HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-12 Minutes NEWCASTLE BIA Minutes Thursday, May 12, 2011 Present: Jeany Barrett,Newcastle Horticultural Society Karen Bastas, The New Massey House Restaurant Jane Black, Acting Secretary Rob Forget, Sears Ron& Joyce King, Specialty Wealth&Financial Greg Lewis, State Farm Insurance Bob McCaw, Village Print Shop Deb Miller,Newcastle Home D6cor Leslie Ray, L. Ray Chartered Accountant Mary Thorly,Newcastle Horticultural Society Judith Clapperton, Secretary Regrets: Jackie Foxall Valentine Lovekin Theresa Vanhaverbeke In the absence of the President, Jane Black called the meeting to order at 6:15 pm. New member Leslie Ray was welcomed and introductions around the table were made. Minutes from the April 10 meeting were accepted as written. Moved: Bob McCaw Seconded: Deb Miller President's Report-no report this month. Treasurer's Report--Balance of$25,571,94. Tax levy of$27,000 was deposited in April. Outstanding invoices paid. Income of$1,876 received from Easter breakfast. A full budget analysis will be given at next meeting Committee Reports: Safety&Decor:No report this month. Advertising: Bob suggested we get event dates on the website(villageofnewcastle.ca) and solicit volunteers for the events.He feels it's important that we have ability to make changes ourselves rather than relying on the webmaster to make every change. Deb Miller reported that the website has been delayed somewhat for lack of time. Judith Clapperton will create an introduction to the website by e-mail for all BIA members. She will follow up by visiting each business with a form to complete for their business information to be uploaded.-Listings on the website will be free for BIA members. The rate for non members will be $50 each year. Every business will have opportunities for an enhanced presence at a cost. This will be explained in the e-mail. Action: Judith Clapperton Bob mentioned that May's Village Voice does not have a"Did You Know" column because no one had been in touch with him. The meeting was reminded that BIA members save 50%on the ad which is delivered to 4,800 homes in Newcastle and surrounding area(including Newtonville and homes between). Jane will create an e-mail reminder for BIA members to contact Bob directly if they are interested in being showcased in an upcoming issue. Action: Jane Black Page 2;Minutes of BM 1✓'eeting day 12, 2011 Special Events: Karen reported on the Easter Breakfast. With expenses of approx. $2,000 and ticket and scooter sales of approx. $1,900, it was a near break-even event. Activities for the July 0 event are planned and posters will be distributed shortly. A Youth Ambassador(aged 14-18) will be chosen who will represent Newcastle at events and ride in the Santa Claus Parade. All of the events will take place at the Rec Centre. Jane advised that a BL4/Chamber of Commerce tent will be set up and is available for all members to put print materials in to advertise their businesses. An expense of$8,000 as been committed for fireworks and additional fundraising is required to cover this expense. Karen suggested that the $1,500 allocated for the Easter Breakfast which was not used be moved to this event. Contact has been-made with many organizations and Karen and Jane are following up on the request for donations. Karen mentioned that more volunteers will be needed for traffic control during the evening. Ideas are being solicited for activities for this year's Fall Festival. At this point, a midway does not seem possible. Suggestions were made to return to a traditional fall festival event with fruit and vegetable contests; old fashioned games, (tug of war, fish pond, etc.). If you have suggestions,please contact Jane Black. CBOT—The next networking event will be held at O'Hennessy House B &B in Bowmanville on May 25th from 5:30—7:30 pm. Chamber News—Members are reminded about the June 2 Trade Show froze 6—9:00 pm at the Community Hall. Rob Kloosterman will lead a business insurance seminar (discussing risk factors, etc.)will be held May 25th from 6--5:00 pm at Admirals Walk Clubhouse in the Port of Newcastle. Details are available on the Chamber website. CIP---No Report this month New Business—Jeany reported that the Horticultural Society had received the Trillium Grant in the amount of$123,400. Their Hotel California event held recently raised over$10,000. They are hosting `Stars of Pop' on June 12 at 2:00 pm and tickets are $20 each. A Harvest Brunch is planned for Oct. 23 with 2 sittings (at 10:30 am and 12:30 pm) at a cost of$20 each or $160 for a table of 8. They are also soliciting direct donations and the Municipality of Clarington will issue tax receipts. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm. Next meeting: Thursday, June 9th at 9:30 am.