and the covenants herein contained the Parties hereto for themselves and their respective successors and assigns agree each with the other as follows: 1. That with respect to the lands expropriated by the Ministry from James P. Lovekin as set out in Expropriation Plan registered on March 26, 1981 in the Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Newcastle as No. D-6, the Ministry shall pay to the said James P. Lovekin the amount of $4,000.00 per acre and on receipt of the said payment the said James P. Lovekin will release the Ministry from all claims for the said lands so expropriated, Tr1rNp.rw—-d com^�da.'.^ including any claims for injurious affection. It is A,1PROVED ;T NN1NG ANO 0151rN understood and agreed that the sum of $4,000.00 OFI(C AsT ms per acre has been accepted by James P. Lovekin as ly W. part of a comprehensive settlement which includes non-cash compensation. The sum of $4,000.00 per e acre is not intended to reflect or establish the fair market value of the lands expropriated or any other lands in the vicinity; w o�ty 2. That with respect to the lands required by the T„^.port.tlo^ umc.tio^s ^d Ministry for the construction of the said interchange, comm 4eeROVED James P. Lovekin shall convey to the Ministry L.1.1 E""h , form IT 5 • _ tt, for the sum of $1.00, free and clear of all o.t.AM?�t encumbrances, those parts of the lands owned by him being shown on Schedule "B", or such lesser amount of such lands as determined by the Ministry on the completion of the design of the said interchange by the Ministry; - 3 - 3. That it is a condition of this Agreement that the Ministry shall have Eric R. Lovekin, who is the owner of the lands adjacent to the east limits of the lands owned by James P. Lovekin which said lands are shown on Schedule "B", convey to the i Ministry free and clear of all encumbrances an easement having the width of 66 feet over the I lands of the said Eric R. Lovekin. The Ministry j will convey to James P. Lovekin free and clear of ` all encumbrances the said easement so as to enable ! James P. Lovekin, his heirs and assigns to have access from his lands to the road allowance between Lots 34 and 35, Concession 1, Town of j i Newcastle; I 4. That with respect to the said 66 foot easement mentioned in Clause 3 above, the Ministry as part f of its contract for the construction of the said interchange shall construct within the said easement, at no cost to James P. Lovekin, a graded and gravelled driveway; F ' ofitn and dP OVED NG AND OISIGN 5• That James P. Lovekin hereby acknowledges that oficf^ the Ministry will close the farm crossing which f T) rmt cy /.G/%%%J 1` �3 allowed James P. Lovekin to crone Highway 35/115 SS for farm purposes from the closed road allowance QY between the former Townships of Clarke and Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle; 6. That James P. Lovekin hereby acknowledges that in consideration of the obtaining of the access o, over the lands of Eric R. Lovekin and the communlcatlona ppPROVED construction of the driveway as mentioned in Z°`%��j Clauses 3 and 4 above by the Ministry he shall and does hereby release and discharge the Ministry for all time from any possible damages arising because of the closing of the farm crossing over Highway 35/115 from the closed road allowance between the former Townships of Clarke 4 - and Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle; 7. That the Ministry shall complete the widening of the Highway 35/115 including the concrete barrier median and the access to and from the road allowance between Lots 34 and 35, Concession 1, Town of Newcastle, formerly Township of Clarke, as shown on Schedule "C" on or before December 31st, 198 3; I; 8. That the Ministry shall complete the construction of the said interchange as shown on Schedule "A" I on or before December 31st, ' 985; 9. That the Ministry will provide a graded and I gravelled driveway on the north side of Highway 35/115 in the approximate location i shown on Schedule "B". It is agreed and understood that James P. Lovekin will purchase Ainniry o, from the Ministry the lands shown cross-hatched on T..n1+.1t.1—.nd � "'"°'Im—, Schedule "B" at the same price per acre paid A PROVED I OI.NN.NG AI 40 DESIGN by the Ministry to acquire the said land. O.flcS AS/T.r,m. It is further agreed and understood that if any o,MJ i of the lands of James P. Lovekin are required for the construction of the overpass and access street being north of Highway 35/115 and shown on Schedule "B", James P. Lovekin will convey any lands reasonably required by the Ministry for $1.00; IAI"I,try of Tr.m Dort.tlon end t:ommuNUtlon. 10. That the Ministry will permit the extension of APPROVED L....,s..h services under Highway 35/115, Highway 401, A.To loan .y .. . to service the lands of James P. Lovekin lying north of Highway 401 provided that the construction work complies with the usual Ministry standards; I I 11. That the Ministry shall pay to James P. Lovekin I � such reasonable legal and appraisal fees with i - 5 - i respect to required legal work as incurred by him to the time of the signing of this Agreement; 12. That it is agreed and understood between the Parties i hereto that the herein Agreement does not take the place of or modify in any way: (a) the consent judgment of the Supreme Court of Ontario between The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Frederick Baldwin Lovekin as Plaintiff, and the Attorney General for the Province of Ontario as Defendant, 1 which said judgment was dated December 5, 1960 and was recorded in the Office of the Supreme } Court of Ontario on December 7, 1960 as document No. 566; and (b) the Agreement of November 5, 1961 between The Toronto General Trust Corporation, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of i Frederick Baldwin Lovekin and the Department of Highways for the Province of Ontario; i N,.Itfry or 13. That it is agreed and understood that James P. TnntDOflnNOn..d c.mmunic.li.nt Lovekin's interest in the westerly part of Lot 35, APPROVED i PLUINMO AND UfStvN Concession 1, Town of Newcastle is subject to the O Sttf As 7. lease of Ridge Pine Park Limited hereinbefore BY •�° referred to. James P. Lovekin does not by r� entering into this Agreement purport in any way to deal with the rights of Ridge Pine Park Limited as tenant or Ontario Hydro as assignee; Mlnitlry 14. That it is a condition of this Agreement that the of V-,.,l.11on Commun c.11on. Ministry shall be able to purchase from Carol APPROVED ! Little and Kathleen Ewert the lands now owned by L1�11 Bri n<n At~qr-SJ�r/y them is the eastern part of Lot 35, Concession 1, o.ttMA 1 10�.L Town of Newcastle, formerly the Township of Clarke, and if such purchase is not completed on or before November 1, 1982 then this Agreement shall be terminated and shall then be of no force and effect; V - 6 - 15. Any terms or conditions of this Agreement requiring i action by any party thereto shall have been performed and the requisite action completed on or before . .rrY of December 31st, 1985. Tra.upon alron and C.mnunuaHont ptQIN litAUD DOWN THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding i OKICf A+T///yyy rmt upon the Parties hereto and their respective successors and fY assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Minister of Transportation and Communications (Ontario) on behalf of the Party of the First Part has hereunto set his hand and James P. Lovekin the Party of the Second Part has hereunto set his hand. SIGNED AND SEALED this y1�, day of ^2 A.D. 1982. MINIST OF TRANSPORTATI AND COM CATIONS (ONTARI Witness: A 1knistry Tr.n.port.11cn •nd APPROVED l.C.1 B-0 A. T. Farm REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM v '' r TOWN �4�i � \ , �I/ •,� ► OF NEWCASTLE Vii, �/' b i � IN\ CON 1 \� CON I CON I LOT 39 ti fJ � LOT 35 � �� LOT 34 /HWY 35/11 :sr", rw,^ Tir,:?d�+; ;.i'a'..<. ...25+s.., `+��C.�sN$s�,3,"i,..x'•,c4g:"�.'`',^w` @s ` �' :3`C:+ ;�i.�+°L�°�F' c�.+:&'Sy+;��:t`�:ia;a>4at taa a«,••'g�,,••�i+i�, `�ms's :�F,<v t .� J / 3+d ` f w O J,p 2 SCHEDULE 'A' PLAmN, Jp p C JJ� Dar.A'I Xo �,5 �3J � / APPROXIMATE SCALE I t 2400 t RE IO,NAL MUNICIPA • I Y OF DURH M' T O W OF NI CON 1 sec CON I C0NEI T 3 ( 'LOT 35 �� 1 LOT 34 L �►, Z5/115 C3 O 343 \ t3 3 r.o�rnon .w J 39s, 230 c,P nrcar s \ 1 ROVE p \ '� PLANNING AND DESIGN OF 11019 ,'0 o •342 / — D,toHlJ' bL ,oJ - SCHEDULE 'B' APPROX LOC'N OF PROPOSED DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES - • LAND REQUIRED BY M T C FOR CONSTRUCTION INTERCHANGE J a EASEMENT REQUIRED FOR ACCESS PURPOSES PROPERTY 10 BE PURCHASED BY PROF aP.LOVEKIN APPROXIMATE SCALE 1:2400 �i REGIONAL 'MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM NN 1J 323 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1 \ CON I \ CON I i/k CON 1 LOT 35 >f� — LOT 35 /, LOT 34 ° r HWY !7✓,. •7a a' a" a+ aF/gl`, s✓✓ yI,a ffa+ o%a`:ic, i* ««--w.«»,,rte/ "F.°z<:to+x;^�rwns�ti%>vn�`+;�i•ye>.'s''s.s��/�";°�`"%`S,'w `�j.,;y �so n:a�"w.'.•r,�;.�''%;4M 3,Q'+tF ,�.g�"•:a•s yh; r• • -----•--.-ti.. _ µb w„ of _ a+a �� � �J cl 3960 230 ' 3 � O 1 y Mm.,gr of 3 m ''° °20 - �� SCHEDULE 'C' 1�PROVED `yol / �/ L�.IlMiNG AND DESIGN O FICY �O° N O I Aa T yymt -� •. • I / ,OPPR;OXIMATE SCALE 1,2400* Ministry Transportation Traffic Management of Operations and Engineering Ontario Transportation Branch Office Provincial Traffic Volumes 1992 + • r t, Highways King's Highways: Secondary Highways: Tertiary Roads ,t 1� Ifl 1<i rw°} ynrr s, i� h> Published by: Traffic Program Management Office Ministry of Transportation, Ontario - : Published without prejudice as to the application of the findings. © Crown copyright reserved: however, data contained in this document may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes with attribution to the Ministry. F'. Cette publication technique n'est disponible qu'en anglais. �r 'w. Page 74 r DIST PATT 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 LOCATION (KK TYPE AADT SADT SAWDT WADT AR NOTES FRANKFORD S LTS - C4-5 -ar AKt yr NA FRANKFORD 1.8 W JCT HASTINGS RD 5-END OF NA 1.8 CTR 2750 3350 3250 2350 1.1 FRANKFORD N LTS- C 6 8.7 C 2750 2950 3050 2500 .9 STIRLING S ITS -START OF NA STIRLING 1.8 HWY 14-NORTH ST-END OF NA&HWY HIGHWAY 34 HWYS 2/401 IC-LANCASTER 11.3 C 3150 3400 3450 2850 1.5 S/D&G RD 18 -THE KINGS RD 9.3 C 5700 6100 6300 5200 1.0 ALEXANDRIA S LTS-START OF NA ALEXANDRIA 3.1 ALEXANDRIA N LTS-CNR X-ING-END NA 13.3 C 3700 3950 4100 3400 .8 STOR/DUN&GLEN RD 31 - MCCRIMMON RD 7.0 C 1450 1550 1600 1300 1.1 HWY 417 -SDG/PR&RU CTY BDY 5.3 C 3150 3400 3450 2850 .7 VANLEEK HILL S ITS -START OF NA VANLEEK HILL 1.4 VANKLEEK HILL N LTS- END OF NA 8.8 C 5600 6000 6200 5100 1.8 HWY 17 0.2 C 10400 11200 11500 9500 1.3 HAWKESBURY S LTS -START OF NA HAWKESBURY 1.3 MAIN ST-HAWKESBURY-END OF NA&HWY HIGHWAY 35 HWY 401 IC 436-S JCT HWY 115 1.3 IR 18500 22700, 20300 15700 .2 HWY 2 IC-NEWCASTLE 3.1 IR 17900 22000 19600 15200 .1 CLARKE THIRD CONC IC 2.0 IR 18600 22800 20400 15800 .6 CLARKE FOURTH CONC IC 2.0 IR 18500 22700 20300 15700 .4 N JCT DURHAM RD 17-MAIN ST - AUG 16 '95 16:17 T0-04T0508�054461050046 FROM-WARTHY TETRAULT T-786 I McCarthyTetrault RARRISI'ERS Cx SOLICITORS-PATFNT 6c TRADEMARK AGENTS SLATE 4700,TORONTO DOMINION BANK TOWER TORONTO-DOMINION CENTRE,TORONTO,ONTARIO,CANADA MSK 1E6 FACSIMILE(416)868.0,673 TELEPHONE(416)361.1812 Direct Line. (416) 601-7680 August 16, 1995 VIA PAX Professor James Lovekin P.O. Box 189 3 King Street West Colborne, Ontario KOK ISO Dear Professor Lovekin: Re: Region of Durham Official Plan I attach a rather brief letter from the Legal Services Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. That letter sets out the reasons Ministry staff are requiring the designation to be considered in a lengthy hearing before the Ontario Municipal Board. As I have indicated previously, we will need to begin preparation for that hearing m the relatively near future, As I have advised you, F expect the preparation for, and attendance on, the appeal to be time consuming and correspondingly expensive. Yours very truly, McCarthy Tetrault Per: /-1V Q�,Phillip L. Sanford PLS/esb -I attachment VANCOUVER-CALGARY,LONDON TORONTO OTTAWA-MONTREAL QUISUC LONDON,ENGLAND Attachment +11 WEIR & FO ULDS Barristers & solicitors :57 ' H S O Maras Q C J P Hamilton M S Archibald,0,0, J D McKellar,Q C TORONTO A S Wak(m,d C. M J McOuald 0 C N W C Ross W T R Wileon e Finlay,U C G H Rust-D'Eys R W Rosennlan G R,Biker 0 C Exchange Tower W J McNaughton L J O'Connor WAD,M111ar R,R Wotemlek Suite 1.00 L C E Tanaka R,S Ileightholm P M Porall K Peohogan P O BOX 480 1 J,Lord Re Warran J G Cowan J S Prypasniak 2 First Canadian Plane C J Tzekas B PJ McLellan J D Campbell G M Caplan A V Craig J hl Buhlman OK Lau,hway J G Rich-rds Toronto, Canada M5X 1 J5 L A 8orsook DR Rogers R J Lachcik L M,puffy D S Tarshis R H Kromyn D P FFtgLI$On A K Ciute MISSISSAUGA J Rcsolsk A G Formosa ML Sparrow M J Dougharly J B,A,Wllklnson I SUlilvan J L,Pandeil D P, Wngfieldd 50 Burnhamthorpe Rd,West GA ACk9rley b S Brown B H Engeil G M Freedman Suite 1202 W,D Coughlin W T Egan SO Foran B H KusRner M(sS159a�i �,Ont LSD 3C?_ S A Metcalfe T D Hancock J A Keith G.G.Fan 9 0 McAfee Wallace S Pukavma J L Kidner T M,Mcoonald M T O'Donnell D C Rau F E W-Ahv`jn RA eym2 Telephone (906) 896.1110 Fax (905) 8960803 Please Reply to Toronto Office TelephonA (416) 366,1110 Fax (416) 3135-1876 Gregory J Daly Direct Line (416) 947-5020 File No. 03190 00001 September 7, 1995 PTA TELECrrJMER 905-6a3-4169 antjB ti TLAh' N rL -_- - Municipality of Clarington v. 40 Temperance Siicet � r Bownlanvi11e, ON L1 C 3 A6 Pal N 'l1 't_ ('1F t,,_ INGTON Atteatim: Ms. Patti Barrie, Clerk t) Dear Sir, jo, Re: C'larington Official Plan Rewiew Public Meetings Ac Jere solicitors for Mosport Patk Li>rlited.and have received notice of the upcoming public meetings with respect to the Claringtcm Official flan Review, WE Understand that thr, Evening Session cif Thursday__�-eptember 14. 1995, ltas been set aside to deal with "other itisues", which would ]ncltldc Mw5po't lark. Thl-1 undersigned will t%, in attendance to address Recommendation Nos. 6-2 and 6-= at Section 6 of tho Planning Report entitled "Relview of Public Submissions on the Draft Olficia Plan The recOmrttendatiom are found on page 71 of the report. We are propasmg the following, revisE.d wording for the reconmicrtdations; Rerotrrrrrendation 6-2 That flit,draft Plan he clarified to speci ileagj,e.Y•cluele eorratr)- (estate) residential uses in ltlnjor Tourist and,Recreation Nodei, and that all other proposed reSkle-rtial uses be peind ied only 1hrroug1r Ofricial Pact A»lerrdrrte��t, r Recommendation 6-3; The di'a ftpolrcies be amended to providefor'a General Ar,araisefneitt taitd Etitertairtmet:t Fac'ilif��on the Mosport lands'. including sitch uses as motor vehicle weing, .spotting activities, eonceds, exhibitions and othe,1- fawground uses. ,X1.! believe that this approach provides gte-ater certainty for area residents and Mosport in unlerslai,dmg the nature of permitted uses, and the process,by-,N luch any changes would occur, We are pinpared to address this xwrding at the meeting next week. Should you have any questions,please contact the undetsigned. ur cnegm J D"Ily. plannei in our office, at 416-947-5089. Yours tauly, WEIR& k'C)tlLDS r � Per, N-i;J McQuaid Q.C, GJD 0riri4iz8 DI Attachm #12 01HM A SEP 1 3 1995 MUNICIPALITY OF C{ARINGTON 1671 Taunton Road East PLANNING DEPARTMENT Hampton, Ontario LOB HO September 13, 1995 Hand Delivered Mr Frank Wu, Director Planning Department Town of Clarington Dear Sir. In regards to the upcoming meeting scheduled to review the oflical plan. I would like Lot 29, Concession 4, and Lot 29, Concession 3, on Pebblestone Road, Clarmgton, to be included as a rural cluster These properties have not been used for any other purpose other than residential for at least 25 years or more We as original property owners, since the early 1950's, want to be sure we as long time residents, are part of the rural clusters since we are the original homesteading homes in this areas -- all others came after. We are the second generation family members and owners of these lands, and are frustrated and annoyed that we cannot built a single home on either of these properties. In the past we have applied to have these properties rezoned as rural clusters in order to built a home, but we were denied our request at that time This is still a dream we are going to pursue. We hope you consider our wishes as long time tax payers of this area and include us in the rural cluster Yours truly, /o Walter Walter &B mice etryshyn Attachment #13 J1�rr: 1111 4 1734 Pebblestone Road SEP 5 19,05 AUG 3 11995 Courtice, Ontario . L1E 2L4. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ��.c�2Sff�5 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MUPJICIPP,LITI' OF CLARINu7ON MAYOR'S OFFICE AGENDA Attention: All Department Heads i`1 � f Rk\�`�,�„ To Whom It May Concern: The following letter is being submitted to the Department Heads of the Region of Clarington, as notification that my family and I are in favour of the expansion of water and sewage facilities to north Courtice . As we are continually short of water, which has increased in severity following the major development of property north of Highway # 2 . We at no time have more than two feet of water in our well . After approaching the appropriate government agencies , I was not offered any sort of solution to resolve the decrease in the water table level - "It was not their concern. " Septic systems have become an inadequate form of sanitary disposal , and it is our hope that Council will seriously consider the expansion of these services to the north Coutice residents . Sincerely, Tom Tester i i ! INAL 10& UJ AL tI -Attechmen#-wi- N t LANNING I)L PAIi i 1 44.1-0'r ' of Flynt 0 WC, W 1 01 I ( , Pr r'r Or1 t i (-r you our r e.': ponLu ( rI Lim {-rr f_}IJC:Ju t, r hrtr Ire(' to r Lho Ul tic ial. Man an it relatub to thin ±:ut-ttllta,ast corner (Jf {_ihrrty and Uni vi trig. f611LOO) This in 011Y V-101") a U ,t {l1qh va raa 1 r t 1 t t y c-Ur nor wtla.c h ii (_ur r (n11 i i y dpw ignA l-t-'ri "q c nmmurr x.,a 1 . ',t-rt f f I lctv(' t r1(i t ( a( od l.ho t t i-wy La(.1 a rvet that L here' in invul f a c_ (rn t F,a17Iu 1 ,ai1(i t(7 (i(�vt-�l(,l) -t ilighwcly (.umrri(• r-r, ial Liner and t-.hvr-e_for (2 I-rrLrl,(„ (' lI al lhl(a 1,1 L(- bhouIcl t,f' (10'000-rtfld ,0, r ttJ(_'Ma ,t1 Wu Cf L :,tgr-(�,ta w t 1-h t-,t f f to Y-Lm-(:rrnrl,(.ndaI:>_ons 'fur YhP •fta L 1.crwing upor1 LAH' rL-portt fr (. m bt-,r{ta-5 Xj fili'c(J(, Lri( f't n it ,jp1:Jear-r- Lhol_ ardor t-ho cur-r(.ni (M1-L1CA rfa(1t. Istions,, wo would ho In VIP I (1 , r (',-tt U a Lrlt7 L({" nq C'rlvt lop to ctnnomrrdai4' a MOO :a(_ll.tctr' r' -i ooi- I-,:_t z l d z.nij by I I1- Lr-)Q CU L Banc{ f i.1 1 . W. ,"t I, u cur-r-C-n-1- I , wor' I trt(a wt tiI C1 OCO I-t:, (R.,I-t-'rm Lilt wh,tI i L mtty h,tl f;' 1-0 3 114, 1' ('4tc:( t:h i v wa r c.'ra Wo hav(' t,('t'r1 at- Lelrrpt tilt( "for rl IlUfflll(?r (, f y(I'l 1"ICJW to OUr 'IC t ct 177 (Ih p)-o r tor- hl7a,; f.o1~nc-r-. Lt. only r~(:'(:c'r7 k l y t-h,-tt t•tIt-'r'r.- llr�! h( 't-'rl 1f('4,1 1)11f'rf--� 1 7rl IIIr--} r.trt',i wt III LIIt_t nev\1 -fct<,I I(rud oofah ( a"1711i(-ntq ._lrt(i HOW wor-'✓X.(we atat iao on t:hu C}f7l;osit(-: f:t. rnor v. Irl ,tciclt ( i(nI ( hI(' old �.uvact()P I7Z,trtl- .t +, now rrc}rl(_) i_+rnv_t.ci1rlt1 'r or ti r7f:'va 1.J1-r(-,cn'"Lt to 1 t.y hrl L. r-o,a i:(n a vt r-y (a tt:r~rtc: t i vo erl t-ftvu7co in L c_) L 1 N 1"(,tw I . 1 I t.lri Lf1 c(ti,y 1 CJI Ict t"ta t 11w u t»(-' ci'^S r v a i d izn t is L . 1hr U rr( M Pl «n a ,, ,.l Jong term docnm(-.nt . lu it tho intvnia(n7 of Hit, pI ,aoiIr"I (Jcrll<tr brit ( I Ionv(-} t I v c-Prof ing old L,tti l (_17rcgw (,II L-hao Iir (Jl3Qrty 7`(.r tho non t. ; U ymar-s" 71-. (w(lt- Id he rargt-t(-n(-I Lh,-tt L17c. 1r1 ,_tn ( rill N, r('11 ('tJ('(I vvury 'fivo yt',t1"b do ww rt-A ly not w"nt to ',(_'(e c. n y 1 m J1' (.lv( m(A I t Lo th i q I (7 A h a('717 Poo at Mast 1 ]ve your a" si . Wa th t°hu tnt-rr',t, (qi tr' ,( tf it ,:tall a t rt1J1.,e',.trq Lhirtt Lral f.t ( light-- am Minn in, cat Ind (-Jr) l:lln ( (Ir'-ilc'r' ,mid with ,t Imul- of our t tcipnl-. n('I S" I , 1rr_ 111 Lla, r (,nd . thin 1 (JC at1(wi aw rIt}( c"nii it.tc ivc' In it "t. Fvy" if IhP ui Ie' rt}rprtallw t:nmrrwr (- } ,al „ any dt'v(-lf_,f,(n('nt w.i l I bc.' (tt:.'(7(-.ndon t upon a prca{.r(7r" utit p plan and <;ppr (av<a i r or 1-ho vrtr" c(att1, KhrIt•",Ir tt,, „ "{ hP 'rN to qurr (ntll(it'Ci try r4Jmrrl('rr iml and indttufriA ttraob. Lt IlaI nq WON Lh I (-: ':.('n%n to lIravv ,t Pogo({rent"imL inland in t1145 1111 (!(( ( (-' ("rl 1, 11 tilln Mi. IivilU „ 6. W6' {_trt' pr' tgir, intj t"t} Utt}mA ,ul rPPI t.(a,,thtrn't f1w a Ccrrtlm('r ( _tctl cJt.'veLofrmu lt: in Llice ricer rt"tt tro which we bbl rove would be an a ut is ( (l IN, -town 11(J( ()lily t::tilA jLM1 ly but firr<tr1(. tQ ly„ x� 4, j U 1vlz � O 'W i F- WA ten Submisstans Reratod to the Memrrerp onty of Clatfngton omciar Plan Review ? lkn Srbmxw Date of Cross Summary of Submrsslorl Stab Commerrft Recommendation! Submission Red W117 Mr-JoM Bmsfield June 21194 W129 rrrckrde lands in'!Worth Hancodt L7 Via buerlm urban Sea Section 2-3 0l AepoaY thtci rn Urban See Secfron 2-3 of Repot:(late-.:-: " Bousfield,OWe-Harm Culer d. W131 boundary,vnlh reas;Wm provided Area Boundary Sot Resaden dr Areas} Udt an Area 8oundarf for Srn fh vM 3 Ciwrcb Sheet State 2W Residantiai A=-4 Tominto,Ontario. M5E 1M2 for GBURTICE HEIGHTS MVELOPMcENTS Lets 27,26,Cone.3,Couoice WT IS Mr Johat BoustPld .rime 21P4 YJ134 1ncAade Spear Shldy AM 4 Pdertat Area I to,6 to See SecSort 2.3 of Report y9Yrtenm Urban See Section,22 of Report f nterrrr Bousfield,Dare•Harris,{abler wi S3 Regional PhN vviivan the coud a intetkn Urban Area Boundary for Flesderdaal Areas) Urban Area Souadary for and Sm3ft Inc. W159 boundwy,with reasons proAdtd Residential Areas) 3 Chusch Sheet,Su?b 200 3 Tlwor ta,Ontario: V44 MSE IM2 1x53 for WM-TCNNO Z CONSTRUCTION M Y PLLts 31,32',Cone 3.Vadhng:on pW119 Mr_John J.Foreg June 28,194 W&9 Expand resfdentW area nwih io Pebdfestone Road and See SecWn 23 of Aepad(lnte6m Urban See Section 2.3 of Report ante-rm 319 Cogege A,,enue east to Cor:rtrce Road.W:h reasons provided. Area Boundary 4or Aesiderviaf Areas) Urban_;.rea Sou-dwy Sot Osbavm,;pryrarjp F:esdent!?1 Areas) L1H 7K8 Il for WNGSBEFLRY PRCPERTJES - 4't:Y3 r11r_By=e Y rdzr_ :Ire 2$A34 Adjust reaps n Plan to reliec 4 She exert of developable land souESeast srf Agree I` Associate Planar ag M-anager the L9; ,E G�Sernas&Asso-_ates Map A3 isis tens tFsan that shown on M po{:3 :loodpiaen—P*g. i t9 Scotia Co�.>*Hart 41 ! VVttitby;Ontario- b; Chwige designation treats'EJtban Resid risaf Lt N SW Dimgree. Jnsuftietrt tabWards to Na Change. :o'ring mmy Comrne=er and pace some or de+relop J-59hway Ccmmerciar uses- 0doer n for 50864?CRWARIO UMMD the Nel3:rbourhood Ca—. nercidl node across aeon resiCetihal nses are permissahre mChin Tl PLti-to,Ccne i,Bormramr3e liber2f Street on it. the Resrderrtiar designation such as I 3.se iaisx come:of daycare;convenience oo;m meat and �( T gas nel^,�taerty} aulomebiie service statans, r J t ' P h TNnf AVt ` I f � I J W „`♦, I H R H r ` J ` DOWTOWN BOWMANVILLE LET LE AVE ' r W srAFF QQ ~~ .�..r..r... u..r.r♦ r.. r KiNG rr .....` r m o AWERENCE EEN 3T HOSPITAL 4Y, I JANE � pt 1 4� (�. r i l JA Z.1 OP`p I W „ z r T �Y J J ' 1 J .. . —.--J p r,l` A SPRY I PARKWAY r AK a * C.►A RVTH HS r- D J • tWV Av ANNE ST ( SCHOOL \ I.OSGO+dBE OR l 4 I NEW-- cREs r " PARK ) APARTMENT Pihc f BLDG. r I BOWLINGI ._ .r.�._._.. LANES uHE — oAO --- /��' " 1 P_ FLYIN PROPOSED CNDUSTRLt ' DUTCHMAN SITE SECTION HOTEL CHA HIGHWAY 401 '"Nmoms wom Z40a ! ` NEW 1' INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISIC TO ml SEP-OS-SS 10 34 FROM GM SERNAS WHITBY ID 1SOS4327677 PAGE 4 to 1 34 T4 A Sol ass VA a � 7 tL a. T8 0 a~ 7wy R 4 r rdr tese / Ot Pis, 41's 7q 4 L T`!0 �,.•+"� t� 'rr'.^"�\�'1 � �/ \' _yam_„ =•"tip \I It,4 '^f ,/.• 02e5' AM to ...�- ....•- ...�^ �^ �,.r mss-^ ./ ���^ ..�' ...�� .r ..r' r 78 , yr � 1'� .t1' .�� .+^ ..� J^ 1 a.+a +•�- �.�+� M�.a+n`.J-�•• rte., �4.,�=�' I r � {3.4 � �,.�":i- .rte ,,,••'" � -1 (? , ,�,.r-�'~ s"`r y 'ter_;i"-' .r�'~~ ..,.. '•�► TTY 67 fs9 69 067000mE • per} +� /9"40,30, 40'ZO• AUJOININU SHEETS 02 t7 4904 40648 1.i' ...yyl..� .,._.... y • � t� n +' i � r I tl,{v+SB},'S y« < + �Glli; 1 ,Iii' t���' /t"(xttti"�'r .".�... ...�.�..r';�;r„ uKi' a ri•, i t +1 F ! 1G ' } 111'; 1 '_ _•i_1 • it('Y���j�411'`�ie' �,��Il�jr+< r 771CL[L[C11 1 ��Y 1 1 '�1 All It,t ` 1