HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-02-10 Minutes Newcastle BIA Meeting Minutes Feb. 10, 2011 Attendance: V. Lovekin, K.Bastas, J.Foxall, T.Vanhaverbeke, S.Lawrence, D.Miller, C.Peterson, L.Forget,G.Lewis, T.Sears, J.Barrett, J.Black 1. Call to Order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Approval of Dec. Minutes: C. Peterson Seconded: L.Forget CARRIED 3. President's Report: The AGM was a great success with 35 in attendance. Thanks to the Old Newcastle House for hosting the dinner.The Ratepayers asked for a BIA member to attend a meeting on March 21St. Steve Lawrence volunteered to represent us there. Councillor Wendy Partner will be our Council rep at BIA business meeting and has been invited by the President. The list of BIA Board of Management has been delivered to Council for final approval for the next term-6 members, Council Representative and appointed Secretary. Then each office will be voted on at our March business meeting. 4. Treasurer's Report: Balance: $7,600. Having an HST number was discussed. Motion to donate $240 to the Historical Society for the use of their room for 2009, 2010: G.Lewis Seconded: J.Black CARRIED Bank Service charges will be investigated by-the Treasurer. 5. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: Wreaths are down. Banners will go up in the better weather. f=lower quote for baskets will be sent this month, Snow clearance invoice is $3000. Advertising: Donna from Ennovations is designing the website. There will a link on viliageofnewcastle.ca Village Voice-BIA page is on the inside back cover of every issue. Any downtown business can advertise under the "Did You Know—section for half price($72). A picture or coupon is recommended for the ad. Special Events: Easter Bunny Breakfast is Sat. April 23rd at Town Hall. Adults:$6 Children over 2 yrs.:$4 5-11 a.m. Volunteers needed. July 1St Event-all day: Rec. Centre with evening Fireworks. Newcastle Ambassador Contest for teens. Fall Festival: Sat. Oct. 1St- all day, Evening Dinner: Shania Twain and Neil Diamond impersonators. Santa Claus Parade: Sun. Nov. 20t" 5:30 p.m. All permits in place. Sponsors needed as well as volunteers to make the parade a success. There will be fireworks again this year. Contact Karen Bastas or Jane Black with any questions. Information and Application forms are now available: newcastiesantaparade @Bmail.com. 6. CBOT: Steve Lawrence will continue as our BIA representative for the Board of Trade. They meet the second Tuesday of each month at the Municipality. There will be a seminar soon concerning the changing demographics of Clarington and how all local business can learn and contribute. 7. CIP (Community Improvement Committee) Theresa will report progress at the next meeting. There will be grant funds for new signs and facades for downtown businesses. There is ongoing investigation for new signs coming into town. There will be a meeting for all to attend for the CIP to share the common plan for the downtown. S. New Business: Jeanny Barrett reported progress on the Trillium Grant for the Horticultural Society. They will,start with a new watering system. A fundraiser is planned at Town Hall for Fri. April 15t-Eagles Tribute Band. Tickets are $25 available from Gabrielle Bell at 905-987-3856. Motion that A letter will be sent to the Town stating that our 81A is in favour of a support parking.space at the SE corner of King Ave. and Mill Street: K.Bastas Seconded: C.Peterson CARRIED New location of Gift of Art will be fully accessible for their classes. Their fundraiser is Mardi Gras Night on Sat. March 5t". Tickets include dinner:$65 Shoppers Drug Mart opens March 5ti'. New clothing store downtown-Growing Like Weeds. New accOuntantr eslie I�'ay 9. Next Meeting: Thurs. March 10th. 10. Motion to Adjourn: T.Vanhaverbeke Seconded: K.Bastas CARRIED .IVleeting adjourned at 10A5, 0A -a'.m. Submitted by Secretary, J.Black