HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-07-14 Minutes Newcastle BIA Minutes July 14, 2011. Attendance: K.BASTAS, T.VANHAVERBEKE, S.LAWRENCE, L.FORGET, C.PETERSON, J,FOXALL, D.MILLER, W.PARTNER, W.WOO Regrets: V.LOVEKIN 1. Meeting called to order at 9:30 a.m. by the Vice President, Karen Bastas. 2. Guest Speakers: Dave Leung and Pam Ford from TheCommon.org. Dave and Pam spoke about their start up of a community connection group that uses the website www.thecommon.org to post free services or items offered and services requested within the community of Newcastle. See attached to register. Check out the website,_Could be a great way to increase the feeling of community in Newcastle. 3. Approval of June Minutes: Motion:S.Lawrence, Seconded:L.Forget CARRIED 4. President's Report: President not present 5. Treasurer's Report: Balance: $24,020. Approx $5000 left in $25,000 initial budget for the year. Theresa wanted to know what the balance of the West End money is so that she can report monthly with Treasurer report. Would like to get going on a streetscape plan so that the West End money can begin to be used for capital improvements. Willy and Wendy suggested using the Sir Sanford Fleming urban planning students who had previously presented to the Orono BIA. Wendy will get this info to the BIA so that we can have them speak. 6. Committee Reports: Safety &Decor: Flower baskets & banners were up before July 1st. Advertisin : Website: www.villageofnewcastle.ca coming along really well. Listing of businesses almost complete. Debbie and Catherine plan to door knock tomorrow to get responses from businesses that haven't responded yet. Website will have a link on the Municipal website and on the Newcastle Chamber website. Special Events: Canada Day was a big success. The balloon will come next year (already pd for 2 years ago) since this year was too windy. Ideas are needed for the Fall Festival to make it successful and special. Need more volunteers to plan on the committee for that day( first Saturday of October). Entertainment/Dinner is all planned for the evening. Karen is looking for someone else to step into the role of events chair. Please contact her to discuss if you are interested-, karenlbastas @sttnn -iatico.ca 7. CBOT: no report for the summer S. CIP: committee renewing for 3 years. No new news nom. 9. Chamber Nelms: No report 10. New Business: No August meeting. 11. Secretary: The BIA requires a Secretary. Does not have to be a BIA member for this position. Please email karenIbastas@sympatico.ca if you are interested or thecastlecellar @rogers,com . 12. Next BIA Meeting is Thursday, Sept 8th at 9:30 a.m. Going forward the meeting time will remain the 2'd Thursday of each month at 9:30am in the Chamber room upstairs. 13.The meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m. with all business completed.