HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-11-13 Minutes i -- BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPRO'V'EMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p. m, on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 in Committee Room 1-C. in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, Patterson (Rick and Barb), Creamer (Len), Roy (Lisa) Members: Lucas, Holmes, Hooper, Mulder, Rezazada, Barry Absent: Johnsion The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized the following delegations: Len Creamer, the Municipality of Clarington Chief By-law Enforcement Officer, who reported that at a recent Council meeting, that he had been directed.to do a cost benefit analysis as to the input of funds received from the parking meters in Downtown Bowmanville. He stated that the money which the meters generate pays for the cost of the monitoring, with the balance being put in the Parking Reserve Fund. This fund pays for up- grades to the meters and the future purchase of additional parking lots. He went on to report that there is currently a motion before Council to bag the meters, this year, on November 20. Moved by Rezazada, seconded by Mulder, THAT the parking meters, in keeping with our Parking Strategy, continue to be bagged at Christmas time, as in the past. CARRIED Gilpin was directed to send a letter to Council informing them of this motion. Page 2 Next, Lisa Roy of Geek Girl Media, spoke about on-line video on websites as a way to market a community. She suggested clips of a three minute duration. It was proposed that four clips be made to cover our Christmas Moonlight Magic, Maple Festival and All That Jazz, Summer Fest and the Apple Festival and Craft Sale events. The total cost, including HST, would be $1,100. The Bowmanville B. I. A. would own these clips and she would keep copies for two years. The Board agreed to engage Geek Girl Media to do this work, and directed Roy to proceed to prepare a clip using this year's Christmas Moonlight Magic event, with the understanding that a contract would be signed with her early in 2013 for the balance of the events. She accepted this arrangement. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Mulder, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. "CARRIED" Correspondence was received from Angela Tibbles (COAA), Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade, Len Creamer (Chief By-law Enforcement Officer) and Clarington Small Business Group. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Rezazada, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CARRIED" The Treasurer presented his Financial Report to November 13, 2012, which is attached to these Minutes. Moved by Holmes seconded by Mulder, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRfED" Reports: Page 3 Council Liaison: Hooper stated that, as reported by Creamer, the meters will be bagged for Christmas early this year, unless the Board of Management takes action to stop it from happening. Events: Mulder reported that everything is ready for Christmas Moonlight Magic. Membership Relations: No report. Streetscape: No report. Communications: No report. Publications: Patterson reported that the proof for the Christmas issue of the Bowmanville Downtowner will be ready on Thursday, November 15, with the insertion in the December 5 issue of This Week. The large full- page advertisement will appear on November 30. Board of Trade: No report. Website: Rezazada stated .that as soon as she receives a copy of the Christmas Moonlight Magic event from Geek Girl Media she will put it on our website. Under "BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting, Hooper reported that Council has not yet responded to David Urso's letter of protest concerning proposed changes to the Retail Holidays Act. Gilpin reported that because he did not have any address for the letter sent by Kevin Anyan on behalf of the Bowmanville Rotary Club to raise funds to purchase a stage for use by organizations in the Municipality, he was unable to respond. Hooper stated that he would get an address and forward a letter. Under "NEW BUSINESS, Mulder stated that interest has been shown in continuing the "What a Girl Wants" evenings in 2013. While it would not be run as a B. I. A. event, she wished the Board to know that the $2,000 previously donated, would be needed. Page 4 Patterson reported that he had attended the first meeting of the Safe Communities Advisory Committee on behalf of the Bowmanville B. I. A. This group is focused on vandalism and graffiti in Clarington, along with other similar matters. The Board questioned why we had -been invited, noting that the B. I. A. mandate is restricted to "beautifying and promoting the designed area". Merchants have been requested to direct any acts of vandalism to the Durham Region Police. Gilpin was directed to forward a letter to the Municipal Clerk stating that because it was not within our mandate, that we would not be present at future meetings. Lucas read a letter of invitation to the Board members to attend the Firehouse Youth Christmas Dinner, at 132 Church Street, on Tuesday, December 11, at 5:30 p. m. There will be speeches. Anyone planning to attend should contact Chris Newman at 905-623-6814, Extension 32. Holmes tabled a copy of the current issue of the "Curious Daytripper" flyer and asked if the Board was interested in participating in the next issue. No interest was indicated. Lucas announced that every Monday evening, from 7 until 8 p. m., at COFFEE AND CAKES, that Clarington Small Business Development Group hosts a networking "Think Tank" to encourage ongoing business development and networking. All local small businesses are welcome to attend. Lucas ended the meeting by wishing everyone a successful Christmas season and a prosperous New Year. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Holmes, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 8, 2013 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m.