HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-08 Minutes Newcastle BIA MINUTES March 8, 2012 www,villageofnewcastle.ca Attendance: Valentine Lovekin, Karen Bastas,Theresa Vanhaverbeke,Catherine Peterson, Diana Stephenson, Wendy Partner, Pam Pollock, Jackie Foxall, Marni Lewis, Krista Klawitter 1. Attendance taken. 2. Meeting called to order at 9:30 a.m. 3. February minutes approved by J. Foxall, Seconded by C. Peterson. 4. Business Arising from Minutes:The banner have been ordered and should be up in May 5, Treasurer's Report: As of Feb.29th/2012,the BIA bank balance was$9256.83 with all chgs out. 6. Committee Reports: Advertising: Catherine advised the number of users is up for our website. Marni is to send an email to BIA members to remind them of the extra advertising, and they get 50%off. We would also like to add a picture of your location to add to the site. Special Events: Karen is going to approach the Town Hall board and inquire about a grant for Canada Day. Valentine suggested having a discussion with the different organizations in the community to see if there is any interest in more community support for the different events . Marni will be sending out an email looking for volunteer for the Easter bunny breakfast, planned for April 7, 2012. The Fall Festival Committee meeting is March 19, 2012 at 7pm at Dee's. 7. Next Meeting April 12, 2012 at 9:30a.m. 8. Meeting Adjourned at 10:30a.m. motioned by K. Bastas,Seconded by C. Peterson